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Coming off 1 year .5 insuffulated Herion addicted. Using subs (HELP PLEASE)

Another update: Before leaving work. I said you know what? I'm not even going to bring a sliver of sub to work. I"m gonna make myself get through it without. If i need it when I get home sooo be it then it would be about 56 hrs from my last .25mg sub use...Might of been a bad idea, but I want this bad.

Ps...13 days off Herion and I FINALLY tested NEGATIVE for it! WHEW its out of my system! I can't tell you how good that feels.
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My main reason I wouldn't drink caffeine wouldn't be because insomnia but because it will make your ass explode like a volcano with hot diaherria.Keep up the good work bro,I'm proud to be part of this thread.I love seeing people kick this shit,it gives others hope!
good job man.. i'm shocked it took 13 days to test neg tho.. i've tested neg as short as 2.5 days in the past..
Thanks everybody. About to go on lunch at work. I'm glad I didnt bring any subs with me.. Having chills really bad...Had runs this mroning but don't feel anything doing jumping jacks as of yet. Havn't taken any immodium either... I guess I'm playing the dont' use anything unless I have too... so my body can heal.. But does your body/brain heal on days your off and low doses of subs? or no?
I have been a heavy opiate user for years now: started when I was younger with Vicodin, moved up to Oxys & Roxys, the 30 mg blues, and averaged about 10 a day (300 mgs). This was my life for a couple years. I was a functioning addict until I wasn't and my world came crashing down, quickly and dramatically. Ended up in rehab about 7 months ago, after quitting blues cold turkey. Well, my opiate addicted, 300 mgs a day body said hell no and fraught back with the most intense and traditionally horrible withdrawal symptoms: I felt like my body had been hit by multiple busses, I could not stop throwing up, shaking, sweating, going to the bathroom and experienced the worst restless leg syndrome. Needless to say, those around me watching this checked me into a detox center, where I went on a 4 day suboxone detox. It was amazing. Detox wasn't, but suboxone is like a miracle drug for people going through opiate WD. To make a long story short, here I am 7 months later in the throws of heroin addiction. I started using heroin about 6 months ago, snorting turned into shooting, shooting up randomly became shooting up regularly and regularly soon became a strict schedule of shooting up heroin and cocaine every morning before work, every afternoon after work, and every evening before bed. Everyday. Like clockwork. I have to end this cycle. I feel like I have lost control of my life. If I don't do my shot at the time my body is used to doing it, I will start to get dope sick, and I know first hand the hell that really is, so I use to feel normal. So I wanna quit, can't quit because I'm so physically addicted, but need to stop or I know I'll loose everything, again. So I have three, 8 mg suboxone strips. The last time I did dope was at 6pm yesterday evening. I woke up this morning & left to go to work at 8:30 and took half of the sub (4 mgs) then. I have 4 mgs left from that strip, and 2 other 8 mg strips. Anyone have any advice on how to best taper off? Any advice for me in general, been through what I'm going through? Anything helps right now as I'm fighting this battle alone, none of my friends and family know I'm using again, and not only using, but shooting up speedballs 2-3 a day. Thanks y'all xx
I know it's not popular with a lot of people on her poppyqueen but as I mentioned before I've done the 7 day taper in detox and it took quite a many times t get me off h,but that was more about me then the taper. Yes I felt like shit when I was done but wasn't unbearable and that should be what you shoot for.IMHO once you step over the line into extreme opiate addiction there's no way to come off unscathed just make it manageable. Now the starting point is relative to your addiction but I started at 12 and each day came down at 25% until day 8 was nothing(12 day one,9 day 2,4.5 day 3,2.25 day 4 so on and so forth). I'm not saying it's for everybody but I had a huge habit($300 daily) and yes I couldn't sleep right again for a couple months,lethargy lasted awhile,and stomach bubbled forever but I didn't have the severe withdrawals. The main thing that helped me stay clean was once I got passed wds was working on myself(went to psychiatrist) stayed away from friends that used,got a job, and eventually had a family. Can't expect to quit and go back to your life with everything else the same minus the dope,it doesn't work that way!
Day 12: update afternoon.. Went through work all day again with no sub. Just some Kava tea after work.. just 6oz of it. Withdrawals are creeping harder. after skipping a day, I"m going to take another sliver tomorrow and skip 2 days... wish me luck!
I feel like caving and taking a dose soo bad. Hot and cold, gooshflesh has intensified soooo much. Anxiety... I'm not going too I'm waiting the 48 hr mark... I'm DOING THIS!

Can't beleive tomorow is day 13!!! I'm not going to go logner then 3 weeks.. I got this I got this I got this! Ifi I get no sleep tonight... so be it... I fucking desreve it. What comes UPPPPPPPP MUST come DOWNNNNNN.... Funny how life has its way of evening out. I'm going back to Church and starting to realize what is important in life.. Friends, family, Love, etc. Its crazy. Love you all. Lets get clean everyone. God bless, I'll update you in the AM!
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Hey breath ' in and out ,in and out.This is fleeting ,you'll be fine you need to take a late walk around the block go smoke something.You got this man,don't let that little orange pill or strip have you so wrapped,focus elsewhere. Pray,listen o music,jerk off whatever just don't dwell on the subs.You keep all your energy to repeat over and over I'm not taking it and you'll end up taking it. Do something else,this ain't hard(tell yourself) waking up dope sick having to ignore everything in your life until you get your fix is hard. I know you got this dude,now you have to.

It's the obsession to use that's toughest to break!
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Yo. OP, you have done all u can with the subs to alleviate your withdrawals. Just make the move to nothing. Any more sub now is just gonna prolong wjat has to be faced. You shouldn't feel too much physically besides lethargy and mild stomach issues. It's a mental battle now and that's not to say it's gonna be easy but if you wanna quit then you have never been in a better position than now. Best of luck bro
Poppyqueen. I know where your coming from . I can tell you from my personal experience, detoxing from percribed pain meds OC 80's, perc 30's etc was a lot more intense than IV heroin. When i use i shoot 2.5 to 3 g's a day with benzos and I've detoxed myself with 3 or 4 subs. Its not ideal but you can use the subs fir the 1st 4/5 days and just jump. Im not tryna say it's easy but you can do it if you have to. For me the fear of withdrawal was scarier than the actual withdrawal. Once you get past the physical symptoms , and you will if its time to quit, your gonna have to get your head around the idea that you don't need that shit. Fuck it, nobody needs it.
Best of luck
Day 13: 48 hrs since my last sub use..... I woke up this morning after about 3-4 hrs of sleep, sneezing, dizzy, very cold, goodsfhlesh, and the shits. took .50 again today. but I skipped a full day in between last .5. So here is the scheudle so far.. I'm thinking of doin ghte robert method now or being done all together after todays dose. its been 12-6-4-2-2-1-1.75.-.50-.50-.50-0-.50. That's been my taper thus far....Those doses towards the end coudl be a little higher then .50.. with 8mg pills and a pill cutter its hard to get them exact.... but they are deff less then 1mg... I wonder why the withdraawals are so bad today.. maybe from the skipping a day? plasma levels are down? I still got up and ran, took vitamins and ate a healthy breakfast, and now I'm at work.. This is going to be a tough day.
It is going to be a tough day that is right. And then it gonna be a another tough day for a few days. And then it WILL GET BETTER. You are almost there. Few days, 4 to 5 top. Probably less before you see things gets easier and not harder. I have to say Bhall99 you are an inspiration. Each time I log in I can't wait to check in on your progress. You are doing GREAT !!

You asked why you started to feel like shit, it is simply that your brain receptors have no more agonist or partial agonist binded to them, or at least not enough to keep withdrawal at bay. What matters now, is that you suck it up and go through, stop the Sub, feel like shit for not very long and you'll be out of the wood. (Mostly, you can expect PAWS but one battle at the time and this one is a different beast). Anyway, the Sub helped in alleviate your withdrawal symptoms, now you know that the price to pay will less expensive. I like what you said about life evening everything. I always actually though when going through withdrawal for tolerance breaks that 3 - 4 days every few months is a small price to pay for all the days of usage.

Anyway, you have to know by now that there will not be an asymptomatic easy way out. Remember it doesnt last forever. Actually I am convinced you will start feeling better this week end. Monday top (everyone is different, your testing positive for so long might means you metabolize much slowly). And you might be super lucky and have it hard only 2 days. All in all, it'll just be a few days. That always was the key for me to go through.

Also now that the real physical symptoms are kicking in, I would slow down the exercises. Walk, don't jog or run (unless you absolutely feel the need to), lots of hot baths, movies, TV series, anything that helps catch your attention. Has the other said, don't think about it too much. Actually don't think about it at all is the best way to go through. Exactly like a busy day at work will pass way more quickly than when it's quiet. Just don't think about it and do something else, it's hard cause everything that is wrong with you reminds you of it but really, it is a state of mind and you can get better at it. Stop expecting the symptoms to diminish, stop wondering if you should do another strip, just let it go, accept that it'll be over when it'll be over and just go through.

You had your reasons to quit, now you are in and you are almost done. So keep up the great work and remember those reasons. Remember also this suffering is also and investment. Each day you go through you actually invest in your self-confidence and your self-esteem ! You should be proud, I am for you when I read you.

@poppyqueen : I haven't look yet, (this thread is my usual first stop), maybe you already did, if not I wish you started your own thread so we can also talk and follow up on your progress, best of luck !
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Thanks man. That means a lot. Like I said before, I'm going to do this, I don't care how hard it gets, how bad that little demon wants out and get his fix. IF there is a will there is a way. Its just like anything in life, if you want something bad enough you will work for it, its not always easy in the beggining just like when I got my masters degree... there were days I wanted to quit, I wanted to say fuck this, but I grinded, and grinded and grinded, and came out on top. Thats how I have to take this. I don't deserve any sympathy, I made the decesions in my life and now im paying for them. I will continue to update you all on my plan and progress. I still am thinking RObert_325 plan is what I'm going to shoot for.... but we will see how I feel through the day and night. Much love. Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement
Hey we all deserve a break and everyone deserves sympathy and empathy. Just because we make stupid decisions(usually when we are young and ill informed) doesn't mean we deserve to be suffering. I got enough of that from my Catholic upbringing(I'm now a reformed Catholic)At the same time a pity party does no one any good.
You are doing great just stay focused and as I told poppyqueen you can't just remove the drugs and go back to your normal life,you need to make changes.Whether it's friends,your routine, or whatever if the only thing you do is remove the dope and continue down the path you were on before you'll end up at the same destination.You gotta do some work on yourself and figure out why your doing h to begin with.Get through the wd's for now and work on getting your shit together next!
Hey y'all... Thanks so much for your support. This morning I did a shot of H mixed with a little girl. Today is a big day for me and my family personally, so I've been stressed to say the least. Anyways, I am trying to post a new thread in regards to me trying to detox from H with subs, but everytime I try and post one, it says "Error: won't post because you need to select a topic prefix" or something like that, but I can't figure out where I'm supposed to do that. Any help would be greatly appreciated and thanks again for everyone's kind words and support. Means the world to me. xo
Do you guys know why today after using the .5... I felt no relief? Before It did. After the day I skipped and then dosing again .5 today.. NO relief and wiethdrawl seems to just keep going on... Chills really bad, fatigue bad... those are the 2.. oh and the usual insomonia, not too much anxiety tho.
@Bhall99 You are right on most things. The difference between highly successful people and others, in all life areas, before talent, is their ability to never quit trying. It is also great to take responsibility from ones action. However you do deserve sympathy and empathy. We all do. I will agree once more with Namnoc, a pity party does no good however a little bit of compassion can go a long way.

As for the reasons why your .5 was of no use I can't tell. But I strongly believe you are the point were keeping up the Sub won't bring you much anyway. You've done what was needed. Now it is the time to go through. Quit the Sub, you do not need it anymore. What you need is to end this as soon as possible. And that means a few days or suffering. But it is doable. Keep the chin up and beat that bitch up.

@poppyqueen when creating a new post on the top left you will see a dropdown menu. This is were you will need to select (Opioids). I will pass by your thread once it is made. Good luck in the mean time.
Man... today was rough, at the end of my shift I felt a little better.. Then I took a pre-workout drink and tried to workout and then felt EXTERMELY anxious..bad bad bad... soo I took 100mg Tramadol... I didnt gave into more subs tho.. Dammit. This is hard.
It is hard but you can do it,you are in the middle of doing it! When you come out on the other side you will be that much more proud of yourself! If it was easy there would be no junkies! And remember it's much tougher to live life as a junky for the rest of your life!