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Confess Your Drug Sins Here, 1 at a time.

That life corrupted my soul. It made me feel dishonest with my family and friends.
Oh man let's see...
I stole from my parents; sold their dvds, guessed their password to their online banking and managed to transfer myself almost $1000 in a month before they realized what was happening, wrote checks to myself, and of course lied over and over again.
I cheated on my boyfriend and allowed myself to be molested by a drug dealer because I was too scared that he'd cut me off if I told anyone what was happening.
I lied to strangers and panhandled. I have sold drugs many many times and supported my habit by selling.
I never sold to a newbie and never hit someone who hadn't before or jacked anyone.
But I've got a lot of karma coming my way. Going through it now I think.
When I was 18, I was at graffiti warehouse in baltimore and rolling on molly. Ended up with this 35 year old in the bathroom to snort ketamine. He was sucking on my tit and I was snorting ketamine feeling on him a little. Then after the ketamine I said whoops changed my mind and left out the bathroom. He ended up being at the afterparty later and the brother of my friend's friend. Awkward. I am lucky nothing bad happened in that bathroom. Being 18 and on a large amount of drugs can lead to sketchy things. I wasn't really thinking when it happened and nor was I really trying to get free ketamine (okay I was)... He offered though. Yeahhhhh never again. He was a weirdo. Ketamine is not worth getting raped over.
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^ I assume that at some point the prostitute had been forgotten as crack seems to rob the scene, so to speak. Like nothing else matters. :\

My bad sins of mine are related to how much I let go, and in the past I would simply give up life without a fight.
Crack is pretty fun. I've only tried it a couple times though...it's not commonly available in the illegal drug market where I'm from.
Robbing people and stores for years.. Especially feel bad about my dad...
Im still shady sometimes when i get back into it
^ what about your dad?

Parents have an unconditional love for their children. They always have hope and willpower. It's sad because at times, they feel they can change everything and when they can't and we realize that it can be quite painful.
My number one drug sin would be stealing an entire prescription bottle of oxy from someone fresh out of surgery. And I've done it several times.

When I was younger I also use to raid medicine cabinets whenever the opportunity would arise, wether it be at a family members house, friends house, or even a guest at a strangers house, I just didn't care. 90% of the time I found painkillers. You would be surprised, it seems most people have a leftover painkiller prescription or two leftover from a past surgery and my younger self knew that, so I would always check.

Drugs make you do bad things!
I show up to work drunk or high on a regular basis. This has been true for as long as I can remember
^ Do they notice? They normally do, but if they haven't said anything yet you must be doing a good job.
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I used to go to work high when I worked at a Pizza Slut, but my manager was always high too and he would just say I 'looked tired' hahahah. I caught him toking in his car behind the restaurant a few times; hell, we all used to toke at work. Good times.
overdosed and made my straight girlfriend save my life and call the paramedics....then the next day she caught me smoking fent again. she almost left me and couln't sleep for weeks and would call me at all hours of the night for months afterwards to make sure i was alive. i think she developed ptsd from the ordeal
i don't share and usually refuse to play along with any communal use

excuse yourself and do what ya got to do and let's carry on, we can all be high without talking about it

i don't have any major regrets connected to usage because it's what gets me doing what i wish i could be doing sober

but there's no doubt i regret the cycle of using/abusing, luckily only ever been addicted to rx benzos that couldn't be abused if i tried
Drug sin.... I found this site because I am a closet addict have been for 12 years. But have been pretty bad on and off (mostly on) the last 7. My main drug of choice, dun dun dun, prescription pills.. let's not mention I'm a married mother and work in social work... the last two weeks I've been been on a pill binge when I realized the 30mg oxycodone I was consuming were off. They looked weird too. I asked my person who gave them to me and he confirmed they were the talked about counterfeit fentanyl laced Oxys. I was so pissed cuz I'd had taken up to five a day some days. The last few days I've felt my heart hurting. An waited for the weekend to withdrawal today I felt so bad I thought I'd get a little coke to help ease the withdrawal and my heart hurts more now I'm scared to go to sleep. If this wasn't a wake up call idk what is
Also 25 An on a 7 year battle of a closet pill popper but extreme narcotic use. I needed this. Tonight was the first time in my life I said or typed that I am an addict. A very secretive addict. But it was the first time I said I was done with the pills no more one more day and no more here and there, once in awhile, just on special occasions that always turned into months. Today is day two. Day one I tried to mask the withdrawal with coke something I don't like or do. It did help but now I'm paranoid if I sleep I won't wake up. Leaving my children An husband abandoned. For my husband to explain to my family something he knew about but didn't know how to help. Tonight I decided I don't want to die. I don't want only be happy when I'm high. I want to learn to enjoy life. To enjoy my family while I'm sober. Tomorrow is day two and I deserve to feel like shit. I deserve every leg spasm. Every stomach cramp.
Stealing from family and friends...Selling 2 guitars that had deep sentimental value (almost makes me tear up lol)

Showed up at work all trashed on Xanax and got fired a few days later. I had an rx but it didnt matter.

Oh I could go on, but I try to not dwell on the past bc all it does is make me feel like I'm a worthless fucktard.
I don't even remember writing my previous post. Geez. Ya I hear you. When I think of so many days I spent locked up in my room so I could be high An so the world wouldn't know makes me feel like I missed out a lot on the last seven years. My biggest regret is my kid was born with drawling but cuz I had figured out a way to get a script and I work in social work (go figure) I knew how to get around it.