Bluelight Trivia Game!!!

^ while its true that a lot of new members wouldnt know a lot of the answers, its a nice way for them to learn about more about the history of bluelight than just whats listed in the FAQ, as well as other interesting tidbits and such. :)
I'd just like to put an actual greenlighter stamp of approval on the above bluelighter's insight into this greenlighter's feelings about the current bluelighter dominated thread. Congratulations!!! =D
To move it back to the top of the forum so that any relevant posts can find their way into it.

What is the name of Bluelight's holiday forum?
The Festivus Forum! (Give or take the spelling. :p)

How can you easily quote multiple people at once in a thread?
By clicking the icon next to the quote button.

What does the [noparse][/noparse] tags do?
Oh oh, I know this one!

It allows you to make plain-text smily faces like this ;) and allows you to post plain-text formatting like this: [b]not bold![/b]


Annnnd I cannot think of a question, so someone else make one. :p

how many people have held the title 'administrator' (including current)?


Name one of the three users that were most recently promoted to Senior Moderator.
Rumpelstiltskin, I mean Amapola. What was Philosophy & Spirituality called previously?
Thoughts & Awareness.

Name a moderator from when Blogs used to be called Journals.
Spork, who also did a great job when Journals were transitioned to Blogs.

Which past, or present, administrator has had the longest tenure as admin? Bonus cool points if you can name months and years!
i am going to guess TLB and 11ish years?

what are the technical specs of BL servers?