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Bluelight-based arrests?

junksick said:
I remember briefly someone (geetered? I don't know) who was on forced rehab by the courts getting in trouble for his posts and pics on here. Parole officer saved stuff he posted where he said he did drugs and how he was beating the piss tests. The guy came on here and tried to delete all of his stuff but by then it was to late they had already saved most of it. Fucked up his parole and now he can't cheat on his piss tests.

This was all only posted for about a day, bluelight got rid of it and said it didn't belong or something like that.

Anyways YES this place is watched. Which is why everything I post here is fiction and a fantasy internet game (really)

Holy Shit, how did nearly everyone on BL know about that.
Not a good idea to post your picture on a drug forum, now is it??
lol @ reading this entire thread, seeing geetereds story get mentiond a bunch of times, then over a year later

Yet, I still have the same user name

Fuck em

I think if anyone is dumb enough to talk about current illegal activities they are committing, they need to be popped.
i don't quite understand why there are ex bluelighters....they were banned?
isn't it like one point every time you mention drugs...or rather sources.....
and 100 points will get you banned for 3 months or something?

could a mod....explain this?
how does banning someone work if they make a new account?
i guess im not in the loop on this.....

also can an ex bluelighter be a mod or admin?

also...i never read who actually created this website? (wizard of oz?)

hopefully i dont get "UTFSE!" because that could take like all day.....
geetered said:
One time a juvenile probation officer sent my probation officer my whole gallery and the judge seen it; it included nude picture of me and my girlfriend, several stolen medications, methamphetamine, and multiple bags of marijuana.

They didnt bring any charges on me directly from this, it just looked bag.

Its hard to deny the fact you use drugs when they have pictures of you snorting powder off your girlfriend tit/

Yet, I still have the same user name

Fuck em

That's just what i thought. How could they prove what's the powder in a bag. It could be just salt and crystals could be sea salt. And there's nothing illegel taking a pic of "someone else's meds". If you got an RX for ritalin abusing it by snorting or shooting isn't illegal. I'm not too worried if they do raid my house unless i'm posessing something illegal.

You did the right thing geetered, you're now officially bad-ass.
shith3ad said:
i don't quite understand why there are ex bluelighters....they were banned?
isn't it like one point every time you mention drugs...or rather sources.....
and 100 points will get you banned for 3 months or something?

could a mod....explain this?
how does banning someone work if they make a new account?
i guess im not in the loop on this.....

also can an ex bluelighter be a mod or admin?

You can get banned outright without accumulating the warnings.
I know the DEA regularly peruses these type of web sites. I started telling people it would be much simpler to use NPP and skip the PTC step in the sxn of fentanyl, and on April 1, 2007, NPP became a List 1 Suspicious Substance in the US. I later found out through back door contacts, that my posts were the impetus to make NPP go from unwatched to List I Suspicious. I am glad I am no longer involved in illegal drugs as this scared the shit out of me.

I get paranoid bout this shit all the time, but its one of those irrational paranoia's because I have nothing to worry about, I rarely if ever have drugs in this house, Ive never dealt drugs in my life because I know its a one way street. Most of the dealers I know get carried away with busness getting higher up the chain until they get caught, seen it way too many times to ever start dealing. Even one time deals I wont do, a mate got done with 10 pills a few weeks ago and it was the first time he'd ever sold drugs, bad luck ay.

I dont think the police would have much reason to arrest me on something based on bluelight because I commit very few crimes, that one crime is buying drugs RARELY and noones ever gonna catch me doing that again, its been done before and it will never happen again and thats a fact. People commit more crimes than I ever have on a daily basis, talking on the phone while driving, not putting indicators/seatbelts on, drink driving, riding bikes without a helmet and having sex with underage girls but somehow all this stuff is so much worse than taking drugs(the underage girls one is a bit fucked up tho) I always give my mum smart remarks when she runs the red light or forgets to put the indicator on or something because she always tells me how drugs are illergal blah blah, well The way I see it is if something is illegal then its illegal fullstop, so she gets an earfull if anything like that happens. Its quite amusing for me, but back on topic...

I havent heard of a BL arrest in a long time, usually its BL rescues which is obviously much better than arrests. A number of times someone had OD'ed and somehow mods and BL'ers have gathered information and the person has been saved, on one occasion the person( a cool aussie dude, you know who you are, and me lol) was saved from a very probable death. Most times when authority and bluelight come together its to save a life, I dont have any problems with that.
i didnt read all the posts on this thread, but i dont think someone can be prosecuted on pics alone; who the hell knows whats actually in those bags...and are those crack rocks or rock salt? theres a reason they have preliminary tests to test drugs in the field, and send shit to labs. and i have a picture of an elephant on my computer, that dont mean i have one in my stash box. if i were to have one...
bump...for the old-schoolers. who remember a raid in the shithole state of Fla.

Not really because of what was posted or pic'd.

But A BL meetup that got shut down. There were a couple of arrests IIRC. Really ...that was the beginning of the end for major BL meetups. In the U.S. at least.

They used to be all the rage. Then Brownrave got shut down.

i was mostly a lurker then...still am....but what happened to all the old school peeps?

Was almost like after all that all the old (BL)high profile peeps dropped off the face of the earth.

Damn the man!
Haha this really has nothing to do with this topic but fuckin I hate playin Call of Duty 4 on xbox and my gamertag is GanjKing420 and my clan tag is d0pe and whenever im playin against someone whose clan tag is DEA they always kill me and then i just rape on them the entire game hahah

dont post hateful remarks here -thizzer
It's sad that the feds arn't out there watching real criminals. Don't they have anything better to do? catch a killer or a rapist maybe?
I know the DEA regularly peruses these type of web sites. I started telling people it would be much simpler to use NPP and skip the PTC step in the sxn of fentanyl, and on April 1, 2007, NPP became a List 1 Suspicious Substance in the US. I later found out through back door contacts, that my posts were the impetus to make NPP go from unwatched to List I Suspicious. I am glad I am no longer involved in illegal drugs as this scared the shit out of me.


After reading this thread I now know why Paracodin got moved from OTC to the equiv of S-II after I posted it's ingredients - which was a DHC + Suchrose solution but had the preservatives in big letters - they looked nasty. Methylparaben was one, sounds like something that'll make you shit for weeks. And not very active. Literally weeks after I posted, it was rescheduled. I thought a mod or user got pissed off when I mentioned the name and decided to prevent abuse from anyone reading the ingredients.

That concoction even used to taste good, nice cherry flavour for the kiddies which, thinking about it, may not have been such a good idea, it was potent, I think around 11.5mg/5ml. But since they had been fooling the system for over 10 years... I think it could be overlooked.

It was potentially (and theoretically speaking) our own local version of sizzurp, no need for cooldrink mix - maybe some rum and antihistamines for good measure. Or being South of the Dirty South (Far Dirtier South? Dirty Far South?), why not go all out and put some Mandrax in as a substitute? It's got an antihistamine in it. I am talking theoretically of course, since I would never do such a thing. Living through that might pose an issue...

But being more expensive than stuff from the street, or so I hear, I doubt it was abused that much by the real users.
It really does suck that people are getting paid to surf bluelight. What a fucking waste of money. And it's gotta be pretty boring too, I've been on here for a few years and I've very rarely seen anything too incriminating that the mods didn't get.
Like someone said earlier most of the stuff you could post would only be used for cops to try to scare the shit out of you/convince you to snitch.

Many years ago me and an ex gf posted some shit on here that could have got me in big trouble but they didnt have any incentive to check our computers. Anyway I plead guilty to the lesser charge (which satisfied both charges) And i cant get charged for the same thing twice, but had they had the BL posts they wouldn't have offered the plea deal. So yeah be careful. Luckily for a lot of people in the US I think a lot of law enforcement agencies are kinds short on cash, so they're probably not going to confiscate your computer unless you give them a really good reason.
the best pictures of the best drug collections ive ever seen were those taken in law enforcement evidence lock-up rooms. See di HYPOCRITES dem a galang deh...man go!!
The problem with that is people could be liars or braggers.

Just remember that a lot of ways the laws work (all over the world, not just any particular state/country) isn't based on what makes logical/rational sense.

For example if you are delivered a kilogram of cocaine and accept the delivery, having made no such order, it being a complete mistake, and a bunch of cops jump out and arrest you for possession, you simply accepting the package into your hands and/or signing for it can be grounds for you being guilty of possession of that kilogram.

Makes no sense since logic would dictate you'd have to have knowledge that the package contained cocaine before you'd be guilty for accepting it, since 99% of people will just sign for/accept any package addressed to them without a second thought, but apparently the US courts rule that if you accepted the package you must have been expecting it.

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Grubbs

So there are some cases where something that seems innocent without some slew of accompanying extra evidence can get you into trouble.

Here's some general rules for avoiding getting in trouble with the law:

- If you want to avoid getting in trouble for breaking the law, don't break it, if you have a family to take care of, an upstanding job and have a lot to lose should you get in trouble, and it's just too big of a risk even if the likelihood of getting caught is small then look to the world of legal research chemicals and the like, just make sure you're not playing in murky grey areas that stuff like analogue acts will get you into trouble with - failing that, never keep anything in your possession, only purchase a dose at a time, and purchase immediately at the time of consumption so the only room for getting caught is in the 2-3 seconds before you swallow/snort/whatever your dose.

- If you have a sizeable stash, if you're a dealer (particularly if that means you're making a living off of it not just handing your friend a joint once in a while - which, for what it's worth, in most legal systems, is tantamount to dealing), or if you're a cook or run a lab/cooking operation for some drug that isn't perfectly within the bounds of the law then you really likely shouldn't be posting on somewhere like Bluelight in the first place as you want to avoid drawing *any* attention to yourself in any form. The bigger the operation, the more this holds true. At the very least, don't make any mention of any of the above things in your postings if you're going to use online drug forums despite the above, and certainly don't think you're immune to leaving a trail just by switching on a proxy or loading up TOR and using an anonymous name you haven't used before, it takes one slip up and you can pretty much nab someone's home address just from an obscure forum post that accidentally mentions a couple of tiny details about them that could lead to other online profiles etc. No, that's not paranoia, it's the truth, I remember a few years back on another forum I used, someone said they wanted to delete one post because it linked to their real life info, and just to prove to them how deleting that one post wouldn't do much I did a bit of Googling and within an hour I had their home address, telephone number, and girlfriend's home address and number, pasted it to them, and they secured their info a little bit better. The internet keeps most of the stuff you post for a very long time, so it doesn't matter if you're secure now if you're at all linked in any way to any past logins/users that weren't so secure when 14 year old you liked to tell his Habbo hotel friends where he lived.

- Turn on your phone right now, and check through the GPS and photo settings, somewhere should be an option for GPS tagging, make sure that option is turned off. If it was turned on, and you've posted any photos to the site from that phone, get rid of all of them right now - you literally posted photos that contained your GPS co-ordinates in them, pinpointing your exact address/location at the time of the photo. So those guerilla grow op pictures you posted at your super secret spot? Not so super secret now.. It helps to turn off GPS altogether and remember to only manually enable it if you need to use Google Maps or some other GPS-reliant/GPS-beneficial function and then turn it back off again, as some phones like to tag your photos even when the tagging option is off for some weird reason, and others don't have any way to turn off the tagging except by turning off GPS completely.

- Calls not texts. You shouldn't be texting anything about your illegal activities or the illegal activities of others. All that information is only a warrant away, and in some cases it may even be read without a warrant simply because of flagged words in the message (like illegal drug names for example). These texts can often be stored for 6 months or longer after they're sent so it's a real bad idea. Also, if you use "burners" (i.e. cheap prepaid phones that you can throw away and replace easily) for your phone calls, make sure you change them regularly to reduce the chance of your calls being tapped.

- Think before posting identifying information. Even if you're just the occasional toker who lights up once a month and doesn't indulge more than that, if you do post about it here and you end up posting pictures, names, and other identifying information, should you ever end up doing more than just the occasional smoke down the line and should you end up getting in trouble for it, those posts could come back to haunt you and be used as extra evidence to seal the final nail in the coffin at your trial.

- "SWIM" ("Someone Who Isn't Me"), "All my posts are fictional/roleplaying" and such other attempts at evading the law simply do not work. If you're busted, "SWIM bought 20g of Cocaine yesterday" just reads "I bought 20g of Cocaine yesterday" effectively in the court room. That's why SWIM is against the rules at Bluelight, as it gives people the false impression of them being protected in any way. You have just as much ability to defend that the "I bought 20g of Cocaine yesterday" post was fake as the SWIM one, as anyone is free to write fiction online - if there's already drugs evidence against you in some other form, or you also posted pictures of drugs from the same name elsewhere etc, then suddenly it doesn't matter and the court will take it as evidence not fiction. So think about whether you really need to post about what you bought/consumed and anyone with any sort of eye on them from the police, any sort of illegal stash, or who sells or regularly uses illegals should consider if it's wise in the first place.

- It's the internet, most people/pretty much everyone are not who they say they are. Take me for example, if I'm talking to someone here at Bluelight, I conduct myself differently from if I'm talking to someone in real life - everyone does, but some people take this a step further and introduce lies, fraud, scams, and baiting into their conversations and you can quickly become entrapped by some kind of scammer out for your money, have your identity stolen, or end up in jail all because you said a little too much to that lovely harmless girl who has 4000 posts on BL and everyone knows - I mean, she's a regular, how could she possibly be a fed with that many posts, right.. right.. ? Anyone could be, so don't start giving out your info just because someone's staff or trusted in the community, and think twice before arranging meet ups unless you're completely clean both you, your house, and everything else legally.

Just a few tips :)