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Delta 8 THC Megathread

@Bagseed is correct.

Cannabinoids are generally extracted from the female plant. These cannabinoids (such as CBD) can then be used to synthesize other cannabinoids such as delta 8. Delta 8 does occur in small amounts in the female plant however not enough to make it worth an extraction.
Also, the process for making delta 8 includes removing delta 9, meaning that CBD can synthesize both of those cannabinoids rather efficiently and easily.
Does delta 8 actually get you high though? I’ve smoked CBD both the liquid and flower and even though I know people that have sworn up and down it gets them high I’ve never had any kind of intoxicating effect from it. I’m more curious then anything I plan to get my medical card, as well as personal growing license soon, and even though I’ll most likely never attempt to extract delta 8 myself I just like to know things like this about anything I plan to do.
When I do not have actual bud it gets me high. So yeah to this. lol
If I have bud i do not notice any effects from the delta 8? weird but here i am. lol
Hm ok I might have to give it a try. I’m weird with how I smoke, when I do smoke I prefer wax, and I take just a hit or two off a pen or a decent dab and I’m GOOD for a while lol. For some reason actual buds get me so high where I shift my breathing gear to manual, and can’t hardly function lol 😂 😅 you’d think it’d be the other way around since wax is more potent but it’s not for some reason. Even if I just rip a blunt a few times or take a few pulls off a blunt I’m gone.
Delta 8 is similar to Delta 9 THC, however it is noticeably weaker in terms of effects: Euphoria, body sensations etc but it has been found to stimulate appetite.
It also has lesser side effects that some people experience when they have either too much THC or are just sensitive to it in general such as : Anxiety, Paranoia, reduced motor skills
It also has lesser side effects that some people experience when they have either too much THC or are just sensitive to it in general such as : Anxiety, Paranoia, reduced motor skills
Damn the anxiety part actually makes it sound A LOT more appealing to me being that I’ve had a panic attack the last time I sat down and tried to smoke a blunt to myself like I used to do constantly back in high school. I might have to give it a go depending on how much it costs. Do you know if it’ll show up positive on a piss tear for marijuana?
people underestimate just how strong weed is now, you cant have time out of smoking then sit down and smoke a blunt or a joint on your own anymore its just too much lol

the other week there i made a hash joint from weeks of scraping my vapes out and it blew my head off i really should have shared it with a friend
If you just want a straight answer, no, D8 is not like CBD. It's THC and will get you quite high. It is a bit different from regular THC though. It's not as psychedelic and in my opinion, isn't as fun. but it's a good option if you're in a state that hasn't legalized weed yet because D8 is legal almost everywhere. you can generally find it in smoke shops and gas stations.
people underestimate just how strong weed is now, you cant have time out of smoking then sit down and smoke a blunt or a joint on your own anymore its just too much lol

the other week there i made a hash joint from weeks of scraping my vapes out and it blew my head off i really should have shared it with a friend

yeah, this is completely true. I was in Portugal for a few months. The weed we where getting there was insane. My BF and I would roll joints cut 50/50 or more with chamomile (which is actually quite nice) and then share one between the two of us. One day we where supposed to get shrooms but it didn't work out so we decided to role a 100% joint. it was nice while we where smoking it but about five minutes later... well... the best I can describe what happened to my brain is, time fucking stopped. You ever see a corrupted video file where the image freezes and then like, morphs and distorts into the next image? yeah, it was like that. Reality fell apart that day
I've noticed recently that I become very short tempered and have a general sense of frustration for a few days after using D8. Has anyone else noticed anything like this?
how much are you consuming and how long for

I get 3.5 grams of D8 flower (D8 sprayed on hemp flower) about once every other week and I'll smoke through it in a weekend. Just bought some yesterday and smoke 3 bowls. Today i've been more irritable than when I go without cigarettes'.
thats not overly excessive but its good if you question your usage and the effects you think it may be having on you now, rather than 3 months down the line and you was oblivious and buying OZ's of D8 Weed to smoke to yourself.
It is known that it can be addictive, afterall you are solo consuming 1 particular cannabinoid that induces feelings of euphoria and calmness.

Perhaps you are chasing the real high? you want to smoke pure thc bud but due to legal reasons cannot, remember you cannot compromise on quality with quantity. It might be okay to partake in some consumption of D8 for minor pleasure but you cannot spam it in place of normal weed if you catch my drift. Maybe there is something else you can do to fill the void? or perhaps enjoy it with a friend (who already smokes D8 ) ? smoke half as much then