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EADD Heroin discussion v.20 -- You've come a long way baby

Back from holiday, clean (ish) and all I can think about the past two days is scoring. Pissing me right off, resorted to driving around Stevenage in the hope of finding someone... has only added to my frustration :!

Often I find that just the thought of scoring is enough to keep me from actually doing it-like the dangling carrot you can never reach
Back from holiday, clean (ish) and all I can think about the past two days is scoring. Pissing me right off, resorted to driving around Stevenage in the hope of finding someone... has only added to my frustration :!
If your back from holiday in your home town i presume. Dont you know anyone to score off anyway, or am i missing something
If your back from holiday in your home town i presume. Dont you know anyone to score off anyway, or am i missing something
Im working away, as per.. dont know a soul, probably for the best ay... just drive me up the wall for a few hours..
ahh ok yeah im glad i dont work away would be a nightmare, i remember o n holiday looking around for people scoring and stuff
ive fucked it havnt i. i was tidying up yesterday lunchtime and found 2 long lost bags wrapped in a reciept. im a junky, how could inot smoke them . now ihave 72 hours till my test. to add insult to injury my dsp is changing over to instant result saliva tests so i dont know if im going to get swabbed or piss tested. i fucking hate my guts i mean ive tried really hard to abstain all weekend then 2 bags fall into my lap. simple test of resolve, failed first time
Our local DSP has switched over to using saliva tests more than urine tests now.
Unlike the urine tests which gave instant results the saliva swabs have to be sent away to a lab. This must cost the DSP more money but I guess they results are more accurate.
I've had a saliva test in the past that gave an instant result. It was like a small sponge that you had to saturate in spit and then they pushed it into something to squeeze the saliva out.

The clean piss in a condom down my crotch didnt do me any favours that day ;)
We haven't got those ones then at our local place. The ones they use are a round sponge on a plastic handle that you have to hold in your mouth until a little indicator turns blue to show enough saliva has been collected by the sponge.
Takes ages to get the indicator to turn blue but once it has it is then put into a special envelope and labelled up and sent off to a lab somewhere.
I always prefer tests that give an instant result. I usually tell them what drugs I've taken if any beforehand anyway so they know what results to expect.
What happens if you test positive? My ex worked for the drug and alcohol service up here and she said that if clients tested positive it was no big deal. They would just ask them why they felt the need to use and did they need their methadone raised or not.

They certainty weren't thrown out because of it. I've no idea what services in other parts of the country are like though.
ive fucked it havnt i. i was tidying up yesterday lunchtime and found 2 long lost bags wrapped in a reciept. im a junky, how could inot smoke them . now ihave 72 hours till my test. to add insult to injury my dsp is changing over to instant result saliva tests so i dont know if im going to get swabbed or piss tested. i fucking hate my guts i mean ive tried really hard to abstain all weekend then 2 bags fall into my lap. simple test of resolve, failed first time

The fact you 'hate your guts' is a fucking massive indictment on society and the way it treats drug users. Yeah, I'm sure that's really going to help your self-esteem (and therefore the desire they try to force on you to give up heroin). They're the morons, not you. You're the one who's going to suffer the consequences of their shitty politics.

Keep coming here for support man. Seems like its the best society can offer.
You don't get thrown off for testing positive but there very likely to put you onto a supervised pick up, so you can suffer the humiliation of drinking your jollop in a chemist full of people.
It's fucking joke the hoops these cunts try to get you to jump through.

Little tip for the swab , always use mouth wash, strong gum and take bottle of water with you for your dry mouth. (Works).
Im working away, as per.. dont know a soul, probably for the best ay... just drive me up the wall for a few hours..

since I moved to new area,I know nobody
nearest dealer i know is maybe 20 miles away
no idea how to hunt one out
they always used to come to me
i guess maybe i look a little healthier these days
Whenever ive found myself falling short or just fancying a dabble I've rarely failed to score. Last night was a very half arsed attempt and im glad I didn't in the end, its usually terrible quality anyway.

I can think of maybe two occasions when the gear has been brilliant and scored off of randoms, once in Norwich and the other Amman in Jordan, which was a relief after all the stress and fear it put into me acquiring it..

Some towns ive been to I cannot belive that folk even bother to have a habit, they give you the old " this gear is fuckin pukka mate, best in town man" spiel, its turns out to be pretty much inactive :?

Good to hear you're getting on and looking healthier :)

Although I feel better and look it im still suffering from the dreaded paws, albeit very mild, however trying to work is an effort. Got myself a few grams of Ket coming in the next couple of days to help me along ;)
I hope things improve for you SM your having a rough time. I hate that feeling your talking about wrestling with yourself. I have found doing something physical like hard exercise helpful when I need to dig deep. Easier said than done I know as I know you have kids too. All the best with everything.
Thanks Joe. :) Heres hoping ay, im feeling alot more positive today despite my general situation, its taken a lot less than this for me to revert back to type in the past so im seeing that as a positive.
im on a break too atm i love taking a piss every 5 fukin mins not. man i hate these breaks but its gotts be done, night time for me is the worse i take my next days dose of meth at bedtime the night before, si 1 in mornin 1 at night but it does fuk all i still crave like a bitch and im lucky to be sleep by 6 am then up in 2 hours for work. i dread when this time comes around. why cant the fuckin clinics just leave us be eh. i get the old too many posatives and back on daily supervised shit, which would mean no job and all the rest of the shit that comes with daily fuckin pick up. anyway hope everything goes well at your dsp stee
I thought if you had a job they had to give you a pick up schedule that would fit around your work and that they wouldn'timpose a schedule on you tthat would preclude employment....again I'm just going on what my ex used to tell me about the service she worked in. Kind of makes substitute prescribing pointless if they are going to impose conditions on you that stop you working....that's shit mate.

Although I've never been on heroin I'm prescribed methadone (physeptone tablets) by my pain management doctor cos I couldn't get away with fentanyl patches but I really struggle with it to be honest. I'm on 180 mg day (60mg x 3 per day) but while that numbs the pain enough to help me do my job the tiredness that comes with that dose is a bitch
Sorry for going back over things, I just wanted to share my exprerience re opiates in hospital.
January of this year I ended up with pneumonia, a collapsed lung a fluid in my lung, I walked about for 5 weeks with one working lung and coughing up blood and puss before I allowed myself to be admitted to hospital. First time I went in I was treated horribly! Told them I was an addict and was given10mg of methadone every hour as im not on a script (but have a rather large habit of between a teenth and a gate a day) tbh it barely to the edge off! I needed a lung drain put in, it was put in with numbing agent only (no pain relief) it was agonising! I was then given a 30mg codeine tab and 100mg of tramadol! Bare in mind I was still rattling! My gf brought me in gear and I was that delirious from being so ill that I was caught trying to cook up in my bed in the high dependency unit! I was that desperate for some relief!
I then decided to discharge myself obviously against tge doctors orders! I ended up back in high dependancy a week later (had to be blue lighted from my house to the hospital aftrr my go came out for a home visit.
This time I went in with a letter from my gp demanding that they treat my withdrawals and pain relief seperatly.
I had to have another lung drain put in the minute I got to hospital . My heart beat was 165, my reps were 45.
This time I had a theartre surgeon put my drain in. I was given 50mg of morphine and 2mg lorazepam IV aswell as numbing agents and 30mg morphine per hour for my withdrawals. The doctor agreed it was shocking that the drain was put in with pain relief the first time. I ended up spending a week in hospital, having 6 litres of blood and puss drained from my lung but this time I was recieving 30mg morphine iv per hour, 25mg oramorph every hour, and 30mg of diazepam every 24 hours spaced over 3 doses aswell as my normal meds like quitiapine, co-codamol,gabapentin. I was fucked! And my gf was bring me a charge every night with my clean clothes! Sorry if this doesnt make much sense! Took me 1 hour too write gouging my tits off lol!
yeah they r supposed to work around a job, its never come to me losing multple day pickups because i havent let it. i have been threatened many times with it though and i assume theyd do it. a few years back i was told if i didnt stop using on top of my script i would be thrown off, to which i replied it would force be back into crime and such. To which they replied not my problem your script is to get you off drugs not let you use on top. I was gobsmacked by this, diffferent workers differ on this though some see if you can lead a normal life, work, and not have your whole day spent getting money for drugs, then getting drugs, then getting high and so on a success. and others only see it as success if you are clean. ive had many workers some sound and others fucking useless without a clue about that way of life.
englandz i think differnet regions have slightly different views on this tho they all follow basic guidelines, tho at the end of the day your worker can do what they feeel is needed and some workers are idiots. so i gather anyway. some workers are good and compassionate and some see us as junky scum and ive dealt with both types. and doctors judging you as a junky is the worst especially if your in alot of pain and the cunt wont give u ote but paracetamol.