Carrying a GUN

Call me cruel if you want but i'm not going to bend over and let some fucking petty theives rob me. It's their own damn fault for trying to steal from me. Now that I own a peice if I ever run into trouble I can easily and legally protect myself and my property. I am enrolled in a gun safty program and if you ever need to use your gun, aim for the chest - they might die but you will be safe.

To all you flamers, you can suck a dick. Yes, my personal property and safty is much more important to me then a theifs life. It would definitly make you think twice about robbing someone if you knew they were armed.

If you act right, I am the most friendly, non-violent person you will ever meet. I have literally never been in a fist fight, so just don't be a stupid theif and all is well.

You really are a retard, but if you shoot someone for simply stealing your stero, you will find yourself behind bars.

Also, asking a fucking drug board for such serious legal advice is idiotic. Are you gonna tell the judge that bluelight said it was ok, so you should be let go.

Anyone who owns guns for personal protection (like me) knows when you pull the trigger you must be prepared to kill and must shoot to kill. That means body or head shots. Shooting someone in the leg to only wound them is only done in the movies. You will likely miss, he will bash your head in, take your gun and then its all over.

This is why there should be an IQ test before you can own a gun.
apollo said:
You fucking disgust me psychetool.

I thought Michael Moore was wrong about you yanks.

Guess I was wrong.

i thought australians were smart enough to realize that one person's opinion may not represent three hundred million people.

guess i was wrong.

NOTE: ain't generalizations stupid?
PlutoMars said:
This is why there should be an IQ test before you can own a gun.

And a mental health check-up! ;)

But knowing the US Govt' they'd probably throw in a fucking some test that finds out what your political views are, and if you don't agree with what they want you to, then you ain't getting no gun. :\
Against my better judgment, I will let this remain open for the time being. I think there is some discussion value in the issue of whether or not someone hypothetically can shoot another who wrongfully enters their premises.


That is all.

mariposa420 said:
Against my better judgment, I will let this remain open for the time being. I think there is some discussion value in the issue of whether or not someone hypothetically can shoot another who wrongfully enters their premises.


That is all.


Yes, I was very dissapointed to see how this thread turned out. I was looking forward to a good discussion, not senseless flaming.

PlutoMars wins the award for most unfriendly and not helpful post here. Lets state once again this is a harm reduction board, flaming won't get you anywhere and will simply make you look bad.

If someone breaks into my house at nite and its too dark to tell if they are armed i am shooting them with my shotgun TO KILL. And not just once, i will shoot them 3 or 4 times so i can tell the judge i was in panic for fear of my life.

Taking someones life will stay on ur conscience forever... its a big decision but its sure better them than u.

Personally, i keep my pistol grip shotgun and a metal baseball bat under my bed. If someone came in and stole something i would chase them with the bat. If u shoot someone in the back u will go to jail for a while. U dont want to kill someone for stealing, u have to fear ur life is in danger.

Here, its the woods... no telling what kind of crazies could come around, so the usual judgement i would have (concerning an unknown person entering my house) is shoot first, ask questions later.
shoot them in the arms and legs, then you dont kill them, just disable them, say you were scared for your life. also it serves them right for stealing, so try and hit their bones, so they can contemplate what they did wrong in the hospital.
also look at the repucussions, they know where you live.

p.s. i got most of my ideas off movies, i dont really know anything about shooting people

I have a few toys.

Glock model 23 Compensated, Laseraim internal laser... .40 caliber Hydra-shok hollowpoints with anyone stupid's name on them.

Bushmaster AR-15 assault rifle...(M16) .223 caliber, devastating wound channel.

Springfield Armory Ultra Compact .45 with the Hydra Shoks for the loud mouthes.

Just kidding, but someone breaks in your house you shoot them period.

How do you know if they are just trying to rob you or they are trying to kill you and rape your wife?

Plain and simple, you don't.

Anyone breaking into a house should know that their life is on the line.

And if it's my house, it's going to hurt. Trust me.
EvMan717 said:
Maybe I am just brainwashed American youth but if someone breaks into my home I am shooting him, preferably in the lower leg. If I miss and the criminal dies, that's too bad for him he shoudn't have been breaking into my house.
I would only shoot someone in that circumstance if I was absolutely certain he was breaking into my house with the intent to rob or kill me or others.

Yes. I agree fully. If I wake in the night to find someone in my house I sure as hell am not going to ask questions as to why they are in my house. Im gonna cap the bitch then ask questions later. Why give someone the benifit...the person obviously has no regard. How do I know what their intentions are, possibly they are there to hurt my wife/children. So believe, if I get to the shit first....
Re: ...

someone breaks in your house you shoot them period.

How do you know if they are just trying to rob you or they are trying to kill you and rape your wife?

Plain and simple, you don't.

Anyone breaking into a house should know that their life is on the line.

And if it's my house, it's going to hurt. Trust me. [/B]

Didnt read far enough. Yes this is my point exactly.
As a general rule (not withstanding the Texas fucked up law) you are not entitled to use deadly force merely to protect the loss or theft of property. You must have a mindset of a reasonable person that you or your family is in imminemt danger of serious bodily harm or death to justify the use of lethal force.
michael said:
i thought australians were smart enough to realize that one person's opinion may not represent three hundred million people.

guess i was wrong.

NOTE: ain't generalizations stupid?

Please enlighten me as to how you came to the conclusion that I am Australian?

apollo said:
Please enlighten me as to how you came to the conclusion that I am Australian?


Australian Drug Discussion =D

That's how he did it! :p
as for the entire "shoot for the leg" theory, it is actually much wiser to shoot for the chest and/or the head. the reason being, once you discharge that firearm, in the direction of the assailant, you are using deadly force. if you hit his leg, then you'll end up facing him in court and he can use every tactic under the sun to send you to prison. on the other hand, if the assailant is no longer with us, then you go and state your case that you life was in danger, the man was a raving lunatic intent on killing you and your family, and then most likely the judge rules it justifiable homicide (murder in self defense.)

i'm not a lawyer though...just a criminal justice degree.
Gaz_hmmmm said:
Australian Drug Discussion =D

That's how he did it! :p

Well... michael, I have news for you. I'm not Australian. And Gaz_hmmmm, the forum I moderate is Australia/Asia/NZ/Middle East Drug Discussion.
It's all got to do with reasonable force. If a case goes to court, the person that used the least force will always come out ahead. If you shoot someone, regardless of what they are doing, and another, less lethal option would have sufficed, you are going to get crucified. If it was absolutely neccessary then it may be found acceptable. These rules also apply to the police. If they could use their baton or spray instead of their gun for example.
nc. said:
Is a human life worth more than your property? You know many robbers are not going to actualy hurt you. Maybe indeed you are a brainwashed American if you think that someone's life is worth less than your tv or stereo.

Is a human life worth more than your property? No, but is it worth the risk knowing that you may be killed due to the fact that a robber broke into your house?

How many robbers break into houses without an intent to do something negative towards you, yet alone that don't have some sort of potential weapon.