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Opioids Defeating the new OC time release

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I put a OP 40 in a shot glass with lemon juice, ( FRESHLY SQUEEZED) and some clear vinegar.

I let it sit over night and HELD MY NOSE and shot it down my gullet.

Short version

Does anyone have any information about the equivalent of OPs having arrived to Canada, or has any Canadian recently picked some up from the pharmacy and if so, were they the OP style version? The quoted poster suggests that the new OPs have indeed come to Canada, but his post isn't very clear.


I'm confused by the quoted post. Are you saying the Canadian OCs have been changed to American-style OPs? Can someone else confirm this? If so, what is the new imprint on them (if the American ones are now OP, and Canadian ones are or used to be CDN, what do the imprints say now)?

Also I see you're talking about hydrocodone with a 'hard ball'; hydrocodone is a completely different drug, which doesn't come in 40mg as far as I know (unless that's the total amount of drug he received)? Also hydrocodone in Canada in tablet form I believe comes with APAP (Hycodan); alternatively it comes in syrup form. Are you talking about the hydromorph-contins maybe?

Please post more info, or can anyone else comment. it would be appreciated, I don't want to waste my money on a Canadian version of "OPs"

Good news guys, a friend who has chronic pain picked up his script yesterday (in Ontario), and they're the old type of OC. No american style OPs yet (well, at least not at that pharmacy)!
My apologies if I am posting information that has already been shared but I have, thus far, not seen anyone post this info-so here goes...

I usually take my oxy orally-so that's what my research and experiments have thus far focused on. As a side note, I've found that using empty RX bottles work great for trying to dissolve/extract Oxy. They don't leak, they hold just a small amount of fluid and they are large enough to get inside and manipulate things if you need to and I can carry them in my purse so they get swished around some naturally without my having to stir them as much. Here are my observations/results thus far:

A) Put one intact pill in an empty pill bottle. Put two original alka-seltzer in bottle, add 1-2 ounces of water. (about one inch so that it won't bubble over) Wait for the fizz-fizz to die down and they put the top on the pill bottle. Stir every so often (I used a metal nail file and/or a wooden kabob skewer to stir) when the pill gets soft enough (after a few hours) I gently stab it with the skewer/file and split it into a few pieces. Stir again and replace cap. Wait 12 hours and drink entire mixture.

B) Repeat A except use Coca-Cola.

C) Use same procedure except use Coca-cola for the FIRST six hours and then ADD Original Alka-Seltzer and a pinch of baking soda for the last six hours. This most closely mimics what happens in the body. {First the pill goes into the stomach which has a low pH (acidic) and the the pill goes into the intestines which have a higher pH (more basic).

D) Allow the pill, intact, to soak in water for 18 hours. Break apart as soon as it is soft enough to do so easily with the nail file. Shake/stir every so often. (what has been most interesting to me about this is that the water remains fairly clear-as if not much is happening even though someone said in the FDA debriefing that has been posted that all the active ingredients would have to be released after 18 hours since it is a 12 hour medicine)

E) Repeat D except after about six hours add two more ounces of Coca-Cola.

So far, the method that has appeared to work best is C. Where I soaked the pill in Coca-Cola for six hours and then in Alka-Seltzer/baking soda for six hours. I figured the Alka-Seltzer alone was not enough to bring the pH down to where I wanted it. I would think (and I'm going to try) that any antacid would work. So, first I start with an acid and then after six hours I bring the solution down to a base. I'm not sure about other acid's/bases but I would guess they might have the same reaction. It could be that the bubbles in Coca-cola help things along-they sure do allow the pill to float which it does not in plain water. Also, Coca-cola has phosphoric acid in it and small amounts of citric acid.

So, I'm going to try to keep experimenting with various food grade acids and bases and if I find anything better then I'll post it. In the meantime, has anyone else tried something similar to this? If so, what were your results?

And, I'm curious if anyone tried to let it sit in plain water? When I drank the solution of just the OxyContin pill and plain water I did not notice ANYTHING! I didn't get sick so it must have done something but I'm guessing that it was a very little released immediately and the rest was the time control release as normal. The water did not taste bitter-nor did the pill. The water was almost totally clear. I'm not sure if soaking it for 18 hours in water does release the medication.

Here's a bit of irony-for the 'drug abuse analyst' who we now know read these boards-I RARELY 'abused' the old version of OxyContin OC's. I really need them to last all day for pain and so the only time I would chew them up was occasionally in the morning when I was in too much pain to get out of bed and get ready for the day-then I would chew them up and wait 15 minutes so that the pain relief would start to kick in and I could function. Now, it takes SO long for them to start working that I am FORCED to find a way to 'abuse' them so that I can function in the morning. They do NOT last for 12 hours-at least not for me, they never did. So by the time I wake up in the morning I am in severe pain-this is usually what wakes me up.

So, good job there guys. You drove someone who did not abuse the med to abuse it!

And for the record I want to say that, I think anyone should be able to take anything they want to so long as it isn't hurting anyone else. We're adults. Your not our mama, Uncle Sam, stop trying to be. If we wanna abuse drugs and we're not hurting anyone else and we're productive people who aren't paying for our drugs with welfare money then I think you should leave us alone. That's coming from someone who doesn't 'abuse' their medication but I still believe everyone should be able to do whatever the he!! they want to--so long as they hurt no one else. Sorry to get off tract but I'm sick of this.

And many thanks to those out there who are posting their own experience and knowledge-thanks for taking the time to share. I don't post much but I felt it was my obligation to do so. I've been helped so much from Bluelight and when I have something to give back I will.

Here, here to us all finding our bliss.
Complete newbie but signed up to share my experiments with the dreaded OPs:

OPs dissolve in plain old tap water. Takes 2-5 days, but it works perfectly.

Been following this thread with interest because I too now am stuck with a script for Ops. But you guys are going to a lot of trouble when the Ops just dissolve in ORDINARY tap water in 2-5 days. COMPLETELY dissolve. I’m not sure about the exact time span because I didn’t think it would work after reading about all the tricks here. I mean someone had to have tried plain water, I thought. If it worked, they would have posted it. Guess not.

Anyway, after a couple days, the OP is kind of a mothball-sized rubbery mass. Didn’t try it, but I bet you could pop that in your mouth and chew it up.

I forgot about the mixture for a few days because I didn't think it would work. When I looked again, it had completely dissolved. The liquid (about 4-5 TBS) was a colloid, i.e., a kind of viscous clear fluid like a syrup. Definitely ALL time release has been defeated. Hits as fast as an IR mallenkrdot if not faster.

Haven’t tried evap to see what’s there after the water’s gone, but I bet it will just turn back into rubber. Also IV would seem to be a no-no because you would be slamming god-knows-what kind of plastic syrup.

Yeah, you have to plan ahead, but it works. I’m doing some doses now in shot glasses.

The taste? About what you would expect. Bitter. Slimey. But palatable. Not like xanax or seconal ….. yuck.

I bet if you added just a TINY bit of abscorbic acid (vitamin c) or vinegar, you would speed up the process. Probably not even enough to taste. Just enough to make the mixture slightly acidic, mimicking your stomach acid.

Hope this helps.
Wouldn't a whole lot of bacteria grow on that mixture over the course of 2-5 DAYS?

I tried the hot cola trick and sweet jesus was that disgusting. Like swallowing warm flat coke filled with extra-gelatinous egg-whites. I would swallow the coke and the gelatinous mess would stay behind in my mouth for some reason, getting caught on my tongue ring. Then when it was finally all gone, I was left with a ring of cold (and please forgive me, but the comparison asserts itself aggressively) jizz-like substance around the inside bottom of the glass, which I suppose I was expected to ingest somehow. I tried a little on my finger, but it was flavorless, so I assumed I had consumed all the oxy and rinsed that foul stuff down the sink.
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Complete newbie but signed up to share my experiments with the dreaded OPs:

OPs dissolve in plain old tap water. Takes 2-5 days, but it works perfectly.

Been following this thread with interest because I too now am stuck with a script for Ops. But you guys are going to a lot of trouble when the Ops just dissolve in ORDINARY tap water in 2-5 days. COMPLETELY dissolve. I’m not sure about the exact time span because I didn’t think it would work after reading about all the tricks here. I mean someone had to have tried plain water, I thought. If it worked, they would have posted it. Guess not.

Anyway, after a couple days, the OP is kind of a mothball-sized rubbery mass. Didn’t try it, but I bet you could pop that in your mouth and chew it up.

I forgot about the mixture for a few days because I didn't think it would work. When I looked again, it had completely dissolved. The liquid (about 4-5 TBS) was a colloid, i.e., a kind of viscous clear fluid like a syrup. Definitely ALL time release has been defeated. Hits as fast as an IR mallenkrdot if not faster.

Haven’t tried evap to see what’s there after the water’s gone, but I bet it will just turn back into rubber. Also IV would seem to be a no-no because you would be slamming god-knows-what kind of plastic syrup.

Yeah, you have to plan ahead, but it works. I’m doing some doses now in shot glasses.

The taste? About what you would expect. Bitter. Slimey. But palatable. Not like xanax or seconal ….. yuck.

I bet if you added just a TINY bit of abscorbic acid (vitamin c) or vinegar, you would speed up the process. Probably not even enough to taste. Just enough to make the mixture slightly acidic, mimicking your stomach acid.

Hope this helps.

This information was posted a week or two ago in the thread started by Jaystyles. He also managed to come up with the "greyed" out solvents from the FDA/Purdue Docs. These were posted within the last week, but I think the threads yo to near 40 pages, so it may take a little reading to find. ~ Oxy
I got lucky as fuck. The Walgreens that I got the old OC's (generics from Apotex) from last month said that they are now on long-term back order, all they had were the Purdue's..in the 20mg strength. SO, I asked her what other strengths she has in stock generically, she told me she has 1 bottle of 40's left. I called my doctor and explained the situation and that I had to double up on my roxi's because for 7 days I have had NO extended release meds. I refuse to take that plastic crap, it messed me up that one month that I had those. They re-wrote my script for 90 40mg OC's. So I have been almost pain free for the last few days, as well as FLOATING on Cloud 9 =D. The 40's were put out as Ethex.
>>>>>>>>This information was posted a week
>>>>>>>>or two ago in the thread started by Jaystyles.

Well, my apologies to Jaystyles. I thought I had read every message here so I wouldn't double post. Rats.

Anyway, to the person afraid of germs, cover the glass in plastic wrap or put a playing card on top of it. Tap water has chlorine in it, so it should be reasonably dead when you get it from the tap.

Personally, I think even uncovered that bacteria is a nonissue. You grab a plate out of the dish closest, and heap food on it, and then eat off it. No concern there, with the exact same sanitation conditions. I suppose if you live next door to a garbage dump and flies are everywhere, or you have little kids running around loogeying and sneezing in every glass they see. But this was in a top shelf in a closet with the door shut.

I don’t have an AMA article to back me up, but I would bet a bucket of old-style OCs that it’s a hell of a lot more dangerous eating those DISGUSTING samples in Costco served by people who look like they can’t spell their names, let alone know anything about foodborne disease contagion.

Scraping a big booger out of their noses in between serving you samples of Uncle Josef’s Crispy sausages deep fried in batter. It makes me want to heave watching people line up to eat those samples. Like dogs tipping over garbage cans to get at the meat scraps. Just thinking about it makes me gag.
Using a dremmel power tool to grind pill into fine dust/powder & microwaving it untill turns golden brown & is melted slightly & freezing in freezer for 10 minutes ..then re-chopping it up with razor blade works great & snorts with no problems !!!!!!! Ive done it atleast 30 times now !! Again it works great !! Does not clog your nose & the high is almost the same as the old oxy's not quite as strong ....but pretty damn good !!
If you are using the pop/cola soaking method (like for 12 hours or more), is it better to crush the pill or leave it whole?
Using a dremmel power tool to grind pill into fine dust/powder & microwaving it untill turns golden brown & is melted slightly & freezing in freezer for 10 minutes ..then re-chopping it up with razor blade works great & snorts with no problems !!!!!!! Ive done it atleast 30 times now !! Again it works great !! Does not clog your nose & the high is almost the same as the old oxy's not quite as strong ....but pretty damn good !!

Where do you get a dremmel power tool? i'm by no means a chemist, so all the acidic methods are a no-go for me.. This seems like a easy approach to me, and you say it's continued to work thirty times now?
Where do you get a dremmel power tool? i'm by no means a chemist, so all the acidic methods are a no-go for me.. This seems like a easy approach to me, and you say it's continued to work thirty times now?


Something like this? not too sure if this oscillating tool is what you're referring to, as i'm not wanting to spend 100$ on a tool that's not correct.
Where do you get a dremmel power tool? i'm by no means a chemist, so all the acidic methods are a no-go for me.. This seems like a easy approach to me, and you say it's continued to work thirty times now?

I personally wouldn't bother with a dremmel....it only takes a couple minutes to grind em down with fine mesh drain strainer and you can get those practically anywhere.

the plastic denatures at a temperature lower than that of oxcodone

shred the pill
heat the pill, 280 degrees for 3-5min
it will now dissolve and not gel/
The "Epson Salt Process" does not work. I repeat, the epson salt process DOES NOT WORK!! Do not waste your time OR your meds!! There's a lot of false information being passed around that will ruin your medication. Presumably by idiots who are only out to do just that.
There is a lemon juice process that works well, but you'll have to look that one up for yourself. I hope all of you realize that you can be tracked by your IP address and while you may think you're posting anonymously, the DEA, FBI and other govt agencies regularlly monitor sites like this. And since Obama recently passed a bill making it even easier to track you goings on while your online, I'd be real careful about what you post online. If anything, only post from a free wi-fi connection (ie: Starbucks, library, etc.) or use somebody elses connection, preferably not a friend or family member. I've been online all night reading all the posts from at least a dozen different sites, of people and their ways of defeating their medication. This is a class II drug meaning it's tracked by the FBI and the DEA. STOP BEING SO NAIVE PEOPLE!! It's idiot postings like this one which made the original oxys now obsolete.
Please be careful and know that what you say online is extremely easy for law enforcement to track.
Now....think LEMONADE and have a happy day! %)
CHEAP Dremmel - $7.99

Where do you get a dremmel power tool? i'm by no means a chemist, so all the acidic methods are a no-go for me.. This seems like a easy approach to me, and you say it's continued to work thirty times now?

A dremmel type tool works THE BEST IMO. You get the consistency of baby powder. Do it in a medium sized bowl, holding the pill with needle nosed pliers. (I used a Pyrex bowl.)

This is the one I use. It's on sale right now for $7.99. I paid $4.99 @ Walmart a couple x-mas' ago. Actually bought four of 'em. Never thought I'd be using it to break down a pill. :)

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The "Epson Salt Process" does not work. I repeat, the epson salt process DOES NOT WORK!! Do not waste your time OR your meds!! There's a lot of false information being passed around that will ruin your medication. Presumably by idiots who are only out to do just that.
There is a lemon juice process that works well, but you'll have to look that one up for yourself. I hope all of you realize that you can be tracked by your IP address and while you may think you're posting anonymously, the DEA, FBI and other govt agencies regularlly monitor sites like this. And since Obama recently passed a bill making it even easier to track you goings on while your online, I'd be real careful about what you post online. If anything, only post from a free wi-fi connection (ie: Starbucks, library, etc.) or use somebody elses connection, preferably not a friend or family member. I've been online all night reading all the posts from at least a dozen different sites, of people and their ways of defeating their medication. This is a class II drug meaning it's tracked by the FBI and the DEA. STOP BEING SO NAIVE PEOPLE!! It's idiot postings like this one which made the original oxys now obsolete.
Please be careful and know that what you say online is extremely easy for law enforcement to track.
Now....think LEMONADE and have a happy day! %)

This is OT here, but I just want to briefly address your assertions: first of all, I assume that most people posting here are tech-savvy enough to know how to protect themselves online. Second of all, just because someone goes onto an internet forum and SAYS they tried method XYZ and yay, it worked! or dang, ir failed! is in no way proof that ANYONE did ANYTHING illegal. People lie all the time, online and off. For all we know, the guy who posted the microwave method is actually a bored expat housewife posting out of Prague, who has never so much as seen an Oxycontin pill in her life.

Now, surely there is a more appropriate thread around here, wherein we can discuss the ins-and-outs of legality re: posting online about washing one's oxy down with gummi candy (scandalous!) and what protections we are afforded re: anonymity by the owners of this site. I'd love to be pointed in the right direction.
The difference is that it's harder to crush up--the same amount of force still crushes the pill, but leaves lots of "chunks" where previously you'd have a powder. The answer inevitably will be more force/some clever way to crush it.

This won't stop the desire to take these pills via non-oral routes so all I can imagine this will do is cause more health complications.

these dont crush up with normal force i took a hammer to a 10 mg and all it did was kind of flaten it out a lil
America has found another way to get rid of its garbage and plastic feed it to people who are already sick or in pain like I am I shit out these new pills whole or had one with HOT tea and thought I was OD ing
can you take the liquefy plastic let it harden when dry and gum it? is there still meds in the plastic?
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