Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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1 156mg injection

Can anybody explain me how paliperidone nanocrystals work? How do they know they have to release the drug once a day?

@bees don't worry, one shot is not even enough to make your paliperidone plasma levels to go high enough, that's why they give you two load doses, technically...
so i will have everything bac by november- december?
I low-key hope it does I think I'd be either fully healed or a month away by December will my old preceptions come back with it?
Yeah as far as delusions go I think I'm going to have them if I smoke weed in December or November which I plan on doing I was highly interested in my voices but something was wrong with my environment
But what about November do you think I'll recover? Like do you think I'll come out of a cacoon like a butterfly
Probably, if your voices disappeared with a single 156mg you are the proof 234mg + 156mg is pure cruelty... This shit works even on low doses, what's the fuc*ing purpose of these huge ass doses, do they want us completely zombiefied? The more zombiefied the happier they are? Wtf!

Btw Bees, I kinda can understand you if you want your voices back but you should use these months to link yourself to reality and not to fall into delusions again, I mean we actually don't need even voices, a sober normal life is better imo... Btw I think I had "perceptions" too, but these things are not real ,just other delusions I'm afraid...
That's straight facts it should only be used on fucking people that are harmful to the world like we have family we deserve to prosper yfm
You dont need to be delusional and hearing voices to be creative. And if smoking causes that you shouldnt smoke, not trying to dictate your life, only saying it out of genuine concern for your well being, and that you dont get injected again. Your delusions and voices are like chasing a rabbit, if you keeep chasing it, youll have gone too far, and youll end up getting lost, in your mind I mean. Thats when your back in the mental hospital. Thats what just happened to me, except I snapped out of it before hospitalization. I chased the rabbit too far. Im also very creative, just find alternative forms of stimulation. Music, Coffee, cigs or vape(if you do) etc. And use that stimulation to be creative.

On another note I had the majority of my receptors open up today, I can tell by the sensitivity to nicotine, it?s like smoking for the first time. This is the second time since I have been off the meds. My first one was around 5-6 months I believe. Its like a major dopamine rush.
@crazedloom175: wrong thread. this one is solely for those recovering from an anti psychotic known as invega/xeplion. seems you've posted this question in one or two other threads already, be patient a response is coming. best stay clear of this thread less you lose yourself. (maybe "can't post for some reason" is a sign you are knocking on the wrong door?!)

@Steph78: i'm on pins and needles waiting to hear from you. are you healed or was yesterday your first window? hope all is well with you either way.

Everything's going good. Thanks. ?
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