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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Detroit Megathread

i go to redford sometimes. same quality as ypsi so i only go there if my guy is out.
You hit up the West Willow area?
Note: Not that I'm sourcing here, it's just a profoundly known place to buy drugs and everybody knows that.
I lived in PHX and the dope here in MI is waaaay better imo. there is good shit to be found you just gotta know where to look
The dope in Detroit since I quit (and while i was using )was absolute garbage. I used to put four dimes up my nose and not even a tingle. It just stopped you from being sick. I am told that it is like that all over.

It hasn't changed. What butt-hole do the users thank for that.

Lottery ticket wraps. jos comp an six.
C_mc1 is right hvac, there's good dope to be had everywhere...
u just gotta know the right spot/peeps.

I'm constantly hearing about all the good dope y'all got in the D on here.
I lived in Ypsi for quite a while many yrs ago, I found it was the same stuff as here in the D except the price was doubled, same with Ann Arbor.

There is def alot of BS to be bought all over Detroit, like C mc1 said,you just have to know where to go. Ive been using the same guys for the past 8-9 yrs.
I lived in Ypsi for quite a while many yrs ago, I found it was the same stuff as here in the D except the price was doubled, same with Ann Arbor.

There is def alot of BS to be bought all over Detroit, like C mc1 said,you just have to know where to go. Ive been using the same guys for the past 8-9 yrs.

LOL even though I grew up Thug in the city I guess the suburban look just rubbed in permanently. Cause I gotta tell you, me and my guy went to every spot that was rumored to be fire shit, and my guy has a a hard core user and looked it, and the shit was the same from far east all the way to west side.

Even went to Cass hoping for Horse...at first.nada...although my guy took a long tome to come back ....over an hour since I dropped him. He said he had to wait for the Horseman to show. Tried it--no different , just garbage dope.I am wondering if he didn't pull a switch why the Horse came in lottery folds.

I did a clinic and got free. I still am addicted to my hydro though.

Who do you blame for the crap quality.
I don't live in Detroit, but I have some general experience with midwestern dope. I've only grabbed some a few times (and mind you, this was back when I bought and abused opiates, I'm now on 1mg of prescribed suboxone a day, sometimes less, sometimes a little more, but close to fully quitting), but every time I got any I was ripped off.

I went through 4 different dudes in 4 different areas. The very first time, I was offered 2 kinds of H, "raw" and "cut." The cut was mostly what the guy was selling, and I grabbed a quarter gram bag for <snip>, only to find out that it was actually mostly hydrocodone and diphenhydramine. The whole bag gave me very little high, and this was back when I had about a 50-100mg (oral/insufflated) morphine tolerance. I also got to try the "raw" for free, only to find that it had a strange musty kind of smell and taste, and that a 50-75mg line only gave me a very mild buzz. The raw was being sold for <snip> per 250mg.

Then next time I literally got a 25mg rock of "raw" and it cost me <snip>, no fucking joke, and didn't give me a buzz. The second time, I got about a 300mg baggie of decent looking white stuff for either $25 or $30, gave it a sniff and noticed it was almost purely dyphenhydramine. I did half of the 300mg baggie and felt nothing, my girlfriend did the rest and felt nothing either (and she had a lower tolerance than me).

The last time I picked some up, I quickly realized that it wasn't dope at all, but actually a mixture of Opana and lactose. Each bag of this stuff weighed around 400mg and only cost me <snip> if I'd pick up some decent quantity (say 10-20 bags). This was by far the best stuff I managed to get, even though it was mislabeled in a potentially dangerous was and it's terrible to sell imitation product, but this time 1/2 of a bag would have me nodding (this was when I had a high tolerance, and I'd estimate each bag contained 10-20mg of Opana). I picked this stuff up and handful of times, maybe 3 bags of "white cut," which I later found out contained a full Xanax bar per bag, and a several bags of "blue cut" for me and several friends, which I never figured out exactly what the cut was, but it had me and my friends nodding my balls off, so I'm assuming it was a perhaps a blue Xanax and a strong blue anti-histamine of some sort, maybe doxylamine. The funny thing is, the friends I tried the "heroin" with had tried both real boy and oxymorphone, and when I told them that the H was actually Opana, they laughed at me and never believed me, saying that the buzz was much more like heroin and better than Opana.

Point of the story is that dope throughout most of the midwest is very impure, highly cut, and sometimes literally not even dope. Although I was never disappointed by the Opana mixture sold to me, something never felt right about being sold a product called heroin that was actually something else, and something stronger at that. I eventually cut off ties with the dude, and later on with all my suppliers, went to a Suboxone doctor who was a quack, got a decent supply of subs, quit the program, and have been slowly weaning off my own. I hope I get there soon.

EDIT: Sorry about my initial mentioning of prices, I had forgotten about that rule. I was simply trying to explain that quantities of horse that would cost a true "dime" in other cities cost 3-4x that here.
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The dope in Detroit since I quit (and while i was using )was absolute garbage. I used to put four dimes up my nose and not even a tingle. It just stopped you from being sick. I am told that it is like that all over.

It hasn't changed. What butt-hole do the users thank for that.

Lottery ticket wraps. jos comp an six.

Shit, I've been copping on the eastside for the last couple months and it has been nothing but fire, always fat packs too. A nick can stop the leaks and I will get a pretty decent rush and good legs off one. When I was staying in southwest my guy had straight garbage for months, 3 would barely shake the sick off. This is all intravenous btw. The fire is out there, you just gotta know where to get it.
Do you work in a lab? How do you know what was in each and every bag you bought, how many mgs whatever. Do you run tests on everything you bought?
lol... aparently he does.

Now excuse me folks as I gots to go cop 40mg's of shit dope.
40mgs? you got no tolerance at all?

He said it was shit (no surprise if it's Detroit shit dope).

I had to snort four dimes just to get a tingle...but than I could not keep doing that cause if something half way decent came down the pipeline than i would be in a world of hurt.
Good time to quit when that is all you can find.
That's pretty amazing you never IV'd. I started out like that, lasted a few weeks, but when I saw what a $20 pack did to my cousin about 10 times, I had to try it. Then I never looked back. Same happened when I ran into a junkie friend at a dealer's house. Said he had never been booted up before, so I fixed him and he never went back to snorting the stuff. I regret doing it, but eventually someone would have did it for him. At least I showed him how to do it right, and always use a new rig every time, whenever possible, alternate injection sites, you know, just do everything you can to keep yourself clean from disease. Haven't seen him in about 7 months, scares me to think what might have happened to him. Very sad story, we live in a upper middle class suburb of Detroit, good family, college all that. Wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he was living on the street in the Corridor as I type. Anyways... hope you all are being safe. God Bless One Love
^Everyone makes their own decisions though man. I tend to agree with you that he was better off having you actually teach him some HR than have someone else teach him the wrong way.