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drugs or substances you won't touch again

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Crack Heroin Meth Are my three major no no's. But Also I will never do pcp ever again as well as Salvia. Oh yeah And never ever any huffing of any sort. ( I dont consider Nitrous huffing)
Meth - I already have an adderall tolerance
Coke - Expensive and doesn't seem worth it
Heroin - Well duh
Acid - I'm crazy enough as it is!

The only "drug" I'd be interested in trying are shrooms and I'd have to get my life on track first and be around people I trust.
I don't have any. IMO, it's horribly self-deluding to say some drugs are "okay" and some are "off limits." A drug is a drug is a drug. But that's just the psychologist in me.
I watched this movie, or rather, I fell asleep (unfortunately because it seemed good) called 'White Lightnin' about a gas huffing tap dancer (true story)..that stuff has always baffled me. There is also this guy in my old neighborhood that everyone (sadly) refers to as 'the Gass Huffer", and the dude just sits by the subway station and inhales gas all day through a paper bag, its really sad. There have been times when I felt like throwing the guy a bag of heroin...

yea dude, forget his first name but his last name is white. his dad was a dancer, not sure what its called but its that appalaichin mountain kinda hill billy dancing

there is a video on netflicks bout his whole family, the wild n wonderful whites of west virginia. its just generation upon generation of rednecks

they said the dude could tell the difference b/w regular n premium n diesel or somethin just from the smell

its a dickhouse production (people that did jackass)
I'm sure theres more, but the first to come to mind are...

Diphenhydramine (doses that are considered "recreational" 8))
Inhalants like duster and the like
mdma, acid, shrooms, salvia divinorum
hate these

why is everyone against pcp ? i love me some angel dust
I don't have any. IMO, it's horribly self-deluding to say some drugs are "okay" and some are "off limits." A drug is a drug is a drug. But that's just the psychologist in me.

That's an interesting point of view. I used to think that way when I decided to open my mind and experiment with drugs ; I wanted to try everything, but after a while I changed my mind. I don't really think some drugs are "okay" and other "off limits", if people want to get high on Datura good for them, but I know that some drugs won't be enjoyable for me.
While I was in a psychiatric hospital I talked to a heroin addict.He convinced me NEVER to try H.
Opiates. I don't want to let them ruin my life for a second time.

I always say that I will never try meth, but knowing me and my love of stimulants, I doubt I can make it my whole life without trying it. I would just want to make sure I was living somewhere that I had no meth connections so I wouldn't be tempted to try it again.

I used to think I would never try crack, but I did. I made an ass of myself by completely forgetting what was appropriate behaviour in public, but I still had fun. Don't really intend on doing it again, so it is kind of a no-no.

Inhalants, because I never really got high any time I tried them, and watched some friends get dumber after inhaling over time.

Beyond that, damn it, my scientific curiousity leads me to believe I would try anything once. I would hesitate with bath salts, but I would give in. I know I would.
There's probably a lot more I could list off but... i'm lazy so here's my top 4
Huffing -because it destroys your brain,
Meth and Crack - Because they are stimulants and a lot of people who use them eventually become homeless scumbags
2c's - I tried 2ci and the 25i Nbome version, too much anxiety for me
Lastly I wouldn't dare touch H, I've heard wayyy too much about that one
i used to pop 8 to 16 corrsinden cold and cough and enter a trip state simular to matrix. my body started rejecting it and i couldnt keep it down no more. but ill never even look at the box.
Delerients, more specifically datura, pure crystal scoplomine (i had a huge jar of this shit once but just sold it instead), angels trumpets etc etc. I have had those motion tablets (with little doses of scopolamine) mixed with opiates, benzos, alcohol, weed etc. Wasn't a bad combo with opiates in particular, i think they used to give the combo of morphine and scopolmine to patients for anaesthesia 100 years ago or something.

Other than that i was a fucking hoover for anything and everything.
Mushrooms. Hate them.
Most psychedelics to be honest. It's not that I think they're bad or anything - but I just don't react well with them. I'm a naturally anxious person and psychedelics only intensify that. It sucks, I want to be able to get that psychedelic experience. But it is not worth it for me.
LSD is the only one I would consider trying again. But even that - the bad experiences outweigh the good experiences so it seems pointless.
Jenkem (you nasty fucks :p)
Anything datura related
Most inhalants

Isn't there a thread like this from waaaaay back?

Never have never will

it only takes knowing one crack head when youre growing up to drill that into your brain

and I dont judge people for their drug usage, I judge them on their deeds in life.

But ive never met a crackhead who was doing something positive

not that once you smoke it once there's no hope ever again

but the odds are very heavily stacked against you
Will likely never do shrooms again. Things are so familiar and yet so alien, and I find that upsetting.

PCP - I know a lot of people around BL love the stuff, but I still have almost zero interest in trying it.

I want to say I'll never do heroin, or morphine, or meth, or cocaine, or methadone, or ecstasy never again. But I just don't think it's likely.
These days i don't really fuck with anything besides weed.
I use to think that i'd never touch crack and meth EVER no matter what.
All it took was 1 xanax bar and i was all over the meth pipe. And my god, what a high..
Anyways i've experienced most drugs there are (cept dirty RC's) so i know what to expect.
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