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Describe your cannabis usage (or How often do you smoke cannabis?)

How often do you smoke cannabis?

  • Never

    Votes: 20 1.9%
  • A few times during the year

    Votes: 41 3.9%
  • A few times during the month

    Votes: 131 12.5%
  • A few times during the week

    Votes: 242 23.2%
  • One or two times during the day

    Votes: 266 25.5%
  • Many times during the day

    Votes: 344 33.0%

  • Total voters
I voted ~ never ~ but I eat it most days ;) :D
My pot smoking now is nothing like it use to be. When I started smoking, I'd smoke maybe a gram or so a day, and on the weekends smoke an eighth a day. I smoked for the sole purpose of getting really messed up.

I couldn't keep up that life style due to financial reason; I was pretty much living from paycheck to paycheck buying weed. Not to mention, I felt like a complete burn-out. So I decided to call it quits.

I went 9 months without smoking weed, and didn't really plan on ever smoking again. Eventually I realized that I didn't have to quit smoking weed, I just had to be responsible about it.

Anyhow, I'm strictly a midnight-toker 2-3 times a month now. I'll light a bowl when I just want to chill, watch a movie or listen to music, and head to bed. I'm enjoying it quite a bit, and an eighth ounce of good bud lasts me months now, compared to one day over the weekend. I actually have cash in my bank account now too!
Having been back on it 3 months now, I'm back up to being a daily smoker. I'm frugal, so I only do one big hit a day. Sometimes on more than once over the course of a day. Goes great with a big strong cup o' joe.
I'm more of an evening smoker. Usually a few hours before I plan on going to sleep I take out a nice sized bowl then lay on my bed and sink into the bed. Ahhh, love it.
Used to smoke daily, now thanks to probation i only smoke the hour following every drug test.
I smoke about 1.5 to 2 grams a day through my nice little 500ml ice tea bong( which still has a little bit of the tea flavour in it which is narce), i cant get enough of it, its just the best feeling lying in bed with a Phat mix and something sweet on the t.v.=D
If I've got enough then i'll go through about 1.5g/2g a day. When im at university i tend to smoke all day, everyday.

If i dont have enough, i'll just save a joint for the evening/bed.
phactor said:
Man I have been hitting my hitter like its a crackpipe lately. Gotta cut down

Man how times change, now I only smoke like 1 to 3 hits off of a small hitter once a day. I can't smoke all day or large amounts. I don't like getting all ripped. I just made an eigth last 2 and a half weeks.
Lately I've been smoking about 1 joint a day but that's more than usual for me
Used to be relatively constant, 1-2g/day. Now I've cut back quite a bit, and smoke two or three days out of the week, maybe an eight's worth in a week.
lately i have been doing it more. like 5 times a week. im prolly gonna only do it on weekends so i dont end up like some dumb fuck burnout.
My usage is quite hard to moniter as i'm part of a friend group who shares whatever they can everyday, but on average between 10-15 of us a night we will buy anything from a 1/4 to a 1/2 an ounce. to myself i probably smoke 1-2g daily.
Used to smoke once a week/Every few weeks and it was a great thing to look forward to.

Fast forward to now and its every day lol, there are benefits...but negatives too.
I smoke whenever I can get away with it, which is having no one at the house for a while and having nothing to do that day. I can also do it if I go over to a friend's house, but the the same rules have to apply too. So it works out to a few times a month, not usually spaced out.

I'm suprised by how much some of you guys smoke, don't you ever get tired of it? How much money does it cost to support your smoking needs?