Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Thanks for the welcome guys
I'm coming to realise you're all much longer off the shot than I am, in fact it's 3 weeks today since my second "loading dose"
Seeing as I'm acutely affected, are things going to get worse during withdrawal?
I'm already 20kgs heavier and dumber than a doorknob
I've been smoking a lot as it's a P450 inducer but I think I'm going to force myself to get some SJW tonight

I try to do simple things but I really struggle
I might try watching some quick paced TV again
It just feels so wrong - I feel so lifeless

Is the w/d worse than the acute phase? Does it really have lingering effects for so long?
@Abject To be frank, the withdrawal and acute phase are very different. By the time you hit the withdrawal phase you will have recovered many aspects of yourself that you've no doubt forgotten about by now. They remain dormant in a way. In other words, what you're going through now is hard, but when the withdrawal phase hits it will no doubt be hard as well because of some of the things that have surfaced. In a way it'll be like learning to walk before you can crawl.

I have to get 12 hours of sleep a day; Its just how my body functions; Can't wake up before then.
Careful man; I just read that at higher doses Moringa is genotoxic.

Stay safe.

It seems to be good for other stuff aswell; Though, I don't understand how it can improve study habits; Did you have a problem reading/studying before ?
I believe that Cerebrolysin in a dosage of 10ml per day used over a prolonged period of time can heal a lot of the neurotoxicity and damage caused by neuroleptics. Atleast a lot of studies show that people with neuroleptic induced extrapyramidal side effects/ and vegetative side effects have a response rate of over 70 percent from cerebrolysin administration. I do not know the exact degree of beneift achieved by its administration but in order for it to be considered statistically significant the effect size needs to be over fifity percent from baseline level symptoms. I am planning to do a cerebrolysin course every day for th next month in order to assess the degree of benefit. I will report back as soon as possible.
Another potential treatmento option is rapastinel which is a mnda partial agonist. It works on the glutuamte receptors and enhances neuroplasticity and neurogenesis. It is very effective at alleviating depression with an effect size over three times greater than ssri antideprssants. SSRis are laden with all sorts of very unpleasant side effects which make most people who take them discountie their use after relatively short time periods.Rapastinel on the other hand has a side effect profile almost identical to placebo and an effect size much greater. It also works against anhedonia very effectively.
For those going with SJW, be advised - the amount you should take may be somewhat dependent upon when your last dose was received and what your total dosages were. Not to scare anyone, just probably don't want to overdue it here. Going off of what invegauser said, probably just 2 droplets per day. Work your way up accordingly.

Seeing a lot of helpful information in here. This is good. Keep up the good work people.
I remember when I was on Sustenna. It was awhile back. 5+ years ago. I had stopped taking Risperidone for psychotic episodes and paranoia. I was on also several other medications. This medication along with other Serotonin inhibitors always made me feel EXTRA strange. I suppose the only side-effect that I really encountered was weight gain.
hello i was in the pschiatry in germany its 3 years now i was very very ill and pain the most worst is gone oky
but happinies sleeping sperm is not the same,
in all the pschaitric medicine is sodium floruide and other halogens this is the truth about pschiatrig drugs, first but in reality there is no antitode ,but yu can eliminate little.
i´m alive and i pray for me and my family , soidum floruide is kristall hardening substanze the only power to complete remove it is the antitode i can not find,
lets help together i´m here
hello invegauser
i said the turth every antipschotics is real halogen chemicals and the chemical names are Flour,Chlor and so on.
the only way is a chemical labor saying to make the antidote and then remove it is a beautiufl dream.
Hey Everyone,

I was on this injection for 5 months at 156mg and it made my negative symptoms so much worse - worse drug ever. Have been off it for 4 months and improving daily and I lost my emotions to a degree like some people in this forum/thread I must of been lucky as I'm improving really fast which is good news.
hi invegauser
i have nothing new. but i pray for guardian angels and my family pray with me but i´m alive.
i deam every day an angel heal me complete than i contact you and others heal togehteer and than we love each other .
Just wanted to quickly mention something positive. I gained a lot of weight when I was on Invega and it was pretty obvious, maybe 15 Kg or so. When I was still on the injection I tried to diet. I was eating very little during the day, cut out sugar but still no improvements. Now that I have been off for 4 months I've been dieting again and lifting weights in the gym. I lost 8 Kg so far in the span of 3 weeks. So I'm very hopeful about the potential weight loss. For anyone who has gained a lot of weight and had trouble losing it just wait a few months and you will be able to lose it.
hallo rosi
die ersten 6 monate war schlimm dann ging es immer beseer
aber im namen meiner freudes harmonie sexualität und schlafen sieht es schlecht aus
wen du wüsstest wie ich mit meienr familie gebeten habe für schutzengel und erzengel das hat viel gebracht .
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