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Did you get teased at school?

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I didn't mean to make you feel like I thought you were trying to be "more" teased than anyone, hastey :p I've never experienced racism (blonde, blue-eyed, fair-skinned) so I can't understand what it was like, but by the same token, you haven't experienced being teased for being fat or nerdy. Soo the moral of the story is, I think it's really good that we can all come to this thread and sympathise and feel empathetic, even though our experiences were different.

not a prob haste.
told my story to a few new peeps at yaki last friday, they all seemed interested!
I was the crazy ADHD kid all the way through school... then I met weed and they started calling me a stoner drop-out, which was an improvment on being told I was criminally psycotic:). I think the standard school system just isn't suited for some people.
for real. i was in advanced classes from six grade up but that whole time i was taunted. i had enough brains that i could've easily gotten into any college i saw fit. the whole time my self esteem would decrease and i turned to drugs to bring about the good feelings i never got from others. i was an above average student and i dropped out to spend more time with addiction.
now that i have sobered up i want to go to college but i cant pick and choose because i have a ged. my life suffered not only because of the decisions i made but also because of the decisions others made.

while i am not for kids getting teased,with the complexity of the human psyche it seems to be a part of the theory of natural selection. maybe that is why some teachers or parents dont give a rats ass... they think its part of evolution. i can't come up with another reason why they allow it to go on. some people need to fuck off!
My maiden last name was Mann . I was (am) a girl. You can bet i got some teasing when i was in elementary for it.
When i complained to my brothers about our name when i was older they thought it was interesting because they have always liked their last name.
My last name is Loveall.
Some kids tried to make fun of it, saying "YOU LOVE ALL!"
I never got why that was supposed to be an insult. :\

I got made fun of much worse later on because people
started saying I was anorexic all the time (I was suffering
with eating problems earlier in life, but ironically, not at
the time I was made fun of for being skinny)
Its amazing how kids will grab onto anything for the opportunity to tease someone - even things as silly as making fun of someones name.
Deja- you have a beautiful last name. i would never change it if i had it.
doesn't it seem like, when you're young and getting picked on that you're the only one? that's how i always felt, but i'm sure everyone has a story to tell.

i have always been chubby as long as i can remember. my mom always told me that i was very pretty though and had a great personality and that was much more important than being thin. she always said, "an overweight person can change, someone who is ugly or has a bad personality can't." that made since to me, so i could never understand why kids would make fun of me.

even looking back at old photos, i don't think i was fat at all. i wasn't skinny, but i sure wasn't obese.

so i used to get called fat. boys didn't like me b/c i was fat. they all were my friends, but never wanted to be my bf.

the good thing was that, that was the only thing i really ever got made fun of for when i was younger. i happened to be in the cool crowd and went to the same school from kindergarden until 8th grade and my mom tried her best to buy me clothes that were "cool," even though i know she couldn't afford it. :) (thanks mom)

the summer before high school, we moved 150 miles away from the only home i had ever known. that summer i was very depressed and lost a bunch of weight. when school started all the boys were going crazy over me. something i had never experienced. the girls hated me though b/c i was the new girl getting all the attention. eventually rumors started that i was a slut and a lot of people didn't like me. i kind of was a slut b/c i was very overwhelmed with all the attention from the boys and i didn't handle it in a very lady like manor, but they made me out to be way worse than i was. it took until my junior year to get my reputation under control.

i have always been pretty much my own person and never tried to be anything i wasn't. people have always admired me for being me. even though i am a little off. i feel that i have always had pretty good selfesteem about me on the inside, but i've always wanted to be thin. i tired to starve myself, but i got hungry and couldn't take it anymore. i tried to make myself throw up, but it wouldn't work. i tired dieting, but that didn't work either.

sometimes i just want to accept that i'm overweight b/c that's me and i'm happy. then other times i am miserable and don't even want to look at myself in the mirror and wonder how my bf can even be sexually attracted to me b/c i'm so disgusting. :(

i virtually have no willpower. people say, all you have to do is diet or exercise. it's not that easy. i have had this struggle my entire life and i know it's b/c my mom tells me i'm beautiful and wonderful and i shouldn't care what people say, but then someone says something and then it bothers me.
you know..i get a lot of teasing sometimes for being from the south, and from being from a rural place, etc, but for all of that, i don't remember our high school as having done these things that you all went through

my sister's best friend's brother was in my grade...he was wheelchair bound from elementary school and above and he never got picked on---he had a date for prom....almost everyone did, or the others all went together. no one missed out on pep rallies or dates or whatever, and i knew the supposed misfits of the loners and i was one of the fat kids at one point, etc

i just want to give you all hugs, but also to say that this sort of makes me appreciate the school i went to, and to wish that some stereotypes of what the south is like, and what small towns are like didn't exist, because apparently there are situations that my school did pretty well at ....

*muah* to you all
I never really got teased. Just misunderstood. Many people, especially certain guys, figured I thought I was better than them and everyone else since I kept to myself for the most part. I'd just be walking down the halls, and one of these people would say "You think you're hot shit, huh *******? <-----my last name ;) Apparently, they thought I had a cocky walk and such, which is funny because I was a very studious and reserved kid. And I had a friend that would beat people up if they screwed with me. :) Plus, I think he helped explain to other people how I really was. I guess I got lucky that I had his help, or else I might've taken a bat to some of those pricks.
hehe it would have been nice to have a guardian angel :)
^^^^Yeah, I think he probably helped me out more than I'll ever know. Almost everyone I met in middle school were met through him, so who knows where I'd be right now......probably a monk or something.
Knowing someone and/or being in the right group also makes a difference in school - I've always wondered if my ethnicity would have been such an issue if I was good friends with one or two of the "cool" kids?
self image

It's kind of sick the impact this kind of stuff has on you, even though you look back and realize it was fuckin jr high, some of the most stupid, insecure, and worthless years for everyone.

I used to be really skinny (going into high school 5'10 110lbs) and people in Jr high used to call me the 'walking stick' and other shit like that. I also started wrestling, which they made fun of me for too because I was too small to wrestle according to them (shows how much they know about the sport) and of course its gay to touch other men.

Although I was only 6'0 145 lbs as a Junior in High school, I was one of the best on the wrestling team, 5 percent body fat, 28 inch waist, 45 inch chest, and a bench press at about 300 lbs.

Wish I knew how to post a pic in posts. Maybe I'll put up a wrestling pic of myself if there is any demand.

None the less, fuck those people. To this day it doesnt matter how big I get, because whenever I look in the mirror I always see that small frail kid that I was in jr high. I dont know if I'll ever be happy with the way I look.
Re: self image

Originally posted by trippinspirals
Wish I knew how to post a pic in posts. Maybe I'll put up a wrestling pic of myself if there is any demand.

Click on this link and it will take you directly to the Greenlighter's Guide. The Greenlighter's Guide is basically a "handbook" on Bluelight. It's very useful :)

We allow you to upload attachments to your post in the Life forum, so that is probably your most simple method :)

- |{elle
The Walking Stick



I hope these pics show up. That is the walking stick......I feel better already

Nice try, it's a little tricky - you actually gave us a webpage link instead of a link direct to an image - I've fixed it up for you
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^^ Yeah If you stick up for someone your the shit! Thats a good thing by the way ;)

When I was in jr. high a girl who was older and cool said to me if anyone bothers you tell me I'll take care of them. I of course never took her up, but just her saying that in frount of one of my main tormenters was great. Ill always remember her. I think she od'ed a while back.

I feel you brother.
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