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EADD Cocaine Megathread - v. Cocky Coked Up Cunts Talk Coked Up Crap

This thread is about cocaine purity in the UK not the US - hence the title ;)

Some recent US cocaine purity data. Average purity seems to be dropping over there too and is pretty similar to the UK figures. Better, but not by so much really.

I can agree with this. Being in Boston I have seen quality drop considerably the past 5 years or so. I don't use much anymore but, I used to a lot in my club days. I'd like to think I know what fire is. Every know and then ill have a line or 2 and its really terrible lately. I have noticed the cuts are worse than ever with more than half of my samples having an almost musty flavor. There is little to no numbing and the euphoria is non existent. Its like they aren't even trying to fool me anymore and are instead just producing a white powder.

Years ago I had access to clean cocaine. As close to the source I could get and even cleaned by a trusted friend. The clean positive feeling, the pure euphoria that had just about brought a tear to my eye is virtually impossible to find now.

The dirty cocaine of the past that would have me twitching and unsociable (the opposite of real cocaines confidence) was a step up from the crap I see today. At least then you'd get drugs for your money. My advice is unless you can try it beforehand save your money and remember cocaine is supposed to make you want to do stuff not sit in a room waiting for it to end and keeping to yourself.
it always makes me luagh when people say coke is shit obviously they havnt tried decent coke or they woudnt be saying it.

it is hard to find decent coke in the uk for any price at the moment, i recently had some that was £75 on the g and was supposed to be rocket fuel over 80% pure but it was very dissaponting, it obviously had coke in it more so than the average repress but no way near near 80% pure and no way near as good as the stuff i used to get. one decent size line of the stuff i used to get used to be intensley euthoric for a good hour and you coud see why it was worth the money.

in the last year ive tried what was supposed to be flake which was £80, it didnt even come close to what i used to get, decent repress at 60s not even close again 40s and 50s repress which was just rediculous ive literally never had anything thats come closee for over 2 years.

im sure the stuff i was getting must of been virtually pure at the time it was about there was alot of good coke about but none of it i ried came close to it back then ever.
it always makes me luagh when people say coke is shit obviously they havnt tried decent coke or they woudnt be saying it.

it is hard to find decent coke in the uk for any price at the moment, i recently had some that was £75 on the g and was supposed to be rocket fuel over 80% pure but it was very dissaponting, it obviously had coke in it more so than the average repress but no way near near 80% pure and no way near as good as the stuff i used to get. one decent size line of the stuff i used to get used to be intensley euthoric for a good hour and you coud see why it was worth the money.

in the last year ive tried what was supposed to be flake which was £80, it didnt even come close to what i used to get, decent repress at 60s not even close again 40s and 50s repress which was just rediculous ive literally never had anything thats come closee for over 2 years.

im sure the stuff i was getting must of been virtually pure at the time it was about there was alot of good coke about but none of it i ried came close to it back then ever.

There has still been amazing coke this year. But seriously expensive i'd agree. And harder and harder to get..

The stuff for £50 a g here used to be excellent flake or crystally as fuck rock coke about aswell. Now most of those sources either don't bother or the stupid ones sell shite repress.

At the start of this year there was still pearly flake going around for £90-100 on the g. Probably the best coke i've had! Its faaar too expensive, but between a couple of you its ok compared with needing 2g+ of the 50-60 stuff. Concidering the big dealers pay around £50 a g nowadays for the import stuff, its not possible to get anything decent in singles for under £75-80..

Its so expensive now though, you'd be better having a holiday to Peru or Bolivia, have a mad week with mates and fly back. Not spend ages looking for something thats so fucking hard to find :\
Got ching at New Year, £50 for 1.0g.

Obviously not fantastic cocaine, but it was a lot better than the usual shite & a lot better than I was expecting. Quite enjoyed it, would happily buy it again.
Had a bit of coke left over from the summer that was 70/g stuff, was little flakes of powder, pretty shiney, not the easiest to cut up. Fucking strong stuff, even tiny wee lines had me fucked.

It was nice until my friend borrowed/lost/stole most of it.... whilst I was off buying him a drink. :|
'shits weak' is defo my favourite phrase ever, and it can apply to anything, like something shitty like your mate nicking your coke, 'shits weak' or something weak, like a Korma or a block of soapbar, 'shits weak'

never done proper coke, would love to try the real stuff, mates who have had it say its actually quite economical (if your paying £50/70 a g, although not sure you can get good coke that price these days.. you definitely could a couple of years back)
Had a bit of coke left over from the summer that was 70/g stuff, was little flakes of powder, pretty shiney, not the easiest to cut up. Fucking strong stuff, even tiny wee lines had me fucked.

It was nice until my friend borrowed/lost/stole most of it.... whilst I was off buying him a drink. :|

I hate it when something like that happens and you can't tell whether it was genuinely lost or they were taking the piss especially when you're being generous. It's really quite degrading.
The coke I had, I could have done 100-200mg and been fucked all night, it was quality stuff. Still wouldn't pay for it though...

My friend being a cock wired on meph for over a day totally wasted it. I'm pretty amazed i'm not more annoyed with him. Most fantastically lame thing he's done in a while. Shits weak indeed!
A couple nights ago I was given some cocaine with promises that it was of good quality.. I had about 4 lines, yet the effects were minimal compared to good stuff I've had before...

Apparently, quality is going down over time...
from what ive read crack isnt even very pure any more, ive been considering dettin some crack just so i can get a proper coke buzz again but im not gona bother if its just as likley to be shit as well.

a friend of mine reckons you can chop crack up and snort it and it works really well? is this true i always thought you codnt snort crack for some reason
You can snort crack. Won't do a lot though what with not being water soluble and all. You can convert crack back to HCl and snort it though.
you can snort heroin freebase and effectively and that's not water soluble, stuff doesn't have to be water soluble to be snortable does it? just lipid soluble?
Good point, Evad. Didn't think of heroin. Maybe you could snort crack but would have thought if it were effective it would be a more common practice. Don't think I'll be testing the theory myself any time soon but would be interested to here if anyone has done it successfully and how it compares to the tried and tested ways. Would rather defeat the point of crack for me.
yeh if i got some crack i woud just smoke it probably any way i used to make my own crack but things quickly got out of hand so ill probably just not bother. ive just got to forget about coke i dont think ill ever not be disappointed with what i get now.

woud it actually be easy to get hold of good coke in peru or columbia as a tourist, or are you just likely to get robbed or worse. im going to mexico in febuary is there decent coke there? ive read that the drug laws are very strict there which conserns me.
^ Mexico, where are you going exactly? My friend had very good coke on holiday in Cancun he said. I'd trust his judgement as he's alot older and rarely ever bothers in this country.. Any time I have had coke off him its been high quality!

As for Peru or Colombia, pretty dangerous to buy any amount really. I'd be very careful but the stuff there is still real chicco. I'd love a cocaine connoisseurs holiday to South America %)
My mate got caught pissing outside in Cancun & got jailed for 3 days lol. Everyone else had to chip in & go down to buy him out.
Scoring in S American countries aint too hard. You just got to be a bit wise and smart.

Loving the earlier comments on this thread about peeps purity levels of their coke. I guess they must all have some sophisticated testing gear. ;)

Quality of coke in the UK is all about the quality of your connect. The higher up the chain, the more likely you're gonna score decent shit. But if you're high up the chain, then odds are you are knocking it out anyway!
Yeah Kid but then if they are making it into crack then it is poss to have a pretty good guess at purity.. Would agree with the rest. How much is a g of the stuff you get in London when your on re-tox Kid? Mate was saying he got some real MDMA and decent sniff for £50 a g in Camden quite recently.. lucky cunt!