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CD Social v. Stoned apes in orbit

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never experienced that.

do hate when that happens when i'm smoking a cigarette tho.
well yeah, it's basically the same thing.

usually a first meal of the day (or first cigarette of the day) kind of thing.

Only it's much worse with hot food because who the hell wants to take a shit midmeal? That's just fuckin' weird and gross, even with hand-washing. Hell, with a jack you can put it out or, depending on your situation, just carry that shit right into the bathroom with you.
Got me sum black moroccan hash that bubbles and all that jazz. Very good hash.

Now I snort oxazepam too, like 40mg a day... When I'm out of it I'll take some Valium orally to soften the crash.
its official, im addicted to phenibut. plus im currently on 6mg clonazepam & 3400mg gabapentin daily. sitting on a 100g tub of phenibut ive been dosing frequently. my finances look like shit, been smoking with three hands. waiting on a qtr fronted as we type. i get paid saturday and just picked this almost gone qtr last sunday. i also blew threw a qtr last week that i got as a result of a trade. i traded my triton A2 scale for a qtr because my dude was using a fucking postal scale like an old school one and was shorting me occasionally. i have a decent scale yet though. plus my dudes bags arent short anymore%)
that's too much GABAergics man. shit'll hit you to a seizure.

definitely choose at least 1. can't possibly see myself taking benzos everyday. would prob end up losing everything.
well ive been on the gabapentin for a while so i dont see myself taking those out of my medicine regime as i feel they potentiate the clonazepam. ive dosed about 5g of the phenibut today and its been working its magic as i dosed it four hrs ago and it takes a while to feel its effects. now on to the kpins. ill dose prolly 1-2 mgs as im waiting for this qtr, he should be here within the hr. check back soon.
^ Def be careful when/if coming off those umfree

Flying to Miami tonight for the 4th, first time ever going to Florida. Have a good weekend everyone!
well ive been on the gabapentin for a while so i dont see myself taking those out of my medicine regime as i feel they potentiate the clonazepam. ive dosed about 5g of the phenibut today and its been working its magic as i dosed it four hrs ago and it takes a while to feel its effects. now on to the kpins. ill dose prolly 1-2 mgs as im waiting for this qtr, he should be here within the hr. check back soon.

hey umf how are you doing? hope you are doing well, please consider a taper and also letting someone close to you who can, worst case, call an ambulance if you do go into seizure. I still am recovering from my grand mal seizure and had to give up weed- well mostly... I smoke it more out of habit but not nearly to the extent that I did and no longer get the same enjoyment. now my highs are very confusing and disorientating, as well as full of anxiety.

benzos are not worth it.. I look back at the decisions I made when I was high on benzos and am still dealing with some of the stupid shit I did- like pass up a very well paying job that practically fell into my lap thinking that it would keep happening. I can still get a job but I have to worry about possibly going into seizure for a while when under stressful situations. First 2 weeks after all I could do was eat and sleep. Heat would fuck me up, make me sick. Memory is trashed. Slight stutter when speaking at times now. But all things considered, I am recovering. It is a long process but I am glad to have begun, I would encourage you to do the same... but in a much safer manner.

stay hydrated and get rest, reach out to family and close friends who will sympathize and offer support and care during recovery. You could possibly brave the storm alone, but the recovery process is much easier with loved ones supporting you. It is surprising how many people are understanding when you are completely honest with them.

hope you get well and stay safe.. PM me if you need something maybe I can help.
hey Maf', did you ever post about your seizure in OD?

mafuckas stand to learn some shit from that experience.
all my meds are rxed so thankfully im under medical supervision. i appreciate the look out tho it makes me feel good that my BL fam cares. my wife and mom should be arriving from there cross country trip. got the oil rig a couple gs of wax, some bud, a few gs of bubble hash and some vape pen cartridges. thankfully my wife and i are working things out.

same dose today 5gs or so of phenibut, 1800 mgs gabapentin, buds, and kpin. just 1mg so far. now 2.

be careful yourself bud, anyone can pm if they wish
hey guys, I'm high and drunk and been on a regga-inspired music binge for about a month now. Led me to this, which I'm currently smoking to (or will be as soon as I'm done typing this ish...) Enjoy:

hey Maf', did you ever post about your seizure in OD?

mafuckas stand to learn some shit from that experience.

ya it got moved to TDS... sorry if I sound like a broken record now but I realize how serious benzo use can be. Idk if I see them as recreational anymore and definitely question their use in medical practice as well as most other rx drugs. Call me crazy but I think it is insane giving kids adderall and anxiety meds- or any meds really. I've gone through opiate wd, nicotine wd, weed wd and xanax wd. by far the worst is xanax.

dope song tho, forgot about matisyahu. how old is that guy? some videos he looks like mid 20s, some he looks like he hit his 40s with gray hair and shit.

lately I've been all about Allen Stone. Guy is in his mid 20s and sings better than a lot of famous singers. His song "guardian angel" is amazing, or any of his live videos. Some serious talent in this kid.
ya it got moved to TDS... sorry if I sound like a broken record now but I realize how serious benzo use can be. Idk if I see them as recreational anymore and definitely question their use in medical practice as well as most other rx drugs. Call me crazy but I think it is insane giving kids adderall and anxiety meds- or any meds really. I've gone through opiate wd, nicotine wd, weed wd and xanax wd. by far the worst is xanax.

it's not insane. it's absolutely fucking disgusting. all they do is make money off of these poor people. (not poor as in not rich).

it's so sad that they are caught up in the web of lies that is BIG PHARMA and any pill to do with it. dare you tell them that their psych is just abusing their intelligence and money and they're absolutely upset. they can't handle the fact that what they live by is a money making scheme. the other day i was questioning High BP meds. Like why do us fucking humans need meds to control our blood pressure? are you telling me without them i'd be sure to die? if i had high BP ofc..

but we are here. our ancestors used pills to get by in life? fuck no they didn't. they prolly smoked herbs and ate mushrooms cuz fuck pills man.



ima go smoke 1 real quick.
it's not insane. it's absolutely fucking disgusting. all they do is make money off of these poor people. (not poor as in not rich).

it's so sad that they are caught up in the web of lies that is BIG PHARMA and any pill to do with it. dare you tell them that their psych is just abusing their intelligence and money and they're absolutely upset. they can't handle the fact that what they live by is a money making scheme. the other day i was questioning High BP meds. Like why do us fucking humans need meds to control our blood pressure? are you telling me without them i'd be sure to die? if i had high BP ofc..

but we are here. our ancestors used pills to get by in life? fuck no they didn't. they prolly smoked herbs and ate mushrooms cuz fuck pills man.



ima go smoke 1 real quick.

it's really strange to me how so many adults just mindlessly go along with what big pharm says. I'm sure if you ask any parent if they would give their child amphetamine they would look at you like a rapist/murderer. yet if you have a medical degree they accept it with open arms and force the child to take it, punish the child if he/she refuses.

I could literally sit here and list more cases of this that I have witnessed first hand than I would care to... far too many friends, co-workers, and even family have gone through this- essentially battling drug addiction/withdraw prescribed by a doctor. I agree completely that our society does not need/should not rely on a pill to fix our problems but something I do find sick but fascinating is looking at the dug use of our parents and further on. Most younger people I know who went on something like an anti-depressant, anti-psychotic, anxiety med, or really any other hard core med did so with the approval of their parents and doctors. Completely unbelievable to me in a society that shames "drug addicts" so hard and claims to have waged a war on drugs. Yet if there is a doctors prescription backing it then it is completely justified. Not just by law, but by the majority of society as well.

It isn't just the youth who falls victim to this either. The elderly have a highly increased likelihood of agreeing to drastic "mental treatments" like prescription drugs or even electro-shock therapy. People like my dad for instance who is 70 and taking high BP meds as well as anxiety meds and probably a handful of others(chantix for nicotine wd and many more) who really have almost no hope at getting clean after decades of use/abuse. Getting clean could literally be life threatening, send him into seizure or worse and much less likely to recover.

When we stop to consider that a lot of street drugs come from doctor prescriptions and things like many heroin addicts started with prescription pills... well, if you still blindly trust the doctor and swallow everything he gives you... I guess it is on you...
Broken record? Fuck no. I want people to understand what they're risking with pharmaceutical abuse.

It's everyone's choice whether or not they abuse pharmaceuticals.... I just feel it best if they have all the information possible before becoming a pillhead and thinking that pharm's are inherently "better" than street drugs. Educated decision-making is the best way to approach drug use if you're in it for the long-term.

On the subject of doctors-- I want to know what fucking physicians you people use. I walk into a doctors office with a shattered hand and wrist and the fucker writes me a prescription for ibuprofen. Kidney stones, pissing blood? Tylenol 3. Broken rib? Fuck, that's what started the ibuprofen 'scripting trend for me.

Seems like you sons of bitches go see a doctor with a papercut, get 4 superficial stitches, 150 30mg roxicets and, oh, it was a traumatic experience? Well here, twenty 10mg Valium'll help you cope with that.

hahahaha. those are the overly-cautious doctors jib. 1 extreme to the next it seems.

the docs here will best leave you with a Tramacet script. Morphine if you have cancer or extreme pain. Otherwise it's panadeine (codeine/APAP) or APAP tablets for your suffering ass.
Broken record? Fuck no. I want people to understand what they're risking with pharmaceutical abuse.

It's everyone's choice whether or not they abuse pharmaceuticals.... I just feel it best if they have all the information possible before becoming a pillhead and thinking that pharm's are inherently "better" than street drugs. Educated decision-making is the best way to approach drug use if you're in it for the long-term.

On the subject of doctors-- I want to know what fucking physicians you people use. I walk into a doctors office with a shattered hand and wrist and the fucker writes me a prescription for ibuprofen. Kidney stones, pissing blood? Tylenol 3. Broken rib? Fuck, that's what started the ibuprofen 'scripting trend for me.

Seems like you sons of bitches go see a doctor with a papercut, get 4 superficial stitches, 150 30mg roxicets and, oh, it was a traumatic experience? Well here, twenty 10mg Valium'll help you cope with that.


I think most doctors discriminate pretty hard. If you look like you will abuse or they think you might get addicted they will hit you with ib's. My girlfriend in highschool my sophmore year got prescribed quite a bit of vicodin for a bruised rib from coughing. I remember that poor girl getting the nods and not even knowing what it was... I didn't even understand until many years later. Sadly she went into a bit of a drug phase after that and I'm not sure how she is doing now tbh. I know someone who's dad gets prescribed 250 30mg oxycodone not to mention a butt load of vicodin and handfuls of other pills. She says her dad nods out all the time in middle of sentences and conversations.

There are some doctors who probably just don't give a fuck and I remember hearing on some documentary that some doctors even get fat kick backs based on the number of scripts they right from big pharm. Fucking evil.

Lets just say I have more respect for a drug dealer selling heroin to a teenager than I do a doctor who scripts opiates and amps to kids, at least the kid knows heroin is highly frowned upon if nothing else. and i'm not saying I think very much of heroin dealers who would sell to kids....

Only time I got perscribed narcotics is when I got my wisdom teeth out, got 30 5mg hydrocodone, but they were probably justified in that situation because 4 wisdom teeth out at once is not pleasurable at all....

there are a ridiculous amount of rx pills on the street though, at least where I live. It is probably a blessing that your doctor is a prude with pills. Most people I know who have a doctor that rx's anything are pretty fucked up by all the pills/addiction.
Fuckers see me walk in with a shaved head and a full beard and they just think the first words out of my mouth will be bullshit.

That's only fair, though, because I'm of the opinion that pretty much everything I've been told by doctors throughout my life has been heavily flavored with bullshit.
I had to tell my doctor I had my MMJ card when I saw him for a check up after the seizure. I could have lied when he asked if I was using any drugs but both my mom and sister were sitting right there and I didn't have a heart to lie. Judging by his response of "ok well I want you to lay off it completely" or something to that effect I'm going to assume he isn't a fan.

I'll probably never get anything good rxed to me now, at least not by him. Probably a blessing in disguise.
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