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Lysergamides Does acid give you gas?


May 13, 2006
I use to love acid. I haven't done it for probably 5 or 6 years now, because it got to where every time I tripped I would get the loudest farts. They usually didn't have much smell as I recall, but they were loud and fequent to the point of distracting from the trip. Just wondering if anyone has experience similar to this. If so, do you still trip anyway?
lol, so you quit cuz you fart alot? lol, wow, i fart alot everyday, and i never quit buritos
Did you trip alone or with others? I ask because most people don't mind farting at all when alone, lots of people find it quite pleasurable.
Ok this will sound off the wall but I will give an explanation that one of my friends gave me (because I got a weird case of gas off shrooms when it came with anxiety). He said that you get IBS from time to time with a heavy load of anxiety. All I guess is that when you get anxiety trips that your body lets it out sortof like your letting out gas I guess, I really have no clue and if this is not true then I probably sound like an idiot. Someone please confirm this =D But I have some of the same shit happen to me that you describe when I have intense shroom trips by myself. And now my farts didnt smell either =D haha
It happens if im alone or with people. I definitely mind it more when im with people than if I were alone. The worst part of it is sometimes they are so forceful, that I am sure I must have shit myself. I don't recall that ever happening, but when youre tripping it is easy to convince yourself that you may indeed have shit yourself
^I get the exact same type of feeling and it does make sense from my point of view that its from the anxiety really. But Im not sure how that would be from a medical view so hopefully someone gets on here to tell me im wrong or right ;p
I get gas from 4-ACO-MiPT, also a tryptamine. It usually starts when I'm coming dow, about five or six hours in. I've never had any anxiety with the trip, so I don't think that's it.

Set and setting is everything...trip with friends, fart with friends. :)
^I dont exactly get like a full anxiety paranoia type of thing, its more like an overload from the trip. Hard to explain. And usually it starts on the later part of the trip for me as well.
I was going to post something very similar to this thread actually :) What I've started to notice on my LSD trips is that after about 5 or 6 hours my ribs started to hurt. At about the 10th hour when I start to feel pretty much normal again I farted a lot. I deduced that I must have been holding in the wind all through the trip because your bodily feeling is so strange that it's hard to tell whether it's just a fart or you're going to shit yourself or just plain old remembering to fart. From this I realised it wasn't my ribs hurting, it was actually my insides!

If you think about it, when was the last time you "followed through" haha when sober and farting? As long as you don't have diarrhoea or you're not amazingly in need of a shit then you can fart all you want on acid without fear of shitting yourself and then you feel a lot better later on without all the trapped gas! :D
It's definitely not physiologically normal to fart from acid. It doesn't give you gas in itself.. I'm sure any chemist would agree....

I think it's all in the mind. Everyone has weird shit (no pun intended).. I get very odd physical sensations from acid. Thre's usually a feeling in the teeth, and my skin, especially in my mouth and in my eyelids, feels strangely warm and tingly. Once, for an entire summer, I had the horrible sensation that I was constantly grinding my teeth on slippery chicken bones. This is before I did acid... I just had this hang-up cuz I'm fucked. My point is, you can't always deduce the weird shit your body goes through to actual scientific reasons.
I tend to fart a lot when I get relaxed. Does LSD trigger a side effect that would cause more farting than usual?
You guys are lucky if you get the farts on acid! Sometimes I get gas and can't fart until 10-12 hours after I dose, by which point my stomach and intestines are pretty cramped feeling from the gas, and at which point I release a good 10-second breeze =D
Man, I love extreme farts! DOC does it to me in a serious manner. Shit, all stimulant-based drugs make me do (and I mean that in a Yoda sense). I actually find that to be a humorous and pleasant side effect, and it certainly wouldn't make me quit doing a drug that I loved otherwise.

no offense but I think all you chronic farters are freaks ... or at the very least, fags. not the kind you puff.

I would HAAAAATE to fart all day...or to shit all day.
I don't fart often... just as I come up on stimulant drugs. You mean to tell me you don't enjoy the occasional fart? It can be quite liberating. To your bowels, that is.
a coupla friends of mine who know a good bit about acid have told me you get gas with acid but i have never gotten it. i suppose its just different people.
In fear and loathing he definitely has gas when hes in the bathtub after eating the rest of the acid =D he rips a nice one
Yeh I like releasing canned-in methane.

but if you fart a lot, there's something wrong. your body isn't meant to have that much gas...farting a couple times a day is normal, but if you're farting a dozen times or more a day, you're a stinky vegetable man like my older brother :\