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Opioids Calling US lean fiends...


Bluelight Crew
May 12, 2010
I've just found 10 bottles of this promethazine/codeine cough syrup in my daughter's bedroom. Considering we live in the UK, this was quite a surprising find. What I want to know is does this look genuine? To me the label looks dodgy as fuck - but I'm not familiar with US prescription medications. It seems to be lacking a lot of vital information such as the ingredients and relative quantities which I would normally expect to see on a pharmaceutical product. For example, it just says 'Quantity 120'. 120 fuckin what?

So what do you guys think? Genuine imported product or shady shite..?

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10 Bottles that is not Good no matter what it is!! That cough medicine no longer comes in that type of bottle any more here in NY!! It was way too abused . There are no refills allowed, and when you can get it, it comes in the box that the manufacture ships it in. No higher or smaller amounts. I have been useing the product for years, and it had been mixed in the pharmacy, ( like moonshine) and prescriptions filled to amazing amounts, but no longer.
10 Bottles that is not Good no matter what it is!! That cough medicine no longer comes in that type of bottle any more here in NY!! It was way too abused . There are no refills allowed, and when you can get it, it comes in the box that the manufacture ships it in. No higher or smaller amounts. I have been useing the product for years, and it had been mixed in the pharmacy, ( like moonshine) and prescriptions filled to amazing amounts, but no longer.

So what are you saying? Fake goods?

And no, not her prescription...
So as you Know the rules better than me!! Drug identification is very hard to do here.
But for someone to get 10 bottles, through a US DR. It would take 10 months of legitimate prescription??
and then to get them all to your daughter??as I stated it is not how that medicine is sold in NY, but we need a Calf member to help out!! I am not comfortable with the odds that it is real??
Same name on all 10 bottles?
or No name? just product inside ??
Shit is very addicting for sleeping! Really must suck if taken during the day time with other depressants ( alcohol or Benzos).
I am always the Glass 1/2 empty type of guy.
Hope for the Best .... But prepare for the Worst!!!
It fake shit made in India, or China, or worse yet some Bloks Basement :mad:
So as you Know the rules better than me!! Drug identification is very hard to do here.
But for someone to get 10 bottles, through a US DR. It would take 10 months of legitimate prescription??
and then to get them all to your daughter??as I stated it is not how that medicine is sold in NY, but we need a Calf member to help out!! I am not comfortable with the odds that it is real??
Same name on all 10 bottles?
or No name? just product inside ??

I'm not really asking for drug ID, I'm asking if the label looks genuine. To me, it looks like something a 10 year old could knock out in Word in 5 minutes. Being in the UK and subject to strict EU regulations (up to now) concerning labelling of products it just looks dodgy as fuck. It doesn't even state the quantities of active ingredients. Is this normal for US medications?
the label looks fake

Thanks, that was my immediate impression. But having absolutely no idea of the US labelling standards I wasnt sure.

I know they're not hers - they're her boyfriend's who sells all manner of dodgy shit. Should have seen the fake Xanax bars he was knocking out. Even I could tell they were fake and I've never seen a real one in my life...
Doesn't necessarily look fake to me, but I also don't have experience with cough syrup bottles. I'm not saying it's legit, though.
Doesn't necessarily look fake to me, but I also don't have experience with cough syrup bottles. I'm not saying it's legit, though.

So you're saying it's quite normal to have fuck all information on a bottle of prescription medication?
At the end of the day we can't answer this question with certainty. We do however know that the "Lean" craze has caused a ten-fold jump in popularity for Codeine syrup and that there are a lot of fakes out there.
At the end of the day we can't answer this question with certainty. We do however know that the "Lean" craze has caused a ten-fold jump in popularity for Codeine syrup and that there are a lot of fakes out there.

I think you're all missing my point.

What I'm trying to ascertain is if this is a typical label you would find on a bottle of prescription medication from the US. If it is typical, then obviously there is no way of telling if it is genuine or not. But if it isn't typical, then it could be something knocked up to fool those stupid British kids that are so quick to jump on the latest American trends.
Looks like legit 2000s syrup to me man. Pharm labels here are kinda shitty and don't say much. For instance SSRIs have no warnings about serotonin syndrome on the label yet it's a very real risk.

But also, how would US produced pharms get over there? That's what's sketch. Also, syrup hasn't been scripted for years now so if the label says it's only a year or two old, that's definitely a red flag.
And for that matter, codeine is OTC over there... why would anyone import american codeine? It's hard as fuck to get syrup here now and not worth it anyways 'cause codeine/promethazine is weak AF.
And for that matter, codeine is OTC over there... why would anyone import american codeine? It's hard as fuck to get syrup here now and not worth it anyways 'cause codeine/promethazine is weak AF.

Because of all those stupid rappers bigging it up, that's why. Kids over here dont realise that you can extract codeine from otc painkillers and neck a couple of otc phenergen for exactly the same effect and a fraction of the cost. I know for a fact that kids here are paying £60 a bottle - and if it looks like a genuine US import then your street cred is through the roof.

Could be any shit in those bottles.

Funnily enough, I'm more alarmed that your labelling standards are so low. How can you not state the amount of active ingredients per bottle or per dose???
Yeah label looks real to me, I've got a bottle here and it looks almost identical.... Walgreens labels especially are bad about being rather vague....