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Opioids Chicago dope thread

whoever shoots in the jug how do I do it?my veins are all dead and.Im tires of skin popping every shot.. can someone just post a picture or tell me how ik which one to hit so I don't kill myself
You talking about in your neck right? Easy... find it and shoot. Just dont miss and dont get an artery! Study a vein map first. I have shot in my neck many times but eventually discovered there are huge ass veins in the armpit! Put your arm up above your head and youll either see vein/s or feel them. Like I said already, look at a vein map... it helped me.

Madeinchicago- thanks man. Yeah ive been with her for a few years and we have been to hell and back. We have a 2yr old (don't ask)... he's my world and thats why this is especially difficult. We ALWAYS have great make up sex. I eat her out with vigor, like im making up for a month long fast... and she loooves it. Sex is the only thing thats consistently great btwn us. I appreciate your words of wisdom. Ill hold my ground and make sure to provide some space while still demonstrating love and genuine adoration for both her and her son.

Just plugged 20mg adderall. Underwhelmed.
Woamotive- so I've been trying to step up my cunnilingus game and side to side worked but damn do you notice how underdeveloped those tongue muscles are so they cramp pretty quick, alphabet seems to get good reaction, plain old up and down stops getting good reaction pretty quick. Anything else I should be doing? How many gals like the labia sucked on and licked? Is it worth tongue punching the vag hole a little?

A longtime ex had a habit of yanking a lot on one side of her labia when she was young and discovered masterbating so it was MUCH bigger than the other and I called it her Nemo labia. Both were big though, God bless her and those messy cutains. I could wrap my balls up in em if it was chilly.
Funny that we are having this convo but yeah I know what u mean with the tongue muscles. U have to work them out giving head lol seriously, practice makes perfect esp when its come to head lol. Im surprised u plugged it considering u can snort them too. U like ur uppers woa idk if I could keep up with ya lol.
If we get on the topic of sex this outta be interesting with my opiate friends here lol. I'm pretty experienced when it comes to the dope game and sex game, so ill be providing some tips to u newbies can use (ur still a newbie if uve only had basic sex 1 position, like sex class 101 lol). Advanced sex includes sex were the girl is completely satisfied at the end, bisexual sex, Oral sex (w/ swallow), anal sex, druggie sex, etc.
whoever shoots in the jug how do I do it?my veins are all dead and.Im tires of skin popping every shot.. can someone just post a picture or tell me how ik which one to hit so I don't kill myself

I shoot in my neck, unfortunately it's the only place that I have left to find veins. I wasn't going to respond to this cuz it's very dangerous but then I figured you'd probably try it anyways so it's more harm reduction by me telling you. My veins are very hard to find in my arms, wrists, legs, and so on. I have veins in my feet but every time I hit them I either don't feel like the dope is working or it burns like I missed even if I didn't. I've checked my armpit but I can't see them there. But anyways, the are 4 veins that are easy to hit, try to find them all and rotate so you don't burn them up, always use a fresh rig, ALWAYS! And akways have an alcohol swab or even just some balled up tissue ready for when you are done injecting and before you pull the rig out take the swab or tissue and put pressure on the spot where you pierced the skin and then remove the rig this will help big time to not fuck up the veins and also you won't leave track marks on your neck. So, use a mirror, obviously, look at your neck, start at the Adams apple, there is a vein an inch or so away on each side of the Adams apple. The are actually easier to hit than the side ones, to make them pop so you can see them you gotta hold your breath and push pressure into your neck/throat. While doing that feel around for the veins, keep doing that a few times and study the direction of the veins each time, then when you are confident you know where to hit, take your loaded rig, hold your breath again and insert. If you need to take a breath do it and hold your breath again and check for blood, if your in, inject a little bit and then breath, check to make sure you are still getting blood and if so fire away. I like to check for blood once more half way thru just to be safe. Do the same thing for the side veins that are a little easier to see, they are about an inch and a half away from those first ones. But on the side ones, follow the vein down to where your shoulder meets your neck and inject there because on the side of your neck is very close to your artery and it's really hard to hit the vein their. I know it sounds confusing, if you need more info feel free to pm me. Take your time making sure you find the vein and know it's path so you don't miss. It took me a few times to get good at it but now i can do it no problem in less than 20 seconds.
Haha. You guys are hilarious. I definitely know what you mean about tongue muscles cramping. I try to breathe out of my nose so I dont need to come up for air, and Keep a pretty steady pace working the clit withmy tongue. I personally am not a big fan of receiving oral sex be cause it takes too much concentration on my part but love giving it (to my gf). Because she isn't "gay" (generally prefers men) yeah I tongue punch her on occasion. Funny you mention that because I never tried it on her until very recently, and she responded well! Some girls like you to penetrate them with a couple fingers while licking the clit but DAMN it takes a lot of energy and is tricky to maneuver. Lol.

I feel kinda ill right now and im wondering if its from the adderall and washes I did earlier. I never really felt much from either but I did and AM experiencing feeling freezing and sweating at the same time. I absolutely hate it. I honestly dont really prefer stimulants at all its just that im taking suboxone and dont wanna mess that up. If I coulda purchased benzos instead I would have. I just take what I can get. I'll knock myself out with seroquel when the time comes, and I hope it works because I hate not being able to sleep.

How is the dope out there? Id kill for a couple grams. Its not worth it to me to fuck up my streak without it unless I can be high for at least a cpl days. Ya dig?
I need a few more posts til I'm no longer a greenlighter. So let's merge the topics of plugging and sex. If I had a druggie girl my life would be over in short order but man would it be awesome for a bit. Imagine during foreplay you plug a Lil molly into your girl's ass and drive it in deeper with modest sized anal beads of her favorite color (or birthstone if hippie or something) and don't tell her as you drag on foreplay until it starts kicking in. Pro-tip guys if there is a toy or beads in her ass your dick is going to feel much bigger because it will be pressing the vag wall into your dick. She will feel tighter too.
How about them cubbies?

aw I only like em THICK with curvy calves lol. Yeah girls cum when they orgasm too, sudden gush of wetness at the end lol. sex on legit molly is dope, cum so hard it almost hurts lol. By the was woa makes shooting sound with the Mhmmm and Yummies, I assume its still better than sex?
Damn, its crazy how i don't recognize any names in the chicago heroin thread except for kind of remembering woamotive (I feel like he was a mod or something, idk, might not have been, i just remember him from before when I was still actively around.. it doesnt matter one way or the other).. But yeah, all the people from years ago are GONE! Well, at least the chicago thread is being carried on.. Though, I have to say.. this sex talk is really a downgrade from the great dope discussion we used to have topic after topic about the spots, the dope, the arrests, our hustling, the cops, etc.. It seems to have fallen off a bit with this new bunch, but hey, it is what it is!

Keep on nodding to those that are still part of team nod. I used to love being on the team, lol.
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Only 3rd post on this shit......
Wassup chi town!
Sad sad day, smh, on the train cuz our car took a shit the other day, w 10 fucking dollars n a ventra, getting a 600 dol. Deposit in 6 hrs but i cant wait,smh again, shits crazy when your on this train baby! But it is what it is and im southside livin and westside bound!!
Be safe yall
Do you guys cook your shots? I'm thinking it'd be difficult to get more than 1 bag into a shot and have it dissolve properly- curious. I shot up for the first time with ease- I was shocked just how much ease. Blaaaast off.
Sex talk is just a segway from accusing each other of being cops, officer. We will be reporting the stamps and locations of the newest operating crew soon. I crack myself up.
Thanks I appreciate your help. But nah I didn't move here to just came here to stay with family to get away from jersey because where I get my dope from is right across the street from my house so I was trying to get away for a bit. But now I wanna go back. I don't have a car here & my cousin takes me everywhere with him like I deadass feel like I'm being babysat 24/7 I'm not trusted in the house alone or to go out alone. My dad western union'D my cousin money and he holds it I don't get to have it.. It fucking sucks not being trusted. And he lives like 45 minutes from the city or any bad areas he lives in Lockport idk if you know where that is but it feels like the middle of fucking nowhere and nothing is in walking distance it just sucks. When I was in jersey it was in walking distance or I made a phone call and someone would take me or drop it off, and even if I was broke atleast I knew people and had friends and found ways to get money every day. It just feels impossible out here. But yeah part of me is like fuck I have 18 days clean (which is hard for someone who couldn't put 5 minutes together even if I tried) and it's like why do I want to go back to being sick all the time and constantly scheming it's like a full time fucking job at times. But then the other part of me is like just one more time, you can control it, don't use 3 days in a row and you'll be good.. Idk I'm just so addicted to that rush that I don't care about anything else.
18 days is awesome, girlie! Your wd's must be over right? You feel good minus cravings and anxiety? If I had wheels id come at least chill with ya or give you a lil piece of sub. Im about an hour and a half away.

Sipping dxm and my belly is wondering WHY. I just need some mind altering today ya feel me? Nobody is talking about the dope out there! I saw some dope pics in another thread and OMG it looks delish. Way tastier than this drank;)
Hey WOA I could use that lil piece of sub ... n you're only 30 min away from me ?
And 18 dayzzzz.... I could give anything just to have this much clean time under my belly!!!!
Stay safe ppl!
woa when you say Mhmmm yummie to drug porn, are u actually saying its tasty or just drooling over it? Kuz I heard it tastes flowers when u shoot it. I still think you guys can do a better job explaining how the rush feels shooting over regular snorting. Ppl say its a night and day difference, & when I hear 'Idk I'm just so addicted to that rush that I don't care about anything else.' There are levels to this shit thats for sure.
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Believe it or not the withdrawals are not over obviously they aren't as bad as the first couple days of coming off but I still have certain symptoms not all day but they come and go when they please. The urge to use is so fucking bad, like I fantasize about that shit all day long. I know when I get back to jersey that I'm gonna use ..