Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

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I'm feeling good still. I've gained weight and (am) feeling awesome. There's no guarantee that eating so-called healthy will ensure that you'll recover fully. There's a possibility you may recover faster, and there's a possibility you won't. The smartest thing to do is see yourself (as) recovering, and see within yourself that you will recover fully. It's nothing... that is joyful about thinking you won't recover... As my Mom has said, Negativity brings you down. And positivity lifts you up :) ❤️ Peace and love.
Healthy eating is good and may help the recovery process. You may recover fully from doing it, but it doesn't mean you had to. You can eat like a pig. I would recommend you exercise, whether you eat so-called healthy or not. Peace and love. :) ❤️
You all are battling something very unsavory. And there might be few people who sympathize with you. Some of you may feel you have no one. But I do care. And I share my experiences to help you survive and thrive during this recovery process or journey. Thanks! Peace and love. :) ❤️
Eggs are one of the best sources of choline, with 1 egg providing 147 mg. This means that eating just 2 eggs per day covers 54% of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) ( 3 ). The choline content of an egg is almost entirely concentrated in the yolk.
If I'm posting too much consecutively, feel free to let me know moderators or users (members). "SIMPLY POTENT: RHODIOLA" for endurance levels and for increasing energy.
Eggs are one of the best sources of choline, with 1 egg providing 147 mg. This means that eating just 2 eggs per day covers 54% of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) ( 3 ). The choline content of an egg is almost entirely concentrated in the yolk.
I read that somewhere about eggs also. Good job :)
Beets are good for uridine, and as you said, eggs for choline. Nevertheless, people need some kind of easy system. Supplements seem like a good idea. And also if someone here decides to put together a food list. You already creatively thought of the eggs idea. Thanks :)
Bro im having manic episode. I want to put my mother head into toilet for being such a cruel narcissistic bitch. And shave her hairs off. Im losing my mind. Im also fully screaming into my lungs due to how traumatic it all was. Idk what to do anymore
Bro im having manic episode. I want to put my mother head into toilet for being such a cruel narcissistic bitch. And shave her hairs off. Im losing my mind. Im also fully screaming into my lungs due to how traumatic it all was. Idk what to do anymore
You'll make it. You don't deserve the ill treatment from her. You're a good guy, bro. God has something really good waiting for you. Things will get better. You're like that Frank kid on Sling Blade. Things'll get better soon. I promise. You can hold me on (to) that. :) ❤️ I love you, dear friend. Peace!
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