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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Detroit Megathread

i doubt those facts 4X4

that might be all the powder we get but we have a whole half of our country who gets tar from mexico that i doubt is included in your numbers
Have any of you heard of Jusus Malverde? The shrine of Jusus Malverde in Culican Mexico?

Its really interesting. Google him.
i think we all have...

if you watch any shows like border wars or things like that..if the agents see anything like that in a car or in a house they go to..they know its a dead giveaway as to what owners do cause they pray to that guy for protection in their business

its like all over really, thats why i dont get mexicans...they cant be that dumb to try and smuggle 500pounds of coke in the gas tank, yet have a figure of malverde on their dashboard

i was watching one of those shows and they raided this house of a suspect4ed drug dealers and the guy wasnt home but his wife was and she was denying knowing anything and the cips go "well then whats this shrine for in the bedroom with 100$ bills places around it?" and the look on her face was of pure shock, like she never realized that the gringos know what that mean
EAzy, check this documentary out. Its called Rollin, the decline of the auto industry and rise of the drug economy in Detroit. It has a lot on YBI and a few others like White Boy Rick and Masseriti (sp) Rick. I found it on veehd.

I watched that shit, it was definitely worth watchin. Some real shit said on it to like the boy talkin bout Detroit boys bein' all over seems like that shits pretty true I always wandered bout why the boys from the D seem to go OT to hustle more then pretty much any other city. I knew some people down Huntington WV and it was like everybody I met out there hustlin had came from Detroit. I understand the prices way higher in WV but I always wondered why they skip all the Ohio towns to get to WV where half of em get knocked within a year of bein' there and the other half get knocked on the way down that mufucker.
Cant believe I just got burned for $20. Im taking it pretty good seeing that its been some years since I straight up bought burn bags, thank god it wasnt my last 20. I remember scoring as a kid and got ripped more than a few times. Im a big guy, white guy which helps and its been a long time since Ive had those doe eyes that screamed "EASY MARK". Ive only got one working eye and it doesnt work so well, I couldnt spot the guy if he walked up to my face in the middle of the day tomorrow. I know I wont get my money back but I am gonna complain to the man about how ppl are using his spot after hours to pull rips.

Anyone have any good stories about getting burned, anybody ever get their money back?

This thread has been dead for the past week, come on junkies and junkettes. Lets have some discussion! I dont care what its about, I love a good story so start typing.

How bout some pics of the D. Anybody have any? Ill be picking up about 300 rolls of 35mm B/W film I took in the early 90s that Im having transfered to discs. Im going to try and post a new pic with every post. If you have a thought please let me know, PM or whatever. Im trying to put together a new show of my work. Id love your input. Like I said, this thread has been dead, Im tryin to breath some life into it.


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you do know once this thread hits 1000posts that its gonna close and not get reopened..like there wont be a new thread made to replace it...so i wouldnt suggest just anybody posting random things

i would make sure they count..theres other threads that you can post whatever in
you do know once this thread hits 1000posts that its gonna close and not get reopened..like there wont be a new thread made to replace it...so i wouldnt suggest just anybody posting random things

i would make sure they count..theres other threads that you can post whatever in

Ive noticed that other threads have continued after 1000 posts by just starting a new one, such as Detroit Heroin Thread #2 continued. Why is that a problem? Why should I have to limit my posts? Maybe Im not getting something, please explain.

Out with the old and in with the new. If theres other threads I can post in, don't they have a 1000 post limit also?

I suppose I could just start a new Detroit Heroin Thread #2 when this one hits 900 posts so this one will stay open and we can all say and post what we want on the #2, and then #3, #4 Etc.

Im fairly new here so I dont know all the rules but I don't think we should all be worrying about if our post is good enough because some old posts from as far back as March of 2009 might get erased.

Clue me in if I'm missing something. Like I said, Im new. Ive never dealt with such a huge forum as this one and haven't read all the rules as there seem to be so damn many.

Thanks Shake, for your post belowVVV, that sucks but I get it.
Can we just keep editing an old post over and over like Im doing with this one


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Just remember the US is also the #1 consumer of oxycodone. I wouldn't be surprised if were high up on the list for other pharmacuetical opiates.

So I wonder where that puts us if we factor in that with heroin consumption, Anyone?
im curious what is a pack in detroit. in chicago a pack or a jab consists of 12-14 bags, the bags weighin anywhere from .1-.3.
So your telling me you could get a jab that has 14 .3 bags? Or 12 .1 bags? That's quite a difference.
^^^for the most part yeah thats true..it all depends on your connect

Im fairly new here so I dont know all the rules but I don't think we should all be worrying about if our post is good enough because some old posts from as far back as March of 2009 might get erased.

Clue me in if I'm missing something. Like I said, Im new. Ive never dealt with such a huge forum as this one and haven't read all the rules as there seem to be so damn many.

the rules arent hard and even if they were thats why we have the rules page stickied at the top on each forum..you should try reading it sometime
How bad are citric acids on the veins? I guess that could be a stupid question cause my own assumption is that they are very bad, but then again I've been wrong many times that I've assumed something hahahaha!

they aren't bad for occasional use
Just remember the US is also the #1 consumer of oxycodone. I wouldn't be surprised if were high up on the list for other pharmacuetical opiates.

So I wonder where that puts us if we factor in that with heroin consumption, Anyone?

I think the US is high on the list of Methadone,Morphine,Hydocodone,Diluadid,Fentanyl,etc..lol..We like our opiates here in the US whether it's pills or powders..lol..I know we have a lower amount of heroin consumed than other parts of the world, like Russia get about 50% I think of all that Afghni heroin,and they produce like 90% or around that of the world's opium/heroin,maybe slighlty less than 90%, but 80%+ anyway...lotta heroin addcits in Iran, Afghanistan,Pakistan, SEA, Europe..
I UA'd posts and handed out infractions. No sourcing.

Jamesjay cut the shit dude. You don't seem like a total douche.

Edit- More BS in here. No sourcing. That's it. It was the same with Shake and Delsyd as it is now. You don't like the rule then don't post here. Stop ruining shit for the people who actually use these threads.
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jamesjay needs to be banned all he here is to score or sell drugs..i mean look at all his posts here not to mention he made 51posts in the span on an hour or 2 the day he signed up which was like 3 days ago and then hasnt made a single post since then..

he thought he was slick cause he went from forum to forum making 2 or 3 posts in each all about 1 or 2 mins apart until he hit his 50 posts but i still saw it...mods need to adjust his posts to breing him back down cause its all spam

if i was from detroit i would avoid him...
Hey guys. I'm still clean... 95 days. I've been reading Keith Richards book "Life" and while the Stones were recording "Exile on Main Street" in France, he was getting pure heroin. His dealer showed him how to cut it, 9.7 grams cut, .3 grams heroin. That would mean it was 3% pure. Keith Richards said at that cut, it was still out of this world. You wouldn't expect anything less from a rock and roll superstar, right? I can only imagine the purity sold on the streets of Detroit. I think this should be some decent input to the Purity of Heroin debate going on in this Thread. Everyone be safe out there..Remember, before you get high... STERILIZE! God Bless, we are all God's Precious Children.
Any type of pure heroin cut to 3% purity is gonna be complete fucking garbage!
Originally Posted by Never_Sober View Post
How bad are citric acids on the veins? I guess that could be a stupid question cause my own assumption is that they are very bad, but then again I've been wrong many times that I've assumed something hahahaha!

I'm from Detroit but have lived in the UK for years. We have to add citric acid to the gear here. Occassional use is not something most users experience. Citric, destroys your veins. Powdered VIT C is a little better but there both bad in the end