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Colon Cleanse / Cleansing your System / Colonic Irrigation

Two to three times a day is WAY unusual. I take fiber, drink tons of water, work out, and eat almost nothing but fiber rich veggies and beans and whole wheat, and I go once a day at the MOST. Dont tell people that, you'll have them taking laxatives to try and be "normal". It really varies from person to person, but you should be going once a day to once every two days..
I thought I read that you should have one bowel movement per meal. I can't imagine going every two days. I can't believe I am discussing shit schedules either :)
I'm the same like deja

but i don't eat that healthy i guess.

also i bet more skinny people are like this. (1 x 1-2)
^Come on. Its not gross, its natural. NO different that discussing eating habits, and no one is getting graphic here. Man you should see the things they say on the curezone forums!

Well, the one per meal thing..I dont personally believe that because the only places Ive heard anyone say that are one websites selling colon cleansing stuff. I do think its good to be regular but that can differ for everyone. As far as the one per meal thing, I always thought that was bogus because you simply cannot expect your guts to process and move along all that food in the amount of time between meals (a couple hours). It doesnt take long to eat, but food moving through the entire system is a slow process. PLus you digest and break down a lot of what you eat, so only the bulk of it and the waste gets moved along. So less comes out than what went in.
So less comes out than what went in.

Exactly!! A popular misconception is that people think after 3 meals, you should be ridding yourself of the same amount. Don't forget more than 70% of most food is water.
For the last couple of weeks I've been asking everyone I meet how often they use the bathroom. I am happy to report that most people seem to go once a day on average. I am normal!!

However I do have one close mate that is a 2-3 times per day, every day sort of bloke! He is built well, massive in bulk and eats like a horse though so no surprises I guess there.
cleansing your..."system"

Kind of an awkward topic, but...can anyone give me any info or recommendations on cleansing your body/colon? .. I've heard of drinks and such that work in combination with fasting to clean your body of residual waste. Any information would be helpful, thanks guys.
DJDannyUhOh said:
You have to understand that complementary and alternative medicine is slow to gain acceptance, especially "spa-like" procedures like colonics that have the stigma of being a merely trendy thing to do. The politics of medicine are set up exactly like the politics of government - what's in power stays in power until a massive enough revolt. Alternative medicine is very slow to gain any type of credibility when there's no significant demand for studies and I doubt you will see colon cleansing attract any sort of in-depth study anytime soon, especially with issues like SARS, Avian flu, and other issues that put alternative and complementary medicine on the back burner. Why do you think when you buy herbs and you see the "this statement has not been evaluated by the FDA" message? There's simply no large scale interest in pushing the issue. The only response to the colon cleanse issue is merely anecdotal and text based. For example, many people will say the colon doesn't need to be cleaned because the outer epithelial wall of the large intestine completely replaces itself and therefore doesn't need to be cleaned. However, this is not the case for impacted stool which putrefies and subsequently the old epithelium becomes part of that impaction. You can't just chalk colonics up to placebos when the surface of the largest absorption organ in the human body is being altered.

Excellent point I just had to quote that! And also this:

Anecdotal evidence is useful. They are known as n=1 studies, or case studies.

Just because a treatment doesn't have statistical significance at n=X (where X is larger than 1), doesn't mean that it won't work in an individual (n=1).

The philosophy of Naturopathic medicine states that it is the physican's duty to treat the whole person and develop a treatment plan suited for the individual.

I'm thinking very seriously of going for the 5 session colonic treatment being offered in a reputable clinic here...the only drawback is the cost , which is why I am still weighing the pros and cons. I really want to tho....I have seen the effects firsthand from my friends who have undergone the treatment(s).:)
It's a bit hard to wade through this thread, but can someone answer me: are there any effective drinks/products out there to aid in cleaning your colon or do you have to go through a doctor?
To answer you : ^

MynameisnotDeja said:
I buy probiotic supplements at vitamin world. They dont cost very much. I get my colon cleanser stuff just from metamucil..its a powder you mix into juice. Just be sure to get the 100% natural psyllium husk kind..NO flavor..you dont want the crap thats full of aspartame. I have one big glass each morning in 100% juice.

I also buy my probiotics and Acidophilus supplement in the local health food store ...plus this Super Colon Cleanse dietary supplement, my whole family uses it.

When I'm up to it I use 100% psyllium husk (C-Lium Fibre Brand) and mix it in a glass of cranberry juice or orange juice (the better to disguise the taste eek)

I know few people who can stomach the taste and texture of this tho....so like what Deja said, Metamucil (which i also have) is also effective. I guess I just like the feeling of the C-lium more...like I'm somewhat cleaner and go more regularly =D

These are just suggestions, there are many other variants/brands you can pick from if you look around and research :) You can also get these, usually, at your local healthfood/supplement/vitamin/drug store.
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zer0502 said:
It's a bit hard to wade through this thread, but can someone answer me: are there any effective drinks/products out there to aid in cleaning your colon or do you have to go through a doctor?

Go to a health food store, buy a packet of psyllium for a few dollars, mix a heaped tablespoon into a small glass of water and down it straight away.

Other than increasing your fiber & water intake, you could also think about doing a detox for about 2weeks. Nothing but fruit, veges, legumes & wholegrains. Cut out all meat & dairy. Theres a few kits going around but you really dont need to fork out $50 on a detox kit. Just adjust your diet like i suggested and you'll be sweet!

Oh and going 2-3 times a day is not unusual.
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How does it work, do they inject water into the colon and then pump it out? or is it a flow that is controlled via a vacuum naturallly occuring between the rectum and the tube?
zer052, 100% natural psyllium husks, lots of water, and fibrous healthy foods (like brown rice, salads, and lots of fruits and veggies) is the best way.
brainiacthemaniac said:
How does it work, do they inject water into the colon and then pump it out? or is it a flow that is controlled via a vacuum naturallly occuring between the rectum and the tube?

Colonics must not be confused with enemas. At best , enemas flush out the rectum and a small part of the descending colon, but they do not reach the transverse and ascending portions. Enemas can also be a real mess to handle. Colonics, on the other hand, send water coursing all the way through the entire length of the colon in a continous flow. Instead of only a few quarts, a thorough colonic irrigation passes about 5 gallons of water through the colon during a single session. If you are unwilling to administer your own colonics at home,(yes there are products that enable one to do a self colon irrigation but I would rather leave that to an expert!) and since your doctor will not or cannot administer them for you, you will have to find a colonic clinic. Clinics generally administer pump-powered colonics, which require careful supervision from a trained therapist. :)
I hardly get constipated any more. After a few fasts with lots of psyllium, bentonite, enemas etc. I started going more regularly than ever before. I go 2-4 times a day. Pretty much after every meal. Ever since I have also got over my dislike for public toilets and I found that it all loosened up considerably. I think it's a lot to do with the state of your colon, but also with how quick your metabolism is (I'm skinny) and what you eat . . . I just always feel so much better afterwards... as one does, who wants to be full of sh*t? ;)
Wow. Special thanks should go to StagnantReaction, Gary Gnu, and Jdude3 for giving real information, and for questioning this ridiculous idea of a "colon-cleansing."

I cannot believe that people are buying into this. Colon-cleansing is a marketing niche that preys on people's paranoia and disgust over their own bodily functions. They tell you that there is "5-10 pounds of rotting feces sitting in your colon" and then of course people think, "wow, thats disgusting, I better buy this product." It's complete bullshit, do not ever buy any product claiming to clean the colon, and do not ever get an enema unless medically necessary.

The human body has evolved over millions of years and it works very well. If left alone, and provided with enough fiber, your GI tract will keep itself quite clean. Feces does not build up in the colon unless you allow it to, or you have a blockage caused by a tumor or a foreign object. If you get constipated, eat more fiber and make sure to drink enough water.

If you are really paranoid, try fasting for a day or two. Your colon will be spotless after that.

But be realistic people! Your GI system processes food and then turns it into feces. For some reason, to certain weird people, this is offensive and they want to "clean out" their system. It's essentially the same thing as people who cannot stop washing their hands or swilling mouthwash.

STOP IT! Your body works the way it does for a reason...and you screwing with it is not going to make it work better. The lack of physiological knowledge here is a problem.

Please realize that colon-cleansing is a snake oil product that is targeted at people who are obsessed with their own bodily functions. While it may help a small number of people with an actual GI problem, the vast majority do not need to have their colon cleaned out.