Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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How the F do you get to sleep after the injection? I have insomnia every night. Been almost four months since my last injection. I had three: the two loading doses 234 mg plus another 156 one week later, and a 156 mg injection February 15th.
Exactly what i said when she said it didnt effect her sleep ..i had the same dosage as you and i suffer from insomnia bad .it been 4 months for you has you anhedonia got any better .
Nope. I feel like it just keeps getting worse. I'm now a braindead zombie robotic turd. I cant think about anything and it actually hurts my head to try and do so. I cant do anything but lie in bed all day. This really sucks!
Nope. I feel like it just keeps getting worse. I'm now a braindead zombie robotic turd. I cant think about anything and it actually hurts my head to try and do so. I cant do anything but lie in bed all day. This really sucks!

I'm in my 7th month off the shot. It did seem like it got more intense then it starts to taper off. I can feel a huge difference from last month to this month. I can feel life coming back into me, if that makes sense.. I know invega is still in my system though because I still can't feel any effects from weed, alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, sleep aids. I'm getting there though. Maybe next month. Fingers crossed. Everyone hang in there. I know its rough. Unbearable but it does get better. I thought I'd b stuck in the space forever but I'm getting there slowly. It's gonna b OK. Take care, everyone.
Thanks Steph. I have no idea how to quote your post like all the others, I'm hitting the quick reply to to yours.

Glad to see you're doing better and I hope it gets even more so! It's nice to see someone halfway there to a full recovery.

You're right, this is tough as all Hell!
I think cardio is more helpful in clearing the drug. I definitely have noticed that in the past 3 days, when I have done some more running, my vision has cleared up quite a bit. My vision was very blurry 2 weeks out, but it was the first thing to get better and clear up, now it has gotten much better. Could be that cardio is the main exercise in getting the thing out of our system? Cardio definitely increases blood flow to internal organs, so I think the liver is getting rid of the poison.
The only problem with this drug is the brain strain/tightness. My brain strain has stayed the same for 5 months and has never healed not even a little bit. The only thing thats better is that my body/head has become more firmer but my brain cant operate cause its strained
The only problem with this drug is the brain strain/tightness. My brain strain has stayed the same for 5 months and has never healed not even a little bit. The only thing thats better is that my body/head has become more firmer but my brain cant operate cause its strained

Seems like people start to feel a small difference at 6 months, more so at 7 months and a lot at 8 months. I'm in my 7th month right now. It's much better than last month. I'm excited for next month. Hang in there. I know it's hell but u r getting close.
Can you have dreams from the past now?

I don't know what's up with me sleep. It's like the chemical doesn't release. I don't think I make it to rem sleep. I don't really get tired, I just go to bed around the same time every night. When I wake up, Im wide awake. There's a chemical in our brain that's released at some point for sleep. I think its not releasing or that receptor is blocked as well.... Another sucky part of this hell is not being able to achieve that full, satisfied feeling you get from eating. I miss that. Or, how coffee wakes u up and gives you a little pep in your step. I miss that. Or being able to enjoy a cocktail or a blunt. I know it will all go back to normal I'm just eager. It's been a long road. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. In my 7th month hoping month 8 is VICTORY!
The only problem with this drug is the brain strain/tightness. My brain strain has stayed the same for 5 months and has never healed not even a little bit. The only thing thats better is that my body/head has become more firmer but my brain cant operate cause its strained

How many injections did you have? Do you exercise? Bro, maybe you have an impinged nerve in your neck and not with invega. Try trap exercises and see if that helps. but instead of doing shrugs, just sit at a rowing machine and pull your shoulders back with all the types of grip, hands far apart and hands medium and close. This is how he trap is actually supposed to function by pulling the shoulder back when its is out stretched. It also burns up in the neck if your hand placement is below the top part of chest. Hope this helps. I am guessing you have a nerve impinged. Nothing to worry about, just remember to out stretch your arms and pull the shoulders back.
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I am off my two shots since 18,5 month. I feel very empty, have no good Dreams from the past and no interest to do anything.I feel like one Part of my brain is away, where all the human feelings are.
This is by far the biggest thread on this site, so that makes invega injection the worst most damaging drug in the world. It takes 5 hours after waking up for the pain in my brain to settle until I can get out of bed. 400mg 4 months ago and ive gone from happy and well to a crippled tramp. How can the government and psychiatry get it so wrong for so long, it seems very intentional
@The Most Ultimate dude your wrong, everyone whos b****ed about invega sustenna should be b****ing about the brain strain, its the only reason why we have these physical side effects. If youre f***ed up from this drug and dont even have a brain strain, then the invega sustenna mustve hit you so hard, your body went to complete shit. My body tried fighting off this shit devil drug, try having extreme pain in your penis for two f***ing hours, i went to the ER too. No drugs should never mess with your hormones/testosterone cause they try to take away what every guy want most, women. They said my nerves were fine they only just been blocked from functioning/ feeling alive. And i only took one 156mg shot in my whole life.
day 38 here, the akathisia and anhedonia are still pretty bad. I took two 234mg injections last one was 38 days ago. I felt cannabis normally, i did got an erection for the first time since the injection about a week ago, organism felt about half good from masturbating.. hopefully i'm going to recover soon!
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