Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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du kannst triozdem die regierung mal fragen ob in östrreich oder deutschland wenigstens etwas erzähle was über die verbotene spritze meine heiß risperdal die sind alle gleiche inhaltsstoffe sodium florudie
Habe heute schon bei Janssen angerufen, mal sehen, ob die sich überhaupt dafür interessieren, geht ja um ihren Ruf und ihr Geld.
Bin sehr verzweifelt. Diese Spritze hat das Leben von mir und meinem Kind verpfuscht. Wenn ich nie wieder im Leben auch nur eine glückliche Stunde habe, keine Energie, keine Lust, das ist furchtbar. Hätte ich mich doch genauer informiert über die Spritze und niemals unterschrieben!!!!!
als normalerweise wäre ich längst dead aber meine mutter hat mich am leben gehalten und meine familie durch inensives engel beten und meditation wie gesagt.
wie ich das überlebt hab ist verückt, ich wünsche alle menschen nur gesundheit, überleg mal ein junge der nicht raucht trinkt null negatives und dann kommt ein traurige sitation und ich bekomm ne spritze, und was hat janses gesagt
Recently I have been noticing my feces has been brown in color. Has anyone else been experiencing the side effect of having feces that is brown in color?

Yeah I had the same thing happen to me. :( Everytime I go to the toilet I think more dirty invega is leaving my body lol
It sucks doesn't. You know what the worse part of going off Invega injection is the constant running nose, diarrhoea and feeling nauseous and throwing up for months... :)
Constant diarrhoea, nausea and throwing up are signs of celiac disease (gluten intolerance). I suffer from celiac disease myself since about a year. Took me quite a while to find the reason for my symptoms (diarrhoea, constipation, bloated stomach, pain in stomach, smelly gas, headaches, tiredness, dermatitis herpetiformis (skin rash), weight loss, iron deficiency, joint pain and last but not least: brain fog). All symptoms for celiac, but also in the list for Invega Sustenna (that is why the dumb psychiatrists never checked for anything). Luckily I have no nausea or throwing up, but it is very common among celiacs.

People with schizophrenia have a higher probability in getting auto-immune diseases. Celiac is one of them. Now, I am not schizophrenic, but the reason why I think these people get this more often is due to the 'medication' (a.k.a. poison). Too high prolactin levels are known to cause auto-immune diseases like celiac. Most people here will agree that a high prolactin level is almost unavoidable on Invega Sustenna (Xeplion). So 1+1=2.

You can check if you have celiac by avoiding all gluten for a while (atleast a week or 2), but if you do a blood test you have to eat gluten for 8 straight weeks. Therefore, if you think you have celiac, it is recommended to do a blood test right away. Just note that eating NO gluten is HARD!

I love (tasty) food and gluten are in almost everything. Food is the ONLY thing I still enjoyed when I had severe anhedonia. If it wasn't for food I would have ended it all. Now the medication also has taken that away for a good amount. Eating tasty food without gluten is possible, but you are limited. I hate the pharmaceutical industry with my whole heart. Money is good for nothing, humanity is just plain stupid.
Sie rufen mich zurück haben sie gesagtHallo Apollo, wie geht es Dir? Mir nicht besser, immer gleich. Keine Gefuehle, kein Alkohol wirkt auch nur 1%. Nicht dass ich gern trinken wuerde, aber es ist ein schlechtes Zeichen, dass nichts mehr anschlaegt. In meinem Zustand waere ich wohl auch keine gute Mutter mehr, und ich habe wenig Hoffnung nach so langer Zeit. Was ist bei dir besser geworden? Hattest du je irgendein Gefuehl von einem Dopamin-Schub?
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Bei mir war es genauso, ich war naturverbunden, sang gern, malte und liebte die Tiere und ganz besonders mein Kind. Ich hätte mich mehr wehren sollen gegen diese grausame Forderung, mir eine Spritze geben zu lassen.
Hey does anyone from the past year is still here?
Does anyone remember me?
Just to check in, because I had another psychotic episode, this April, I had dropped invega pills in March 2016 and have been okay till this April, but then it happened again...
I didn't took any drugs, so don't know what it triggered, I was a little bit stressed at work and sleeping not many hours, do you think that was the reason?
I am now on Olanzapine (Zyprexa) since the episode, April (that makes almost 6 months), but I am thinking about dropping the pills again, because I am facing a huge depression and weight gain...
Thanks all there, I hope there is someone there that can help me in my issue, or maybe someone from the past year, to whom I changed posts with..
hey @invegauser how are you? you still on invega? how is it going? feeling depressed?

well the cigar have been helping, I take my moments to just chill with the cigar on my work pauses.

I was on 20mg zyprexa every day for like 4 months, then last month I dropped to 10mg a day, and now I am with 5mg till the next 2 weeks then I will drop all meds.
I am just scary of a relapse again, because as soon as I am on a psychotic episode I can't control myself and may do stupid things, like having stupid conversations, lose my job, hurting myself or even others!

I like to think that my last relapse was because of lack of sleep and extreme stress, I was always vigilant on my work, afraid of what others could tell about myself and so on, also on those days I was not doing exercise at all.
Do you think if I have good sleep patterns, proper meal and exercise I won't have more relapses?

By the way, I know some symptoms before an episode, I start to be very anxious, with a state of mind very vigilant and also I stop eat, what natural treatments or practices should I do when I get to those stages?
Meditating? it helps? what else?

I want to be as healthy as possible and sober all the time, without this s*it drug Zyprexa.

Thank you @invegauser and everyone over there.
@misterti sorry to hear you're back on the meds .. I want you to watch videos by Dr abram hoffer on YouTube
You should use niacin and vitamin c in higher doses, and your brain will be recovered, you will never have to go back on meds, the doctor himself took 4500 mg niacin everyday

Niacin treats depression, any type of mental illness, schizophrenia bipolar

But you have to take like 2500 niacin or more and 2500 mg vitamin c

This post is for anyone with mental illness, please don't go to pdoc .. recover your brain naturally, good luck guys
Constant diarrhoea, nausea and throwing up are signs of celiac disease (gluten intolerance). I suffer from celiac disease myself since about a year. Took me quite a while to find the reason for my symptoms (diarrhoea, constipation, bloated stomach, pain in stomach, smelly gas, headaches, tiredness, dermatitis herpetiformis (skin rash), weight loss, iron deficiency, joint pain and last but not least: brain fog). All symptoms for celiac, but also in the list for Invega Sustenna (that is why the dumb psychiatrists never checked for anything). Luckily I have no nausea or throwing up, but it is very common among celiacs.

People with schizophrenia have a higher probability in getting auto-immune diseases. Celiac is one of them. Now, I am not schizophrenic, but the reason why I think these people get this more often is due to the 'medication' (a.k.a. poison). Too high prolactin levels are known to cause auto-immune diseases like celiac. Most people here will agree that a high prolactin level is almost unavoidable on Invega Sustenna (Xeplion). So 1+1=2.

You can check if you have celiac by avoiding all gluten for a while (atleast a week or 2), but if you do a blood test you have to eat gluten for 8 straight weeks. Therefore, if you think you have celiac, it is recommended to do a blood test right away. Just note that eating NO gluten is HARD!

I love (tasty) food and gluten are in almost everything. Food is the ONLY thing I still enjoyed when I had severe anhedonia. If it wasn't for food I would have ended it all. Now the medication also has taken that away for a good amount. Eating tasty food without gluten is possible, but you are limited. I hate the pharmaceutical industry with my whole heart. Money is good for nothing, humanity is just plain stupid.

I have a mate (Australian here) that has Celiac disease and he was so sick for years into he found out he was (gluten intolerance) and he got better really really quickly after he gave up the gluten.

I blame everything on the Invega. I was a happy person into the Invega injections come along and it turned my life upside down. But the main thing is I'm over the constant diarrhoea, throwing up and all the withdrawals - but my mind hasn't healed yet. But I'm improving daily and the depression is lifting. :)

But the sad truth is that (Invega) is a really really a dirty drug just like Risperidone. Im lucky I live in a country that has wonderful health care and I have been provided with all the support needed to get back on track and my psychiatrist is really sorry he done this to me. But I dont blame him. Its all the invega fault.
hey Mister Ti. i'm doing way better than the last time you were here. just waiting to shake off the last of it. no depression but stuck somewhere in the middle. this too shall pass.

taking time to chill is always good.

tapering off the zyprexa is the best idea, it can be rough. i quit that cold turkey and had a couple months where it was hard to sleep but nothing else. others have not been as lucky.

seriously it just sounds like your stress keeps building up and you pop over time. a lot of ppl who took invega and other psych meds have because they had psychotic breaks due to stress and not mental illness. long term stress management is key here. things like cbt, sleep, eating regularly, natural remedies, exercise, meditation and doing something every once in awhile that would break the routine of your life up and let you fully relax would help you avoid from having to go through this again. it has worked for others in the past.

your welcome. i'm in north america and we still got ppl here from all over the world. we worldwide yo.

heal quickly. peace.

It's good to know that you are doing better :)

Yeah it seems the stress is the reason why, stress is a way more harmful than people think, it's so common sense to talk about stress and so on, but it can really have dangerous effects, at least on us.
Stress itself maybe originates some kind of hormones or mess up with the good ones, I don't really know how it function in our brains.
Like you said long term stress management is the key.
I am not drinking alcohol during these days, because I am on Zyprexa, and also because I dont even go out. But I was wondering when I leave for good Zyprexa, can I drink alcohol? or does it harms or trigger my brain?
Like you said I should do something every once in ahile that would break the routine of my life, thats why I was wondering going out and have some beers with friends, can I?

PS: I can't PM more than once in 180 minutes, you told me in the last message this "yo might want to look into the fact that psych meds cause psychotic breaks as well. when you come off the zyprexa you might have one.", you are scaring me, so I will have another psychotic break after I come off Zyprexa? =S do you think so?

@misterti sorry to hear you're back on the meds .. I want you to watch videos by Dr abram hoffer on YouTube
You should use niacin and vitamin c in higher doses, and your brain will be recovered, you will never have to go back on meds, the doctor himself took 4500 mg niacin everyday

Niacin treats depression, any type of mental illness, schizophrenia bipolar

But you have to take like 2500 niacin or more and 2500 mg vitamin c

This post is for anyone with mental illness, please don't go to pdoc .. recover your brain naturally, good luck guys

I am not that sure that will help @poisoned_veins, it seems to me like propaganda stuff, to sell more...
How are you doing by the way? you on invega too?
Cases such as Rosi's are so discouraging. 10 months and still struggling. What a horrible drug. Reaching 5th month mark, still void of feelings and motivation among other things. Would put an end to this misery but am too afraid to act.
Cases such as Rosi's are so discouraging. 10 months and still struggling. What a horrible drug. Reaching 5th month mark, still void of feelings and motivation among other things. Would put an end to this misery but am too afraid to act.

Yeah I really really feel it for Rosi Its f***ked I really feel sorry for him/her. I nearly ended my life as well, but the depression lifted and the emotions come back and they are really angry at invega. Please dont give up people I nearly gave up.
@invegauser What your thoughts on nicotine and caffeine? I hear it breaks/metabolism down Antipsychotics quicker.

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