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Did you get teased at school?

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I got teased through grades 1-5. I don't know why, maybe because I didn't participate in any team sports?

I used to ride my moto cross bike during the week ends, so that made me kind of a loner. Then I changed school and things got better. My confidence was non-existing though. Through grades 5-7 I couldn't even be around girls without being embarrassed.

Grades 8-12, things got better, I made more friends since I dumped my childhood friend. He was such a bastard (Met him a couple of months ago, he has regressed while I've grown as a person :) )

I still got confidence issues, maybe due to the fact that I was not accepted when I was young.

Anyways, thank you all in this thread for telling your story. Especially SLM
I too was teased in grades 1-5. I was very skinny and wore glasses. I was also bullied quite a bit until 6th grade. Over the summer I put on like 20 lbs and grew about 2 inches.

Later in my life these experiences actually taught me to believe in and have confidence in myself without the need of external validation.

*Gives SLM a big hug*:)
i never really noticed enough to care until i was in grade two. i changed schools and all of a sudden i was an outsider. id changed schools before but this one was different. here i had no allies. i did the reading alone in the corner thing every day. roald dahl got me through that year, and the next year i went back to my old school.

it got better after that, but it remained a sensitive issue. i even found myself being nasty to people to make myself feel tough or better or that i didn't care. and even now sometimes i have to remind myself that it doesn't matter what people think or say.
I never really got teased in school... not sure why... but by the sounds of this thread, I'm really glad I wasn't :\
i went to a (militaristic) boarding school from about age 9 to age 17.

it was, in so many ways, the worst 8 years of my life. i was mentally abused on a daily basis and physically abused regularly. i sometimes wonder how i ever turned out the way i did.

when i got to college (aged 18 ) i met the people who are my best friends today. it took me some time to realise it it, and it sounds naive on reflection, but the day i learned that i could choose my friends, was a great day indeed.

i had some therapy along the way and that helped. i guess you could say that, also along the way, i learned to love myself.

so, i echo SLM's comments.

it will get better. be yourself - you rock more than you know.


Teased... that's a pretty mild word to use in some of these cases... tormented or tortured would be more like it.

Myself, I was ignored most of the time, and that can be far worse than being picked on. I was an outsider, a weirdo, and was never accepted by the other kids. I was the biggest, or one of the biggest kids in my grade and sometimes the whole school... relatively tall and always overweight. Girls didn't talk to me... NO ONE talked to me... so this created the self esteem issues that still burden me today.

When I wasn't ignored I was pestered by smaller kids with Napoleonic Complexes, and occasioally pushed around by other big kids trying to assert themselves as alpha males. This was another reason why I was always ignored, because I returned their agressive advances with indifference and looked at them like they were stupid. Not to say I never got in a fight, I did... but only when I had no other choice.
Nearly everyone in this thread who got picked on seems to have been one of the 'brainy' ones in school.. do you think there's any link? I mean.. do people get picked on because they do well? Do you remember any really smart people also being cool? Or maybe being more studious meant less practice at social skills?
What do you think?
hijinx said:
Nearly everyone in this thread who got picked on seems to have been one of the 'brainy' ones in school.. do you think there's any link? I mean.. do people get picked on because they do well? Do you remember any really smart people also being cool? Or maybe being more studious meant less practice at social skills?
What do you think?

I think when we were younger there was definitely a link between being smart and being teased. As I said in my too-long post, I often got teased for "being too smart" - it wasn't cool to actually sit down and do work in class, it was cooler to dick around and make everyone laugh. So yeah, the smart kids got teased, and the stupid kids were the class clowns. I guess it was just a big clash of insecurity - the stupid kids were popular because they spent their time trying to avoid schoolwork because they couldn't do it, so they decided to make the people who could do it feel bad by teasing them about it. It's messed up, and I can only imagine that it's been this way for generations and probably will be like this for generations to come.

When I was in my final couple of years, the smart people were cool. Especially the art-smart people - the musicians, the painters, the actors and the writers. There were still the really dorky maths geeks with no social skills, but they didn't really get teased; more melted into the background, I guess. Maybe people realised that these smart people were actually heading swiftly towards "successful" and there was nothing to tease them about anymore. High school teasing was much more pinpointed than "smart kids". High school kids are nasty, they make sure they know exactly what your insecurity is before they start exploiting it.
I got teased at school - I coped the worse, racial torments.

For those not from Australia, let me explain a little word first - Wog. The word "wog" has a colourful history in Australia, which I won't bore you with - its used to describe anyone from an ethnic background derogatively. Ethnic being someone who's not from an Anglo-Saxon background. It can be an isult or a joke depending on who it comes from.

Anyway, I grew up in the heart of Melbourne and anyone who knows the city knows its a very multi-cultural place and racism was not something that I was aware of while I was growing up. When I was 12 my parents moved to a little country town of about 600 people and of course I followed in tow.

Well, I was aware of the term wog, but boy did I learn quickly the full brunt of it when you are in a school and you are the only ethnic person there :(

I spent the next four years of high school being racially taunted and I lost count of the amount of times I was in phsycal fights - usually being ganged up on.

Racism sux full stop - but its so painful whe you are alone :(

Its four years of my life that I'm happy to forget..
I was teased from 3-8th grade, too tall, too skinny, no boobs, too smart, i wore glasses...

I moved cross country just before starting high school.

I became miss poularity, I wore contacts, had a nice body, pretty face, i had so many friends, i was never teased once, I did cheerleading for a bit, volleyball...i can honestly say im one of the few people who LOVED high school.

*hugs to all the above who had such bad experiences* :(
everyone in this thread is awesome regardless of what happened.

that's the best way to get back at those people who treated us like shit. show em up ! :)
that's not necessarily a good thing either

but whatever floats your boat
scared? of little oopszie? hah! ;)

*giggles like a swedish school girl and runs out of the thread*
i was never teased, primarily because i had the mouth to say what was necessary to stop it.

i was a pretty easy target - i was younger than everyone else throughout my schooling, i was (until 16) usually suffering from painful eczema on my face & legs, and i was academically ahead of most of my classmates. looking through this thread it seems like i should, by rights, have been put through the fucking wringer by my classmates.

to those who were bullied (and i agree with web, most of this sounds like proper torture :(), were you self-confident before it began? did you speak out?
I have a friend who was, and still is, the ultimate nerd. He is 6'2", exceptionally skinny, pale, he wears t-shirts with computer-related slogans across them, glasses, he owns every games console that has been released since about 1985 and his bedroom is just geek heaven... but he was never picked one... why? because he had the courage, the wit and the brains to be able to outsmart any bully who decided to attempt to make fun of him, and cut them down like a daisy... :)
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dr seuss said:
were you self-confident before it began? did you speak out?

I never lacked self confidence and always spoke out - hence the many physical scuffles I was involved in.

The part of the bush I was in was not big on discussion ;)
No, I had no self-confidence then and very little now. I'd stick up for myself if I was threatened but that was about it.
haste, i'm sorry you had to endure that pointless drivel. it makes me feel ashamed of my country. what town was it?

having only really lived in the (relatively) cosmopolitan urban centres in aus, i didn't really experience first hand prejudice such as you described. then again, although i've travelled lots inside aus, i'm a regular white male, so i'm not really going to be exposed to the same level of moronic moral ineptitude :(

the worst racially based violence i've ever encountered was a friend being hospitalised by a bunch of teenagers in east london; it was truly awful. and some of the things that happen in south africa are pretty unmentionable. in that company i tend to look back on australia with rose-tinted spectacles, forgetting that there's still a whole lot of small-mindedness out there.
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