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drugs or substances you won't touch again

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PCP, most hallucinogens, any sort of inhalants, MDMA (unless I knew for a fact it was pure, too much bunk "molly" floating around my area), and most RCs.
inhalants, PCP, any psychedelic other than acid that's active in micrograms, and no more unknown E pills. and the obvious ones like datura and nutmeg.
only the shitty ones.

i always love hearing how people draw their imaginary boundary line, more often than not it is hilarious.
Why is PCP such a repeated no-no? I like sherm.

Drugs i wont use again are meth and crack. Been there, done that and i dont like what it turns me into.
All those different MDMA/meth like RCs, inhalants and PCP.

I've done heroin, but I hope it becomes my no no drug after my sub taper.
datura (scopolamine)

good call, forgot bout that one

yea everything else would prob be situational in my eyes but i would never touch datura

why no love for dph or dxm?

dph goes great with opes, never got high on it tho so if thats what your sayin i guess i see it

same for dxm never got high on it but you wouldnt drink some nyquil while sick
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My no no drugs? Personally,there are none that I wud pass up trying if it was one that I hadnt tried b4. Though I am weary of PCP(not so much 3-Meo-PCP, wud gladly try it),Heroin, and Cathinones...I wouldnt pass up the chance 2 try them if I knew it was going 2 b available just that one time.But here is why I wud b weary of them...

Pcp- I have heard far 2 many horror stories online and from others that I know personally who have used it...

Heroin- Honestly bc I am afraid I wud fall n love and break the one drug no no I do have which is IV use bc I wud get curious since I have heard ppl say shooting heroin feels like the sun rising in ur soul.

Cathinones- Ok,maybe the dude who ate the guys face wasnt on bath salts,truly we may never know bc the drug tests for new rc's often lags behind the output of rc's.However,I have still read other accounts of Cathinone psychosis and it appears 2 b even stranger,unpredictable,and dangerous than traditional amphetamine psychosis.

Huffing glue or gasoline or things like that. I did computer duster a few times back in the day, but I would never repeat that either. Only inhalants I'd do now are ether, Nitrous, and poppers. Also, any deleriant like Datura is a no-go for me. Besides that there isn't much I won't do, I've shot heroin, coke, meth, k, all kinds of pills, smoked crack, black tar heroin, and PCP.

Edit: Id also never do PMA or take piperazines intentionally, they were awful when I got rolls cut with them.
Inhalants, PMA, Datura, and any drug that easily causes physical dependence. Also all those good for nothing research chems that are going around, if nothing is known about it and it doesn't have a considerable history of use in humans, I won't touch it. :p
Heroin and meth, I would not trust myself with either of them. I think that's pretty much it.
only the shitty ones.

i always love hearing how people draw their imaginary boundary line, more often than not it is hilarious.
sadly I agree most people will break that list they have made I know I have

And wow really datura on like all the lists I've done it. Its kinda an experience
Any stimulants other than Cocaine and MDMA, preferably the former though. If I ever do consume MDMA ever again, it will be many many years into the future.

Inhalants other than Nitrous Oxide and poppers.

solvents (duster, glue, gas, jenkem lol)

and basically all RC's. im not into psychs and there are so many of them its like playing russian roulette unless you have a built in GC/ms unit somewhere in your body or home.

And ive tried a decent amount of drugs in my opinion.
Scolopamine for sure.
PMA for sure.
That's just from seeing other people's posts.

I would touch any of those crazy plant hallucinogenics like Belladonna or Datura.
Wouldn't touch Ibogaine.
MOST research chemicals I wouldn't touch (I'm down with the 2c-X's), but definitely not MDPV cuz I know I'd fuck my shit up hard.
Ummm what else. Wouldn't do PCP.
I'm sure there's a hell of a lot more I wouldn't do, but I really don't feel like going through Erowid's list of drugs and making a "Do and Don't" checklist LOL.
I've learned never to say never, but uh... I don't think that I will ever do crack or meth. I've had ample opportunities to smoke crack, and I'm around someone smoking crack nearly every other day, but I just don't find it in the least bit appetizing.

It's nothing against those who smoke crack, and nothing against crack itself really... just, for whatever reason, I've found it very distasteful. I haven't yet had the opportunity to smoke meth, and I don't know anyone who smokes meth, but I imagine that meth would be a no-no for me as well.
Halogenated amphetamines (apart from 4-Fxx/3-Fxx/2-Fxx)
The nasty inhalants/solvents (probably too many to list, but I'm not talking stuff like GBL, Ethanol, N2O, poppers)
Strychnine ;)

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
Datura or ANY deliriant

I have experimented with all the above and I would never touch them again.

I obviously wouldn't even consider blatantly toxic things like PMA/PMMA, PCA, MPTP, BZ etc...
deliriants, anything proven to be neurotoxic with moderate use, anything that has to be smoked, anything iv, long acting stims if i don't have benzos to actually go to sleep, anything really new
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