Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Guys I feel sick after taking baking soda, does anyone else feel that way? I think I am going to back off the baking soda, and not take it for a while, and see if when i take it whether it makes my feel sick again. I am not sure of the chemistry of these drugs, so I really have no clue how substances react. If anyone else trys baking soda, let us know.
@invegauser good to hear from you again, not good to hear you have had those bad experiences, sounds tough beyond comprehension. no happy dance here unfortunately, some things are slightly better but nowhere enough to give me faith I'll get my pre drugged self. I had 15mg valium before sleeping and I slept 8 hours straight and had a glimpse of how thoughts and feelings should flow during sleeping and dreaming , a hell of a lot goes on and it is felt semi consciously and enjoyed during sleep, this enjoyment programs us to explore the world in the same spirit, but with the paliperidone acid burned brain I have nothing like that can be experienced day or night

@invega132 you've been hit the least out of everyone so you're a good measure for how recovery from the shot progresses
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It has been 64 days(2 months and 4 days) for my first 2 injections and 29 days( 1 month tomorrow) for my 3rd injection ..i think the depression is finally try to lift been 2 days i have woke up feeling somewhat ok ..i also tried some wine last night no affect but i should have know that i wasnt going to feel anything but i think i had high hopes that something magically unblocked...overall
Side effects suffering:
-no libido
-headaches on one side
-lack of endorphins
-insomnia/interrupted sleep
-the inability to laugh or cry(emotionless)

I am definitely trying to keep busy during all of this so time will fly .hope all are feeling slight improvement /major improvement as the days go by .
How is everyone doing ? Hope you all are hanging in there .just remember it only gets better not worse from this point.
Decisive healed in 10 months and she recommended to me to drink 1,5 liter of water/green tea per day
I would never want to loose my loving sensible Emotions. My happiness, my sadness, my luck and my Empathie. My charme and my being a Woman.Why does Invega N?rnberg these parts away, but other parts like speaking, seeking or thinking are okay? Gets in these parts of the brain no Flourid?
Has anyone else noticed improvement with walking on toes than walking on heels? All of a sudden I had more stamina, speed, agility, and less dizziness as long as i kept my weight on my toes.
Quick post: DO NOT TAKE BAKING SODA! i do not recommend people taking baking soda. BAKING SODA MAY NOT BE THE ANTIDOTE AND COULD BE HARMFUL. For the past few days I have been trying to learn chemistry, but still guys do not take my word for it. And also from past knowledge here is what i know: The invega fluoride is on the receptor, where calcium forms over it because calcium wants to lose an electron, and fluoride wants to gain and electron, thus calcifying it. Sodium intake increasing the calcification process because it can bind to sulfur, fluoride, chlorine. All sulfer, fluoride, and chlorine are bad in the blood, however, Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) intake increasing the calcification process because...i don't know, im making guesses... it can bind to sulfur, and also excelerates formation of calcium oxillate crystals by making the environment alkaline, calcium is an alkaline. Organo sulfur helps to clear the calcium stones in body. In order to minimize the calcification, Take boron, magnesium, potassium, iodine supplements. Both elements bind to free calcium. Garlic has natural properties which help to decalcify. You may even drinking lemon water, and apple vinegar cider. I know from experience that baking soda made me feel sicker....
In short, I have no idea what chemistry is, but if you want to minimize calcium deposits in the body, take apple cider vinegar in water.


Baking soda reacts with vinegar to neutralize it. We need apple cider vinegar to eat out calcium deposits in the blood stream.

BTW 3 days of studying chem bought me to this conclusion. Anyone else here wanna give a try at finding the solution? Well it made me feel sick. I only took a tsp. If I took more, could have been really bad. anyone else have this experience? Maybe the sodium binded to the fluoride in my blood, that could have made sodium fluoride, which is toxic.. ANyway.... I have no idea.
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Hey guys, for the past 7 months I?ve been lurking this thread for tips and it?s really helped. I finally feel decent enough from coming off this poison that I wanted to post my situation and get some feedback:

My last injection was 39 mg on October 20th 2017. Since then it was fucking horrible. You know what they say about exercise helping get the drug out of your system? Well I ran about 7-15 miles 5x a week since then (on this drug it?s impossible but I also take vyvanse which idk what I?d do without it while coming off invega). While the exercise helped it still felt like it was barely doing anything to get he meds out.

By month 6 I started to feel way better, I could barely sit thru a tv show and kinda enjoy it, and my most major improvements were my eyes no longer looked so zombified plus my disgusting appetite finally went back to normal! That made me so happy. Seriously the sunlight recommendation I saw on here is what helped.

I now feel like I?m at a dose that my body can just barely tolerate compared to the rediculous amount that was being injected into my body. Sadly my calculations show that even a little below 1 mg in my body does the same job all those 156 mg shots and stuff did. I hate these people. I still have issues with maintaining eye contact and having a fluid conversation. Does anyone know when that comes back? I have lost 70 lbs and only need to workout like 2x a week so that?s good. I also used to wake up every morning with so much crusty stuff around my eyes- for the most part that has gone away now too.

I?ve been taking SO many supplements specifically boron and iodine and stuff for the invega elimination. About 4 days ago I added 1/4 tbs of baking soda to my daily regimen hoping it would help. Idk i feel a little different on it like it enhances the invega, so can someone please explain to me in lamens terms how exactly it actually gets rid of it?

I?m right there with Steph78 when it comes to wanting to sue. I DEVELOPED MALE BREASTS. they?re kinda noticeable but when I weigh 135 lbs at 5?10? they kinda can be passed off as if I?ve just been doing push ups. But if u touch it it?s all fuckin breast tissue. I called two lawyers offices taking on invega patients and they said they aren?t gunna take my case bc I?m not under 18- it seems it?s only lucrative for them if you?re a young male that developed gyneclemastia earlier because of it. They did say I should call my local bar association and check and see if anyone else has filed claims against it or something so maybe I?ll do that. When calling it was kinda nice bc I was able to talk like a normal person with emotion. In person, it?s a little different I?m still flat and have the akasthisia but I really hope this all goes away within 3 more months.

I heard 8-9 months is a good marker, but I?m hoping that the 10-11 months when people said they felt so much better is when I?m going to feel even better.

So hang in there everyone. I remember reading and everyone being like ?reserve a year of ur life and take it easy it?s reqlly hard? and I was so disheartened by that. I finally feel like I?m atleast halfway there so that?s good but whatever. I guess exercise supplements baking soda and sunlight are gunna be my mantra from now on. And I?m careful not to gain anymore fat bc then the trace amounts of invega are stored in that.

Hmm what am I missing... sry for the long post, just thought I felt decent enough to finally say something about this journey. Hands down worst experience of my life. I get so angry sometimes I feel like it?s worth killing my self bc it ruined my body almost irreparably. I even got gum disease like ??????????? after the shot and it?s bc my teeth and gums couldn?t defend themselves from infections and stuff idk it?s just all shitty. Oh one more thing! The invega made me really emotionally fragile, I?d get horrible embarassing memories of the past and for the most part I atleast don?t get a dreadful feeling from that anymore. I still have some moments when I emotionally am almost like ?this is the end of my world this is horrible? kinda feeling, as if I can?t cope, that?s the weirdest part but yea. Okay I?m done any comments? Questions? Any tips I should consider??
Here is my take. Limit your sodium intake. DO NOT TAKE BAKING SODA!!! sodium may counter act medication made from Chloride, but still doesn't for fluoride meds. Sodium neutralizes citric acids, excellerating the calcification of the receptors. Especially baking soda. Do not take baking soda because it reacts with citric acid in the blood. This neutralizes the acid, which is nessicary for helping to decalcify the receptor after it has been targeted by invega. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies. Drink vinegar and lemon water.

i'm just glad I only took baking soda 2 days before noticing the effects, and then learning chemistry takes about 3 days, so mystery solved.
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lol. Drink a bottle of Vinegar and tell us how you feel! No, but seriously, even if you mix a few teaspoons with water it is still enough to damage the enamel of your teeth and cause serious cavities. I would proceed with the utmost caution. Also, drinking just a cup of vinegar a day can lead to very "Low potassium levels and can cause fatigue, constipation, muscle damage or an irregular heartbeat."

Where did you get your source? Yes Apple Cider Vinegar helps break down calcium stones. Your brain receptors get calcified. In order to decalcify them you need citric acid, and minerals such as boron.

Baking soda on the other hand promotes the calcification in the body, making it a lot worse.
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Apple cider vinegar is not the same as regular vinegar. But I agree with you, Lemon Water is probably the better option. You can limit you vigiger intake.

Invega is a funny drug. It reacts with calcium (a base) to calcify the brain receptors. Then it reacts with citric adic, and boron to decalcify and fall off from the receptor and get flushed out with urine. The calcium stones it creates also clog up the blood vessels, producing small strokes in the brain.

Guys remember my advice on drinking plenty of filtered water because it made me feel better? Well water removes the calcification.
How many injections did you get and how many months has it been for you ?And are you still experiencing side affects from it .
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