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EADD Heroin discussion v.21 -- Big shout out to kkattastic :)

so 80mg in total if you have a habit you will hardly feel it if you don't and are clean then be careful as with all opiates/oids you need to be wary. As for price as they don't really have a market here (I do a swop sometimes for a sheet of 14 oc80's) but 20 quid would be v generous IMO I know tat in the states they can go for as much as 60-80 dollars for 1 80mg pill but personally I think they are overrated and even with a fairly low habit I still need two for a good stone - so given the choice I would always buy gear. For me I wouldn't pay more than 15 quid and then only if I couldn't get gear.

Just smoked a bag n a 1/2 cant finish the beetle as it will end up on the carpet this post has taken far ytoo long to write - tis definitely the best I have had this year.
^ Those prices are certainly not what I've encountered IRL. Do you mean a sheet as in £20 for 14 oxy 80's? Because IRL when I had a contact for them they were £20-25 a pop for an £80. They're like £35-40 online, each. If you mean 14 x 80mgs for £20 I wish I had a contact like that haha :)
Oxy's only really worth it for the novelty IMHO.
The Pill Mill legacy painted OC's out to be some beautiful beast, but I always found it not much more than DHC's bigger brother - too short, stimulating, slight euphoria and not much of a nod.
the therapeutic dose is 80-120mgs that level stops cravings as well -there is not being sick and not having cravings both very different IMO doc's underdose everyone.
I'm jusy about ok after finding a small stash of phy pills and later im swopping some of my script for 10 bags of the creamy goodness that seems to be about everywhere 45/50% I would say.

Thanks for your concern jay - but my 'street' name is Lucky or was bitd and now you know why...all ways land on my feet : )

I was on 25mls for years with no cravings, i dont believe it stops cravings i believe it gets to the point your habit is so high that you dont get a hit off the gear, you will still crave but you will remember the time before when you wasted £15-£20 and got no effect, i believe it just helps not to act on the cravings.

So what your saying is anyone on 80ml+ of Methadone never craves?
Nobody on 80-120ml uses gear? cmon son you must know that aint true :)
(dont take my direct manner as arguing its just how i am and how i discuss things)
Here's some of the lovely tan gear I've been smoking, Proper high already, thinking a cup of tea, some toast and some Mr Robot is the plan


That looks dark to me id call tan lighter maybe camera light?
Yeah mate, was in a dark room so the flash altered the colour, it was actually really pale tan and the beetle as really dark but the flash has messed with it
God damnnn breakcore haha, that looks so tasty I'm bloody salivating.
back in tw 00's there ws this grey slate gear trhat was about for ages -

There was this one bee that popped up from time to time and it was the best stuff I ever had - I scored it about 4 times between 2004 -2007 - it was a no.3 that was really hard and grey with dark flecks through it like a speckled ee. It was always silly strong and it was that hard you could carry it around in your pocket loose like a lump of hash. Does that sound like the stuff Blondin? So far its the only gear thats ever sent me over, requiring the assistance of the paramedics and a naloxone shot to bring me round. Embarressing as fuck but absolute testament to the strength of this stuff. It tended to come in flattish lumps which could be described as slate - like
^^^ ye sounds like the stuff , rock hard.

btw re oxy's I mean £20 per oc80

re cravings - yes over about 80mg your brain chemistry is altered (im not going to c/p info from google - but im sure its there) and most people cravings go, sure you might fancy a bit but its not like that relentless thought that snowballs into the only thing you can think about until you cave. Im of the fags for 2 1/2 weeks now on the patches, similar process.

Man just smoked 1 bag -it was a larger one but less than 2 points and cant keep my eyes open I just it lasts until I can stock up properly nod toime befor work now, .
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hmm usually around £3-4 a pill, if you are feeling generous, 40 would do it

£40!! thats nearly €60, he often throws be a couple for free and I split em in four and might do 2 quarters over the course of a day, there slow release and I don't feel them except it makes the pain go away.

I read a wee bit up in the thread about heroin colouring. I never used but a lot of my friends did in NYC in the 90's, and the gear they got was white and when chopped out in a line was very hard to distinguish from coke, so you had to very careful at parties. It was known as Chinese or China White and they would sometimes score after we left the bar on the upper west side that was our Manhattan local in the early hours, we would walk a few blocks up to Harlem to the market on 112th street, that opened early to cater to people heading into Manhattan to work, the construction vans used to be queued all down the block, you could get good coke there €20 for .5g, the heroin came in stamps, I remember Red Rum, 911 and ER being popular.
Damn I love this scabby cream. To cut a long story short my Man didnt have yesterday evening so I endured an evening without. He did tonight though so I picked up a half g, smoking .2 of it now and its so fuckin lush. Really clean and euphoric not dirty at all. I agree with blondins estimate and would put the purity at 45-50%, I have had ever so slightly stronger in my time, but this is damn good. Does anyone else hate it when you accidently get a hair stuck in the beetle and dont realise it? It fuckin stinks! Managed to pull it out though, lol....I love this part of brown--the getting high part XD i dont know about you guys but all the strong gear i have had--inc this batch-- you can feel it on the inhale sticking to your teeth, and can pull a sticky bit of brown, almost like the beetle off your front teeth. It also typically leaves a good return in the tooter. Cant believe the standard of some street gear in comparison, and the fact people are prepared to buy it regularly. But I guess Heroin has a very inelastic demand curve!
Yea oxynorm I reckon it's the same stuff everyone is getting. Is it powder when you get it or very soft rock which breaks to dust easily? I've definitely had stronger stuff aswell but get what you mean it's very clean and nice, I had darker stuff before that was more scabby which packed more of a KO punch but the cream stuff is nice. Goes damn near perfect with a smoke of weed, also doesn't send me to pukesville too instantly which the >50% stuff seems to do.
Yea same stuff man. When I buy it comes like that but more or less the second you touch the bag it just goes to dust. It seems to be flooding the UK the cream stuff, Afghani's must have had a good harvest this year I'm guessing.

The more brown clay texture stuff I had before, that ran a scabby beetle though was alot stronger. The cream is still strong too ofcourse, compared to street gear I imagine its lethal.
Yea oxynorm I reckon it's the same stuff everyone is getting. Is it powder when you get it or very soft rock which breaks to dust easily? I've definitely had stronger stuff aswell but get what you mean it's very clean and nice, I had darker stuff before that was more scabby which packed more of a KO punch but the cream stuff is nice. Goes damn near perfect with a smoke of weed, also doesn't send me to pukesville too instantly which the >50% stuff seems to do.

The "cream" gear was better than even 100% (or as close as my clandestine clean-up would allow) stuff IMO, mainly due to the fact it was potent enough to fuck me up while allowing less than precise (read: eyeballed) measurement without killing me. Pure 3,6 lacks part of the "dirty" quality that makes Heroin the beautiful beast that it is.
I see why some of our 'Murican counterparts prefer "Scramble" to actual "Raw". Raw is too clean in the same way D-Meth is.

@Stee: you flatter me too much, seriously. I'm a Micro/Molecular Biologist by training and education, PsychPharm is merely a hobby.

Yeah and with my tolerance being fairly low Sprout, it's more enjoyable. I had certified 80% before, which was the dry clay like stuff I mentioned. And although it was more instantly euphoric it made me puke so much, and was a bit like 0-60 too quickly if you know what I mean. I've never understood new users wanting 95% #4 heroin for this reason. It's probably more pleasant/nice with the 50% territory stuff.

"Scrabble" in the US is the synthetic stuff though AFAIK. Saw it on an episode of Drugs Inc, fent mixed with mannitol. Amphetamines for me are always better if it's the D isomer. Levo amphetamine is just the unpleasant body effects mostly. Racemic meth if it's in crystal form has been mixed with MSM. As purely racemic stuff does not form big crystals.
Just to clear that up sid, scramble is in fact heroin thats sold mainly in baltimore and is typically cut with quinine to increase the rush, not fent. They can get "raw"--pure #4--by pure I mean as close to pure as u can get on the street, or scramble, which is heavily cut, but not usually with fent.
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Yeah this gear does seem to be everywhere, sounds and looks just what I'm getting, the rocks crumble with a little pinch.
Mines coming out of east London though not from the interweb fairys.
But its lovely gear and I'm a fucking pig with it constantly toppling up my smoke, I blame Christmas ( for everything ).

Went to get a beer from the fridge earlier with a bettle stuck to my forehead, the Mrs just shock her head and told me to fuck off back to my smoking den. But look in the mirror first. ( still blame Christmas).
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G'day folks, hope you are all well. I just got a question. I was going through a suitcase of mine that has been sat on top of my wardrobe and I found a few old bottles of methadone inside it. The label on the bottles say they were prescribed to me in 2007. My question is does anybody know if the methadone will be ok to take and will it still be as effective as it was back in 2007 or will it have degraded over time?