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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Television Dexter

Use fucking spoiler-tags!
I'm a bit slow and just figured out that Tom Hanks' brother appears in the series...

Use fucking spoiler-tags!
I'm a bit slow and just figured out that Tom Hanks' brother appears in the series...


Yeah, for the collectively agreed upon worst season of the entire series. He was in season 6 and it was awful.
I was falling asleep towards the end of that last episode, then AAAH!
dude me too LOL.

^^ Deb running a suicide mission and killing Dexter in the process would have been a good way to wrap up the series imo.. I don't know what will top this but I sure hope it's a twisted and exciting ending.

Any ending will be better as long as it doesn't end similar to "The Sopranos" where Dexter is just sitting there and then the screen cuts black... I honestly thought my cable went out and I was about to miss the end, but nope...

Masuka flirting and hittin on the young lady in his lab, only to find out it was his daughter from his sperm donation was fking funny.

One thing I don't have the time to go back and look up, but I thought Dexter already told Deb that their father committed suicide in a previous season?
yeah dude i thought deb knew already too...
Yeah, for the collectively agreed upon worst season of the entire series. He was in season 6 and it was awful.

i'm sorry but i'm pretty sure that season 3 was 1million times worse. DEXTER COGNO I AM MIGUEL PRADO LET ME SUCK YOUR COCK.

ok, guys...does anyone agree with me that dexter is uncharacteristically and creepily like emotionally involved in deb all of a sudden like NEVER before? it's creeping me out. that convo they were having in the car right before she drove it into the lake made me think of that horrible chinese food fantasy she had in like season 6 where it kept weirdly zoomed in on his mouth sucking lomain noodles and flirting with her.
what the fuck is going on.
"we'll always be together deb...she doesn't understand us"
like ew no dexter. please god let that be another one of deb's fantasies.

and really. what the fuck with this entire season being all about deb. i'm sorry, i thought the show was called dexter. i am over her shit. she started straightening her hair again and straight haired deb is an annoying twat. curly deb is at least entertaining.
every single one of his thoughts is about deb now and i can't handle it because for 7 seasons he's a cold guy and now all of a sudden he can't stop worrying and thinking about his sister where like, as the show loves to remind us, 6 months ago he was ditching her chipmunk face for some hot hannah ass and would have pretty much deaded deb totally since she hated hannah if hannah didn't like do that weird poison thing.

really dex? now you care? what the fuck changed? and don't fucking tell me you're in love with deb now too.
if the show ends that way i'm going to like kill jennifer carpenter.

just the fact that every single sentence, plotline, and situation ends up revolving around deb in this season is really starting to drive me up a damn wall.
every single one of his thoughts is about deb now and i can't handle it because for 7 seasons he's a cold guy and now all of a sudden he can't stop worrying and thinking about his sister where like, as the show loves to remind us, 6 months ago he was ditching her chipmunk face for some hot hannah ass and would have pretty much deaded deb totally since she hated hannah if hannah didn't like do that weird poison thing.

really dex? now you care? what the fuck changed? and don't fucking tell me you're in love with deb now too.
if the show ends that way i'm going to like kill jennifer carpenter.

just the fact that every single sentence, plotline, and situation ends up revolving around deb in this season is really starting to drive me up a damn wall.

But she is such a beauty for an orange person....
Yeah the constant Deb shit is definitely annoying me. It's either scenes with deb in them, or dexter on his own thinking about deb repeating the same shit and sounding like an idiot. Not how I wanted to spend the last season of the show... deb crying and wailing telling dexter how much she hates him and him being a complete broken record.
The most recent one tied up some things... Made all that loose stuff more okay, perhaps, in the long run. I don't know. I liked this episode.
Looks like Quinn might be the one to cause a lot of trouble for Dexter going into the rest of the season. I'm glad the whole deb dexter drama bullshit was pretty much resolved this past episode. I was done with that.
The tone of Quinn in the preview didn't seem that bad... But I don't know. And I think although Deb and Dexter made some way, there might be more difficulty. I don't know. How many episodes are projected, I wonder...
I don't think Quinn is actually smart enough to figure out what Dexter is doing but with how sloppy Dexter has been this season maybe that'll give Quinn a chance to catch on.
I don't think Quinn is actually smart enough to figure out what Dexter is doing but with how sloppy Dexter has been this season maybe that'll give Quinn a chance to catch on.

Quinn was already really suspicious of him in past seasons, but dropped looking into Dexter and his ideas about him because of his relationship with deb. So, I don't think it would take much for his interest to get piqued into Dexter again. Plus, with being passed over for the Seargent position, he may feel like he has something to prove to make himself look good.. and bringing down a serial killer who works for the police is a pretty big career booster. :\

Just spitballing here.
That makes sense. He's been kind of not a big deal... Just there. It could make sense to bring his role up a notch in the end. Not that other things wouldn't work but it could happen.
"The water was like 40 percent alprazolam."

Did Deb lose her ability to taste in an episode I missed?

"The water was like 40 percent alprazolam."

Did Deb lose her ability to taste in an episode I missed?


Nobody anywhere in television or movies seems to know the first thing about the drugs they take. I remember the dosages being absurd as well. Also, they used the line "that's 4 times the normal dose!" as if that is supposed to mean anything. What is the "normal dose" of alprazolam, or any drug for that matter? It doesn't exist.

It's a pretty major pet peeve of mine, the inability to do basic research into any of this stuff, and the unintentional spreading of incorrect information that occurs as a result. Don't these people research the drugs they are taking? Isn't there anybody in the writer's room, who has taken Xanax before, and looked at the bottle in order to determine just what dosage they are taking? Does nobody go online to review how the substance they are putting into their body works, and what the potential side effects are?

Sorry for the off topic rant.
^but the writing in Dexter is particularly careless. I literally mean they don't care. Dexter even goes to a dealer's house in season 3 and asks for tar. Anybody who's bought heroin in Miami knows that there is no tar here.

I think that when they know they have a devoted audience, they don't feel much pressure to put out a quality product. Hence the decision to never return the filming to Miami. Or to seemingly cast not a single Cuban actor. Or to put license plates on the fronts and backs of cars.

Other much less popular shows are really anal about the accuracy of details, but most viewers don't care.

Also, I don't think I've ever mentioned this, but even though half the characters on the show are Cuban, not a single Cuban actor has been hired.

Also, Dexter hates the Canes.
Nobody anywhere in television or movies seems to know the first thing about the drugs they take. I remember the dosages being absurd as well. Also, they used the line "that's 4 times the normal dose!" as if that is supposed to mean anything. What is the "normal dose" of alprazolam, or any drug for that matter? It doesn't exist.

It's a pretty major pet peeve of mine, the inability to do basic research into any of this stuff, and the unintentional spreading of incorrect information that occurs as a result. Don't these people research the drugs they are taking? Isn't there anybody in the writer's room, who has taken Xanax before, and looked at the bottle in order to determine just what dosage they are taking? Does nobody go online to review how the substance they are putting into their body works, and what the potential side effects are?

Sorry for the off topic rant.

The worst one I ever saw was in House MD.
Lable for Ambien read....120mg tablets x 30 AND lmao.........take one THREE times a day......Patient name....Dr G. House.

But you won't see anything like that in Breaking Bad, ever.

But back to Dexter, the whole deb thing was necessary, I think she might actually start getting involved in "Harry's code", and that was the reason for those first few painfull episodes.

They are a team now.

But it's just a feeling I get I could be way off, but would put a few dollars on it happening, just for the fuck of it.
Quinn was already really suspicious of him in past seasons, but dropped looking into Dexter and his ideas about him because of his relationship with deb. So, I don't think it would take much for his interest to get piqued into Dexter again. Plus, with being passed over for the Seargent position, he may feel like he has something to prove to make himself look good.. and bringing down a serial killer who works for the police is a pretty big career booster. :\

Just spitballing here.

You're right that Quinn's looking into the kid in order to look better but when he ran into Dexter and was all "playing detective" or whatever he just blew it. Maybe Quinn will come back to his suspicious about Dexter but he didn't this time. Though when he mentioned digging up shit on other officers and made a comment about Dexter knowing "a lot about that" or something I got excited that he may have figured it out.

I really hope this season picks up because so far it sucks. Especially for the final season.
You're right that Quinn's looking into the kid in order to look better but when he ran into Dexter and was all "playing detective" or whatever he just blew it. Maybe Quinn will come back to his suspicious about Dexter but he didn't this time. Though when he mentioned digging up shit on other officers and made a comment about Dexter knowing "a lot about that" or something I got excited that he may have figured it out.

I really hope this season picks up because so far it sucks. Especially for the final season.

I think he's referring to what he knows of Dexter's cover story, that he was a former heroin addict and has his own set of problems.

Plus he is vaguely aware that something is up with Dexter, based on the PI (played by Peter Weller) he hired in a previous season.

And Dexter hates the Canes? If I had known this sooner, I would have boycotted the show.
I think he's referring to what he knows of Dexter's cover story, that he was a former heroin addict and has his own set of problems.

Plus he is vaguely aware that something is up with Dexter, based on the PI (played by Peter Weller) he hired in a previous season.

Oh yeah, I forgot he had done the whole NA thing.