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CD Social v. Stoned apes in orbit

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I've been talking to him today. He needs to re-up apparently (lol).

It'll get made right, just gonna take some time. This is typical with this kind of connect, though. Like I said, he's a friend and was straight about it being crooked all the way, lol, so I can't hate too much. My thing is he told me it'd be maybe .7 off of 7g and that shit ended up being 4.2. It was just an awkward set-up because it definitely didn't look like it was that light, so I didn't want him thinking I was trying to run game or anything just because he told me his scale was off (I keep trying to tell you guys, my mind is kind of fucked up) so it just compounded into an anxiety issue. Just started getting anxious and thinking worst-case-scenario-type shit, you know?
Resin buildup since iPhone 4s release

Look straight up I know this is probably useless information to everyone but I've told all my mates and I still wanna boast a little more

I ran out of bud again and started surfing areas to collect a couple cones worth to get me by til next pick up. I've used an iPhone 4s box (the ones they come in when you buy them new) as a mix bowl since it was released. I realised tonight that the 1st layer of cardboard actually lifts up.. and underneath was a secret chamber hidden away for years, collecting tiny minute particles and bud-dust and shit... All those different strains over the years (Pick up twice a week for years and ALWAYS came across different strains).. there was enough for a solid cone (Had to coat the bottom with tobacco and table scrapings to make sure the dust didnt fall down the cone into the water) and after packing the cone there was a generous amount for a 2nd..

Well I unleashed cone 1 about 30 mins ago and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! holy yeezus

For someone who basically smokes weed religiously to keep the wolves at bay and seldomly actually gets high (maximum tolerance for sure), this was like the first time I had been high ever. I mean for all drugs. It's like when we were young and naive experimenting for the first time and you really feel it. I mean really feel it, all of it. So amazing I don't even, it's almost nostalgic

Im also havin a real shit time with glandular fever but its alleviated it so much and all the pain in my back and neck and jaw is gone !!!!!

Yep i did say it was a useless boast thread but I really just wanna tell everyone. Also if you happen to use an iphone box as a mixbowl, boys and gals lift up dat cardboard just beyond lies treasure beyond your wildest dreams...

Actually nah its not as full on and intense as like acid or whatever, but its like a completely unique drug in itself.. I wish i had enough for forever
Hah not really useless dude, you just need to get into collecting your kief.

Get a grinder with a kief screen at the bottom. After a few weeks/months, you get a buildup of some nice "toppings" to add to your smoke. Its likely that it will always be a lot stronger than straight buds.


Also, just stop smoking for a while. Find other ways to beat away the wolves for a bit. Youll enjoy your highs a lot more.
4 days later and I've heard nothing from my dude.

Friend just lost a customer for life, but on the plus side I came across a handful of Xanax and simply couldn't give less of a fuck about that right now.

It's so god damn hot in this house, though. 8(
bl makes me wanna still pop pills and occasionally drink with them. im so conflicted. sometimes i think the only way out is to leave.

probably won't be leaving anytime soon. not that i want to do drugs but reading posts are just exciting. reminds me of the faded days.

beer & herb blank, beer & herb.

my allergies are kicking in & i refuse to take those anticholinergics. i can't stand their effects. in the literal sense.
^^I've left a few times when I felt I needed a break from drugs.

idk, I always come back eventually.
the place draws me to it. so diverse. i can't deny how many times it's saved me & my friends' asses. it's been so helpful yet so enabling. that's the paradox

though, with suitable HR advice self control sorta comes with it. not that i can't resist myself. weed beer and cigs? yeah, but anything else i had the power to do when i pleased only. besides coke. that's just a demon in itself
4 days later and I've heard nothing from my dude.

Friend just lost a customer for life, but on the plus side I came across a handful of Xanax and simply couldn't give less of a fuck about that right now.

It's so god damn hot in this house, though. 8(

probably a good call. guys like that will take you for everything your worth ime. honesty is a big thing in this world.

so I found an emergency stash of bars from my binge. I know I shouldn't, but I did. My neighbor gave me a couple codeine too... going to sleep well tonight.

sticking with dabs tonight. my head feels light.
the place draws me to it. so diverse. i can't deny how many times it's saved me & my friends' asses. it's been so helpful yet so enabling. that's the paradox

though, with suitable HR advice self control sorta comes with it. not that i can't resist myself. weed beer and cigs? yeah, but anything else i had the power to do when i pleased only. besides coke. that's just a demon in itself

I feel you on this.

My drug use and pure interest in drugs period has skyrocketed since discovering Bluelight. It's unfortunate really, because there are so many interesting people to talk to, and reading about other people's lives is interesting and relatable.

I wouldn't know about any of the RC's if it weren't for this place, and I am grateful, but at the same time there is a contradiction that exists. Life can't be all about drugs.
BL's a trigger for sure when it comes to harder drugs imo. im usually to high or lazy to type so ill be stalking and not posting or out of my gear and reading BL.
only cawfee n booze make me wanna post here. weed? man i'll just fucking get lost staring at the screen and end up wasting teh high
lol once i was on acid on BL. man how counter-productive was that. i just didn't know what to even do. i'd try to post but then end up mindfucked.

drunk posting is teh best tho. with weed highs i'd just be scrolling through the threads and not even reading any. like why even?
I can't tell you how many times I be on MXE thinking I was on to some kind of break through, genius post, only to stop after two sentences which took me twenty minutes to formulate due to the rapid change of thought direction because I realized it made no sense lol.

It's hard for me to have intelligent conversations high. Alcohol works, though with that can come belligerence and misunderstanding.
tbh. alcohol has stimulated the most fun convos i've had in life. like i can sit down and have drinks with friends and it's just the best. weed just makes convos get way too fuckin deep. like discussing problems with this world. yesterday it started with how to smoke dmt and ended in the government's devious ways.

i havent done MXE but i've done DXM and that just sorta shuts me up. makes me embrace the high and CEVs. i can't function in society on dissociatives. barely mutter words to my trip buddies too. we just lay down then gather around when it's time to smoke weed then go off on the rocketship
so I found an emergency stash of bars from my binge. I know I shouldn't, but I did. My neighbor gave me a couple codeine too... going to sleep well tonight.

just take it easy with 'em, even if you don't combo'.
xanax high is like a tease for me.. I always want something heavier to go with it.

but probably a good thing for me that I didn't have many, probably would have to take them all at once to really get myself into trouble. been just taking halves at bed time to help me sleep. can't get more atm anyways so probably a good thing.. although it doesn't always feel like it.
can't drink on benzos anymore. not high doses rather. it just makes me stupid and lazy. i view those highs as counter-productive cuz i usually end up losing money, other items and breaking valuables.

low doses are the perfect touch ime.
I hate it when I sit down to eat this amazing meal, take my first bite and all of a sudden I have to shit.

That's just the worst, you guys.
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