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EADD Heroin discussion v.20 -- You've come a long way baby


Bluelight Crew
Nov 9, 2013
Continued from here

quick wolverhampton update - the guy id been getting the good stuff off has changed his kit
- really pale stuff, almost white, havnt pinned any but decent enough smoke - melts into nice thick dark beetle and had me nodding out halfway through the 3rd bag which is more than acceptable for wolves kit as since the 2010 drought its all 0.1 wraps for a fiver a pop. been really naughty and scored 2 days in a row - might be my last chance this month as im seeing all the dsp heads next week and i cant afford any more dirty samples
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In Salford things are ok.
Guy who was knocking out proper hard rocky gear for about a week has stopped doing two types of kit, He does it straight 10s apart from 6 for 50 and bags weigh about 1.3-.1.5 at the very muvh
Any Irish posters about? Haven't used in a while myself but curious to know how you're all getting on (and whether or not the gear has improved of course!)
Any Irish posters about? Haven't used in a while myself but curious to know how you're all getting on (and whether or not the gear has improved of course!)

Nothing to get me nodding, but im using practically everyday. It just gets me in a decent mood and keeps away wds....but no nod. Maybe for someone without much of a habit the gear is great, but no where near as good as it should be imo
Nothing to get me nodding, but im using practically everyday. It just gets me in a decent mood and keeps away wds....but no nod. Maybe for someone without much of a habit the gear is great, but no where near as good as it should be imo

Alright sorry to hear that man! Probably better than anything else you've had since the drought though yeah? And is the quality consistent?
Its defo better than the drought....I can score everyday for one thing!! Quality is basically the same apart from the odd batch which is utter muck but thats pretty rare
Well that's something anyway! Hopefully it'll improve even more over time. I read somewhere recently that gear in Ireland is of the second highest purity in Europe after Turkey - 24% in 2012 (down from 47% in 2010). It's probably come up to at least 30% in the last 2 years though
well its now August,and in wolverhampton that means things have finally got back to normal. following the drought, the first proper kit landed in april 2011. didnt last tho, by the end of the year the bags had dropped in price to 5 pound each but it was 75% bash - this went on for ages as i reckon people were diluting any decent stuff coming through with the massive amounts of garbage they had aquired over the 2010 winter.

then last august the shotters started selling real heroin again, and aside from the very occasional let down the decent stuff endured over christmas and by the new year i was going out to score with the confdence that i was coming home with something worthwhile, a sentiment i hadnt entertained in years. now ive realised its august again and ive basically had access to decent stuff for a year.

ive also found a way to stretch the golden dollar using my substitution treatment. on the days that i score i usually chain smoke whatever i have over the course of a few hours (normally 3-6 bags). By the time im on the last one, im usually nodding in and out like a direct line promotional toy. My trick now is to have my dose of methadone just as the last bag starts to wear off, which it usually does very quickly, talking 20 -30 mins from the tail end of my final nod to sober. but as the methadone passess the rapidly metaboling heroin in my bloodstream it seems to grab its coat tails, and 45 mins after finishing my gear i find myself falling back into an extended (albeit meth) nod. Its almost like a 2 hour encore after the main set, from a 60ml dose that I tolerate without any percieved effect on an average day. Its supossed to be a low blocking dose but with a bit of experimentation ive found away to make the liquid handcuffs increase the peace.

Do I live life to the full or what? My parents are so proud...
I've not had any gear since the drought finished, but all this talk of good kit is making me drool - especially as I'm reducing on my meth again (down to 24ml from 60ml).

However, round here the scene changes so quickly that unless you're scoring every day, you quickly lose track of the dealers, and as I've never hung about with other junkies (except when scoring) I'm not in 'the know' anymore. Furthermore, I have no self control, so if I had a guaranteed score, I couldn't just chip at it - it'd soon turn into a full-time occupation again, which is something I could really do without these days. So it looks like I'll just have to be content with 'contact highs' off you guys... (sigh!) :(
Lapsed recently and the gears been pretty good, got it off a mate though, not sure what the street stuffs like round leeds. Anyone know?
rock hard light gear 110 an 1/8th been the same for weeks now - proper pd stuff without the high prices.
Hi to yawl.
Got a new contact last night.

They are 5 pound bags which I'm always a bit wary of. But the gear is really nice.

My usual man has been slowly get worse over last 2 weeks.

After a long day at work I picked up and only had one 5 bag and I was nodding HOWEVER this is combined with poor nights sleep and long day at work..... still gear is loverly.

Wish the guy would do bigger than 5 pound bags but he is from CheethamHill and I've been told 5 pound bags are quite common there
weve had 5 pound bags since the drought, but its only been a year since they started containing active amounts of heroin with any level of consistency

scored monday, had to use a different fella for the first time in 6 weeks. gear almost white in colour again but more powdery than the other stuff. just about did the trick but not brilliant overall - id give it a 5/10 in the grand scheme of things. payday tomorrow so i hope the good stuff is back on again. Had my first stone in over a month as well which was crap.
Hey folks
just got home from the hospital after 2 weeks following an emergency surgery where they removed some of my bowel and my appendix.
you know when you get really constipated and don't have a dump for about 4 months?
well,that's how it ends up
first thing i did,even before I got home was to order me a nice 8 ball to treat myself
some people never learn,i guess!!

AND version 20 of the drought thread.
I wonder how many people got clean during all this
and maybe people didn't get hooked that would otherwise have done so.
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Ouch,that sounds particularly nasty & painful Kkat. Hope you are recovering well from it.
On a side note I keep coming across your comments on some of the Youtube videos I've watched lately.
Ouch,that sounds particularly nasty & painful Kkat. Hope you are recovering well from it.
On a side note I keep coming across your comments on some of the Youtube videos I've watched lately.

I don't comment that often so we must just be watching the same vids
I came across one of your comments earlier this week that you made in the last month or two but can't recall what the video was about.
I think one you commented on was a guy basically telling the police the law and what they could and couldn't tell him to do. Was a good one as the old bill just didn't know how to react as the guy was well aware of what his rights were.
I came across one of your comments earlier this week that you made in the last month or two but can't recall what the video was about.
I think one you commented on was a guy basically telling the police the law and what they could and couldn't tell him to do. Was a good one as the old bill just didn't know how to react as the guy was well aware of what his rights were.

yeah-def one I would have watched and commented on
problem is that most police will just charge you with the open ended 'section 5,public order offence' which seems to constitute not agreeing with and obeying everything the plod do and say
this guy clearly scared and confused said officer with his confidence in his knowledge...we should all be aware of our rights and how to record/report when they are being abused