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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Called the cops on myself, first time seeing Shadow People......

^These stories suprise you.

For me, it took many years of stimulant use for it to blossom into anything other than mild paranoia and hallucinations. I was able to recognize the "shadow" people and the "music" I could hear playing in the background as hallucinations, and could continue to use stimulants past that point for another day or two without going noticeably "crazy".

I did eventually lose my shit from stimulants to the point that I "actually thought" there was a huge plot against me and at any moment someone was gonna kick the door in and kill me/take me away. It took me awhile to go back to normal both times after that happened, and I'm very leery of using stimulants of any kind again. You rely so much on your perception, and the ability of your brain to process things, it really makes you question everything when you use drugs to the point that you can't perceive clearly anymore.

I've had "bad trips" from psychedelics, but never anything like I've gotten from other stimulants...

Staying up for longer than 2 days on any drug, probably isn't the best idea..
Goodness me! Do you understand how dangerous that is? You're pointing a potentially loaded gun at individuals behaving in incredibly frightening ways, and only you are aware of them. Do you ask others constantly to confirm whether something is real or delusion? You, waving around a loaded gun, having chosen not to sleep — or eat, I'm guessing (because eating whilst on methamphetamine is like attempting to swallow a rolled up carpet, or an entire roll of damp toilet paper at once) — until you're capable of hallucinating visually: do you have any conception of how bad that is for you? I had hoped that this story would end with "and that's why I stopped doing stimulants!"

I really hope you and any others who happen to be legitimately alive and near you during these episodes of near-insanity are safe and won't be shot at or even killed by you, either accidentally or intentionally. Good luck. I'm somewhat amazed that you've managed to ignore visual hallucinations, for how do you determine what is hallucination and what isn't?

Please, can you explain to me the motivations behind your deliberate attempts to flirt with such psychological torture? Surely the hallucinations feed into the whole paranoia aspect of stimulant abuse that has me giving them a wide berth; I wouldn't touch such chemicals with a ten-foot pole being held by someone in a full-body condom!

I know that most of the replies to this thread are meant to be light and jokey, but I just can't see the funny side of it all at the moment; you're getting uncomfortably close to the line, which, if crossed, will result in absolute loopy madness. Please do not try this at home; I can't understand the appeal of Datura stramonium or those so-called highs involving the likes of diphenhydramine or scopolamine, I mean, literal madness is just not fun! You can't trust a thing you perceive and can't escape until it's over; you've got until your brain returns to normal, and that could take a very long time, depending upon how bad your situation is—alcohol and benzodiazepine withdrawal is a good example of something that can really draw out your identity and have you question every thought, sense and memory you've ever had, all the while chatting to non-existent people as dreams and consciousness combine to create the ultimate constipation aid..!

Why didn't the cops harass the fuck out of you? Surely if you we're that spun they would have picked you?

Let me just make it clear I don't wave a gun around , or anything and I rarely ever do it, but hell yea if someone was in my house you best believe I will shoot to kill, if in fact it was a real person. And yes I do ask my bf if he is seeing what i'm seeing and he always says yes lol so thats no help ! LOL But anywho, I am very careful and hardly ever do that. Actually only 2x's.....

And I didn't mention that I actually called the cops again the next night , and that time they were mean to me . You could tell they didn't care to be there, Idk why they didn't call me out. I tried VERY HARD to not look at them directly in the eyes and I tried to stay outside where they couldn't see my pupils. Plus its not like I had anything on me. I told them I had slept due to my schedule change and maybe I was just seeing things...
Op, pretty much the exact same thing happened to me last year after an IV coke binge.

Ended up in a whole heap of trouble.

I called the cops on myself not once, but twice after seeing various figures. From gang members wearing hoodies and bandanas over their face to seeing meddlesome children at my window.
I remember the 1st officer backing away slowly out of my humble abode with a WTF expression on his face.

They sent the men in white coats the next day, but by then I was wise enough to know what had really happened and explained everything.

I hope you never have to go through this again. It's a valuable lesson to learn and your sanity is a precious commodity.


LOL I will never call the cops on myself again, at least I hope not. I was tempted the other night cus I saw someone hanging off the side of my car but my bf confirmed that it was nobody . LOL Yea I try to not let my brain trick me anymore. I've slowed down alot too.....
I remember the 1st officer backing away slowly out of my humble abode with a WTF expression on his face.


They sent the men in white coats the next day

who are the men in white coats - psychiatrists - chemists - people wearing straight jackets?

LOL I will never call the cops on myself again, at least I hope not.

haha, iv been close myself but i talked myself out of it...i nearly through my briefcase of stash over a cliff into the ocean once after hearing multiple police sirens going up our road past our place...im so glad i didn't...when i woke in the morning i was so pissed at myself for even thinking about chucking it off the cliff...
You mentioned you were surprised they sent two cop cars.

In my experience they ALWAYS send at LEAST two cop cars.

Thank your lucky stars they didn't feel like arresting some poor dude frightened half to death with amphetamine psychosis and horrible speed hallucinations! ;)

Good story though I'd like to change the title to fit our format so PM me the proper title you'd like and I'll change it - when you have a chance.

I've never seen the people, I have been up for 2-3 days and seen shadows at work, like fleeting balls of shadows and kinda made a whoosh sound, I snorted mine though, day one is great the subsequent days are hell.
NEVER do stimulants without some kind of effectve sedative around to calm you down or knock you out if you start to freak out. That will make things okay and can avoid all kinds of disaster, in actual fact. One of the rules I have for myself is never do stimulants without enough benzos (or opitates) around. How about just avoiding that suicice/murder/lifelong immobilacy? Can't imagine anything much more harm-reducing if you can't stay away from the drugs.
It's that and sleep deprivation. You hallucinate a visage to one side of your peripheral vision. It's purely the nervous systems reaction to not getting enought sleep especially if amphetmaines for a reason. Once I realized this I wrote it off and haven't been bothered by it since.

Interesting shit though.
Made me laugh pretty hard to be honest.

Everything turned out better than expected
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Sounds like a terrible experience. This part made me laugh though:

And all this time I am also watching my security cameras, ( It was hooked up to a computer monitor and had 4 different views of outside) and low and behold there is someone sitting on the roof of my office reading a book.

At least that one was peaceful.
I dont get it, i wrote a story of meth psychosis and and a 3 day binge and everyone ridiculed me, yet here we have the same and its all fun and games?! consistency in moderating and harm reduction seems to be well out! either way welcome to the world of shadow people. youll find that after doing that for months and months, when you stop youll find yourself walking round your house stone cold sober with fists clenched because youre that paranoid that theres people in your house trying to kill you! oh and watch out for that corner of the room tahts darker than all the rest, tahts where the demons come through to our reality! oh and dont look at lampshades and such like, because the demons play with them to fuck with you! havent done meph in 9 months now, best thing i ever did was give taht shit up, the laughs soon die and it all gets rather fucked up, its no fun sitting in teh drive thru of macdonalds thinking youre dead!
Let me just make it clear I don't wave a gun around , or anything and I rarely ever do it, but hell yea if someone was in my house you best believe I will shoot to kill, if in fact it was a real person. And yes I do ask my bf if he is seeing what i'm seeing and he always says yes lol so thats no help ! LOL But anywho, I am very careful and hardly ever do that. Actually only 2x's.....

And I didn't mention that I actually called the cops again the next night , and that time they were mean to me . You could tell they didn't care to be there, Idk why they didn't call me out. I tried VERY HARD to not look at them directly in the eyes and I tried to stay outside where they couldn't see my pupils. Plus its not like I had anything on me. I told them I had slept due to my schedule change and maybe I was just seeing things...

your boyfriend is probably scared of the implications that you are losing your mind. I remember when I called the cops on myself during a 3 days meth binge, for the 2 days leading up to it when I thought there was an armed stand off in my driveway, thought people outside were shining lights in my window, I was in complete denial that what I was seeing wasn't there because I thought if it wasn't real that meant I was crazy, so I did whatever I could to convince myself I wasn't seeing things. When I told my roommate (older woman) what was happening I could tell she really didn't want to say it wasn't true because she felt bad for me. She didn't know I was doing meth and must of thought I was literally losing my mind.

Anyways, I almost got shot by the police. I told them people were breaking into my house when I called 911, then locked myself in the bathroom with an extendable baton ready to bash in the skull of anyone who came through the door. When the police got there and announced themselves I was afraid it was just the shadow people who were trying to kill me pretending to be police, so I came out of the bathroom fast with my weapon raised. They shouted "drop the weapon" and pulled out their guns. I dropped it instantly and they pulled my hands behind my back when I said "I'm the one who called you" and they said "oh" and told me to sit down on the couch. anyways I went to the hospital that night and spent the night and next day in the psych ward.

the point is, these things are dangerous. I'm extremely lucky I didn't have some trigger happy cop respond to the call. In fact 2 weeks after this incident a couple towns over from me a kid 1 year older than me (he was 22) got shot and killed by a police officer in front of his girlfriends house for "weilding" a knife, initially it said "holding" a knife but they changed it in the next day or two to cover for the police officer, "wielding" sounds much more menacing, but the truth is wielding means holding and being able to use, so essentially just holding a knife, not threatening with a knife or assaulting with a knife.

Anyways the cops I encountered were really cool, they took the baton as evidence but when they asked me if I had any weapons on me and I took a spring loaded knife out of my pocket and handed it to them they didn't confiscate it or anything. didn't charge me with anything either, easily could have given me assault on an officer. I got really lucky, but when you haven't slept in multiple days and your brain is working on overdrive as a result of stimulants, especially meth, disaster can strike. The other kid probably wasn't on meth (I live in MA, it's rare. I had to order it online just to get my hands on it), but his death shows how fragile a human life is, especially when dealing with armed cops looking to put a notch on their belt.
Shadow people don't just visit meth heads. any time you hit the 72 hour awake mark they'll start making themselves known.

I would agree there, though some people can start already after 2 days to get distortions in their side visuals. I mostly agree with you on 3 days, but 4 days also possible very individual. One thngs for sure, do some psycedelics instead so you understand the concept and lose the paranoia :D Shadow people are no more less than a psycedelic trip without enjoying psycedelics... strangely enough. But bot fun if you are not knowing what happends.

Basically your body is so tired, you eyes cannot really see thet well - your brain processes slowly - so your mind needs to understand what it is seeing with fewer details and makes up the rest by itself - voila - welcome to psycedelic land!

Grab some sleeping pills next time and do not binge so long!
Anyways, I almost got shot by the police. I told them people were breaking into my house when I called 911, then locked myself in the bathroom with an extendable baton ready to bash in the skull of anyone who came through the door. When the police got there and announced themselves I was afraid it was just the shadow people who were trying to kill me pretending to be police, so I came out of the bathroom fast with my weapon raised. They shouted "drop the weapon" and pulled out their guns. I dropped it instantly and they pulled my hands behind my back when I said "I'm the one who called you" and they said "oh" and told me to sit down on the couch. anyways I went to the hospital that night and spent the night and next day in the psych ward.

the point is, these things are dangerous. I'm extremely lucky I didn't have some trigger happy cop respond to the call. In fact 2 weeks after this incident a couple towns over from me a kid 1 year older than me (he was 22) got shot and killed by a police officer in front of his girlfriends house for "weilding" a knife, initially it said "holding" a knife but they changed it in the next day or two to cover for the police officer, "wielding" sounds much more menacing, but the truth is wielding means holding and being able to use, so essentially just holding a knife, not threatening with a knife or assaulting with a knife.

What a nightmare. Most cops aren't prepared to deal with mild mental illness, let alone armed meth/sleeplessness psychosis. You had one hell of a lucky day.
If you want to see the real shadow people, look into Diphenhydramine. They'll appear on that shit.

As for psychosis due to lack of sleep, I've got plenty of first hand experience of that. I was 15 when the mephedrone epidemic hit the UK, having only smoked weed and cigarettes before the mcat hit the streets, had a few 3-4 day benders and many people became addicted to the point that one of my friends died for a few minutes before he was resuscitated. I've seen rats running around on my floor causing me to rip the carpets up, t shirts hanging that were talking to each other about me and golden Labradors no more than 3 inches tall walking around on my ceiling. All of this from drugs with no real hallucinogenic properties.
The mind is scary, look after it
I dont get it, i wrote a story of meth psychosis and and a 3 day binge and everyone ridiculed me, yet here we have the same and its all fun and games?! consistency in moderating and harm reduction seems to be well out! either way welcome to the world of shadow people. youll find that after doing that for months and months, when you stop youll find yourself walking round your house stone cold sober with fists clenched because youre that paranoid that theres people in your house trying to kill you! oh and watch out for that corner of the room tahts darker than all the rest, tahts where the demons come through to our reality! oh and dont look at lampshades and such like, because the demons play with them to fuck with you! havent done meph in 9 months now, best thing i ever did was give taht shit up, the laughs soon die and it all gets rather fucked up, its no fun sitting in teh drive thru of macdonalds thinking youre dead!

A *fucking* MEN
Pretty cool post, I once called the cops from a 5 day speed binge after taking Benadryl and Ambien together. (Do not attempt!!!!!) I saw a man break in to my house, I was so scared. I picked up my TV remote and tried calling 911, after many failed attempts I snapped the remote in half. The rest of that night is a mystery altho I did sleep since I woke up naked in my bathtub.

Moral of the story: sleep deprivation, Speed, lots of Ambien, and benadryl don't mix.

Happy Thanksgiving, this is random but lets take this time to be thankful for weed.
this happened to me on a 6-apb binge. i was at day 6 with no sleep at all. was staying at motel cause i thought i had a warrant out for selling. (lack of sleep). i seen people through the peephole n they said the were going to break in if i didnt open the door. long story short this went on and they had a gun so i called the cops. cops searched my whole ream (luckily i flushed everything) i then had to explain the situation to my PO (not good). we got kicked out of the motel and went to another one and pretty much same scenario except with crooked cops. lesson learned for me about binging with no sleep.
Hahaha! Wow, I had no idea so many tweakers had called the cops on the shadow people!
I don't mean to offend anyone, but... lol!