Chicago Heroin v Hugs not Drugs

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CHINKY: hey maybe im retarded but i was just thinkin bout it

how did you end up likin that tar awhile back? any good? easier to smoke? you waterline any? like i said you might of posted all about it but for whatever reason i cant remember anymore n dont feel like goin back thru the thread

was thinkin bout it cuz someone posted about tryin to smoke canadian powder heroin n i mentioned you mixin it with a lil water n then i was thinkin how u liked smokin the tar
Yo what's up team? Man it's been a while and cool to come back and see the usual suspects still playing in the game... Nothing new here just using a lot and arms are still real bad... So for those who do not shoot, do not start... Sux really get high here and there usually it's just to stay normal. What is my rock bottom??? Yeah I have a good hook up that meets me outside the hood now after dealing with him for a but. And jabs to most are 12 but I do get 13.. Anyways got a new job near October making good money but still an addict. Hope to b normal and clean one day.. What up Gwen!!
^Damn dude, you musta been hurtin a little bit, even with your one day on/one day off rule...shit! You got more self control than me son!

Also, I just wanna in gods name did it get to be "14 a jab"...It's such a random number! Where I'm from it's 10 a bundle....I mean 10 is a common number....but where the fuck did 14 come from...I mean, I know in Philly, it's usually 13 a bundle, but it's just funny....probably been the way its been since the '70s or whatever though....anybody have any ideas on where the street dealers came up with this system?

CHINKY: hey maybe im retarded but i was just thinkin bout it

how did you end up likin that tar awhile back? any good? easier to smoke? you waterline any? like i said you might of posted all about it but for whatever reason i cant remember anymore n dont feel like goin back thru the thread

was thinkin bout it cuz someone posted about tryin to smoke canadian powder heroin n i mentioned you mixin it with a lil water n then i was thinkin how u liked smokin the tar
i actually never got it...your talking about from like 2-3weeks ahgo right? either way i still havent tried it but recently he saidf he can get it but he has to buy a minimum of 5grams of it and he just hasnt done it yet. i didnt talk to him for like a week and a half andf when i did i asked if he ever had it and he said "yeah but my uncle took it all" so i dont knmow what that means..i really wish i could try it and get it over with cause it sucks..this is the second time he said he can get it and then he never does and i end up just giving up after a few weeks..

Yes they are.

i buy grams of raw and the only grams i get that look anything close to that size or color is the dope i talked about a couple days ago that im pretty sure is rerock..

like when i buy a gram of raw the gram is only the size a little bigger then a marble and its always in 1 or 2 chunks and its never white (except the rerock) and i weigh it out to make sure it is a gram and they maybe its just the pick that makes it look big but from my ecperiance of coppin raw, that doesnt look like raw, it looks mopre like rerock especially with all that powder in it.. try and only get chunks and not powder cause real raw isnt that easy tp break up for you too ha ve all that powder in a 1 gram bag

like raw when broken off the brick it doesnt really cruble into powder, it just breaks into smaller little pieces
Yo what's up team? Man it's been a while and cool to come back and see the usual suspects still playing in the game... Nothing new here just using a lot and arms are still real bad... So for those who do not shoot, do not start... Sux really get high here and there usually it's just to stay normal. What is my rock bottom??? Yeah I have a good hook up that meets me outside the hood now after dealing with him for a but. And jabs to most are 12 but I do get 13.. Anyways got a new job near October making good money but still an addict. Hope to b normal and clean one day.. What up Gwen!!
Yo Fantom!

I'm still snorting, you'll be happy to hear. I try to shoot but it's way too hard. I always fuck it up. I got a good hookup who's doing 13 to a jab and he's off the beaten path a bit so it's not nearly as hot as some other places...

Team Nod Assemble - everyone stock up today because of the big storm tomorrow? I did! But knowing me, I'll do it all tonight and won't have anything tomorrow while the storm is storming....
stay warm, BL.
xoxox gwennie

edit: ok, so i just shot a bag and did it perfectly. no lumps, first try registered. and it's taking me 20 minutes to edit this i'm so out of it. YAY! back to the couch! Team Nod Roll Call: COOPER? Present!
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it is so sad to see people wwho say they dont go down that road when they first get here and with in a few months are picking up the needle...yall see what it does to other people and you see that everyone says to not do it cause its really not worth it and yet 90% of the people who comehere not shooting leave shooting. i think its because in s way shooting is glorified here cause so many people here talk about it like its nothing and for people trying to decide if they are really gonna do it or not thats all they see. they dont see about the people talking how bad it is, they only see people talking about how high they got, not that they just went threw cotton fever and their arm is on fire or that they have lumps and abceseses from missing

FANTOM..yoiu already hit rock just happened to be ok with it. the only thing that could be your rock bottom now is like suckin some dick for a bag or like shhoting up into your penis cqause your veins are gone. or robbing an old person or stealing from your family. ike taking jewelry ot something like that if you havent stooped to that level yet

i feel piucxking up the needle in the first place is rock bottom cause you have generally exhausted everyhthing else you can do to get high that your last resort is sticking a needle in your arm. ive been to the brink but i just cant do it, id rather take a break for a week or 2 and lower my tolerane or i woiuld just rather use enough to get by and stay well then stick a needle in my arm. im upwards of knowing 10+ people who have OD in the past 5years and everysignle one of them did it with a needle. not one person died while they were a snorter and thats sad cause they snorted and popped pills and whatever else for so many years and then with in a few weeks or months and in one case the 1st time alone...and they dead

the last person, who was a good friend of mine..he had people at his house and either they thought he was jsuyt fucked up or they k new he was dieing..but they cleaned up and closed the door behind them without calling wasnt until his girlfriend came over the next day and she found his ass. thye worst part is these scum bags who use these drugs with their friends dont know the laws that go with these drugs. they didnt know that just last year they passed the law that says if youy call 911 for an od..that you have immunity and cant be prosecuted for any drug related crime. but no, they clean up and close the dorr and left him to die, fuckin scumbags

i dont really care if you shoot or not cause its not my arm... you do you, imma do me but people turn into scumbags aftter they do. everything about them changes from their personality to their trust and they just become these shady fucks who accuse people of stealing from them cause they have that guilt themselves cause thats what they do. its amazing how people will ruin relationships and freindships for petty things like 20 bucks or 50$.. whatever. like just a few weeks ago i was at a party and this guy who has been one of those people for the lat 5+years shows up..well he was ther edrinking and then disappeared no one thought nothing of it, we figured he left to get high except the fact he showed back up out of no where. my friend whos hyouse it was played it off like it was nothing and went up stairs. and sure enough a macbook just happened to be missing from his room and downstairs by his parents tv room his moms ipad and laptop were missing...they cornered our "friend" and accused him of stealing the shit or course he denied it and he even let them go to his car and check. we also let him go threw any of our cars cause we had nothing to hide. so he finds nothing in the cars and is pissed off so we are talking about who left already that could of stolen he flips out and decides to kick everyone out as we are getting out stuff together and geting ready to leave "our friends" girlfriend comes into the room with everythiing that was just so happend that all the merch was under her jacket and everyone else jacket that was sitting onthe lazy boy in a pile.

we came to the concluson that he must have taken it and hid it in the house under the jackets cause he knew if shit came up missing that he wpould get blamed and we would wabnt to see his car. and that he offered up his car way to willingly in the first place. we coulodnt figure out why his girl gave us the shit back except that shit didnt know about it.

all of us at that party, we all knew each other since higbhschool so thats going on 10+years and we have been to his house 100s of times but now we got frienjds we cant trust and its a fuckin shame. if we didnt think that he left and went home to get high, my friend wouldnt have gone too look at his things when the kid showed back up literally 25mins later.
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My new main connect has started to fall off a bit.. dope just isnt that good anymore. Luckily, my old main connect has had FIRE the last 2 times I've used him. But today I had some cash and wanted to stock up for the snow storm so I called my old main dude and his phone was off.. and i waited around the normal spot where i cop for an hour.. (it was off till like 4-5pm) and i was ready to cop at 9am.. so around 10am i say fuck it and grab 2 jabs from my newer connect, and sure enough.. its not very good. So I go through like 10 of those blows and im high.. and then my buddy wants a jab but needs me to drop it off. So i sell him my other jab, call up the dude with the fire whos phone was on, go down and cop a jab of the fire. Do 2 blows and proceed to nod out for like 6 hours. wake up at 4am. Now I've got 2 blows from the mediocre shit and 12 blows of the fire for tomorrow. Plus I still have a good amount of cash for when this storm is over.

So yeah, turned from one of those "Fuck, knew I shouldn't have copped this much" to everything working out nicely.
Maybe I did hit rock bottom but I am a functioning addict. I freaking have a good job and would never resort to that stuff. Sucks that I am an addict and one day I will overcome this disease.. I'm just the same as all of u. Be safe copping in this weather...
Any other long-term snorters out there like myself? (4 years of doing dope, and they all said it was just a matter of time 'till I shot up)

Proved you wrong, suckers! But seriously, who else has been snorting or smoking or, fuck it, even plugging for years, has developed a pretty good sized habit with a large tolerance and has never resorted to shooting dope into their veins, ever?

I feel like after a certain point of constantly refusing to shoot it and after seeing friends who've gone down that road either become total non-functioning junkies or die, you're pretty much guaranteed you won't go to the needle. Anyone who has been a long-term snorter/other ROA with a decent habit agree?
Well I am currently on a clean spell (and I don't live in Chicago) but I do not shoot up and I have been doing opiates for many years, habit has gotten pretty big at times. I have shot up a few times before but I really hate needles so I don't ever do it. I think that's even more rare because everyone says once you try it you'll never go back to snorting, but I proved that wrong.
Any other long-term snorters out there like myself? (4 years of doing dope, and they all said it was just a matter of time 'till I shot up)

Proved you wrong, suckers! But seriously, who else has been snorting or smoking or, fuck it, even plugging for years, has developed a pretty good sized habit with a large tolerance and has never resorted to shooting dope into their veins, ever?

I feel like after a certain point of constantly refusing to shoot it and after seeing friends who've gone down that road either become total non-functioning junkies or die, you're pretty much guaranteed you won't go to the needle. Anyone who has been a long-term snorter/other ROA with a decent habit agree?

i think just me and you bro..everyone else i think has tried the pin at least once
Shit's different for everybody. I tried shooting dope while I was a snorter, just to try it. I would shoot off and on but mainly stuck to snorting it. The asthma and constant stuffiness was a factor but not entirely. I just graduated to shooting dope for no real reason other than the fact that I loved that rush. To me, it's the greatest feeling in the world aside from the euphoria I used to get when I tripped out a lot on mushrooms (specifically). Well, you can't trip out all the time, and not that you should be doing dope all the time either, but you can somehow function more, even catching a habit.

I have a great job but I'm starting to get tired of this lifestyle. The bags have gotten smaller but the prices haven't dropped. Quality is spotty and I just don't want to deal with that or waste the money anymore. If bags were consistent and properly sized, I probably wouldn't move on, but by months end I should be on a sub program so I'm just using until I switch over to subs, and then taper from there.

As far as shooting goes, it can fuck some people up bad, but others, it's just no different than snorting it. Your habit doesn't increase, you're just administiring the drug in a different way. I will say that I do enjoy the ACT of shooting. I'm not entirely sure why but when I can fix up, it's really exciting and it's the one thing I'm constantly looking forward to. A nice shot of some good dope.

Time to make a phone call...
FANTOM..yoiu already hit rock just happened to be ok with it. the only thing that could be your rock bottom now is like suckin some dick for a bag or like shhoting up into your penis cqause your veins are gone. or robbing an old person or stealing from your family. ike taking jewelry ot something like that if you havent stooped to that level yet

i feel piucxking up the needle in the first place is rock bottom cause you have generally exhausted everyhthing else you can do to get high that your last resort is sticking a needle in your arm. ive been to the brink but i just cant do it, id rather take a break for a week or 2 and lower my tolerane or i woiuld just rather use enough to get by and stay well then stick a needle in my arm. im upwards of knowing 10+ people who have OD in the past 5years and everysignle one of them did it with a needle. not one person died while they were a snorter and thats sad cause they snorted and popped pills and whatever else for so many years and then with in a few weeks or months and in one case the 1st time alone...and they dead

the last person, who was a good friend of mine..he had people at his house and either they thought he was jsuyt fucked up or they k new he was dieing..but they cleaned up and closed the door behind them without calling wasnt until his girlfriend came over the next day and she found his ass. thye worst part is these scum bags who use these drugs with their friends dont know the laws that go with these drugs. they didnt know that just last year they passed the law that says if youy call 911 for an od..that you have immunity and cant be prosecuted for any drug related crime. but no, they clean up and close the dorr and left him to die, fuckin scumbags

i dont really care if you shoot or not cause its not my arm... you do you, imma do me but people turn into scumbags aftter they do. everything about them changes from their personality to their trust.

jesus chinky, your posts just get more and more ridiculous. im not hating on you or anything but, dude, where do you get off telling other people they have hit rock bottom? who gave you the ability to judgmentally label someone else's situation?

from your posts i am gathering that you, in fact, think that people who pick up the needle are already at rock bottom. doesnt even matter that they may have a job, car, wife, kids, and a stable functioning life...if they use the needle they are rock bottom. forgive me if i read your post wrong but thats what i picked up from it...

rock bottom is a term coined by fucking NA and AA as a means to label someone who has no other place to go but up. You often join AA and NA when you come to realize that your life is UNMANAGEABLE. If your life is manageable chances are you're not at rock bottom.

this may seem like a stupid question given that almost every post you make is long winded as fuck and often 5 paragraphs long....but dude, do you ever stop and actually think about what youre about to post? it seems you sit at your PC snorting dope and typing out diatribes on BL without the slightest bit of premeditation.
Shit's different for everybody. I tried shooting dope while I was a snorter, just to try it. I would shoot off and on but mainly stuck to snorting it. The asthma and constant stuffiness was a factor but not entirely. I just graduated to shooting dope for no real reason other than the fact that I loved that rush. To me, it's the greatest feeling in the world aside from the euphoria I used to get when I tripped out a lot on mushrooms (specifically). Well, you can't trip out all the time, and not that you should be doing dope all the time either, but you can somehow function more, even catching a habit.

I have a great job but I'm starting to get tired of this lifestyle. The bags have gotten smaller but the prices haven't dropped. Quality is spotty and I just don't want to deal with that or waste the money anymore. If bags were consistent and properly sized, I probably wouldn't move on, but by months end I should be on a sub program so I'm just using until I switch over to subs, and then taper from there.

As far as shooting goes, it can fuck some people up bad, but others, it's just no different than snorting it. Your habit doesn't increase, you're just administiring the drug in a different way. I will say that I do enjoy the ACT of shooting. I'm not entirely sure why but when I can fix up, it's really exciting and it's the one thing I'm constantly looking forward to. A nice shot of some good dope.

Time to make a phone call...

its good you stopped dude, because you were at rock bottom....that was a close one.
jesus chinky, your posts just get more and more ridiculous. im not hating on you or anything but, dude, where do you get off telling other people they have hit rock bottom? who gave you the ability to judgmentally label someone else's situation?

from your posts i am gathering that you, in fact, think that people who pick up the needle are already at rock bottom. doesnt even matter that they may have a job, car, wife, kids, and a stable functioning life...if they use the needle they are rock bottom. forgive me if i read your post wrong but thats what i picked up from it...

rock bottom is a term coined by fucking NA and AA as a means to label someone who has no other place to go but up. You often join AA and NA when you come to realize that your life is UNMANAGEABLE. If your life is manageable chances are you're not at rock bottom.

this may seem like a stupid question given that almost every post you make is long winded as fuck and often 5 paragraphs long....but dude, do you ever stop and actually think about what youre about to post? it seems you sit at your PC snorting dope and typing out diatribes on BL without the slightest bit of premeditation.
And from the guy with no job living in his parents basement.

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