Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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To all you people saying 8 months off medication and you're not getting better, you're doing something wrong. The medication is no longer in your system. Or it's greatly reduced. Exercise, try vitamins and natural supplements to help you. There's no evidence that this medication causes any damage if you've only used it for a short period of time. You should go see a psychotherapist to deal with your issues you have about your own health.

I personally have noticed a difference from 75 to 50 and I'm still on injections, so I have no idea what you guys are talking about.

This is not a place to whine and complain in complacency. You should be getting better and if not you're doing something wrong.
People are not getting better because it's true.... I used to run 10 miles a day in 1 hour. I've been off the med for 7 months and I'm only able to run 1 mile.... Also the one thing is I can't get a natural erection no more... Before I would be able to get erected like nothing when seeing a hot girl. Now I can't get it up naturally.... The injections have permanently fucked up my sex drive and that pisses me off where I just want to see those responsible for the injection buried Alive or burned to death.

I'm not doing anything wrong, maybe Invega sustenna affects individuals in different ways, there's a reason that this thread has so many posts because most have not 100% recovered from Invega regardless of the time spent off it. I hardly believe it's a coincidence. I don't smoke, don't eat junk, regularly go for walks yet no difference in almost a year. It's not complaining or whinging it's facts. There is evidence that short term Invega sustenna can potentially have impactful consequences, it's the thread we are typing in, it's popular for a reason. Maybe me and Joey are suffering worse than others, it's difficult to be optimistic when your manhood has been affected by a drug that was supposed to improve your life not cripple it.

I'm not doing anything wrong, maybe Invega sustenna affects individuals in different ways, there's a reason that this thread has so many posts because most have not 100% recovered from Invega regardless of the time spent off it. I hardly believe it's a coincidence. I don't smoke, don't eat junk, regularly go for walks yet no difference in almost a year. It's not complaining or whinging it's facts. There is evidence that short term Invega sustenna can potentially have impactful consequences, it's the thread we are typing in, it's popular for a reason. Maybe me and Joey are suffering worse than others, it's difficult to be optimistic when your manhood has been affected by a drug that was supposed to improve your life not cripple it.

I agree with you one hundred percent! Everyone is affected differently no doubt about that, especially when people with no history of mental illness are categorized as having one. In fact, the delusional idea pitched by money hungry doctors and drug companies that people are somehow born with chemical imbalances in the brain has been highly disputed. On the contrary it's quite the opposite, more and more evidence is being revealed that the drugs actually cause the so called chemical imbalance..go figure. There is absolutely no evidence to support the claim people are born with chemical imbalances and it is being refuted more and more by REAL psychiatrist like Dr. Peter Breggin. He has a youtube channel i highly suggest everyone to check out is videos. The only evidence of this out dated claim is the made up DSM book of mental diseases, written by psychiatrists payed off by you quessed it..drug companies! No body likes a whiner and I don't consider myself one, never have been one.. But almost 8 months after my only 2 shots and months of eating healthy, supplementing omega 3s, vitamins and exercising although not nearly as intense because my body is broken, I have noticed little to no improvement. It really becomes debilitating when you're 25 and always have been in good shape physically and mentally.

The half life theories say the drug reduces 6 to 8 months out in "most" people.. This may be true, but you should always be conservative with duration of elimination of injections because they can linger in the muscle tissue. Given that, I would say a fair estimation of elimination time is 8-12 months not 6-8.. The fact of the matter is no one knows the effects drugs like these have on a individual brain that's why they are so's like the neurons in the brain are shocked even after the drug leaves your system and it takes even more time for them to return to normal. So for all we no it takes a year of elimination time and a year of recovery..

You're right though the only thing you can do is stay healthy and positive, I need to work on the positive part myself. But there is no doubt In my mind that people under estimate the power of this drug, especially doctors handing it out like candy, that's how alot of us got in this situation in the first place.
Anyone who even suggests that this poison is eliminated after 8 months does not have your best interests at heart. Psychiatrists do this - often claiming it takes only 3. One only has to look at the mountains of evidence to realise that this is nowhere near the case. Perhaps start by looking over the years of individuals' accounts here on BL to start to realise the truth.

Second to that, it's insulting to even think that we are "doing something wrong". Given that the problem is far greater than the majority have a chance to understand - i.e. the true mechanisms of action of this poison - we can only speculate and hope that what we are doing is right. I personally have already given a rather extensive list of what I've done.

Also, do not see a psychotherapist relating to your health. These pseudo-"psych" people are very closely related and likely are all in bed together at night. If there's a genuine need for outside help, try a holistic healer, TCM practitioner, etc. Someone who won't add to the problem. Keep it simple: we were poisoned, whether you have realised it yet or not. There's simply no need to create more problems which Dont even exist or are not related. Period.

As someone who is not even off the poison yet, Caprite, you have spoken way too soon. Often there is no idea how bad the damage is until the "dust settles". The poison masks it all, and is slow and gradual. Speaking from experience, my health declined further once off the poison. At least that is how it appeared, when likely it was just fading out of potency leaving what was left behind. I hope this makes sense to you.

Again, if anyone thinks they are fine on the poison or, god-forbid BETTER, they likely never experienced true health. True happiness or pleasure.

Whilst I agree that complaining as a whole is getting us nowhere, nobody has yet to present us with a "magic overnight fix". Hopefully I'm wrong here, but i dont see it as something that exists.
Here is some truth for you all on this Friday night. I would hope that you are at least already aware of some of it as being true.

Started it at 1:30 in.

New World Order,
Money & Tax,
Chemtrails, etc. It's all happening now, and has been for quite some time. Be aware.
When do i start loosing fat?
I really cannot wait anymore for the poisonous effects to subside.
I haven't really stopped Tim, but i dont get high at all.. Nothing like before:(

I wish I knew Lazar. Im 6 months and have lost a lot. But it always comes back so im not sure whats really going on :(

This is fucked up.
Has anyone sleep problems connected with this poison, when you read brochuers of invega the most common side effects is insomnia
Has anyone sleep problems connected with this poison, when you read brochuers of invega the most common side effects is insomnia

My sleep schedule is all messed up. I sleep during the day and stay up all night.. literally I go to sleep at like 9 in the morning and and wake up at like 7 at night, it is completely fucked.
Invegasucks, that was my case before couple of weeks sleep all day and be awake all night but somehow I regulate that but my sleep at day was better of sleep on night much better I dont know why
Words cannot describe the anger and hatred i feel towards those insane psychitrists. I feel alot better now, in still have some fatigue and anhedonia, but not like before....i still cannot loose any weight which is absolutely enraging me. Started working out again and my body looks bigger but not better since my bodyfat is still high, i pray to god that i loose some fat within a few months, i plan on heavily restricting my calories by then.

FUCK those crazy psyhcitrists and all their lies, i hope they all get imprisoned for their atrocities. One of my biggest dreams that one day anti-psychitry becomes a great force and punishes those "doctors" and puts an end to psychitry.
I also experience inner turmoil I dont know how long will endure this pain constantly need to move or be occupied with something, but Im scared that others whos before posting and now they dont didnt harm themself
Anyone else experiances extreme itching in the upper body? Its driving me crazy!
I dont give a shit what anyone says; psychitric medication is POISON.
For your sleeping patterns, try taking Melatonin it's completely natural and prescription-free sleep aid that you can find in your local pharmacy or health food store. Will help you fix your Arcadian rhythm when you take it at night and sleep an hour after taking it and wake up in the day. Get something that has slow release also so that you stay asleep all night long.

I made another video that I think you will enjoy this one. It's relatively shorter, heres the link:-

Please like and subscribe as I would like your support to keep making these videos especially if you enjoy them. By subscribing you will also be notified when new videos are out in case I don't mention it here.

Hope you enjoy it and learn something new!
Here is some truth for you all on this Friday night. I would hope that you are at least already aware of some of it as being true.

Started it at 1:30 in.

New World Order,
Money & Tax,
Chemtrails, etc. It's all happening now, and has been for quite some time. Be aware.
I cringed through most of that video. I suppose it was rather humorous though. It really takes conspiracy theories to the extreme. The part about psychiatry was somewhat true though. There are jobs in which you have to set aside awareness of the well being of others. They might actually have to enjoy destroying innocent peoples lives to do their jobs.. which is sick. I sincerely hope you don't believe there's an army of reptilians taking over the world!! I had visions of some of the ideas shown in the video during my psychosis, like the pyramid in the dollar bill being some sort of illuminate symbol.. and the chemtrails that somehow I had control of and turned people into zombies..

Let me know the plan of action with the doctors / lawyers about taking these drug pushers down! Thanks.
I've been getting increasingly fed up with some of the content in this thread. 'Think I might take a break for about a year or so. 'Report back when/if I'm feeling better.
Do you take B3 (Niacin) vitamins at all? Can cause very extreme itching all over, but is quite common and goes away naturally in 30-60mins. Sounds pretty horrible though, hoping you find a solution!


I'm glad @Lui mentioned melatonin. Yet another indicator that the pineal gland is heavily targeted by this shit...... Not that anyone knows or cares what that is though, right? ha. >.>

I'll check the vid out once done posting man, always enjoy your stuff! Will drop a like while im at it!


My bad, apologies. Should have put a disclaimer or something I guess. Sorry man
I hope it doesn't change your opinion of me too much, but of course I believe it. The signs are everywhere, and worldwide people are starting to wake up to it all. I knew about it years before I was drugged - during my healthiest, happiest times. I knew about it throughout imprisonment at their torture huts, and continue to know of it today.

Only say this for the purpose of reaching out to those who already see it too. No other reason. There have been people on this thread, albiet, a while ago, who have spoke of targeted individuals, mind control, etc. Many people are aware of these things, and once one understands the connection of it all - they'll see how it relates directly to our positions'. Of course it *sounds* completely insane/bullshit crackpot conspiracy shit. Each to their own. I've no interest in speaking of it further - those who understand and see, know the truth of what's happening to mother Gaia, and know what's being done to us - as humanity.


I can relate. I'm beginning to question whether BlueLight is the place for me at all - especially this "mental health" section. No disrespect intended; but seriously..... Seasonal Affective Disorder???? LMFAO. There's actually people who believe THIS, too? God, help them. It seems to be the blind leading the blind, with very little being done.


This'll be my last post, anyway. As it stands, it's been 6 months - i've done fuck all, really, toward healing and recovery from the forced poison. Cutting out distractions now & taking further action. I'm working on a blog: something along the lines of 'antipsychotic healing' - from a spiritual, holistic standpoint of course, and who knows what else & where it'll all lead.

Best wishes on your journeys,
I hope you remain distant from psychiatry, and return to living long, healthy & meaningful lives.

No longer ZombieMode, moreso, Aware&ActionTimeMode. HA!
If I had to choose between a million dollars and having my emotions and brain back, I would choose my emotions and brain, if I had to choose between this hell I am on now or be missing an arm, I would choose the be missing an arm, it is that bad. They took the most precious thing I have in this life away from me! I loved my brain, and I loved my personality and now its just completely gone, its just so sad. I have been through alot of crap in my life, but nothing comes even close to the torture I have to endure everyday from the risperidone

Hey, how's it going since then. I can relate, I would trade a million dollars for my precious mind. Our minds are so delicate and it seems like it's been damaged for good since our thinking can only see the present. I dread my present and wish I had the past back. I loved who I was before, the way I'd write and think about a thought off the top of my mind and elaborate for hours. I can't do any of that shit now. I don't want to complain about it, but it's the only way to feel like I'm taking back something that's mine. I hope you get better man, we're on the same page
We cannot compare people on the basis of the number of months you stopped the "treatment", because recovery depends especially on the number of injections and on the injected doses.Thus the best mark to know when we shall recover our capacities it is the number of mg staying of poison in the blood.
For me, I had 4 injections, and in total 400 mg of invega sustenna, and as you know at 8 months stage, I have around 8.6 mg in my blood, it's less than before but enough to block my emotions. Whereas I know a guy who only had 2 injections with the smallest doses and he has recovered at month 6!

metaltommy: Your inbox is full, I can't reply !

Have you recovered yet? Are you more articulate than you were on the medication? Hope all is well
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