CRaCkHeaD rOLL cALL...the sketchiest/stupidest things you've ever said..


Dec 19, 1999
What's the dumbest things you've said while fuct on mind-expanding chemicals or recovering from them the next day that made you really sound like a complete crackhead??
Here's some of mine:
1. When sitting on a couch at a party, turning to my also sketchy friend and saying: "Are they part of OUR world or are they in the OTHER world?"

2. "Moving is...I don't"
3. "My thoughts...are like...drifting clouds. They come, they're here...and then they...GO." (you have to add in the hand gestures here)
4. "I know why they call it a trip!! Because it's like...a TRIP...from the OTHER world to this one!!"
5. "Guys...check this shit out...I'm seeing YODA!!!"
6. While sitting down at a rave with my also very fuct friend, looking at all the people there and saying: "I feel like I've come HOME. And these are MY people. It's like this is what I was made for. I wanna be here forever and ever and ever."
7. "It's like being in a room where things make sense, to suddenly walking to a room where things don't make sense. And you just kinda walk from room to room. Or maybe you're just always in the room that doesn't make sense, looking over at the room that DOES make sense, but it's so far away and you can't get there."
8. "Druuuuuugs are gooooooood!!!"
9. Add this post to bluelight when I'm reeeaaallly sketchy and 8-up and stoned.

Talking about how firemen are inherently hot:
"Firemen should be, like....the LAW!"
Talking about life goals:
"I would be such a good rich person"
To a complete stranger on the street:
"I believe in you"
Every 5 mins. everytime I get fucked up:
In reference to driving while tripping:
Whilst sitting in a room really tripping balls:
"Why does the room keep changing shapes?!"
While telling a story:
"Once upon a moon, many colors ago..."
well, i have said MANY incredibly stupid things while rolling. most of which motorcity can attest too. i was too fucked up to remember almost all of them, but a few do come to mind...
1)the classic..."what?"/"huh?"/"DUDE!, what are you talking about?"
2)was rolling in an outdoor hot-tub at a ski lodge last month and all of a sudden out came..."i was stirring the sour cream!" and i even had the stirring hand motion to go with it!
3)not too long after stirring the sour cream in the hot-tub i told a buddy "i'll meet you by the black diamond dude!" to which i had another poiting hand motion to go with it!
4)this one isn't my stupidity, it's motorcity's, but i just have to tell it...while coming back from a party he yells "DUDE! there's a boat in the road!...oh never mind"
The first time I rolled my friends and I pulled up to one of our houses and another friend's car was parked across the street and I yell..."Jaim!! Who the hell is in the back seat of your car??" And all my friends were like, "What?" And I said "Don't you see them?? Those 2 guys?? Is that Norm and CJ?" Of course there is no one in the car and I am just retarded...The next time I rolled I was sitting the back of the car, looking in the rear-view mirror and I started screaming "OH MY GOD! What happened to my eyelashes??? I don't have eye lashes!! My mom always said I have such nice, thick, long eyelashes!! Where did they go? Touch them for me!! Make sure they are there! Oh God! What happened to my eyelashes!!??" My friends still make fun of me for that one....Silly me!
Have fun and be careful!
there are many to list here but tha funniest are-
tha morning (afternoon) after a rave, i wake up, and my mom goes "wow, you've slept for so long. you still sleepy?"
and i go "no i dont wanna eat anything"
trust me, it sounds so funny in my native language
Uhh, I really can't remember anything specific that I've said.
But, when I'm all cracked out after a roll, I don't make sense when I talk. I can be listening to someone talk and not have a clue what they're saying, OR I'll be talking and in midsentence, change the subject:
"Yeah, so I remember dancing last night and...(loses train of thought)...the t'shirt started to fade into the background of the lights...wait, what was I saying??"
Duh! Crackhead!!
The One
Here are just a couple I've heard/said....
"Wow.... I feel like I've just been slapped with stupid"
"I think I'm dead" (k-hole)
"God WANTS me to take e"
I never take advice from someone more fucked up then I am.
"Did I just say that?" (To check if I said it or just thought it)
"Are we INSIDE the zebra now?"
(pointing at the window of another house where a family celebrated new years eve) "It's new years THERE... not here. Damn, we don't even have TIME here!"
"You HAVE to go to the bathroom... it's SO cool in there."
(listening to music) "Damn, I LOVE this track... I WISH I could hear it some time."
(after tripping over a cable and falling on the ground) "Hey... I think we didn't fall.. They just rotated the universe 90 degrees"
(looking at a beeper) "What kind of digit is THIS? I've never seen that before..."
(my friend Remko on MDMA, spotting a butterfly in the garden) "Look... a butterfly.... he must die!" (unexplained till now)
(my friend Pijke on mushrooms after talking to his father) "My father's TRIPPING!"
"This is what it would feel like to live in 1800."
[email protected]
This seems to happen more when I am tripping than when i'm rolling but I'll be in the middle of doing something and i'll have a scene play in my head and it's like i am doing THAT and i'll say something that goes along with what's in my head. And then it's like *blink* "What did I just say?" And my boyfriend just laughs. For instance, my man and I were having an intimate moment
and I had this scene play in my head that we were walking in the grocery store and I blurted out at a VERY wrong time "Do you want Cherry or Strawberry Poptarts?" He still makes fun of me to this day. But he does it too now, I think it's contagious. Anyone experience this? Pretty funny stuff.
~Tara Luv~ <3
I remember this soooooooo clearly because all my friends say it now.. but when i was really drunk one time, i was trying to say i need a cup of sober the fuck up, and i kept say "Cober, nah... i need to cober.. Cober.. nah, i need to cober the suck up." and then i just kept trying to make it come out of my mouth right,.... maybe its funnier if you were there but it was like a HUGE struggle in my head and i never got it right that night. now i am just like what? oh yeah.. thats cool.. what? yeahhhhhhhhh.. thats cool.. a vicious cycle of i dunno whats goin on here..
plur to you all, thanks for the smiles
"this is my own secret world, i like my world the best!!"
(while watchin a movie with a friend while rolling and smoking....i had my eyes closed the whole time...they asked what i was doing and i said)
"i like my movies better"
"i feel like i'm in a bubble"
"i want to see what you see"
"if you could see what i am seeing, you would pay a lot of money for it, he he"
"i wish i could record my brain and then play it back when i am sober"
"too bad we can't just drink serotonin"
[This message has been edited by raversxstacy (edited 24 January 2000).]
great topic

i wish i could remember more of them, but here's one (bear with me, i feel like writing so it's a tad long
every year my school has a big week-long party to kick off the new academic year and welcome new students. one of those orientation week kind of things. this year i decided to be a "facilitator," which just meant going to all the frosh activities and showing the first year's the ropes, making sure they didn't get alcohol poisoning, etc... basically, we facilitators were just there to provide a good example.
in retrospect, i have no idea why i thought i'd be cut out to set a good example

so anyways, the final event of the week has always been held at a water park. traditionally, it has also always been the only time during the week that the facilitators have been allowed to drink. kind of a thank you for a week's worth of hard work. well this year the organizers decided that facilitators weren't going to be allowed to drink at all . not even at the water park. unfortunately, they waited 'till the day of the event to tell us.
as you can imagine, we (the facilitators) were pretty pissed. never being one to let a flimsy rule get in the way of a good time
, some friends and i decided that instead of drinking (wouldn't want to break the rules now would we
), we would take shrooms instead.
great idea hunh

so i consumed my fair share of delightful fungi and waited for the trip to kick in. well, they took a while to kick in so i decided to get changed into my bathing suit while i was waiting. i headed to the change rooms feeling normal, but as soon as i stepped out the world was a different place (if you know what i mean
). i headed back to find my buddies who i figured would also be tripping by this point.
now the idea was to find them and tell them that the shrooms had kicked in for me, but at all costs i wasn't supposed to let the innocent frosh know that i was fucked up . just the kind of situation that inevitably ends in hysterical fits when you're on shrooms.
so i head over to where my buddies are talking with our frosh group and i'm trying to concentrate on how i'm going to be discreet about asking them if they're as fucked as i am so i'm totally concentrating on the task at hand and i get about five feet away from them before i look up at the group of frosh and burst out laughing hysterically and pointing at their faces:
you're all blue!! YOU'RE ALL BLUE!!!
for some weird reason (hmmm, maybe the drugs) their faces looked blue to me. well, of course their faces weren't blue, and they had no idea what i was killing myself laughing about, or why i was pointing at their faces, but my buddies seemed to get the joke, and the look on the poor stunned frosh's faces was priceless!
well, that's my story

damn, they should make me an honourary aussie posting something this long
I have something like *E*lephant styles.
After a bangin night fulll of chemical fun and i am now in a body-tired-out and
brain-flowing-flashing feel...when i talk to my friends in this state i kinda listen not too attentively and my mind wonders to scenes.
Funny thing is these scenes come about in gl0wing technicolour and intricacy....all in a flash.
Like i was talking to a friend and he was telling me about a friend of his that drinks sambuca real fast and sets fire to in an instant "A" scene comes about and i unconsciously BLURT out "parking meter" in the mmiddle of him talking.
the reason why i came out with parking meter..was i guess the summing of scene.
This is the scene( My friend and i are exiting a underground carpark..and of course have to pay the parking attendant at the gate...i see that the price is $4 for unlimited all day parking but we have stayed there for 3 hours and 45 minutes which costs us 3 dollars seventy five i say lets leave the car in the carpark all day and stay where we were (in melbourne) for longer and enjoy more sites of the city...(((see we were there for welcome2000 NYE and of course jeff mills..he was so good..and my time in melbourne was very sweet...a refreshing change from sydney..)))....oh yeah my friend agrees with my suggestion on staying in the carpark and enjoying more of IT(melb).
this is why i said parking meter???
yes this is my explanation to him to blurting it out when he was talking about sambuca....yeh it was real funny to us at the time..giggling big styles.
what amazes me was that whole scene (including the visuals/ sounds(talking) and thoughts and decisions were apparent in a split second....and there was so much goin on.
Funny thing that
Crackhead ON
"Shut the f*ck down!!!" Wait...Did I just say that?
"It's moving faster than my brain can think!!!"-KearBear
It's moving faster than my brain can think!
<a href="">My Homepage :)</a>
Brand - X, I hope you weren't implying that MY posts are long!!!!
In almost every Meetup report I've given, I usually include a few memorable quotes. I've also told an entire story (and quite the long post to) based on something funny someone said while trashed. Does anyone remember the Happy Days guy?
"Will you guys leave me alone, I'm TRYING to watch HAPPY DAYS!"
There was no TV...there was no Happy Days
Anyway, at every BL meetup we're assured that SOMEONE will say something dumb, so at Camp Bluelight I decided to take some notes

LOL...I just looked at a drawing I did that weekend too, my GOD! it's total shite!

"Aren't wrists like the weirdest thing you've ever seen?"
Pillcat, minutes after exclaiming that HANDS are the weirdest thing you've ever seen.
"When you allow your brain to see things... that's when things happen"
me, trying to be ... deep.
"It's like...the screensaver is predicting our LIVES!"
miss apples, mona, Pillcat... just fucked up.
"I'm a big-breasted drug muncher!"
me, after being convinced that we could pretend to be birds if Pillcat's birdwatching neighbour happened to see us in all our drug fucked glory

"I broke nature"
me, after snapping the branch off a tree I just climbed...and fell out of.
"Guys, I DO NOT hug trees ok..... ooohhhh this tree is niiiiiice"
Pillcat after apples and I had convinced her that tree hugging is good for the soul.
Ok. That's enough from me. Thankyou Brand-X.
*sticks tongue out*
careful with that tongue dear!!

hubba, hubba !! grrrrrr

*brand-x on the prowl*
ps. mona, you owe me a letter *insert angry face here*
One night I was a smidge beyond myself and I had taken some friends along with me. What we brought back was some memorable quotes...
"We need to have a poetry contest... to see how long the road is!"
--M, after deciding to go outside
"No, no, no, you have to schedule our eternities like the internet!"
--me, explaining time
"We're like Agents Sculder and Mully."
--me, hermaphroditizing the X-Files
"How do you drink Orange Juice?"
--me, forgetting the correct body mechanics for drinking
"We're committing psychological warfare on the cat. Be careful now."
--M, staring at his cat
"What happens to you here is forever..."
Get home after a particually heavy night,walk straight past my mother and up to the mirror in our living room,look at myself and exclaim,'Ooooooo thats a nice banana!'
Absolutely NO thought processes behind that one,HONEST!