Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v.2

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Hey Decisive congratulations, that's really amazing I must say. So are you back to your university already? that's good man, you are on your way to keep your life in track now :)
Well I took the pills for one year, and I stopped taking them a month ago, I didn't had any withdrawal symptoms, actually I kinda feel the same, nothing seems to have changed, is this normal? I wanna fast process thinking, and motivation to go out with my friends, I just go every day for the work and then I go home, every single day, is such a routine, at least I am working, but it's really hard to get up every day and go the office. Before all this I was so energetic, always with a good vibe and cheering other people around. Now I am like a dumb zombie walking around with a sad face.
3 months? to start losing weight? oh god damn, that's too long :( your friend started to lose the weight after the third month? and the motivation and hapiness also came along?

Thanks for your reply, good luck mate and good vibes for you.

Hi Mister Ti :)

First of all I'm not a man but a girl lol :D I thought people may have noticed because in a previous post I said that I lost my periods!
You stopped taking the pills a month ago and you don't feel improvements, don't worry it's normal for the first month, it takes time to fully eliminate the poison, but rest assured, since you only took the pills the half life is really shorter than the injection! My friend took pills of Haldol (first generation of antipsychotic) and he recovered absolutely EVERYTHING after 3 months! Now he's full of emotions, he's lively, feel pleasure when listening to music, he feels exactly like his prior state!

Hold on my friend, it's just a waiting game, everything has an end and I'm wishing all the best for you and the other bluelighters =)
Half life of the first shot is longer than 49 days, the 234 mg is always the first shot to everyone. It keeps a baseline while you get an additional shot every month to reach "desired" values...

Read carefully

The median apparent half-life of paliperidone following Invega Trinza® administration over the dose range of 273–819 mg ranged from 84–95 days following deltoid injections and 118–139 days following gluteal injections.

Invega tronza is the same shit paliperidone + palm oil, it's just higher dosage and they say the lower dose which is 273 mg has 84 days half life

I think the half life of the first shot we go is around 70 - 75 days

70 days 5 times is 350 days
Half life of the first shot is longer than 49 days, the 234 mg is always the first shot to everyone. It keeps a baseline while you get an additional shot every month to reach "desired" values...

Read carefully

The median apparent half-life of paliperidone following Invega Trinza® administration over the dose range of 273–819 mg ranged from 84–95 days following deltoid injections and 118–139 days following gluteal injections.

Invega tronza is the same shit paliperidone + palm oil, it's just higher dosage and they say the lower dose which is 273 mg has 84 days half life

I think the half life of the first shot we go is around 70 - 75 days

70 days 5 times is 350 days

I agree,
If for max shot of invega sustenna 234mg we applied a half life of 49 days and min shot for invega trinza 273mg a half life of 84 days that not make sense because is almost the double. And max. shot of invega trinza 819 mg corresponds to 95 days.

If an increase in 29mg (273-234) corresponds to an increase in 35 days (84-49)
And an increase in 546mg (819-273) only has an increase in 11 days (95-84)

Falacy Invega, they are a bunch of liars
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It's affected my penis size, my erection size and my libido along with making my body super weak. I used to be able to 50 press ups many times a day but now have the will power, energy to muster up about 10. It's affected my co-ordination, I'm unable to play football. How can they inject you with a substance that demasculates you as a man, it practically makes you a woman. Everyday is a hollow existence, I need that fire in my soul again.
It would be amazing to hear from people that recover fully, in other news I'm grateful for this forum for allowing me to vent how much Invega has humiliated me as a man, I used to have a great job, gorgeous gf until I had a psychotic break, I'm staying away from cannabis forever because it's cost me too much, it's not for me.
Keep calm people
We're going to recover, its just the timescale we're unsure about, I'm getting better slowly each month and feel I will recover eventually, its best not to panic yourselves with facts that may not be true.
The 49 day half life theory seems to be true in my case going on my recovery progress so far and the science says you need five or six half lifes to eliminate a drug.
Finally able to chill out watching box sets yesterday although this experience is still always lingering at the back of my mind, that didn't seem possible to me a couple of months ago.
We're going to get a real time recovery story soon, just got to try and chill out and not do anything stupid because every month that passes it gets easier.
Do you want to:

-shrink your penis/balls
-destroy your erections
-ruin your quick moves and quick wit
-lose motivation to live

Choose Invega!
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The depression during the first three or four months is pretty scary, you've just got to remember its chemically induced and does go eventually.
I'd recomend a trip to the doctors for blood tests including testosterone, prolactin and your thyroids among others. The sex drive returns about month five.
In less than 1 month forum has reached almost 10 pages. I bet in the next 3 months we will reach 47 posted pages (aprox. 1000 posts more) as far as now the webpage of the first Invega thread is linked to this second edition and ppl will come more often. So this thread would be for the second time consecutively the most commented and important thread of Mental Health Bluelight's forum and also the most important thread about Invega Sustenna in the world.
There is something wrong with Invega and we will unmask the ripoff of the century!!
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It's not just risperidone and invega sustenma that cause these reactions to ppl. There are alot of antidepressants that seem to have very similar effects to this drug. I am In a Facebook group where members help eachother out, take a look. I don't mean to scary any of you but there are some members on the side that have been effected for 10 years an some have been effects for 6+ years. It's very scary stuff, also I don't really hear of any success stories which should be very worrisome for many of us.
I can watch tv and play Xbox, occasionally read with the daily walk. I'm living like a person who has retired or has a serious disease #zombielifestyle, im 24 and I should be in my prime but I feel like a grandad. Day to day living is difficult on this, I've got respect for people that are taking this venom and maintaining jobs, must be near on impossible.
NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO...

He has not been off it that long. I've seen some of his videos before. If you watch his other videos, he's only been off it for a year.

Lifesaving for our hope. Thanks for observing that man.
It's not just risperidone and invega sustenma that cause these reactions to ppl. There are alot of antidepressants that seem to have very similar effects to this drug. I am In a Facebook group where members help eachother out, take a look. I don't mean to scary any of you but there are some members on the side that have been effected for 10 years an some have been effects for 6+ years. It's very scary stuff, also I don't really hear of any success stories which should be very worrisome for many of us.

Ok, but I guess maybe this ppl have been taking antidepressants for years, in our case some of us received only 1-4 shots. Imagine someone at Invega trinza maximum dose 819mg, it would be like a "life sentence". I think this shit is more harmful that any antidepressant or drug addiction. Some of people who take antidepressants convert themselves into real addicts. The issue is that we were forced to take it and we don't get any pleasure at all.

Paliperidone formula: C23H27FN4O3

Heroin formula: C21H23NO5

Someone said paliperidone was copied or sinthetized from heroin but adding F (fluor) which takes out the feeling of pleasure and gives the feeling of submision. And Fluor in blood is not healthy, provokes cancer and cognitive damage.
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when I had the injections I had insomnia, it was hard for me to concentrate/read or even talk since I couldn't reflect ! I had anhedonia, had no interests, no emotions nor motivation. As a consequence I had to take a break from university, time for me to stop the treatment and recover my capacities.
Now at the 10 months mark, I recovered my sleep, my thoughts, my focus, interests and fortunately my motivation! I just need my emotions to come back. One month ago I had big waves of emotions but they only lasted 2 weeks, I guess it's because a new wave of poison stored in my blood came to block again my receptors! According to my half lives calculations, in 5 days I'll have around 4.3mg of invega sustenna left in my body, it will be the 6th half life (300 days off this poison).

Let us not forget we do have one success story and Bad robot says it does get better after ten months we shouldn't have to wait much more than that unless we got more than 400 mgs. The key is to accept it and don't panic and don't dwell on the frustration of feeling trapped. It is not natural for any animal to feel this way for this long and claustrophobia has been sinking in more lately, even though other things have gone away it's like the mind isn't equipped for this type of prolonged smothering. It is important to avoid anger or you will only feel more stranded. Be your own best friend and take pride in whatever time you've spent so far. This experience will make us extremely tough and strong right down to the core of the soul when we are done. We all know it's true. When this shits over Im gunna f*ck shit up.
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@ Gdvffh
you told us about the facebook group. You said there are no success stories. Are there people who recovered after 10 years or are they still not recovered after 10 years ?? Please say the recovered :(((((
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