Carrying a GUN

If someone were to break into my residence, I would surely be in imminent fear for my life, although others might not feel so threatened.. If you can't see the burglar, you have no idea whether or not he has a gun, or other weapon. In sych a situation, you should tell the burglar to freeze, and get on the ground. If he complies, or runs away, you should let him be until the police get there. If he advances himself towards you, you have the right to protect your life, as long as you truly believe your life is in danger.

If you shoot someone, you have to be able to show that you sincerely felt that your life was in danger, or the life of someone else was in danger (there are other situations as well, such as preventing certain violent felonies, but that doesn't really pertain to your question). If you shoot a guy in the middle of the day, and he has no weapon, it's going to be a little hard to prove that you felt you were in danger.

Also, if you are going to shoot someone, always aim for the pelvis area, and work your way up to the chest. Remember, you are using deadly force, and if you can't justify killing the person, then you shouldn't be shooting at them.
Originally posted by kitchkinet
in Texas you can shoot any one on your property after night fall.
Originally posted by EtaipoFetish

Well, Texas law says that if anyone is taking your property at night, you CAN legally shoot them ... when a guy who's truck was being LEGALLY REPOSESSED shot the repo man, and killed him, the police couldn't do a damn thing.

I feel you SHOULD be able to shoot any intruder into your residence .. why the hell not? What, you're supposed to assume that the person, who is invading your private property, is merely in search of your material possessions, and thereby poses no risk at all to you? Fine, let him walk out, help him pack up your valuables even. Hopefully he isn't packing himself, or willing to attack the slightest thing that moves. No doubt he won't try to put up a fight once he realizes he's not alone, he'll gladly stop right there and accept an inevitable arrest and multiple years in prison 8)

People I know in this state own upwards of 30 guns .. some have guns in every room of the house. People talk about going 'shooting' on the weekend. So apparantely its only natural to own many firearms. It tends to be a deterrent also; if you know lots of people in a region own guns, you would be foolish to break into a residence and expect to get away safely.

If any of you take one step inside my door without my permission, you can expect to be met with some cold steel. Or at least once I buy some firearms, that is.

Finally, f* everyone who wants to eliminate private gun ownership. The Government pushes that as a way to prevent any future revolutions. The reason we HAVE the 2nd Amendment isn't for self-protection, its for protection of society against the Government - it enables the citizens to violently resist when absolutely necessary.
Ironic though, it IS a rather useless Amendment ... because by the time Revolution is necessary, the Government will have already revoked the 2nd Amendment and ensured that no one can resist.
^^^ You should know that the Second Amendment does not apply to the states, only the federal government. That's crucial, because the states are the primary enforcers of criminal law.

Second, as someone else has pointed out, the laws on this issue vary a great deal from state to state.

I encourage people who wish to state what is "the law" on this topic to say what state they are talking about, AND to cite to an actual statute or case to prove their point.

I find that people who cannot figure out how to cite to a statute or case usually do NOT have a very good understanding of the law, and that whatever they are asserting is usually WRONG.

So caveat emptor, to anyone reading all of the above statements.
Ironic though, it IS a rather useless Amendment ... because by the time Revolution is necessary, the Government will have already revoked the 2nd Amendment and ensured that no one can resist.

That's why you have to participate in goverment and PREVENT the errosion of the people's right to bear arms responsibly. You can start by voting in the primary elections.

My opinion is that Howard Dean has the best position on gun control out of the Dems. He wants to leave it up to the states for any further gun laws and to enforce the existing federal gun control laws already on the books. The last thing we need are more gun control laws restricting acccess to law abiding citizens.

See THIS WEB PAGE to compare the candidates on all the issues.
Mahan, I know the 2nd Amendment applies only to the Federal Government ... This is why I capitalized 'Government,' to show I'm talking about The Big One.

Unfortunately I don't know the name of the case regarding the guy who shot the repo man, I just remember doing an in-class case study on it a year ago. Obviously, that's Texas for you; no other states have such laws. The rest of what I expressed was merely my personal opinion.

And I would vote in primaries if I could; but at least I can still vote in the National election. That day will be one of the most important dates in modern American history; I'd be surprised if we didn't also have a record turnout.
the U.S supr Court has selectively incorporated various bill of rights amendments to the states. Many however did argue for total incorporation (which would apply the 2nd amend to the states). I would not be surprised (especially if we have 12 (if not 16) more years of Bush, that the supr ct starts applying it to the states
miamistu said:
the U.S supr Court has selectively incorporated various bill of rights amendments to the states. Many however did argue for total incorporation (which would apply the 2nd amend to the states).

There has never been a majority for this position, and it isn't even tenable that this is the state of things. For exanple, there is simply no doubt that states are not subject to the Grand Jury Clause of the Fifth Amendment, the Seventh Amendment's requirement of a jury trial for civil suits, or the Third Amendment's prohibition on quartering troops for that matter.

I would be extremely surprised to see this Supreme Court incorporate the Second Amendment any time in the foreseeable future.
psychetool said:
Now that I own a peice if I ever run into trouble I can easily and legally protect myself and my property.

simple logic suggests that now you have a gun on your property, the chance of it being used on you - or someone you love - goes from 0 to >0.

"Despite the fact that most gun owners keep firearms in their home under the pretense of "protection" and "self-defense," amazingly, only 2% of gun related deaths in the home are the result of a homeowner shooting an intruder, while 3% are accidental child shootings, 12% are the result of shootings by a family member or other intimate, and a staggering 83% are the result of a suicide." source: (my emphasis)

admittedly, that's hardly an unbiased source but even if you take their figures with a large pinch of salt, buying a gun for "protection" still seems like a weak argument.

Symmetrical Daze said:
If someone breaks into my house at nite and its too dark to tell if they are armed i am shooting them with my shotgun TO KILL. And not just once, i will shoot them 3 or 4 times so i can tell the judge i was in panic for fear of my life.

it's interesting to note that you have your perjury worked out ahead of time...


kitchkinet said:
in Texas you can shoot any one on your property after night fall.

It is a crime to kill anyone unless you can prove they were going to kill you if you didn't defend youself.. If people could shoot anyone on their property in texas wouldn't you just drag them onto your land and blow them away?

Texas also don't allow you to walk around with a hidden pistol even with a concealed gun license. That License only allows you to conseal the gun in a car or truck loaded. That is why you see a lot of rifles in truck rear windows as it is legal to carry a rifle out in the open.
SilverFeniks said:
Originally posted by EtaipoFetish

Well, Texas law says that if anyone is taking your property at night, you CAN legally shoot them ... when a guy who's truck was being LEGALLY REPOSESSED shot the repo man, and killed him, the police couldn't do a damn thing.

Never heard that one.. only cops have the right to shoot at you if the person isn't attacking. There have been plenty of cases where people went to jail for shooting people inside their homes. One that coems to mind was a girl who's auncle was molesting her so she blew him away.. She got charged with manslaughter.