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doctor wants to put me on some sort of ssri!!

just an update I opted to not take the prescription. I have started drinking again however. I'm going to wait till I can talk to a psychiatric doc instead of just my nurse practicioner. And I've been in a great mood, but I have attribute it somewhat to a steady supply of Hydrocodone and benzos. The Hydros really seem to help with my restlesness, I just have to watch out so I don't get hooked on them, but they moderate my drinking and help me get good quality sleep instead of drunken passedoutidness.
Try Rhodiola ande L-Theanine

Most of what I was going to say here has already been covered.

SSRI's are good for people for really need them to function on a daily basis, but they are way overprescribed to patients who don't really need them. From your description above, it doesn't sound like you really need to be going on an SSRI.

I am coming off Paxil for my second time right now and it's fucking miserable to withdrawal from this crap. Not everyone gets severe WD symptoms from going off the crap, but if you're one of the 'lucky' ones that does, it really sucks. Brain zaps, insomnia, nausea, muscle cramps, and rebound anxiety that's worse than before you started. Anyway, Over a period of a month, I've tapered down to 12.5mg every other day. I'll wait a few weeks for this to stabilize and then I'm completely stopping again.

I was prescribed it for anxiety/panic attacks. While it has helped with the anxiety, it's completely fucked up my sex life, makes me emotionally flat/blunt to everything, actually makes my insomnia worse, etc. I am definitely not myself and I don't like the way it makes me feel. It has also completely zapped my motivation/drive both at work and trying to get things accomplished in my personal life. I just don't care anymore. Not good.

Some thing things not mentioned above that work quite well for moderate anxiety, stress, anger, etc are Rhodiola Rosea and L-Theanine. I have used both of these to great success. Neither of them give 'drug like effects' that you can feel, but you can definitely tell they are doing something. However, the Rhodiola will cause excessive stimulation if taken in large doses and will aggrevate insomnia if taken too close to bedtime. Take two doses of Rhodiola/day (early morning/afternoon) and 100-200mg of Theanine 'as needed' for anxiety. Just make sure you get quality stuff and I think you'll notice a difference. The thenanine isn't drug like in it's effects, but it will help induce a relaxed state without sedating you. I will be back on both of these myself as soon as I'm off the Paxil. I took these before for a while after going off Paxil and was fine for well over 6 months. Then I started having physical problems with swallowing (throat damage due to acid reflux) and had to go back on the Paxil since I needed something stronger to blunt the anxiety until it healed some.

As mentioned above, we don't know the long term effects of SSRI's or many of the tryptamine/phenethylamine psychedelics. Not sure how relevant it is or not, but I never suffered from anxiety/panic attacks before I started using these types of psychedelics regularly. Even though I've stopped for over a year, I still have minor issues. I'm suspicious that one or more of these psychedelics may have some long-term effects on the serotonin receptors (perhaps damaging them or downregulating them to endogenous serotonin), resulting in the tendency for prolonged anxiety, etc.

Not trying to start a controversy here, but I doubt using these tryptamines/phenethylamines regularly on a long term basis can be good for the serotonin system either. I was (abusing) them on average twice weekly for a little over a year before I started having anxiety issues/panic attacks that required SSRIs to function normally. I was certainly using them too often, but I do think they have some role in precipitating my anxiety issues. Now that I've been 'psychedelic-free' for a little over a year and my throat is healing, I think I'm ready to come off the SSRIs completely again and see if things are back to normal. The SSRIs can be good drugs when they are really needed, but are handed out way too often to people who don't need to be screwing with their brain chemistry.

Just my two cents. Good luck and be well.

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I had a freak OD on a diet supplement I bought at GNC 11 years ago.. the neurologist just threw some Paxil samples at me. Been addicted the entire time as it's a hellish nightmare to try and come off that shit. Stay far far away..
yeah, I wouldn't recommend SSRI's for anything short of extremely severe depression, and even then ECT is more effective, reliable, & predictable
don't take bullshit anti-ds

they do nothing to help you deal with the real under lying problems.

unless your going to kill yourself or your ripping your hair out, it would be best if you didn't use drugs as a crutch
SSRI's should be a last resort if nothing else works. It is definitely not a decision to take lightly as others have said, they can permanently alter you brain chemistry and are physically addicting. One of my buddies went through hell last summer WDing from Zoloft.

I agree with the sentiment that they are way over prescribed because pretty much anyone who goes to psychiatrist and says they feel even a little unhappy will be given a script. I know this from experience as I wen't through a sort of existential crisis that triggered a depressive episode and was put on SSRI's for a bit. In hindsight I know I did not need them at all I just needed a healthy shift in perspective which I eventually achieved through psychotherapy.

All that said, they definitely seem to help some people immensely and Swilow above is a good example of a person who actually needs them in order to function.

You should try getting physically healthy by eating better and exercising first at the very least. Meditation can also do wonders for controlling your mental state.
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I'll echo what has been written here already and say that SSRI's, like the Internet, are Serious Business. Whatever you decide, please think carefully about the choice you're about to make.

In my experience, daily meditation has proved to be a useful tool for eliminating anxiety and helping me learn to "flow" while not on a psychedelic; your mileage may vary.

Best of luck to you, OP! :)

Your doctor knows that you are a drug user, and EVERY doctor you go to will suggest to put you on ssris if you come up with any issue worded in a certain way to them that makes them believe you are incapable as a human.

SSRIs downregulate your serotonin receptors over time. They are specifically meant to suck spirituality out of America, specifically the Americans who cannot figure out how to handle their issues and believe in the medical system here. Of course you feel "better", if "better" is coasting through life working your soul away for no cause with limited emotion so you can be blissfully ignorant better.

Tell your doctor to shove the pills up his ass. Tackle the issues you are having that are causing your problems, and time will sort things out. Life literally gets harder before it gets easier. Constantly. Never ending. But just learn to change how you think about things rather than what.

I hope you the best stay AWAY from the fucking evil medical system at all costs. Anxiety all lies within the self. You'll uncover what's causing it and it will fix, like the others before.
OP - Have you been clean from all drugs for at least 3 months?
Do you take part in regular exercise & eat a healthy diet?

If the answer's no to any of the above, SSRI's aren't for you.
I've rolled many times while I was on Zoloft. It will decrease the effects a little bit, but I found I still rolled my nuts off.
Get informed before killing AD's

I'm doing just fine on Effexor. They haven't 'fucked up' my serotonin system, after being on them for 7 years (and various SSRIs before that); rather the contrary - the feeling I have is that they have stabilized an intolerable perturbation in some part of my serotonin pathways.

(By the way, to respond to the tiresome common misconseption that Serotonin anti-depressants are designed to work immediately, this is just an outright fallacy, and an ignorance displayed on the part of people who despise the AD drug trade. In fact, if you would care to educate yourself in deep pharmacology, you will find out that these drugs were designed as a long-term solution for chronic sufferers of various types of depression and serotonin disorders. It can take years, but the brain actually grows new dendrites where they where supposed to be initially, initiates action on the RNA inside neurons to produce 'brain derived neurotrophic factor' which stimulates a healthy serotonin system, and generally regulates and levels out an 'unhealthy' brain.)

As a child, I used to cry for no reason, and be extremely happy when no-one else was. Everything was alien to me, people, smells, places, everthing was disgusting. Now, on a combination of Effexor, Diazepam, and Propranolol, everything looks and feels just how it's 'supposed to be. And, of course, I enjoy taking psychedelics. And I simply adjust dosages etc. to compensate, and have benefited greatly from them too. So very great in fact, it would be impossible to describe the divinity psychedelics have opened up to me.

Doctors who prescribe antidepressants for people who are down in the dumps because their girlfriend just left them, wotnot, are obviously misinformed too. Antidepressant drugs do not fix acute lifestyle issues, instead they are designed to work on people with chronically depressed psychopharmacological issues. The two things are entirely different.

Lastly. Please dont shoot serotonin antidepressant drugs down in flames (and the depressive community for that matter) simply because you have either not experienced them, or have had bad reactions. That would be analogous to saying all psychedelics are the fruit of the devil because you had a bad trip. Psychedelics deal with the here and now. AD's are completely different medications, and you may as well be dissing anti-biotics or painkillers.
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I too was a bit put off by how so many people here basically said "there is absolutely no reason to take ssri's" fuck that, if you really need them they can truly help. they helped pull me out of a pointless constantly depressed state. i was on a plethra of different ssris and wound up with paxil helping the most. after several weeks (the time it takes to set in) i could finally smile at people again, it really made life worth living. im not sure how strong your depression is though.

i do agree that you should try everything you can before starting ssris but if you feel you truly need them dont listen to what a bunch of high and mighty people on an internet forum say (not to mention, dont listen blindly to what your doctor says, since many have never taken these substances themselves), listen to yourself

even though paxil worked best for me (for social anxiety and depression) i wouldnt recommend it, the withdrawal are really bad. if you do end up on paxil TAPER for a long time, cold turkey fucked me up bad.

also, tryptamines lost 80% percent of their beauty while on ssris. and were about 60%-80% weaker. ssris basically made them pointless to take imo. some done ge3t this reaction though, so who knows. im not sure why methylone would be affected by ssris. however, not taking ssris for 2 years and clearing up my depression was worth it. and now taking psychs is much more enjoyable.

good luck.

edit-haha, whoops didnt even see there was a second page here, might be repeating some stuff others have said, oh well...
No one in this thread from what I recall was saying no one should take SSRI's. Most people were warning people about the potential effects and to take some time to consider making a serious decision like taking an SSRI. Using anti-depressents are serious decisions and shouldn't be taken lightly. Someone shouldn't consume an AD if they don't seriously need it, as the cause for depression varies and isn't completely understood. If someone has serious depression that isn't related to a string of current bad events then sure it may be beneficial, but for joe shmoe who is just having a rough patch in his life, or in the OPs case, having trouble sleeping, an AD just doesn't seem like the right choice.
No one in this thread from what I recall was saying no one should take anti-ds

i pretty much think that

except for people so insane they are going to hurt themselves or others.

otherwise it's best just to deal with your problems

honestly to me this is just like taking opiates or something for depression...

xanex, cilnopins, all that stuff is really terrible
i actually missed the post where the op said he wasnt even really that depressed, so in this case i would discourage ssri usage.

there was just a very very negative vibe from most people here about ssris, and i agree they have negative effects but can be very useful for those that need it. i guess it just kinda pissed me off that people were so against it right off the bat, as it helped me immensly when i needed it. but reading over some of the posts i missed i have a clearer understanding of the ops positions.
im so glad to see that at least some people actually know their drugs and take their effects at face value and realize that taking drugs isn't really a good way to deal with your problems

i am very impressed

perhaps this site is about harm reduction.
Don't do it.

My few experiences with SSRI's...suicidal thoughts, manic depression, near psychoticism...
the exact reverse what I expected from it.

To those arguing about Psyches/SSRI and modification of your serotonin over time...you're not taking psyches every day, but you are taking SSRI's daily...you're on a constant stream of it, 24/7 (dipping concentrations in your blood while you sleep or in between doses, but you are essentially on an "IV drip" in a pill.)

Now if one were to argue about taking psyches at the same rate and amount as you do SSRi's, I'd have no argument and nobody else would have any proof either ^^
exactly... any drugs which is a "matience drug" meaning you must keep it in your system is usually bad.
There's no way to prove it, but I have a sneaking suspicion that many people treated with SSRIs experience an improvement in their depressive symptoms despite the treatment rather than because of it.

I'm also sure there are many people who are helped by them; but not enough to warrant such widespread use in clinical practice. Even judging by the data published by their manufacturers, they are only incidentally more effective than placebo at relieving symptoms of depression.

People don't usually develop symptoms of depression randomly without cause. Usually there are a multitude of lifestyle and environmental factors contributing to their problem. Most people can be cured by consulting a nutritionist, exercising, meditating, and abstaining from habits like smoking and drug use.

Even if you're being treated clinically for depression with SSRIs, its still highly advisable to work hard at removing the root cause of your symptoms through these other avenues as well. To neglect doing so would be foolish.

There aren't any magic pills out there: as human beings we're clever enough to affect consistent non-lethal changes in our biochemistry through the use of selective agents, and in certain specific contexts the effects of this biochemical perturbation can be seen as favorable. Don't buy into the pharm company marketing bullshit about "disorders" and cures and all that crap. There isn't a single disorder in the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual with a demonstrated, known cause; in fact, the disorders are literally voted into existence by majority consensus rather than by clinical observation.

Clinical psychiatry is no more scientific than throwing darts. Its a carefully orchestrated smoke-and-mirrors act to deceive an unhappy and naive population. Psychiatry is fundamentally the practice of applying force and coercion to change human behavior-- its self-appointed status as "medicine" is nothing more than marketing and jive.

I didn't mean to go off on a rant here, my main message is just to take responsibility for your own health and put in effort to recover balance in your life. Doctors can be helpful sometimes; but like any group claiming to hold the cure for the pains inherent to the human condition, they should be treated with a healthy dose of skepticism and analysis.