Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Also, my vision has stopped blurring, and I've stopped feeling so much like I am faking the things that I do.
I honestly think my physical changes are permanent, I got big man tits, I can lose fat but I can't lose breast tissue, I need surgery, also how can I grow back 2 dick centimeters? I know there are techniques like "jelqing massage" to enlarge penis size but it takes years...

whatever you do, do NOT do jelqing. i did it for a few months along with a penis enlargement stretching device. it might of made my penis slightly bigger but ive lost feeling in the part that got stretched. trust me, it's not worth it. jelqing and stretching devices might make u slightly longer but u will lose feeling in your penis. also your dick will start to look downward(hard to explain but it doesn't look normal). if i could go back in time i would of never done it
I saw A Star is Born tonight and felt some emotion--shock that people were crying from such a poorly written movie
@LifeAfterInvega Thank you for bringing us hope. I hope you will join us from time to time to keep us going. I'm having a really hard time with sleeping and this mental prison. Does your mind flow again? @Emersonny I really wonder how you can articulate so well while going through this. Please don't take adderall. You will get dependent and withdrawals are bad as well and take long. @zack my self-esteem is also really bad. But I still love myself on the inside and do whatever I can to get out of this hell.
I'm on or near the first half life of the last dose of Vraylar. Things have gotten a lot better. No symptoms of Invega whatsoever. Still waiting for the rest of Vraylar to clear so I can start getting out more but am in no rush.
@Hypocondryack Congrats. I can also see slight improvements but nothing huge. I can walk, stand and move better. I go for a walk more often and I go to the store every day to buy healthy juices and smoothies and nut bars.
I realised a girl I befriended a year ago and I haven't talked to in 7 months unfriended me on facebook and I haven't even done anything to her. That made me angry and confused.

I hate how invega still affect my mood.
Thank you Yeshua, but it is a little hard for me to understand a video of english. You are soo nice!!
may he die in his sleep tonight.
I concur.

Alright folks. My Dark Night of the Soul is officially ending. My energy is more consistent now. Suffice to say the Kundalini energy is more consistent than it is not. I am no longer going through fluctuations of not having energy at periods. Occasionally it seems that way but all I have to do is 'look' with my inner eye. What this means to the room is that I will likely be keeping tabs on you that have struggled so much through this trial until my own spiritual work leaves little room for that. I don't think I'll be leaving bluelight entirely, though. It means through these coming months I'll be working through some trials of my own that I have to face. Hopefully along the way I can discover more about myself that will lend some help here to those who have suffered through Invega like myself. But I promise you, and I will continue to reiterate this point over and over, that Invega is not necessarily/entirely permanent. What I mean by those somewhat disappointing adverbs is merely the fact that according to drug half life theory the drug never entirely goes away. This doesn't mean you won't heal. Just means that someday the drug will be at 0.0000000000000000001 mg concentration and you won't care in the slightest because you're above and beyond that.

I can't promise everyone and anyone will heal to that point. I know only that my struggles took me through at least 3 years of coming off this drug and that I am healed to a point I no longer notice the effects because as far as I can tell - senses being pretty keen - they simply just aren't there. The problem I'm dealing with has to do with other drugs. As far as I know I was healed on the third Invegaversarry of this year (May). But that's no longer a concern now because I know I can handle a pill better than a flipping injection any day.

I wish you well, all of you.
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