Chronic Pain MEGA Thread

Thanks SO much for your message! It's good to know I'm not alone in this experiennce. I know how terrible it feels having to have to take mess when it seems half the young world is just "rewarding" their drug habit! At least that's how I feel.

I'm still on track for being OK at the end of the month, but just barely.

I'm trying to be upbeat, telling myself I can start trying to taper again as soon as I want. Tbh though, it's hard to "want to" but I have a reason to try.

I just wanted to thank you for feeling the desire to reach out. I know that can be a real struggle and I surely appreciate what you wrote!

You are welcome! I am so glad you checked back and saw my message to you. I think I feel exactly the same way you do in that it is so hard to "want to" taper consistently...I feel like I go back and forth between wanting to taper and stick to a realistic schedule, and then the next day, I am rationalizing using my prescribed dosage, telling myself at least I am not going crazy!!! I try to motivate myself all different ways to keep me "wanting" to taper, but so far, overall, the pills have won.

I wish there was some kind of group that reflected my way of dealing with this... the black and white, all or nothing mindset of most of the 12 step groups I have attended are just not helpful for this situation. I need something more flexible, more understanding of the underlying pain issues, and so far, BL has been my go to, as it is the place I find the most understanding and support.

Hang in there and feel free to send me a PM anytime.:)
I just find it impossible to taper. I couldn't do it with alcohol and I can't do it with pills. My sit is different. I get my prescription and my pain is bad so I double up and then I realize I'm getting low so I taper to save and I can do it for couple of days then back to prescibed amount. I'm going to pain Dr tomorrow and we have to do something bc my pain is bad and I can't keep running short every month. I know what y'all mean by taper to get off the Meds. I just thought I'd put my thoughts in. Good luck to y'all. You can do it!!
I just find it impossible to taper. I couldn't do it with alcohol and I can't do it with pills. My sit is different. I get my prescription and my pain is bad so I double up and then I realize I'm getting low so I taper to save and I can do it for couple of days then back to prescibed amount. I'm going to pain Dr tomorrow and we have to do something bc my pain is bad and I can't keep running short every month. I know what y'all mean by taper to get off the Meds. I just thought I'd put my thoughts in. Good luck to y'all. You can do it!!

Thank you so much for sharing your experiences around tapering, I have read a lot of your posts, especially over on the Other Drugs chronic pain megathread, (aplumgirl: there is another thread for chronic pain patients... it is under the Other Drugs forum; however, for personal reasons I do not post on that one) and cannot believe the amount of pain you have endured throughout your life. I would think that tapering for your unique injuries and chronic pain conditions would be extremely difficult. What I cannot understand is how tricky the addiction is... sometimes I get a little bit extra saved up due to tapering, and somehow my addict mind convinces me that getting extra pain relief and energy trumps the security of having some pills for emergencies and I use them up. Time after time.

I had my pain management doctor visit today, and will not even start about my fill date... because of Labor Day, I will have 33 days between getting my refill of one of my meds. I have done everything possible as have several other patients to get this remedied, but the only solution would be to find a different pain doctor, and that is almost next to impossible in this day and age of doctor's fears around prescribing opiates. That means that I will be on a forced taper for 4 or so days... I am grateful that at least it will not be cold turkey, but I will be lethargic, that is for sure, and my pain levels will be higher.

Thank God for BL... reading the posts, and having support and encouragement makes the time go faster and I just feel happier. C: I hope you get your meds sorted to your satisfaction at your doctor appointment! Please come back and let us know how it turned out, if you are comfortable sharing that info.
Wow mama, I certainly get your point actually all of them!

Chronic pain makes us slaves in so many ways.

We are slaves to our bodies discomfort; we are slaves to the pills (of course); we are slaves to society, always fighting stereotypes and drs.; we are mostly sadly of all slaves to our former selves, who we used to be, who we still are in our minds, who we wish we had been able to be.

Depression is a terrible component in my struggle, I try not to think about things that are depressing, but it all comes out one way or another. Lately I've been having a hard time with self forgiveness. It seems so hard to be rationally holding myself responsible for a myriad of health issues but I do. I think that worsens my sleep problems which in turn worsens everything else!

Well other than being morose I'm trying to wait for another good day. I know they come, so I'll wait, what else can I do?
Thanks POkemama. It has been a struggle but kind words really hel. Thank you.

Aplumgirl, I struggle with tons of depression too. I was very active before all this shit. I was on the road to becoming a pro golfer and it just was taken away from me. Now I can't hardly get out of my chair. We are slaves to everything. I see my pain dr in a few hrs and have to sit there and be treated like a child. I hate it. The pills have me in their grasp. It's gonna be a long week. Oh well. Keep your chin up:)
^^Hey guys/gals, I posted in the other thread regarding my hopeless attempts at sticking to my oxy scripts & how each month I'd tell myself it'd be different!

Of course I'd cushion my fall from grace with huge amounts of lyrica,- just not so much that I'd black out, as I have sweetchildofmine to care for.

It was a Neverending circus of convincing drs to give my scripts early, to rotate me to another opiate, wding each mth & finally after two years my pain is controlled, (except my right arm/hand, from a hit & run), I'm happy with my meds & don't abuse them, & I have a great dr.

Rtp ❤️
Thanks Moreaux!! Means a lot. I'm trying. Hard not to get on pity pot but I'm doing ok. At least I'm not naucous or vomiting and I can sleep. Last weekend I'd fall asleep and wake right up to vomit. No fun at all. But I appreciate your comment. How are you fairing with your Meds?

Glad you're doing better! Waking up to vomit is terrible! That happens to me when I get gastroparesis - I try to make sure I eat early and go exercise and get moving before I go to bad so nothing is sitting there too long, otherwise I'm up and down vomitting all night :/

My meds are alright - I got on Wellbutrin, not really a candidate because of siezures but I started low and worked up - I hve to quit smoking so I figured it was worth the risk. I got off everything else because I'm paranoid so it's just Wellbutrin and melatonin. My GI tract is so irritated, feel like I've been eating glass for days. I don't know why the liver is the only focus with alcoholism, I really think chronic GI issues and having to modify your entire life to accommodate would be a better deterrent for people...just my opinion.
Wow mama, I certainly get your point actually all of them!

Chronic pain makes us slaves in so many ways.

We are slaves to our bodies discomfort; we are slaves to the pills (of course); we are slaves to society, always fighting stereotypes and drs.; we are mostly sadly of all slaves to our former selves, who we used to be, who we still are in our minds, who we wish we had been able to be.

Depression is a terrible component in my struggle, I try not to think about things that are depressing, but it all comes out one way or another. Lately I've been having a hard time with self forgiveness. It seems so hard to be rationally holding myself responsible for a myriad of health issues but I do. I think that worsens my sleep problems which in turn worsens everything else!

Well other than being morose I'm trying to wait for another good day. I know they come, so I'll wait, what else can I do?

Aplumgirl: How true, how true!! My life revolves around how many pills I have left and when my next appointment is...but I am mostly a slave to the fear of ever having to go through cold turkey withdrawal again... ughhh...

One thing that is really weird... I almost wonder if it is caused by the opioids.... I also suffer from tremendous guilt... relating to a relationship some years back... I truly have not forgiven myself and often ruminate about the situation when I am tired or low on pills.

Changing the subject to something more pleasant:
I am actually having a relatively good day today! The highs have been in the 60's, after 49 days in the 90's this summer! It is very refreshing!

Closeau: I hope your doc visit went well... fingers crossed you got what you need;

RTP: Hi there, my dear buddy... thank you for your post... I do need to PM you one of these days... you sound like you have things well under control... I often peruse the "other" chronic pain megathread on Other Drugs....
Just started ANOTHER medication (3rd daily one). Sodium Valproate aka Epilim. This one is for my permanent migraines and not the SUNCT headaches, they require separate treatments.

I now take at least 8 pills a day just to function. What the everlasting fuck
Inso, be glad that you are not like the guy who actually has 15+ different pills daily :p

My pain levels have been surprisingly stable and it might be so that the root channel in which the nerve tracts go and was a bit damaged may have repaired the outer surfaces in a way that it doesn't tear the nerve tracts anymore.

I've also been able to ejaculate lately without pounding for three hours...
That's good Mr Root, lol. My opiated have wrecked my testosterone completely!! I hope it comes back when I get off this poison shit. I'm about ready to bear my pain without them. I'm sick of being hooked on them and the side effects and being piss tested every month. Sick of it. I don't even think they really help anymore. I'm always in pain anyway. Bout to move a long way so not gonna rock the boat yet but once I get there I'm gonna do it. Screw opiates!!!
Yeah, taking Tagamet and buprenorphine and eating unhealthy while not getting enough exercise or having enough sex totally fucked my hormones up, but four years later, off the methadone and other opioids, things are pretty much back to normal. If not actually better. Things do change, allowing we give them the space to make such possible :)
Whoa, close, that sounds kinda scary. Do you have a plan for maintenance or more medication when you get to your destination? I just had a terrible vision of you getting to your new life, and running out of meds and being forced to cold turkey :( Or is that actually the plan?

Either way, best of luck!

- VE
Nah, I'll taper. I've done cold turkey twice and never again!! I'll see what my pain Dr is like out there and their policies and go from there. I just feel like a zombie. I tried to get off with subs in Feb and lasted a week and the pain was too much so the Meds do help but what I gotta figure out is is it worth the side effects. Idk at this point but I'll know soon. Appreciate your concearn man and toothpastedog, your last sentence is totally right!!
Sorry all, I got a new phone in last Saturday and I've been heavy into that.

My new phone is cool but it's killing my already destroyed right shoulder playing with it. I should know better right? Nerve damage, muscle deterioration and bursitis just doesn't play well together but I'm a suckered for new technoligy!

Hope you all are doing well!
Plumgirl: ^ It sounds like you were bitten by the technology bug... at least it keeps your mind off of your pain/depression issues... a bit of an escape. I am feeling quite motivated to stay on my taper today, and I am continuing to use only my oxycodone, as I run out of my oxymorphone and will not get my next refill for several days. I find it much easier to taper my oxycodone... they are not as addictive to me as the oxymorphone.

Today I must mow the lawn... I just hope it does not exacerbate my pain issues!
Heya POke, was it you that initiated me to ketamine lozenges? Metaphorically not literally....

I feel for you & Aplumgirl, (& the rest of you who have to taper or go ct when you run out of pills), I did that merry go round for years .& it's exhausting as well as so stressful!

Closeau, I still haven't heard from you in regard to if you're moving to be closer to your ex & children. I do worry that you're waiting to see what the new PM up there is like,- so many now are anti-opiate.

I know you're in pain regardless of pain meds, but just think of what your pain will be like when you're med free!!!

To those of you with depression,I do hope you're taking an anti depressant, or trialling different ones.

When I was finally diagnosed with post concussion syndrome & amnesiac disorder I was prescribed Effexor. The change it made was relatively quick, & I no longer woke each morning with anxiety in the pit of my stomach. Which has been a great relief.

Moreaux, thanks for your post in my seizure thread. I take all & any knowledge/experiences on board.

Your GI issue sounds horrific, does this feeling of broken glass come & go, or is it a once off?

Great to hear everyone's current position, take care All.

Wow mama, I certainly get your point actually all of them!

Chronic pain makes us slaves in so many ways.

We are slaves to our bodies discomfort; we are slaves to the pills (of course); we are slaves to society, always fighting stereotypes and drs.; we are mostly sadly of all slaves to our former selves, who we used to be, who we still are in our minds, who we wish we had been able to be.

Depression is a terrible component in my struggle, I try not to think about things that are depressing, but it all comes out one way or another. Lately I've been having a hard time with self forgiveness. It seems so hard to be rationally holding myself responsible for a myriad of health issues but I do. I think that worsens my sleep problems which in turn worsens everything else!

Well other than being morose I'm trying to wait for another good day. I know they come, so I'll wait, what else can I do?

I know how you feel, aplumgirl. I get so depressed and self shame because of my injuries and my myriad of health problems. One of the biggest contributors to my bad health is a terminal illness of which I inherited from both of my parents. I have siblings, but none of them got this dreaded disease and I feel like no one understands what I am going through...only my late father knew how bad this is, as he was stricken with it too. No cure, only treatment, and that has come full circle for me, as I now cannot treat my illness the way I used to because it was taken too far and my levels of minerals in my blood has become too low and now I am dealing with the bad side effects from that. It's horrible, and I too am fighting with a vision of who I used to be...I used to run 7 miles a day, 3-4 days a week, on the sand of a sunny California beach while I had great grades and friends and a beautiful girlfriend, and even a band of sorts... Life was amazing. Now, I lay each day on the couch with pillows propping my neck and feet up, staring off into the television or reading endlessly on BL and other sites. I always read Vice News and Mother Jones and record all the ABC, CBS, and PBS newscasts. I also watch Dateline mysteries and shows like that, which are very depressing in their nature. I guess it is somehow comforting to see/read about others who are in misery too. But, this was something I never used to do...I was so active and always had a great sense of humor, joking and making all my friends and family laugh. Now, I'm lucky if I see anyone other than my mum for a week or two. It's so sad, I'm crying right now...I just want to have relationships again. But, I can't hardly walk most days, much less be able to go out and enjoy life...

Oh, it is so hard. But, I have to keep the only other way out is dying. And, I'm not ready for that right now... I'm still young enough to have a life if I can somehow deal with this pain and depression that comes with it......f'hew, :X
CBDizzle: I am so sorry to hear about the trials and tribulations in your life. I am grateful that you had the motivation to reach out and post here on this chronic pain thread... BL is my main source of support and encouragement around my chronic pain issues, as my lifestyle mirrors yours in some ways.

I retired early due to my pain issues... every time I am active, I pay for it by needing to prop up my knee and ice it. Sometimes the pain is so bad that it takes a few days to get back to functioning at my baseline. Ironically, my latest injury occurred in California... I read that is where you live. I don't know if you saw my post, but I was so awed with Venice Beach and the 3rd ST Promenade area of Santa Monica on a visit in May of this year, that I walked and walked. I ended up in excruciating pain right in the middle of a walk looking at the stars in the sidewalk in Hollywood. I hobbled back to the bus, back to my AirBnB residence, and just cried.

I injured the tendons/ligaments surrounding my arthritic knees by walking incorrectly due to the existing pain. Every day I pray that this latest injury has healed, but no. Today, I had to mow my lawn... it was getting out of hand. I actually am laying here, with ice on my knee, and have just finished watching TMZ... that is the closest I will get to Cali in a while, I am afraid. I also enjoy Dateline, and try not to miss the local and national evening newscasts... I watch the Justice network at times... a show called Southern Justice actually lifts my spirits... I guess I can enjoy other sub cultures of America via my television. The point is: I isolate often... I just don't have a reason to go out often, and I guess I am dysphoric due to the pain constantly dragging my mood down. People don't seem to want to be around me... other than family. I did not have that problem before my pain issues became such an everyday part of my life. So, thank you for posting!

RTP: I don't think it was me that discussed ketamine lozenges to you... the only form of ketamine that I use is a special topical ointment that is made in a compounding laboratory here in the US. Ketamine is the main ingredient, and the lotion also includes gabapentin and several other ingredients. It is very expensive, and of course, my health insurance does not cover it... it does not cover any custom prescription created in this compounding pharmacy. However, I will be applying it shortly. After I get done icing my knee, my next step is to apply the lotion. Along with my pain medication, this makes my knee pain bearable enough so that I can get up at least for short periods of time.

Thank you for your post... I may need to discuss my depressive issues with my doctor. I am so happy for you that you found an anti-depressant that works for you! Did you have to do a trial of several first, or were you prescribed Effexor right from the start?

I recall your posts when I first joined BL when you would run out of your pain meds early, and then you would use Lyrica to hold you over. I honestly did not think I would be in that situation myself in such a short period of time, but here I am... and with the Feds breathing down the doctor's necks, I am on a much lower dose than was allowed even two years ago, and will probably never be able to have it raised. I am realistic... I will probably ride this merry-go-round every month until something changes.

I am grateful for BL so that I process these feelings and thoughts, move through them, get and give support and encouragement, and get my mood somewhat positive. My mood is pretty good right now, after reading BL, as well as the fact I did finish mowing my lawn (yea!), and the ice has decreased my pain in my knee.
Inso, be glad that you are not like the guy who actually has 15+ different pills daily :p

My pain levels have been surprisingly stable and it might be so that the root channel in which the nerve tracts go and was a bit damaged may have repaired the outer surfaces in a way that it doesn't tear the nerve tracts anymore.

I've also been able to ejaculate lately without pounding for three hours...

Depending how Valproate/Epilim goes I could get near haha

Cannabis is the best treatment for my migraines. The days I have it coincidentally I don't seem to have much if at all pain in that area. But no government, let's ignore the safest medical drug in the world and instead pump me full of dangerous pharmaceuticals that are probably wrecking my body as we speak

I have low libido and find it really hard to finish too due to Cymbalta. My gf loves it but I end up a sweaty mess after... :(