Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Nikolas Cruz the school shooter had convulsions, eyes rolling, could not hear, lost strength, vomited, etc. according to just yesterdays published news. MKUltra (mind control ultra) anyone? Invega Sustenna or some other APs/anti-depressants?

Update 4 months out: Well I have been taking 12 days breaks between the workouts which are also a half-assed effort. Semester is coming to an end thankfully. Let's see what happens from here. Am not feeling like shit like before, but still some work to be done. Good thing I went easy on the workouts, otherwise this shit would have happened to me: Death. Anyway, take care folks, make sure to do workouts. Get this shit out.
@willowblosom thanks for the update, well done and congrats. May I ask if you have you had libido improvements?

@steph78 unfortunately even time does not guarantee full recovery, it's such a heinous crime perpetrated by these quacks!!
@Steph78: how you doing otherwise? it's been almost 6 months for you right?

Good memory. Yes, I'm almost to 6 months. I still feel the same pretty much. I can get into a show sometimes now. I think that's about it. I like to smoke the herb. I still can't enjoy that. Lol that blows. I'm so bla to it now, sometimes I just laugh like, yea, I did this to myself. It's pure hell. Sorry I'm such a downer. Been pretty down for awhile. It'll get better, I know. ?
@willowblosom thanks for the update, well done and congrats. May I ask if you have you had libido improvements?

@steph78 unfortunately even time does not guarantee full recovery, it's such a heinous crime perpetrated by these quacks!!

That is so scary. There should be a law suit here. Especially if there were a large group of people wanting to, that may help them take the case.
I just want my dick to work again. I have no feeling, no desire. That right there should be grounds for a lawsuit.
Hey, how's everyone doing?
Sorry I haven't replied to your PM yet invegauser, I thought I replied when I first got it 8)

I'm thinking of going for a blood test soon. I've seen jmorin say his doctor checked serum paliperidone? How would I request this from my GP?
Really curious about my free testosterone levels
They will be weak. I was like 350 when my average for my group is like almost 800.

I'm taking ashgawanda just to raise my test while dropping my e with estrogen blockers. It might be helping me out with the tits
@nybryx yes!!! The other day my husband and I got busy and I actually felt the most pleasure I have in a while and was able to “get there” really fast. This is a huge improvement from a while back when I wasn’t able to get there at all. Or have any interest in sex.
I truly believe my improvements have been based on the fact that my prolactin is being lowered. Prolactin screws a lot of your body processes up for both men and women.

Another small victory Is I was able this last week to lose 3lbs. Seemingly out of nowhere. This is big news because no matter how hard I tried I was not able to lose any weight! Not even being almost 8 months off this crap! I was dumbfounded when I saw I lost 3lbs. I am eating somewhat of a keto diet right now. No sugar and not a lot of carbs. The last time I did keto I was on the shot and was desperately trying to lose weight and I was strict doing keto and I gained a pound after 5 weeks of doing it. By that time “I should” have lost about 20lbs. That’s how badly the shot affects your body processes. But only doing keto for a few days I have already lost 3lbs. So this is saying something.
Mentally im feeling ok, not 100% but doing better than I have say 3 or 4 months ago. I am proof that stuff does eventually start getting better. Maybe not where I was before the shot but definitely better. I still have “those days”.

will be having my prolactin levels checked this week and will report as to how low they have gotten. I know siomething has to be happening because I’m losing weight and I had a normal period. We will see.

@steph78 I know how you feel. You will eventually be able to feel ganja again. It took me awhile before I could feel it’s effects. But it did happen. I too enjoy weed. My husband just doesn’t like me smoking because we both think it’s what led to my life initial psychosis. But I was smoking about an 8th a day. Since then I have only smoked a bowl or two. I would say at about 6 months out from the shot I was really able to actually feel stoned.
I'm happy for you @willow

When u have the need and want to have sex its wonderful. I remember doing it when I first came off no pleasure and it became a chore almost cuz this one chick wanted to see me everyday
Anyone know of a country/continent which does not allow forced psychiatric treatment to occur?
Thanks undiminished and invegauser! Well I weighed myself again today and I lost another pound. I’m really thinking I’m getting back to normal because the weight is coming off pretty easy now. Unfortunately I had a tiny bit of lactating today but hardly anything at all. Not like before. I am getting my blood drawn this weekend and will probably know on Monday what my prolactin is at.
It strange because it’s been so long since I’ve been able to lose a pound and it just seems like bam, out of nowhere I’m able to lose weight again. So this stuff DOES lessen in your body. If it didn’t there is no way I’d be losing weight right now because trust me I did EVERYTHING I could to lose weight and it wasn’t budging. The injection made me fat and unable to lose it. Stuff is changing.

One thing I have been dealing with as of late is the severe adenhonia. The kind where you have no motivation to do anything besides be on your phone on the couch. So I’ve still been losing weight not working out like I have been, but just like “out of it”. I long for the days ( especially this time of year ) where spending time outside in the garden was not only pleasant, but it genuinely made me happy putting my hands into the dirt and feeding the plants what they needed. Right now my husband has stepped in a lot with the garden the past two years. Where before I had a HUGE walkthrough arbor garden that I took care of by myself, took care of my family, made multiple meals, raised a flock of chickens, sold my creations on Etsy and made a grip of cash doing it. This was all before I took those damn injections.
I hope that one day soon I can look back on this post and reflect and say “I’m doing all those things again”.
It will happen, it’s just a matter of when.
Has anyone here considered going on to Invega after a brutal stim psychosis? Not because of court orders, but because if just felt a bit safer?
I have been so bad I'm suicidal all the time and im consumed with angst. Most of me has been taken away by the poison, I'm left only with the capacity to feel great trauma and regret
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i cant believe im experiencing this unimaginable hell, im seeing it for what it is nearly 12 weeks in and its making me and my life uglier by the day. goddamn this im so tense unsettled and unable to chill for a moment. thanks for trying @invegauser thanks so much
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I can emphasize with you on what medicine does to you and why u would need to feel killing urself but u gotta chill the f*ck out. This medicine isn't permanent and I can tell you that personally. This is a shitty vacation that ur put on and at this point if u killed urself I'm sure a round table of psychiatrists would be laughing maniacally about it because I feel like it's definitely a form of population control kinda like Nazi eugenics where there are laws that ppl with intellectual disabilities aren't allowed to breed under US law.

I lost a year to this medicine trying to heal and feel back to normal this bullsh*t isn't worth throwing ur whole life away. It sucks when u can't get drunk, when I got home at 6 months I could definitely get High of pot at least. I feel normal @nybryx. It's like everything was before I can feel sex, beer, working out, etc. I don't take those feelings for granted anymore. Even my heart arrhythmia is gone. The only reason why I haven't said I'm healed is because of my slight gyno. This year might suck but it's not worth throwing the rest of ur years away for it.
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