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[Combo Sub thread] MDMA and Psychedelics vers. I can feel color

Without an MDMA tolerance ive found my sweet spot to be two tabs and 80mg with a 50mg booster an hour after of MDMA for a total of 130mg. I usually take the MDMA three hours after i drop the LSD.
Any idea how strong the LSD tabs are? Rolls are spaced pretty close to each eh?! Next time the a little more space before you plain to have a party in your brain. Have fun! Trance is love!
Yes my rolls have been right on the limit which is why I'm a little worried about the tolerance associated with how I've kind of been abusing molly. As for the tabs, they're "double dipped" (supposedly). I took one almost a month ago and it gave some intense closed eye visuals, not to mention everything around me was awe-inspiring as usual. I still have one of those same tabs left, not sure if taking it all at once would be a good idea...
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Is it really necessary to re-dose with LSD...? Shit lasts like twelve hours.
Candy flipping is my favorite combo. When you take each drug depends on what kind of experience you want to have. Lsd takes longer to kick in and lasts much longer than mdma. If your goal is to have the peak effects of both drugs at the same time (my recommendation), you should take the mdma 2-3 hours after the lsd. This way the peaks of each drug will line up.

As far as dosing goes, don't try to take a huge dose of lsd or it will tend to overpower the mdma. Stay under 200ug. You shouldn't need a redose. Taking more acid will just make it last longer rather than making the effects stronger. Do you really want to trip for 18 hours? (hint: no) I also generally advise against redosing mdma because it increases the neurotoxicity and doesn't always make the trip last longer. With the lsd helping it along, you shouldn't need more, imo.

I wouldn't worry too much about coming down off the mdma while you are still tripping. With this schedule, the lsd peak will be over by that time. Of course, not taking a huge dose of mdma lessens this problem. The best trip I ever had was a candyflip with only 55ish mg of mdma.

The title is pretty accurate as, in my experience, the trip seems to "flip" back and forth between feeling more like lsd at some times and feeling mainly like mdma at other times.

There are no additional risks as far as neurotoxicity is concerned. It may be plausible that lsd could slightly reduce neurotoxicity due to its broad pharmacological profile, strong binding affinity, and long duration, but this is purely speculation.

Have fun!
As far as dosing goes, don't try to take a huge dose of lsd or it will tend to overpower the mdma.

That's a problem..? =D I usually take a much higher dose of LSD than I normally would If I'm candy flipping. The MDMA is usually just there to keep me happy and anxiety at bay through such an intense trip!

OP, do wait another few weeks however. You don't want such an amazing experience to be tainted by tolerance. I'll move this into the appropriate thread, too.

37 days till I start off festival season and I want to go in with a bang, I haven't rolled since Feb 20th so this is the longest break I've taken. I've shroomed a bit lately and I have really fallen in love with that little fungus. My common dose a 1/8th, if I hippy flip do I take a full 1/8th or do I take more, or do I take less? Since its a festival I will be there for 3 days, I don't know what the schedule is so I don't know when I'll flip. So can I shroom leading up to the hippy flip and can I shroom after the flip? Shrooms make lazy as fuck, thoughts on taking bumps of blow to keep wired till dawn?

Coke, shrooms and MDMA in crowded public venue sounds awful, truly.
Lsd is happy enough on its own. I only use mdma 3-4 times a year, so I want to get the most of it. Imo, the best way to candyflip is to take comparable doses of each so that they are equally felt, and you get the "flipping" effect between the two.
Well this looks like a good place to ask... what's the best ratio of MDMA/MDA combo in mg's? I never used MDA, is it more energetic than mdma and makes you want to dance? That's what I heard. I DON'T want to get floored, I just want a typical 120mg roll equivalent (I'm very lightweight).
Candy Flipping gone wrong - OMG I FEEL LIKE CRAP - Help... please!!!

Hi guys, I need a bit of advise here please.

I have a lot of experience with LSD and MDMA. I know the good and the bad of both. I avoid MDMA because of the physical and emotional drain it has on me as it effects my work and kickboxing but I love LSD as its cheap and has no lasting physical / mental issues and I can get away with doing it. I've been doing LSD every weekend now for about 4 weeks. Love it every time.

So when I get a batch of LSD, I take a trip to guage the strength of the other trips in the pack then go from there on deciding how strong a dose I want for that event that I am going to. Always a winner.

I was at mysteryland in Amsterdam last year and I took my LSD dose then 4 hours into the dose I took an ecstasy tablet. OMG it was AMAZING!!! Such a good buzz and felt great the next day, like i'd done no drugs at all. The comedown was non existent. Actually I felt way better than normal.

I have attempted to recreate this 4 times so far and failed every time, with catastrophic consequences.

So last night I took a moderate dose of LSD, wasn't planning to candy flip but then managed to find someone selling MDMA and was like hell yea lets do this(tripping my nuts off). So I munched the MDMA. Something went wrong and now I feel like death warmed up. Its like a regular MDMA comedown but 100 times worse. OMG I feel like shit. I can deal with MDMA comedown but this is whole other league.

I really want to get candyflipping right. I know that my LSD is good and I know how to guage the dose but I really need to know where im going wrong with the MDMA.

My timing was probably off last night and also, I don't know exactly what dose of MDMA I took (dumb I know).

So my questions are these:

1. What should the dose of MDMA to LSD be?
2. Does the dose of MDMA to LSD actually make much difference?
3. How can I verify how good the MDMA is? (As I don't do it, I never have a regular, reliable source)
4. How much attention should I pay to chemical intake rates? e.g MDMA will disolve into blood faster than a pill for example
You can verify the purity of MDMA with a Reagent Testing kit... a SHIT LOAD of pills/crystal is fake as FUCK these days, you really need one if you're going to be taking MDMA, especially when you combine it with a psychedelic.

Piperazine or other fake pills would make you feel like absolute SHIT with LSD... once I took a meth + MDMA pill, then LSD on the comedown for that and I was fucked up for months after.
1.you should take you normal dose of MDMA about 1-3 hours after the LSD.
2. the 2 drugs synergize they don't increase the effects of eachother IME...so it doesn't really matter what ratio you take them in.
3. only way to know is a test kit and even that will not tell you pruity. If it tests good for MDMA, take a known amount to gauge strenght before mixing with other drugs.
4. Not much...with MDMA and LSD you really need to be looking at dose size of each and the time of when you take both. you don't was to be in a full blown acid trip and have a hrash MDMA comedown hit. It can turn things bad really quick.
Thanks for the advise - really appreciate the quick response too...

I just purchased one of these


Matt, with regards to your point below:

4. Not much...with MDMA and LSD you really need to be looking at dose size of each and the time of when you take both. you don't was to be in a full blown acid trip and have a hrash MDMA comedown hit. It can turn things bad really quick.

What dose sizes should I be looking at? Weak / Moderate / Stong LSD?

What is a normal dose of MDMA? I cant really be dealing with taking MDMA just for the sake of sampling it. I hate that stuff and the effect it has after. Candy flipping completely neutralizes that nasty comedown so thats why its OK to Candy Flip for me. Damn its the best buzz i've ever had and I really want to get it right but just cannot deal with feeling like this again.
I guess what im asking is what effect will strong LSD dose have with Strong MDMA (good quality) compared to the effect of moderate LSD dose with moderate MDMA dose?

Surely it will be a more powerful overall candy flip?
Well, yeah. Obviously if you take more the effects will be stronger lol....

Personally, I like to take a stronger dose of LSD than normal.... say 300ug or so, along with a normal or maybe even slightly lower MD dose than normal... 130-150mg. The MD takes away any anxiety from the strong acid trip, and everything works out just amazingly.

Good man on getting the full spectrum kit. It will seriously help you out a TON.
^ That seems pretty dang low to me.. 120mg is probably the lowest I would dose, even if I wasn't taking LSD with it. I took 130mg of MDMA last time with 2 hits of ~130+ug LSD and it was absolutely perfect. Felt like something correct in the world had happened lol
OK sounds good... so lets say I have a bag of MDMA and its all tested good, clean stuff.

So in front of me I have a pile of MDMA. How am I supposed to measure out 80-120 mg
^ That seems pretty dang low to me.. 120mg is probably the lowest I would dose, even if I wasn't taking LSD with it. I took 130mg of MDMA last time with 2 hits of ~130+ug LSD and it was absolutely perfect. Felt like something correct in the world had happened lol

lol I actually creased up when I read that. I so badly need something correct to happen in my world next time I attempt this.
OK sounds good... so lets say I have a bag of MDMA and its all tested good, clean stuff.

So in front of me I have a pile of MDMA. How am I supposed to measure out 80-120 mg

You use a scale. Lol... They are like $23 on amazon for a very accurate milligram scale. AMS is the brand I use, accurate to within about 3mg. The only other option is liquid dosing, but you still need to know how much you have before hand and it's really not recommended with MDMA at all. Nasty water that will degrade faster.... just get a scale and be professional with your drugs haha :)