Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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@Johnnypupuke why has it taken so long for you? OMG... I can't wait that long.... Were or are you on other drugs? What improvements have you seen?
I have no idea what happens to the pineal gland. I'm so so tired of this shit!
I really don't know if I can do this any longer!!!! I don't know what to expect. I don't know if this shit is all worth it. I don't know how to get out of this mental and emotional prison! I'm just soooooooo freaking mad!!!!!!!!
@yeshuah, ya I know what u mean it's like a mental straitjacket I'm having a hard time with it as well. I also keep losing my hair even my pubic hair is falling out this just to much
@Jonnyhalo make sure you take enough vitamins and minerals. This is shy you're losing your hair. And keep doing it. I'm doing it every day. We're lucky that we tolerate these things, there are people in withdrawal from benzos, they can't tolerate any vitamins and minerals. I hope this mental straitjacket gets better. This is driving me crazy. It would make it so much easier to go through this if we could think about stuff.
I am also tired. I dont know If all ist dead or blocked. If it is forever or not. I would like to have my life back.
@Yeshuah The time will pass. I try to do any simple thing that I am able to do and be proud of myself for it even if I did a shit job at it. Exercise is really helpful for neuroplasticity, and maybe you're getting to a point where you can exercise more easily? I went on a kick where I was doing a lot of anything that increased neuroplasticity, but then I got more depressed and kind of stopped. I think I might start giving myself a schedule of activities where the goal is just to switch off on simple activities like browsing the forum, reading, doing simple math problems, drawing, meditation, walking, playing simple exercises and songs on the flute, and simple aerobic exercise. All of these activities are supposed to help with neuroplasticity, especially exercise, and a lot of our recovery has to do with growing new brain cells with new receptors. Something that helps me is doing something good for my future (simple math), something that makes me feel capable (typing up a post, since I have a lot of writing habits, can't write a book like I was before, but I can journal), something that makes me feel attractive (showering, exercising, putting on clean clothes, brushing my teeth), something that makes me feel cool (dressing nice, going to the caf?, and reading a book), something social face-to-face (talking to my parents or my boyfriend), and trying to think of at least one thing I hadn't thought about before. Just this waiting is so difficult, and speeding things up is even more difficult. Exercise seems most important to me because of neuroplasticity.
@LifeAfterInvega : I am glad you're here. Can you tell us if since your recovery you experienced absolutely no wave? Are you absolutely sure it is the end?
You are giving me lots of hope.

@Emersonny : Exercising is very important even without Invega. I have run a lot during my withdrawal and worked out for a month (I stopped because fatigue came back). I can tell that it makes us feel better but in my opinion it doesn't speed up recovery as much as we could expect. I had two loading shots for a total of 273 mg Invega sustenna (175 mg Xeplion). I am 164 days off, symptoms are tolerable and I could still have a month to go. Maybe it shortens the recovery time but probably just a matter of days weeks at most...
@LifeAfterInvega I would totally pick jail over invega sustenna!!! Body jail seems a lot better than mind jail. In jail, you could probably do some good thinking. I just read about someone who wrote their first novel in prison. I'd bet you would overhear a lot of interesting stories in prison too. Sounds like grand goddamn time if you ask me. I always was good at getting along with criminals irl too because I just treat them with respect and then they're the ones trying to protect me. The most aggressive people in the behavioral health unit thought they needed to protect me, which I think goes to show that some respect and kindness can go a long way. People get sick of being looked at like they're some kind of monster. It activates their fight or flight response. I'm glad you're recovered. Thanks for coming back to remind us about that. I wish you all the best, and I hope you've been enjoying your life. What have you been up to?
@LifeAfterInvega : That's great news you're giving us here. I haven't had much desire to be productive lately. Just playing video games and running once a week. I'm glad you're enjoying life more than ever.

@LifeAfterInvega and to the room : the poison makes me believe lies such as I am not successful enough, not good enough, not "popular" enough and completely unworthy. This too will pass but it is such a horrible feeling.

Day 164

Almost normal sex drive
Good sleep
Had a window recently
Able to socialise

Feelings of worthlessness, that I'm not good enough
Lack of motivation
@LifeAfterInvega Really glad to hear you're doing so much better, and thanks for letting us know that's why Rosi hasn't recovered. I was kind of worried because they say that they've only had two shots, like me, and that's the only case I've heard of someone having two shots and not at least almost recovering in a year. Also the only person I've heard of who claims to have no improvement after such a long time.

@zack365 Yeah, invega is pretty shit for self-esteem in multiple ways. I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling worthless. Remember that people who are above average doubt their abilities more than those who are below average. An ability to recognize deficiencies is part of how you improve, so don't let it get you down too much, since it means you're perceptive enough to be critical. I find that adderall helps me with my confidence enough to where I can stop beating myself up about stuff.
Maybe my Trauma, my sadness stops my emotions. Or I had because of the stroke less cells and this very high doses was simple too much, I had never much dopamine.
*sighs* Well, let's hope we all heal sooner. I think I have already had improvements at 70 days. I've started to feel a new emotion here and there, and today I managed to sustain an internal philosophical monologue while walking. Yesterday I felt butterflies in my stomach for the first time thinking about my boyfriend that I've been with for a month
@Rosi71 I'm really sorry about all of the shit you've had to go through and that you're still doing poorly. I hope you'll start to see improvements soon.
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