Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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@zombiemode, I'm positive that people are not reptiles... lol. But hey, who am I to judge someone who thinks that. Makes you more interesting. On a related note, you should check out People of Earth. It's a comedy on tbs about how aliens and reptilians live amongst us, have sex with people, probing, etc.
Week 28 off the poison
Thats at least four half lifes gone, there should only be a sixteenth left in my system even going on the fourty nine day half life theory.
Its getting a bit easier to think clearly and the head doesn't feel as groggy, still waking up depressed and have just sat about since christmas and done no exercise, haven't had the motivation or desire to want to do anything much apart from drink beer and smoke weed at night. Going to make some lifestyle changes over the coming weeks and start exercising and doing jobs around my house and try to get my life back to what it was before the doctors decided to start injecting me with this poison.
Its hard not to be bitter at psychiatry and big pharma with there ability to just force poison on you as they try to make you another customer for life, the corruption will be exposed eventually, don't know if sueing or making complaints is the answer, its just going to prolong getting over this experience imo and I just want to try and get it out of my mind.
Not going to update again until another half life passes at week 35 because I'm not really noticing much change and have sort of semi recovered, I'll still be following the thread and hopefully reading more success stories, but I need to be getting myself more active in the coming weeks and try and get into my old hobbies and routine.
Anyhow if you don't hear from me again, I'll have relapsed, although I'm planning on being as stress free as possible as I push on to half life five.

Its been emotional

How are you doing now?
I wish all the old Invega users would return with there updates, as for me nearly 9 months without recovery.
hey gugys i take zopiclone and a benzo against the anxiety which was caused by invega sustenna.... does anyone know if invega still leaves the body when i take zopiclone (i stopped the invega injections).... please answer me that would be great i am truly desperated
Hi guys,

I had a marijuana induced psychotic episode on june of this year. Was at the hospital for about 2.5 weeks. I was forced on injections of this junk Invega Sustenna even though i much preferred to take the pill form.

It took care of my psychosis but It gave me anhedonia, a lack of motivation, sexual disfunction and a lack of concentration, basically a learning disability amongst other things. It has ruined me. I am very mad at the doctor who forced this crap on me even though there are other antipsychotics with not as many side effects.

With the blessing of my psychiatrist i stopped taking the injection after my last shot which was in September. I had 5 injections which i think totalled in 475mg. Will i get back to normal after a total wait of 10 months like Decisive and Bad Robot? I am unable to work or study and it is hard to conjure up the motivation to go to the gym to exercise. And now that i see posts claiming that you cannot lose fat on this shit i feel disheartened.

I used to love reading and learning but now i have no interests and cannot even read a book. I hope to see more success stories because if i don't get better 8 months from now i am not sure what i am going to do with my life. It is so unfair. I feel subhuman. I have had a terrible life and this has made me worse. Me and my mother live with another family because we cannot afford an apartment and i am unable to work to get an income because of this. They all think that i am being lazy and even my mother doesn't understand what i am going through. Sorry for being such a downer, i just hope that i can return to normal so that i can live a happy and healthy life. God bless you all.
Hello fellow invega sufferers.. how is everyone's progress coming along? I must say that I am seeing some positive improvements in my physical and metal capabilities, however I'll admit I am noticing these improvements at a snail's pace seeing improvements at a week by week basis at best. I am currently six months removed from my two injections of 256mg and 156mg. I am currently taking no mind altering substances legal or illegal. I am not even drinking alcohol..

There are many healthy remedies that i have adopted. I am trying to eat as healthy as possible with fruits, vegetables, and good protiens. I am also taking a plethora of vitamins and omega 3s. I am also trying to get at much as sun light as possible because I have read through research that light therapy is very helpful with recovering a good mood from antipsychotic poisoning. I am also trying to get back on some kind of exercise schedule, although this proves to be very difficult for me still.. which sucks because I used to be very athletic, working out atleast five times per week.. But i have been looking at it this way, I might as well try at working out as much as possible to try and sweat this poison out of my system, atleast that's what I am hoping for.

So everyone I'll leave you with this, try and stay positive and know that there will be light at the end of the tunnel for us. We just need to try and maintain a healthy life style in order for our recovery process to occur. I am by no means fully recovered but I must say I have noticed some improvements from the beginning of this awful experience.

Try and stay positive I know it's hard... Also, try and adopt the most healthy life style possible even though your motivation is shit because of the anedonia.. I am still suffering and I will be 8 months off the drug November 15th.. Do not resort to taking other antidepressants to counter act the shitty feelings they don't work! They just make things worse like developing insomnia and restlessness and doing nothing for the anedonia or cognitive abilities.. Only in America will you find doctors suggest giving pills to counter effects other's complete lunacy! I am not recovered but I have noticed maybe a ten percent improvement. They say this drug can last 8 to 12 months and then is takes more time for your brain to normalize after the drug is completely out of your system. It really is frustrating I know but the only thing you can do is wait it out and try not to slow down the recovery process with a unhealthy life style.

Welcome to the club.

I went from a weed psychosis to being injected with Invega as well. Itll be 9 months on Nov 21st without an injection and I'm still suffering with gained weight and what feels like a learning disability.

I'm just trying to be positive but it's difficult, you'll still have a long road ahead mate.

Welcome to the club.

I went from a weed psychosis to being injected with Invega as well. Itll be 9 months on Nov 21st without an injection and I'm still suffering with gained weight and what feels like a learning disability.

I'm just trying to be positive but it's difficult, you'll still have a long road ahead mate.

How many injections did you have and how much was the total dosage? Have any of the side effects gone away? I hope you are at the very least improving.
I had 5-6 shots x 100mg
I improved slightly after the first month quitting the injection but in all honesty I'm still nowhere near the same me, for me personally the sexual side affect is the worst but maybe I'm more of an unfortunate one to see fuck all improvement in comparison to other better recovering individuals however I still believe that certain effects from Invega sustenna in particular are permanent, which makes it hard to stomach.
The amount you have had seems to be more than the amount those people who recovered at 10 months had. I think that you have waited through most of the time. Likely a few months left. I just hope that i see some improvement at 10 months. We can be optimistic in knowing that we will recover slowly but surely. I know that We won't take our health and happiness for granted and therefore we will enjoy our life experiences more once we get back to normal and no more marijuana for either of us lol. Others have said that
they have completely recovered so we must be hopeful.
If i restrict calories at month 9, will i loose fat, or should i wait for more months?

Has your anhedonia gone away? What about your concentration and ability to read and reason? What side effects have gone? And also how can i private message you? I have a question which is a little bit more personal.

Thank you for the message it made me feel better about the recovery. I know that we will return to 100% it's just a matter of time like you stated. God bless you and all the people on this thread who are going through this.
If youve been off the invega for 3 years youve lost all the fat right? If not then ive got myself a terrifying problem.
Not related to invega directly but you could make use of this video if you experience anxiety/social anxiety.

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