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Binge drinking - lightheadedness

Thanks mate :)

I really benefited from integrating a self-compassion practice into my routine. It's basically metta, but more reflective than metta per se. I don't know how to describe it. There are a lot of self-compassion meditation bits out there now. Some people really benefit from learning forgiveness practices. Tonglen is a personal favorite of mine too (although it can be a bit intense for some people). Something called "choiceness awareness" is pretty cool, but you really need a qualified teacher to learn how to practice that, otherwise it can get too disorganized and chaotic. I also really benefited from learning patience based practices. And sometimes gratitude practice is helpful, though I find self-compassion to be more so. Tonglen is great for when you're dealing with sickness or illness. There is another practice that goes by many names, one of which being "natural awareness", but it's more of a novelty for me than anything super therapeutic like self-compassion, vipassana or Tonglen.

I think if I could recommend anything I'd recommend finding people to sit with IRL. Having a community of like minded people who are interested in cultivating more mindful awareness in everyday life can be really super helpful.

But other than that, or perhaps working with a teacher IRL (the guided meditations only can take you so far; they also have distance learning programs, like what George Haas does via Metta Group and Shinzen Young does via his organization) or one on one, it's really just a matter of dedicating some time to it each day. If you just keep getting that "tush to the cush" your practice will develop just as it should. There isn't any substitute for working with qualified teachers, but just sitting if probably the most important.

The one single practice I've probably benefited most from is learning Shinzen Young's see/hear/feel exercise. That was super transformative. And then moving on from there to identifying feeling tones, etc. It can get super complex. But even just the sensory clarity and concentration see/hear/feel can produce is pretty outstanding. Hello jhana ;)

It's a good example of the try, try, try again philosophy paying off in practice :)

I think what I like most about my interest in secular mindfulness is that it doesn't propose any one version of the good life for anyone (if it did it would be a total cult, lol). It's by far the most accessible set of practical spiritual/contemplative techniques I've encountered, and generally speaking is able to support disparate individuals developing along their own individual lines based on personal need and each persons different areas for growth. That was one of my issues with most recovery communities, is that they prescribe a certain vision of what a "good life" looks like, but these people don't. Instead there is just an invitation to figure it our for ourselves, on our own terms. Very empowering.
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Thank you for your recommendations. I am particularly interested in the self compassion and forgiveness as I have noticed that I judge myself more harshly. It seems like I am able to be more understanding and forgiving when it comes to others, but when I look at my own actions Im more apt to be cold and judgemental - and I often have to remind myself that I would never hold onto these feelings if another made the same mistakes.

Also i looked into some local groups. Unfortunately most of them cost money. And im so broke right now that it cant work. I know there are free groups out there, and definitely through the university, and i will continue to look when I have more time. Also the vipassana center (which i pass every weekend on my way to drop my daughter off) is free. I just have to sign up and my plan is to do such once i know my exam schedule for april (they are booked that far in advance).

Also i just wanted to say... Before i digress from our current topic ... That I can feel the passion emanating from your words. It is truly wonderful to see/hear people, not just yourself, talk about topics that they are so interested in. I love it! Keep it up man.
But now i digress. Meeting my prof yesterday through me. I figured hed hesr my story and make up his mind one way or the other and id be in and out. Instead listening to him belittle my emotions and experiences based upon his spent my head spinning. I wasted the remainder of the day doing nothing. No hobbies, no work, just straight up avoidance. Bah - i thought i was passed this!

But this taught me some things. 1 itll take more than a good trip to unlearn these habits. 2 not everyone is going to be sympathetic. 3 i need to be more understanding, esp when it comes to the feelings of my daughter.

Todays a new day though. I made it to bed and up on time and im looking forward to getting some work done. Gotta nail that midterm, partially for myself but partially so i can be like ha, take that, you douche. haha ok that was slightly uncalled for but i dont like being told to quit, esp when its something im passionate about. I know my track record hasnt been good but dont tell me my business.

Anyways off to start the day.
(Plan is to avoid social media til tonight... Well see)
So Im being more productive with school (im building steam), more active and insightful throughout the day.

In fact meditation is even helping with my running form. The insides (not a deep pain but rather towards my big toe, not my pink) of my shins have been sore. Being able to get past the "damn im spent" thoughts and focus on body sensations has allowed me to realize my form is off. Im over striding and landing more on my big toe as opposed to flat on the ball or the outside of my foot and rolling (so to speak) in, but its only with my right foot/leg. So I am working on adjusting this.

I am rather overwhelmed with school. I put myself in such a hole. Im failing quizzes and missing assignments (as I havent done the work to understand how to do them). I knew the reprocussions would come eventually. But just as I start to feel better the backlash is coming.

Lately Ive been thinking, not in a repetitive loops - anxiety kinda deal, but with a level head, that I should just do the accounting gig. Its not what I love... But the more I think about it the more comfortable Im getting. Itll provide me with a decent wage which will allow me to do all the hobbies I cant now. Eventually my plan would be to run my own business doing payroll and taxes. As well as run other businesses as I turn my hobbies legit.

Suppose I should focus on the current and get some work in for school. I wanna give this semester a serious go now (better late than never) but if i cant pull it around I have to have a plan.

Happy wednesday!
Studying is a real challenge...
Seems im not quite as adept at chemistry as i lead myself to believe. Thought perhaps its just a matter of practice..

I looked into accounting more (after giving up on studying for the day). Turns out i can get most of my formal training through the school here via a graduate program. Im going to go to career services tomorrow and learn more.

Strange but not quite, Ive been noticing cravings pop sporadically these last few days. Monday after my prof telling me to drop out if i couldnt hack it wasnt weird, i wanted an escape. But tuesday after a decent day and a challenging run my first thought upon returning home was for beer - but i was also hungry (a trigger). And again today after returning from.the school - though again i was hungry (missed meal time by a couple hours) and stressed due to the very real likelihood this chemistry minor wont happen now.

But i either shake them off and divert my attention/energy into something positive or play the tape through. And right now the last thing i need is a binge followed by 3 days of depression and anxiety and another 7 climbing back up.

Accounting may not be my first choice but it could always be worse...
This morning was low for me.

I cant figure out if im tired due to a lack of adequate sleep (I gotta start working out earlier at night - it gets me kinda pumped for a few hours haha and it cuts into my 8 pm bed time when i finish at 7) ... Or if the eminent change in my plans is weighing on me and im just subconsciously avoiding thinking about it by napping. I feel like its both.

A nice long walk with a friend was good though. She always provides another positive perspective, as sometimes mine is rather bleak - i think i touched on thos previously, i find im my worst critic. For instance instead of ah damn there goes your dream (my thoughts, or some anyways, in regards to dropping chemistry) her side of it was look at all the options you have now.

Anyways... Lots to do. Lots to think about.
Im just glad im seeing clearer these days.
The rest of my day was much better.

Had a lab. And i always have a good time in there. And it reminds me im not just ready to give up on chemistry yet. I may not be able to pursue a high paying career for it.. but if i can take what i want from it, pass -
even if its just at a fifty and have fun in school ... Shit thats more than i can say for accounting. And itll be a good reintro to working hard (i really didnt have to for accting but given its been so long i will when if i am to start again in april for a graduate degree).

In the meantime .... My body has been screaming at me lately. With all this increase in exercise. So i threw together a massage oil... It helps but ahhh.. not quite... I need something more...its yoga. Durp. Currently im just doing a simple am routine. its helpful .. ish.. but more would be better. So im gonna allot time for it on my off nights from strength training. Tonights was great. But my bodys still sore.

Its like my muscles are constantly tense. perhaps i need more calcium/magnesium too... Defintely didnt drink enough today either... But thats another story. For another time.
I can't quite tell from that last post...are you planning to start grad school?
Sorry I was stoned and it was late...
It is on the table yes. Itll allow me to complete most of the necessary requirements to complete my CPA (certified professional accountant) certification. But Im not sure if thats the route I want to go given I have a criminal record (who knew supplying friends with illicit drugs (only psychedelics) was illegal :S - they told me ignorance of the law was no excuse ha)... given the tight job market and all the other candidates without records. I could always get a pardon but ... theyre so bloody expensive

Truthfully Im just weighing all my options right now.
Sounds like good plans, TOC. I have seriously thought about doing a CPA program...there's something comforting about arithmetic. And FWIW, grad school was one of the happiest times in my life. It has its own stresses (and they can be considerable), but if you're interested in what you're studying, it's pretty awesome. And one of the fun parts about grad school is weighing your options...the world is your oyster, man!
Yes, simple arithmetic is what led me to the CPA - arithmetic following simple business rules. Unfortunately i cant say im passionate about it. Will it provide a decent/practical paycheque and job, yup. And this would allow me the funds and time to have a rich work/life balance - in theory, if the job doesnt bore me to death. And you know what they say: "theres only two things that are certain in life - death and taxes". And thats where i have always thought i should come in ... The taxes that is ha.

im just concerned my record will hinder my job perspectives.

In other news though, today marks 3 weeks since i came to from my last relapse. Things feel quite different from all.my previous attempts, as Im learning to successfully integrated all aspects of my recovery routine - physical, mental and social. Sometimes i still crave though, like last night, for some reason. If i were to give it some thought id have to say its likely because i went to get my friends kids from a wedding and it reminded me how that area of my life has been lacking recently - despite online dating haha what a joke (perhaps its because i view it as such?). But these cravings seem more like fleeting thoughts now, instead of intense fixations like in the past.
I wish I had your discipline Tired of... My recovery is very haphazard and messy...lol... I really need to work on that aspect of my personality.
Oh somn, dont fool yourself.

This is a work in progress. Ive been working on my recovery for the past 2 years and previous to that i knew i had a problem.and wanted out for at least the same amount of time.

I find i work best with a rough daily/weekly schedule. Nothing major but just little goals. Mornings i ... Daytime... Evenings... Success breeds success. And we gotta start somewhere. My advice is to start with what comes natural and add progressively more challenging but equally rewarding tasks. Ive quoted it here before but just because i need it again from time to time and perhaps you might resonate with it too

"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
Christopher Robin
- from winnie the pooh by A. A. Milne
Well yesterday marked a month...
But its not really about sober time these days for me ... I feel like im past that. Until i split next and need to count the first few days again ha.. Now i feel like its more about my mental and physical health. And this last week was a difficult one for me.

Halloween was on tuesday and as my daughter is up at her moms i went up for the night. But its a long (4 hr) drive. I had intended to come back for the time my lab started at 830 am... But i wanted to see my daughter off to school instead. .. so i made arrangements for missing my lab. So i didnt make it back til evening. And was so tired, as their futon isnt really comfortable, i just went to bed - in hopes of getting up early to do school work. Nope!

So i spent the day on thursday puttsing through my school work which was due at 2. I didnt plan ahead and missed two meals.. so i was a write off when i got home.

Then my daughter had a birthday party, at her moms she wanted to go, so i was back up there for the weekend, so that she could go to the party and i wouldnt lose anytime with her.

Its great that Im able to go up there, allowing me not to miss any time woth my daughter... But its definitely weird hanging out with my ex, her new partner and their baby. Seeing her treat him the same way she treated me is ??? sad?. Hes a good guy, tries hard to keep the peace, do the right thing, be patient, etc. And hes more patient than I ever was. So i feel for him

But really thats not my concern...what is is that i still feel like the dynamic between my ex and my daughter has not improved, like i had thought it would. My ex is still so impatient with my daughter. And its usually her actions, or inactions, that bring out my daughters negative behaviours - specifically her h-anger (anger caused by hunger). My exs inability to control her own own diet and prepare properly balanced meals at regular intervals (my daughters metabolism is very similar to mine and we thrive off small meals every 2-4 hours) leads to a plethora of problems periodically throughout the day once my daughter becomes over hungry. So when Im there Im constantly making food. Which is no problem for me really, as im hungry too ha but when im gone...

So i didnt sleep well there last night, as my exs dad came to visit too and i was downgraded to even less comfortable futon. Then at 3 am, as i was apparently too far on the edge (as the centre had an uncomfortable bar), the futon tipped over - what a way to wake up. Ha... So i ended up on the couch. But my daughter wakes up early so she can watch cartoons for hours until her mom wakes up but i was there... So ... I was pretty tired all day. Making the drive home even more challenging.

Then i was lazy and just grabbed pizza. Yuck. Plan was to get to bed early, make up for lost sleep. Do my morning routine (which i havent done since tues morning). And get to work..But i was up early (at normal time) due to the time change. But i refused to get up and tried to get back to sleep. Big mistake. By the time i rolled outta bed i was ???? ... Threw on a movie, ate some pizza and now im here...

But i gotta get to school today. Big test thursday am... And ive yet to crack a book... Had to drop a class (as i had a second midterm today and hadnt crack a book for it either andddd missed the first one). . .

Between halloween, and my daughters friends birthday this weekend ive been away from home and off every part of my healthy routine. Combined with school stress... Im in a bad place mentally.

Plan is to nap here shortly after something healthy. Then get back to something resembling my routine so im clear enough to prep for my test.

Despite being sober for a while now i feel like this is my rock bottom. Ive completely messed up every one of my classes and dropping the one will fuck up my loans. Im just thankful that ive got a, relatively (relative to when i was drinking), clear mind, otherwise...... Eeek.

Merry monday folks
Well preparing for my test didnt happen. In fact nothing has really happened. I skipped exercise last night and I havent been eating my normal (6 meals a day ha...though this may be related). I did manage my routine and healthier food today. Even a walk with a friend and I just got home from visiting friends now. But I wasted so much time today.

Ive been in this weird state of mind lately. i think theres a few reasons for this.

One - Ive realized Ive fucked school and now I have to come up with a plan to milk another semester out of this chemistry. Or find a job. Id rather milk another semester and get my head on straight but well see.

Two - I feel like I dont know how to live for myself. I lived for alcohol for so long. I find theres a lot of time where Im just sitting around. I should be doing school work, but Im not. Previously I used to drink or get stoned during these times. But now that I dont ... I wouldnt mind so much if I had hobbies of any sort, to fill the time. I mean I do, Ive just gotten away from them.

Ive started anothet batch of kombucha though. So thats a start. I love experimenting and creating and this combines both.

Plan is to get going on some others too. I bought my fishing license earlier this year. I dont care if I catch anything, its really just an excuse to gtf outside. I find I dont get out much for hikes now that the conservation area isnt just down the street.

Perhaps thats part of it to. Im just inside too damn much.
So I suppose Ive got some work to do/changes to make. Likely wont be much school work, I will likely drop all but 1 class. But thats ok. I feel like getting my head on straight is more important right now and failing is only fucking me up more.

But, until next time...
Sounds like you're actually making progress dealing with some of your challenges, which isn't necessarily fun but still good nonetheless. With the stresses of academic life, do try and keep your workload doable.

If you can perhaps just take one less class next semester so that you have more time to study, and try to spend 2-3hrs studying for each hour you're in class. Especially with analytical sciences, sometimes that is actually very helpful. If you just put in the time doing your homework and show up to class you'll get reasonable grades and things will start making sense. On the other hand, skimping on the homework and studying and not going to all the classes will make everything so much incredibly harder.

My secret with doing well in school is pretty simply: beyond making sure to do my homework (regardless of whether I do my best, I just need to do it) and showing up to each class (again, just showing up is more important than my actual performance), making sure I reach out and ask for help when I need it has been really helpful.

Fishing sounds like a great idea. Getting outside and spending time in nature can be the best medicine sometimes. Do you have any pets? Perhaps consider getting a dog, cat or other emotional support animal of your choice. Like nature, they can be super helpful in recovery. Very grounding.

It's hard learning new healthier habits. We tend to have spend years (if not decades) training ourselves in unhealthy lifestyle practices. When we start to get into recovery, we're starting from the bottom rung so to speak, and have to relearn basically everything in terms of healthy habits. Developing and them conditioning entirely new modes of living and implementing healthy lifestyle choices is no small thing. The more you can set small, reasonable goals for yourself (like developing a healthy sleep schedule, doing your homework and showing up to class - just focus on accomplishing those three things for a consistent amount of time before trying to work on other goals) is key.

The most important part is that they are achievable - goals that you are reasonable capable and likely to be able to achieve. So often I set myself up for failure by setting unrealistic goals, thinking I needed to accomplish the big things NOW and not being okay with just focusing on the doable things and taking my sweet time. But the thing is, this is a long distance race of your life, not a sprint to get someone in just a month. We are talking year and decades, so the only things you should be thinking about in terms of week/month type goals should be the most basic stuff (like going to bed at regular times, brushing your teeth daily, etc - the super basics).

Thanks for keeping up your journey TOC! You might have your challenges in life, as do we all, but god knows you are right in there with the rest of us, fighting the most honorable fight life. Try and reflect on the significance of what you are doing, your accomplishments no matter how big or small, and cultivate some gratitude for yourself and what you're doing. Might not always feel like it, but you have a hell of a lot to be grateful for and feel good about.

Even in difficult times like these, you still have a hell of a lot to feel good about. You're doing stuff with your life that most people only ever talk about, becoming the person you wish and know in your heart you have the potential to become. In other words, self-actualization. That is the most anyone can ever ask for, but relatively few people put in the kind of effort you have been to accomplishing such a respectable kind of goal.
One thing I've learned over the years--you can have pretty much innumerable do-overs and second lives in academia. It may feel like you've fucked up your studies. But you'd be amazed what academic institutions let us come back from...it's one of the great things about academia. Basically it's never too late to try again or start fresh with studying.
Exactly. And they often reward progress over just doing really well all the time. Meaning as long as you can improve over time, that is really what they want to see. Being perfect all the time isn’t rewarded quite as much as making dramatic improvement or bouncing back from a bad year/semester.
I havent gone to class or studied all semester... Ive been doing the lab work and related assignments but thats it.. i just havent been able to break out of the habit from the start of the semester, when i was drinking. Its thats something im working on but given the timing its overwhelming. But Im beginning to realize that lifes that way. Negative feelings happen and I need to understand and accept them, not merely supress them (be it with alcohol or anothet escape).

Thank you both for your thoughts on academia. Im honestly trying not to stress too much about the direction my classes are heading in, it does nothing but impeed my progress, so why bother.

I dont have a cat but when i moved in to rent my friends basement he had 4 cats... 4 ... Haha.. thankfully 2 hid upstairs all the time. So its like i have 2 cats...im learning the importance of bonding with them. The company they provide when im down is so relieving.

Yes ive always said i spent 10 years developing my drinking problem, so itll likely take that long to break. Now that Im mostly off drinking, im beginning to realize it wasnt entirely the drinking - it was my lifestyle too.

I like your ideas on goals tpd. They remind me of the multiple times smart goals were preached in my business classes. Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic and Timely.

And the idea of a long distance race. . not a sprint.. well Ice Cube knew it too when he said "Life ain't a track meet (no) it's a marathon..." Haha that takes me back

Sometimes I get lost in long term goals and have to remind myself to take a step back and look at and appreciate all the the positive progress ive made.

Ive been avoiding a serious psychedelic indulgence for quite some time now because the message was always the same: quit drinking! So i hung up the phone - as alan watts put it... Well sorta.. Lately i switched to lighter substances (various 2c's or substituted tryptamines) to allow for social tripping with friends. The goal being to deepen connections or formulate new ideas or perspective through insightful conversation. ... As i head further down this path my apprehension around a serious session lessens. Its not quite time yet. But soon.

But i digress. Thank you both for your insightful responses... Truthfully i just keep this journal going in place of my physical journal (most days) in hopes that someone my eventually find some aspect of my ramblings useful. So its a pleasant surprise when someone takes the time to craft a thought out response. Thanks again.

Happy hump day. :)
Totally dude, no problem. We are always hear if you want to bounce ideas off any one's head. As long as you just keep trying I am confident you'll figure things out sooner or later. You're obviously not a stupid person, it's just a matter of trying different things until stuff clicks and starts feeling right with what you're doing for yourself.

Try to keep you head up and not be too hard on yourself <3
Im trying not to be too hard on myself. But it seems im my worst critic some days
Another weird mind set today. Its like my head is spinning, but there are no (or little) thoughts.
I wouldnt say Im overtly anxious or depressed.
But if I pay attention to the thoughts as they arise I would definitely say I am doubtful.

Of what? Life I suppose. Im 30 now and I feel like I should have accomplished something with my life - in regards to a career.
The path that I am on is not working and Im not sure which direction to go.
In talking with a friend recently she reminded me of something I once said, in regards to her indecisiveness
"Just pick something and go - you have to start somewhere. Success breeds success"
Fair enough I suppose.

But what if ... or .. and ..
More Restlessness and doubt.

Talking with my ex recently she said something similar.. about choosing a path.
"It doesnt need to be permanent and theres nothing wrong with turning back and choosing another or starting over."
then she quoted Johnny Depp in Blow: "Life passes most people by while they're making grand plans for it."

I suppose I just dont know what I want specifically for a career. Or rather how to achieve it.
Ideally Id like to work for myself. Doing what? I dunno.
Booking keeping/taxes/accounting is definitely feasible.
I also have a plethora of hobbies which generate a lot of interest from friends - the kombucha and other things ha.

I dunno.. I kinda see myself as a Jack of all trades, master of none kinda guy .. and I wouldnt mind rotating between the above to make a living.

But before I get there I need to focus on the now.
And now Ive got a real chicken and egg conundrum going with my strength exercise routine (cardio comes naturally to me and Ive been good with that aspect of my routine). Ive been bored with my cooking and not eating proper. When Im hungry Im lazy with little energy and dont work out despite it helping significantly with my energy and productivity and mood. Which leads to less eating.

So I just whipped up a variety of dishes - spaghetti, chicken, quinoa, home fries .. still gotta cut up some veggies and lentils... in hopes that variety will encourage me to eat more and thus have the energy to exercise.

Suppose theres no time like the present..