Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Ok so I'm looking pessimistic but my optimism is ever lasting bc I think our souls will always win in the end but anyways how will I know I'm healed in November
Ok so I'm looking pessimistic but my optimism is ever lasting bc I think our souls will always win in the end but anyways how will I know I'm healed in November
The best thing you can do right now is take it day by day month by month ...keep track of how you respond to things that you use to enjoy ....for me I am using music which sounded so annoying after the the months go by it is become more and more enjoyable ..I am also monitoring my sleep ..I developed bad insomnia and interrupted sleep pattern as well ..and I am sleeping longer before popping awake...I am still waiting for the rested feeling when waking up and the ability to feel tired again to break through but I know it will happen....but honestly i would give yourself at least a year for full recovery and for the poison to be fully out of your system ..even with just one injection..this stuff lingers in you..
But if it only stays in there for 6 months at 12 will I be the same person as if I never took the shot ?? Please give some facts
But if it only stays in there for 6 months at 12 will I be the same person as if I never took the shot ?? Please give some facts
do you actually read and compherhend anything anybody has been telling you suppose to take " 8 months" for the injection to be out of your system ...and I am sure that is the same time frame with only one injection as well ..but I would give yourself another 4 months for your brain receptors to rewire ..who knows you maybe lucky and recover quicker since you did only get one shot ..but we are not doctors we are just basing time frame off of people's recovery stories ...steph even stated that the invega people are not even sure how long it takes for this shit to clear out of your system should really just use all this time you have to keep posting the same unanswerable questions and just read through the thread ...everybody recovery is different ..and we can not tell you specifically when you will heal..I am starting to think you are a troll .
I'm the opposite I'm scared as fuck in all honesty I think threads are for people who want to understand other people maybe you could understand me
I'm the opposite I'm scared as fuck in all honesty I think threads are for people who want to understand other people maybe you could understand me
it is hard to really understand you ..when you keep posting questions we can not answer...all we can do is tell you to stay afloat for 8 months ...keep your positive outlook because It will help you through the depression phase if you even get that part ...and I really hope you don't...and fear is literally how we all felt ...I literally felt like I died after those injections..It took shot number 3 for me to fully understand that I made a big mistake and they took my soul and life...I was soooooo freaking scary numb in the tasted like nothing felt like nothing ...I felt like I wasn't even here anymore because I could not feel the energy from the earth and things around me ...I understand what you mean about chakras being shut down will notice your sense kicking back in if you just take this day by day month by month ...keep track of something and your response from it are not alone and we are all here supporting each other through this hell ..this is definitely not permanent either ..
I wish I could comfort you but I'm not some asshhole I think we all have potential to heal and I agree 8 months seems fair I will wait and exercise in the mean time I believe you know what your talking about you must have taken your Dr opinion seriously I noticed the shot was horrible after the first one I never went back
I wish I could comfort you but I'm not some asshhole I think we all have potential to heal and I agree 8 months seems fair I will wait and exercise in the mean time I believe you know what your talking about you must have taken your Dr opinion seriously I noticed the shot was horrible after the first one I never went back
never thought you were a asshole just a bored troll ..and no i did not take anything that doc said seriously I was court order but I slipped my way right out of that shit ..I refused to take another 3 injections ...I honestly do not think I would be here if I did ..because the depression and anxiety was eating me alive ...but excersing definitely is a way to keep track..and best for recovery definitely do it...
Hey guys I'm just checking in again

So I've healed completely as stated in earlier forms in the sense of emotions, motivation when I want to be motivated, I feel euphoria from weed, acid, coke, beer, I had 8 shots of hell that stopped at May 17 and I felt fine by Feb 17-March 17. I went from 205-245 in that time and now I'm back down to 210 not from fault of the medicine but rather my lack of willingless to stay consistent. My palpations are still hanging around but nothing deablitating as I just away from massive uppers and just have random flutters now sometimes.

All is well. I was in everyone one your shoes and time will heal all wounds.

I hold 3 jobs 45-60 hour weeks 7 days a week. Once I've come out of hell I realized nothing can stop me at this point and has inspired never to swing for the fences in life now, in every regard, but I love food and beer so I'm not where I wanna be physically wise but I'm still a bouncer at a club.

The psychopaths have taken a lot from you all healing but do not let them take ur hope, for nothing can last forever.

I experience euphoria and drugs on a much more intense scale now and I have come to much a more clear way of thinking especially denouncing left wing politics that plagued me in such regard.

In no ways am I perfect but I want to bring that beckon of light to all of you as I was healing I just it caught up on Netflix serieses and did what I could when I was recovering. Once you recover from this there is nothing u cannot do.

Do not be bitter from this experience, when u feel that sense of love again tell everyone u do love how much u really once u realize what it's like to have that emotion stolen from you.

Don't give up hope, it's all you have.

Heal peacefully
Invegauser I love you, thank you for always being there to DM me and help me get through this nightmare, if u have nothing else u single handly helped me through so much of this bullshit and ur time has to be here to finally go to the other side and enjoy all the happiness of life. The debt I owe you could never be in the form of anything in this world.

Also CBD is that good stuff. If I smoke too actual weed I might completely trip, but CBD is a happiness U can find in any tobacco store or smoke shop. Get a vape, get some funny videos, enjoy life.

To the rest of you feel free to DM I can tell u what did and didn't help, but after a while it's where ur mentality is. A healthy mind doesn't exist without a healthy body and Vice versa

My boobs bother me but most ppl just think they are pecs anyways lol
The drug takes 1-2 weeks to completely set in and allow for the full experience to be felt. Any person in their right mind I would imagine would stop the shots after the first couple of weeks instead of getting 6 months worth of additional injections. It took you 6 months to realize what was happening to your body?
Hey guys I'm just checking in again

So I've healed completely as stated in earlier forms in the sense of emotions, motivation when I want to be motivated, I feel euphoria from weed, acid, coke, beer, I had 8 shots of hell that stopped at May 17 and I felt fine by Feb 17-March 17. I went from 205-245 in that time and now I'm back down to 210 not from fault of the medicine but rather my lack of willingless to stay consistent. My palpations are still hanging around but nothing deablitating as I just away from massive uppers and just have random flutters now sometimes.

All is well. I was in everyone one your shoes and time will heal all wounds.

I hold 3 jobs 45-60 hour weeks 7 days a week. Once I've come out of hell I realized nothing can stop me at this point and has inspired never to swing for the fences in life now, in every regard, but I love food and beer so I'm not where I wanna be physically wise but I'm still a bouncer at a club.

The psychopaths have taken a lot from you all healing but do not let them take ur hope, for nothing can last forever.

I experience euphoria and drugs on a much more intense scale now and I have come to much a more clear way of thinking especially denouncing left wing politics that plagued me in such regard.

In no ways am I perfect but I want to bring that beckon of light to all of you as I was healing I just it caught up on Netflix serieses and did what I could when I was recovering. Once you recover from this there is nothing u cannot do.

Do not be bitter from this experience, when u feel that sense of love again tell everyone u do love how much u really once u realize what it's like to have that emotion stolen from you.

Don't give up hope, it's all you have.

Heal peacefully

You have palpitations? I believe I'm having that to. It's your heart feeling weird, right? How long have u been off the shot?
That's amazing I have another thing to add I went to the psychiatrist today and I wanted to add coming from an actual book that the half life for multiple doses is 25-49 days I may also state that 1 shot takes 6-8 months to leave the system anyone stating a year obviously has there own worries but I some what agree with it being a full year to find yourself again
That's amazing I have another thing to add I went to the psychiatrist today and I wanted to add coming from an actual book that the half life for multiple doses is 25-49 days I may also state that 1 shot takes 6-8 months to leave the system anyone stating a year obviously has there own worries but I some what agree with it being a full year to find yourself again
6-8 months for the injection to clear and another 4 months for thing to start functioning again so like I stated before a year or maybe 10months sounds about right ..and on all honesty doctors do not really know how this injection work on clearing out the body because they expect people to stay on it for life they give you a guestiment of 6-8 months ..but again everybody heals different some people feel no improvement at 6 month or 8 months and others do so hopefully you will ...
My struggle here lately is trying to figure out who I am with out my delusions ..I had them for so long I feel like a complete different person with out them ..and honestly they weren't bad delusional just a bunch of conspiracy beliefs ..never thought I was some god..but definitely thought I was put here for a higher purpose to help change the world with a whole bunch of other that I needed to find and connect with I honestly feel like a nobody...that life is just stuck on the same loop ..I thought I was breaking out of the matrix ..reason why I had what I call visison of the future but doctors like to call it "pychosis"...I felt like my mind was trying to expand but we haven't evolved enough as humans for our brains to reach the capacity it need to be at with out freaking out when the 3rd eye opens to a whole different realm ...i am so lost in who i am right now and it is definitely making me feel like giving up on life ..sorry for the vent you life just feels like a big lie right now .
The only "delusion" I have now is that we are in a psychological warfare and spirtual warfare the enlightened ones are being targeted and attack mentally that is why they say the revolution won't be televised.
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