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Do you feel like you no longer need psychedelics?

I never saw them as spiritual and consider their use purely recreational. This is not to say i cant walk away having learned something but im not one of those consider it almost religous people. So i guess ill never grow tired of them or feel i dont want to use them.
I feel you should never stop takin psyches, as long as its in moderation, they can teach you too much from your experience. Take it from Mckenna, you should allways come back from and exspirence with new knowlege about yourself, or the surroundings around you. its all about the expirence and what you can learn or take from it and apply it you your current life, especially if you look at it from a spritual perspective. Learn lean learn, then apply!
Now, I think of myself as more reserved with them...they are powerful medicine...should be used wisely...should not necessarily be recommended to friends at the drop of a dime...

Have you ever felt this way about psychedelics? That you have moved past them? Or sideways across them to another place haha (I dont want this to come off as if I think I am so superior that I no longer need them...thats not exactly what I'm trying to get across).

I wouldn't say I've moved past them. I agree with you that they are powerful medicines that should be moved wisely. Everyone has their own balance points with psychedelics. For some people it's once or twice a year, for others its once a month. It's all about what feels right for you :)
I've had similar thoughts in the past G_P, but I know I still have much to learn from psychedelics. I used to want to trip every week, sometimes multiple times per week, but a very powerful and important trip taught me something.
I'm no longer in such a hurry to use any drugs, psychedelics included. There are many psychedelics I still hope to try but I know our paths will cross eventually and I look forward to that day but I no longer feel the need to try and make that day come any faster.
Now, I often find myself looking into the future and dreaming about those days and how wonderful they'll be.
Psychedelics are indeed a powerful tool and I have so much respect for them. I feel truly blessed that I'm able to use them the way I do. <3

This been the exact feeling in my mind recently.
I don't know if I'd say I NEED psychedelics, or ever did, but I still am very inclined to do them and feel that there are many valuable things they still have to offer me. I think I am also somewhat younger and less experienced with a lot of the posters in PD, though. There are still many new ones I would like to try and many new psychedelic experiences I want to explore.

The point earlier in this thread about periods of heavier psychedelic use correlating to changes in one's life is interesting. Over the last year besides MDMA (if you consider it a psychedelic) and smoked DMT I've only used psychedelics a handful of times. Lately though I have felt more of a desire to trip and will probably be doing so more frequently over the next few months whenever I have time, whereas up until recently I was sticking mainly to MDMA, which I don't really have much desire to do anymore. This is a period of a lot of changes in my life - my last semester at school, after which all the friends who have been so close to me for the last 3 and a half years will be scattered all over, as well as experiencing the death of a close friend a couple months ago.
"...once you get into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can." (Hunter S. Thompson)

I know very well how it feels when you get your hands on something new. I am also quite the collector and I have, due to years of sometimes almost compulsive collecting, managed to build a considerable collection of chemicals. I have now sort of lost interest and this is why I have small amounts of about a dozen (I don't even know how many any more) chemicals within easy reach that I haven never even ingested... and another dozen that I haven't ingested often enough to really know what they're about ... it's gotten out of hand and I just can't trip that often any more.

lmao sounds like me in the future... well sounds similar to now in simple terms.. but i definately sympathise with feeling of you can trip whenever you want in any way and there is only you to stop yourself and reintegrate atleast a god damn little bit aha
I, personally, need psychedelics now more than ever. I have reached a point where I am in a constant mode of psychedelic thinking, verily in a spiritual way. Also - being a scientist and artist - I cannot let this slip through my fingers, or else it will fade as the mind naturally adapts back to the mode of our disasterous cultural conditioning.
wow thank you for all of the comments...they are fascinating to me as I read each one and digest it. Interesting stuff...

I am going to save certain responses for another time in the near future but this one jumped out at me:
The idea of psychedelics damaging 5HT2a receptors does not sit well with me. I always thought psychedelics were proven non-toxic (not RCs, i mean things like mushrooms and cacti).
hey, two things. Serotonergic psychedelics (such as psilocybin or mescaline or LSD) that we know and love are not neurotoxic in the sense that MDMA is neurotoxic (ie destroys pre-synaptic neurons through oxidative processes or whatever). But, they do downregulate 5HT2a receptors (this is why you usually won't trip at the same intensity if you try two nights in a row on LSD at the same dosage). Think about the receptors like 'gloves' - they are designed to catch certain complex forms of amino acids (neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, DMT, LSD). The neurotransmitters 'tickle' the glove in a certain way that causes 'downstream' modulation of the post-synaptic neuron (ie change in the behavior of the neuron). It wiggles different and sends certain messages along to other neurons that get their 'content' (or meaning) in virtue of standing in an appropriate causal relation to other brain areas and then on a wider level the environment.

So, when you take a drug like mushrooms what happens is the psilocin molecules in the fungi go to your brain and attach to these 5HT2a 'gloves' (receptors) and activate them. In their overwhelming activation they signal to the neuron that there are extraneous receptors (ie too many). So, some 'draw within' or close their glove so to speak for a little while (sometimes permanently).

So the end result is a little tolerance (a little bit less 5HT2a receptors in your brain for a little while). Of course brains bounce back (they're tough in some ways!) and regenerate those receptors and you're back to 'normal' tolerance or baseline (which is why its meangingful to say that the trip continues long after the initial effects wear off - ie the trip continues through more sober integration processes much later even days after the peak effects).

And finally, two, I really do think that people can use psychedelics regularly to their benefit...I think moderation is of course the key and taking time after each trip to digest whatever happened to you. There's nothing that stops a healthy person from using psychedelics still (if anything regular moderate use of psychedelics in most people I know at least is an incredibly beneficial thing).

Most people don't trip a lot like obsessively or anything...its not very addictive in the sense of a drug like heroin or cocaine (where the reinforcement effects are actually quite strong). Its an interesting drug because the individual tends to take an incredible amount away from the experience...a lot of very personal content about the world, the structure of the world, how you ought to live your life, whats the purpose of your life, etc.

So I generally advocate responsible use of psychedelics...its a good thing! <3
"The three inevitable goals of the LSD session are to discover and make love with God, to
discover and make love with yourself, and to discover and make love with a woman."

- Timothy Leary
without reading allll of the other responses. I too, have spent a long time thinking about this topic, and I learned that there is almost no way to negate a good psychedelic experience. and it is very hard to accomplish the things you do on psychedelics as you do in real life, plain old drugless, though expanded life. My idea is that when you know youve tripped out enough you gain experience. a lot of experience, and it is never negated, however in the end of your idealistic environment and theme, you can almost never redo the effect and the expanded/informative experience your eceive on psychedelics, unless youre some famous guru who has the inate ability to experience such tropomines. Otherwise, youre practically canoeing, instead of rock climbing. I only know this idea because I too understand what youre saying. Having the opportunity arise, but not taking it. Seeing yourself doing other psychedelics such as weed, and none of the lsd mushrooms or DMT in this instance. That there is alot of stuff to do once youve done psychedelics but you never really get that souled out man I got spucked feeling anymore. its always a wavy ride of knowledge and awareness rather than being ripped through a hole to another brand new dimension (that needs exploring) so thats my point... Theres a few things you cant do without psychedelics and i suggest you do them. Just like I will be doing. Cause I know, theres a world out there without psychedelics, and also a world with them.... in closing i know there are things a lot of things we still dont know. On them ;)<3
I do psychedelics because they break all the rules that most peoples realities seem to follow.

I find the human brain to be fascinating, and the way psyches fuck with our perception is ridiculously awesome to me. When I trip, thinking about whats going on in my brain is like attending a psychology lecture.

I do believe one can learn from these experiences in a deeper sense as well, after experiencing certain states of consciousness, my beliefs about life after death have been flipped over. As in I now believe the consciousness lives on after physical death.

Im with you 100% on this.. i find the mind unbelievably fascinating.. i also find the ego really interesting to decipher.. i love breaking down society into category's.. they've allowed me to see right through what most people believe there perception of reality to be true.

I almost feel detached from society, like i understand human interaction a whole lot more in a sober state.. this can be good and bad at the same time.

'Truth or Happiness, Never Both.' - This is a quote i can relate too, as i find to be happy i have to conform to society's rules and views.. and be ignorant to the truth (At the moment anyway.. im working on a balance)
mmm i could make another thread but i dont think i want to.. since this topic is about learning about /from psychadelics how and to what extent to they change you ( i've only done LSD once - recently, so i'm asking here - i assume people who write in this thread know a fair bit about psycadelics).. for example, i love playing computer games, and watching anime.. i have been watching recently, and i still do love it, as well as playing games.. now for some reason i got this idiotic idea that i dont anymore because i took a psychadelic and my minds now 'expanded' and what not.. just yesterday it wasnt like this but it is today. im probably just overthinking, infact i KNOW i'm overthinking.. trust me, i KNOW how idiotic this sounds. i was just looking for some reassurances that i can still like/love the same things just as much as before ( if its not a reassurances, dont reply to me :) )
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Nobody ever needs psychedelics, but they are still a bloody good thing for most people. As to will I continue to use psychedelics in the future - most probably as in 25 years of use they are the one set of drugs to have had a positive effect on my life (with cannabis it's 50/50, but all others have been to my detriment, to varying degrees, if I'm honest) as well as the ones that helped me come to terms with a traumatic experience when I was 13. All in all, I think I'd be a bit daft to say I'd not use them again as things stand at the moment (but this is always subject to review)
^my sentiments, exactly.

In fact, lately ive been craving them even more sinse my mood has been real good. must be spring in the air...
I lost interest in psychedelics because they aren't fun anymore. When I was younger, it was exciting to push my consciousness to the limits and see what I could discover. The hardest trip I had was on a massive dose of AMT. I closed my eyes and saw my friends at the lunch table clear as day, I was talking to them and they were responding to what I said...I could hear them clearly and everything. I've gone way beyond seeing walls move and morphing faces. I've been to the point where all I could do was lie on my back, blabber nonsensically, and experience the alarming array of unstoppable visuals that spewed themselves before me. The only thing I've taken away from psychedelics is that I can be damn good at handling pressure. If I could talk to my hard-ass dad on two hits of good acid (at age 14 lol), I can deal with a teacher or a boss, or stand up in front of a bunch of people and speak. Now that I'm older, I just don't want to deal with it any more. I wouldn't have fun being out of my wits for hours and hours, and the next day sure does suck.
yeh, i definitely feel like i "outgrew" psychedelics. for a drug whose fun factor lies almost entirely in finding new meaning, feeling like you've 'been there, done that' makes continuing its use kind of pointless... not too much brain-scrambling :S
My experience with psychedelics is minimal, but I have a point to make anyways...

If one's use of psychedelics has led to learning things about onesself, then mission accomplished.
If one's use of psychedelics has been purely for the purpose of having fun, mission accomplished.

However, if you had to go to the moon to get a sample of the rock there, wouldn't you want to see what else was up there too? Just because the use of psychedelics has served one or more purposes in your life doesn't mean you can't continue to explore purpose itself. Don't allow your mind to create parameters of exploration in your life. There is ALWAYS more to learn.