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RCs Clonazolam (Clonitrazolam)

Well I got 5x0,25mg Flubromazolam pellets as a bonus so I guess I'll try them nonetheless :)
But thanks for your estimation regarding the potency. I have a minimal Benzo tolerance but the 0,5mg yesterday sure carried me through the whole day without restricting me being active and around people etc.
got some clonazolam on there way too me just wondered if anyones had interactions with prescribed drugs cause im currently on venlafaxine, mirtazapine and propranolol i know theres slight interactions with all of theses drugs with clonazepam just wanted to know if anyones had this combo
got some clonazolam on there way too me just wondered if anyones had interactions with prescribed drugs cause im currently on venlafaxine, mirtazapine and propranolol i know theres slight interactions with all of theses drugs with clonazepam just wanted to know if anyones had this combo

probably increased sedation depending on what dose of mirtazipine you are on
propranolol should have no major interactions
i'm not sure about the venlafaxine
got some clonazolam on there way too me just wondered if anyones had interactions with prescribed drugs cause im currently on venlafaxine, mirtazapine and propranolol i know theres slight interactions with all of theses drugs with clonazepam just wanted to know if anyones had this combo

Hey I'm not taking Venlafaxine (SNRI) but I'm taking something kinda close being Zoloft (SSRI).

Im also prescribed mirtazapine for sleep as i wake up multiple times every night. I went on for years like this until i saw a Dr.. Now i am on both meds I'm feeling alot better in many ways.
This stuff is great for stopping me waking up multiple times in the night and if i do i can now fall back asleep much easier.
I only wake up once now sometimes and thats usually to go to the washroom. Usually i couldn't sleep after something like that now i can and wow so good to feel that now after years of hating my life because of getting no sleep every night.

I wish i could use it every night but i just wake up the next day so groggy, out of it and this feeling carries on until the day is over -_- so i don't use it every night as prescribed. Just when i need a good rest after a hectic week. So maybe once or twice a week. I only use half a pill - one makes me sleep for like 50 hours lol. Or if i woke up i would be drowsy all day. Half a pill already makes me kinda out of it and groggy.

Ive also tried trazadone but found I still woke up in the night constantly. Nothing had changed when i was on trazadone as needed. Although it helped me sleep initially (something i don't usually have a problem with though) I couldn't get back to sleep still just like if i was on no medication. I kinda felt out of it too the next day. However, Trazadone didn't give me grogginess to the extent that mirtazipne does.

After looking at all the drugs for insomnia and how often I actually use insomnia medication (as little as i can - Try and go to bed early instead) I decided the day after I used some mitazipine for sleep (and feeling so lethargic because of it) to obtain some clonazolam.

If typical insomnia compounds don't work then benzos seemed to be the best "when needed" (NOT abused or taken often) medication for sleep from what I've researched. And "when needed" for me was once or twice a week if that.
You have to have will power or you have to hate damaging your brain. I hated the brain damage part lol - I've seen too many people become complete bimbos from abusing benzos/ not using them in a medical fashion and i shall not be one of them.

Why did i do this ?
Well i know benzos are awful and its known they pretty much destroy your cognitive function if used regularly.
However i need to use something like this once a week. So i figured it should be okay.... I hope lol.

Received my clonazolam. Looked like clonazepam lol.
I dont have that high of a benzo tolerance. Im not stupid and dont eat benzos up lol like candy smh. So I took half of a 0.5 tablet at first. Waited an hour.
Not much. Slight mood elevation? I was already pretty happy though that day.
So i pop another whole one.
Feel kinda wobbly. Went outside. Felt kinda drunk Typical benzo feel in my opinion. No euphoria but body is nicely relaxed too, everything is calmer but you also feel stupid as fuck and kinda sleepy and apathetic... Music sounds meh. I decided to Smoke a j. Usually music sounds good with weed but not so much right now.
Typical feeling of taking clonazepam but less sleepyness and muscle relaxation in my opinion. Nothing recreational unless your in a small town or something and literally cant find anything else lol. The only benzo I've kind of enjoyed recreationally was xanax and even that wasn't that great.

Not really a benzo person and imo would recommend you use opiates recreationally and sparingly instead if your looking for a high close to a euphoric, recreational benzo.

HOWEVER. Im sure benzos do have medical/non recreational purposes and I along others have experienced them at times.
For covering up extreme anxiety problems, attacks, phobias, insomnia, tapering etc.
I have yet to feel recreational effects of benzos though...
I myself have used the rest of the batch of the clonazolam sparingly as a substitute for mirtazapine aka remron . Using about once a week for a sleep. The rest of the time i try and go without pills and just sleep early, or deal with it.

I get up more times in the night vs mirtazapine but i can still get to bed pretty fast from clonazolam. So i dont miss out on that much sleep like when I'm sober. When I'm sober its really hard to fall back asleep even after years of trying without medications goddamit.

Despite waking up in the night more with clonazolam, compared to mirtazapine this doesn't make me nearly as lethargic the next day. Which is the only reason i am using it to be honest. I really hate the fact that I'm even using benzos but fuck i need a good sleep sometimes after days of not having one. Even though i feel that benzos give me the better sleep, according to studies though (which i can link if you like) benzos worsen your sleep and mirtazapine doesnt. Some think mirtazapine can even enhance sleep efficiency.

Overall clonazolam should only really appeal to anyone who needs it for legitimate medical reasons. It doesn't really have any recreational properties in my opinion.
It enhances some drugs but thats not advised. Thats poly drug use and clonozolam is already bad for you as it is. Lets not forget its serious damage to the brain and memory even if used properly.

And to answer the question - No there should not be any interaction. However their effects can be synergistic i guess if you're mixing drugs.
As a result you might experience things like increased drowsiness from the more meds your taking, or perhaps more energy because you have more meds. Everyone reacts different. But id imagine some sort of synergy between all the drugs. Not sure if it would be meh or pleasant. Shouldn't be bad though.

So yeah there is an "interaction" technically but not a dangerous one. However you should discuss it with your Dr. still.
I just say that its probably safe as many people are prescribed or using Benzodiazepines whilst going through SSRI or SNRI treatment including me and many other people on this forum.
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guys shalll i buy the 0.5 of these, i do have a minimal Benzo tollerence
guys shalll i buy the 0.5 of these, i do have a minimal Benzo tollerence

yes they should be more than fine.
If i were you i would try ordering a weaker benzos at first. This one is quite strong .
And my oh my i bet lots will vouch for me here when i say that benzo tolerance is precious when you have it. When you have it try and keep it. 'Stay at the lowest dose that does it for you as long as possible . Dont be stupid and eat a bunch of them with no tolerance .
So many other drugs i take a few month break from using and I'm back to how it was in the beginning. Benzos never lol. Miss that.

So just be careful.
And make sure you're only doing it for reasonable purposes and please consider the consequences of benzo use such as rebound effects, and brain damage to cognitive functions such as your memory.

I cant really tell you not to do them as i do them myself but it seems you are new to them. Not worth it b . Seeing this is harm reduction and all.
I think ive found myself addicted to these bloody things. How long would it take to start getting the withdrawals after the last dose? It could also be from the ghb though, but it feels different to ghb withdrawal.
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I don't know much about the chemical properties of the drug itself, but judging from it's half-life (and what I'm assuming is a high lipophilicity judging from it's onset), you might start having dt symptoms 12-16 hours after using if you're a very heavy, high dose user (like equivalent to double digit mg daily Xanax dosing), perhaps 24 hours after, but you would probably be in full dt's by the 36 hour mark.
I don't know much about the chemical properties of the drug itself, but judging from it's half-life (and what I'm assuming is a high lipophilicity judging from it's onset), you might start having dt symptoms 12-16 hours after using if you're a very heavy, high dose user (like equivalent to double digit mg daily Xanax dosing), perhaps 24 hours after, but you would probably be in full dt's by the 36 hour mark.

maybe not then, i had a rough time last week and still felt didgy in spite of having ghb, got some clonaz and boom, the shakes and anxiety subsided. ill lay off for a bit but keep a stash at hand.

We are talking maybe 12 hours after last .5mg dose i start to feel ropey.
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I think ive found myself addicted to these bloody things. How long would it take to start getting the dts after the lsdt dose? It could also be from the geeby though, but it feels different to geeb withdrawal.

You have to specify what "geeby" is so people know what you are talking about^
I second the opinion that these are a little bit too strong and I only took 0,5mg. Heavy memory impairment.
Well iv not really rated the Flubro i received this week :( gone through all 20 but i was taking stimulants throughout the process so that might have effected the feelings, how fast is the onset of these things?
Well iv not really rated the Flubro i received this week :( gone through all 20 but i was taking stimulants throughout the process so that might have effected the feelings, how fast is the onset of these things?
~10 minutes after Sublingual and I'd say about 30-45 minutes orally.
You have to specify what "geeby" is so people know what you are talking about^
I second the opinion that these are a little bit too strong and I only took 0,5mg. Heavy memory impairment.

Geeby; regional slang for ghb
Currently coming off these after two months of moderate use. Was taking 2 – 5 per day (5 in very rare occasions, 2 more usually) and for the last few days had only been taking 1 per day. It's currently 40 hours since my last dose and so far have not experienced many negative side effects during withdrawal. Had slight problems sleeping last night, and feel a bit unmotivated and dizzy, but nothing approaching some of the horror stories I've heard in regard to similar w/d's.

I'm going to leave it til 48 hours then have another dose, then try not to take anything for 72 hours and see what happens. Maybe I'm being over-cautious but I'm inexperienced when it comes to benzos and I'd like to mitigate the more serious potential side effects if at all possible.
fuck these man, ive had 5mg today. tolerence has built in a couple weeks, theyre good as a one off but too strong and addictive.

luckily i can get hold of diazepam at a reasonable price now so fuck these RC benzo's they make you go spasticated.

dont make a habit of them.
^^ you're not being overly cautious you're beginning a benzo habit that you'll regret.

My reasons for staggering the doses as I have been doing is to decrease the likelihood of seizures and other such fuckery if at all possible. I'm not even sure that the amount I have been taking + the 2 month duration of me taking it is so severe that this is even necessary. If someone on here could give me a clear answer that stopping cold turkey wouldn't lead to something serious happening then I'd be happy to do it. Genuinely not bothered about feeling shitty for a while or even a long time, I just don't want to die if at all possible. Also I don't feel like I'm mentally addicted to them (as I have been in the past) as I have no craving to do them, like I said I just don't want to have a serious / terminal physical reaction to stopping them.

However, there is also the possibility that I am mentally addicted and just talking myself into taking / managing them more effectively. The reason I feel I have been taking it regularly is that it's had a genuine positive effect on me in terms of my mental health, but I learnt a while ago that it's not helpful to be the sole judge over your own thought processes. When I smoked nicotine daily I was convinced it was helping me relax when in fact it was stressing me out, when I smoked weed before bed I was convinced it was helping me sleep when it was actually waking me up etc
fuck these man, ive had 5mg today. tolerence has built in a couple weeks, theyre good as a one off but too strong and addictive.

luckily i can get hold of diazepam at a reasonable price now so fuck these RC benzo's they make you go spasticated.

dont make a habit of them.

Good for recreation though, in spite of my supdected addiction i can still use relatively low doses fir shits and giggles