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RCs Big n Dandy 4-FA (4-fluoroamphetamine) thread v.1.0

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This shit is great!!! I'm usually not a fan of stimulants at all, but I just ate 100mg for the first trial, and this stuff really putting a pep in my step at T+2:00. Feels very smooth right now, no pupil dilation, but I also ate my usual couple grams of Bali kratom at the same time.

As background, I have to add, that I always like mdma too, but availability of the pure stuff is so rare these days, and don't trust most of what I see "on the street" especially pressed pills, unless I REALLY trust the source and the material has been proven real. I've taken Adderall for a period of a couple years about a decade ago, and I hated that stuff. I couldn't socialize and it had such a hard edge and comedown w/ 30mgXR/day. M1 I liked too for the first few hours, but it was too speedy and the comedown was too rough to make it enjoyable enough overall. Meth I used to like too in small quantities, (b/c overdoing has its terrible comedown).

This 4-FA stuff has potential so far... didn't kill my appetite either at this dose, was able to eat an entire steak sandwich a minute ago and my fingers are flying on the keyboard. About to go see some good music... weeee!
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At first it felt great for 4 or 5 hours but then Had an adderall feeling comedown. I felt I had the engergy drained out of me after about T+5:00 or 6:00 and the stim comedown hit me hard and I had to take 5mg of clonazepam to help me sleep it off after I couldn't take the stimulation anymore.

On the other hand, I gave 300mg to a friend who loves adderall and he ate all 3 100mg capsules through the course of 5 hours ontop of his daily insanely high adderall dose and he really loves the stuff already. He said it added a layer of increased qualitative depth to the speedy buzz.
Does 4-FA have cross tolerance with drugs such as MDMA and 2C-C? If someone had recently tripped hard on these drugs, how long would they need to wait before trying 4-FA?
I prefer 2-FA over 4-FA, although I took 4-FA only twice, and 2-FA only once. Maybe it was a problem of dosing.
Does 4-FA have cross tolerance with drugs such as MDMA and 2C-C? If someone had recently tripped hard on these drugs, how long would they need to wait before trying 4-FA?
Some cross-tolerance with MDMA, probably no cross-tolerance with 2C-C.
I would say that even with MDMA the cross-tolerance would be hardly noticable, and only if you are talking about taking the second drug on the day after.
With a period of more than a few days, there won't be any residual tolerance left (assuming 4-FA before MDMA, the other way around might be more tricky to predict).
Really good stimulant IMO. I'm more into opio than stims, I hate that feeling inside me like if I was going explode on stims.

On this, I don't have that effect, moreover, I feel fucking good, just the euphoria and energy. I don't even have my usual stims gastro issues (burping all the time), my body is hella calm. I took 100mg in a capsule then after 1 hour I've added 100mg.

I really like it. I don't even sweat as much as on other stimulants. I'm 2 hours and 20 minutes after first ingestion, let's see how far will it go.
For those of you that have dosed 4-fa in an amount that's enough to produce real euphoria.. (mdma-like or as similar as it can get), what dosage was that? I see a lot of posts about it not being all that euphoric , and instead better suited as a study aid or a caffeine replacement etc, but I'm not talking about that.

What dosages, in first hand experience, have resulted in full blown euphoria or as close as you can get to mdma effects with this substance?
Euphoria? Maybe not, however a massive mood enhancement. Doses were:

100mg oral
100mg oral t1h+
100mg oral t9h+

I have a bit of headache right now. The drug is slighty sedating and not as tearing from the inside as other stimulants i've tried. Also no gastro issues still, I'm now at t14h+ and I don't feel any anxiety or bad body feelings. Sedative effects and stim effects still remain. Clear-headed.

Just the headache. Really good stimulant for me imo, however a good starting dose would be 100mg and if it doesn't work very well try 150mg.

forgot to add it makes you talkative in a good manner
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I love 4-FA. I bought a gram, went in with low expectations and was completely blown away by how good it was. But tolerance builds very quickly.
Im very interested in the idea of potentiating 4-FA with 2C-D, what is 2C-Ds mechanism of action? Im on SSRIs and am trying to find if its safe for me to try
Sorry if I missed something in the first big part of this thread but I've been playing with this stuff, and IV is THE way to go, unless you want longevity (it lasts long enough as is). The IV doses interestingly enough aren't super different from basic oral doses, if you have some semblance of tolerance or experience 75-125mg is fairly safe. Start small though!!! 50mg will get you going. I just blasted about 75-100 and it's strong and nice, should wear off quicker too. I'm gonna use this for tomorrow/today/tonight to go out and rave for halloween along with some 4-MEC (which is also preferable IV'd although the duration is shoooort, use even smaller amounts of this if you have pure 50mg will get you. 75-100mg is for the tolerant. Be safe! Combining the two in smaller doses is nice too. The MEC is much more MDMA-ish for me, very clean and nice and comfortable. This is much more like amphetamines (duh) but still nice and less jitters. To someone above, don't overdo or rampage on this or the other similar drugs (esp MDPV) as psychosis will bite you and you will barely realize it... seriously! Be safe again!!
This is much more like amphetamines (duh) but still nice and less jitters. To someone above, don't overdo or rampage on this or the other similar drugs (esp MDPV) as psychosis will bite you and you will barely realize it... seriously! Be safe again!!

Amen to that brother. I used to bang lots of mdpv. Don't know how many times I ended up terrified for my life, possibly even holding loaded weapons, lit torches, or blades thinking people were trying to kill me. Good way to end up in jail, too.....Not a joke. I pretty much don't do stims at all anymore bc of last years meph and mdpv fueled insanity. Damned if I didn't get some MDPV a few months ago and end up exactly how I was before from a combo of snorting and then deciding to take ambien to bail out of it (made it worse).

I think it's far less likely with 4-fa, but still be careful. Especially with the needle.

Apparently there is some bunk 4-fa going around from at least one online vendor.

Two people dosed 150mg and experienced nothing after +1:30 than a dull headspace and perhaps extremely minor stimulation. A 30mg booster was taken which did nothing for either person. No happiness/euphoria either whatsoever. Sleep was easy when both people gave up and called it a night at about +3:30.

The "4-fa" in question was fluffy white, but oily/wet. It sort of reminded me of when a final wash with acetone is done on other substances and it isnt allowed to evaporate fully. The vendor had a professional website and seemed as legit as any other.

Anyone else run into bunk 4-fa ??
Unfortunately I`ve come across some bunk 4-fa. Which (as it should) totally sucks ballz. I guess that`s part of the online game tho.

please, can someone tell me whats the potential neurotoxicity of this substance in combination with cocaine?
Two weeks ago i took two 150mg doses of 4-FA during an evening (the second dose was taken just before midnight) and then later at about 4 am i snorted 2 lines of cocaine.
Now i think i have some problems with memory, which can be psychosomatic because i am just paranoid, but however, i would like to hear some opinions on the dangers of the combination mentioned above, and if it could have caused some lasting damage to me.

Thanks a lot
Just wondering if anyone knows about 4-fluorophenylmethylethanamine? Is this related to 4-FA?
Just wondering if anyone knows about 4-fluorophenylmethylethanamine? Is this related to 4-FA?

I just googled that and what I came up with was a chem supplier. The pic is of what could be described as 4-fluoro-N,methyl-phenethylamine. Doesn't sound like it would be particularly active to me. Maybe as an intermediary for some other 4-fluoro PEA derivative
4-FA comparing to Mephedrone as far as sexual

I am curious since Mephedrone was a Favorite as far as getting the Lust and prosexual going with my girl and essecially during "alone" time with the computer monitor when you cant get ahold of your "friend". I am interested what other people expierence with 4-FA in that way and what dosage will trigger similar lust that mephedrone gave? And if MDAI adding to the mix will help???????
How does 4-FA compare to BZP??

Hi all,
Has anyone had experience with both 4-FA and BZP. I still have some BZP but will run out in a few weeks
and wonder if 4-FA would be more enjoyable? I find BZP makes me horny and would love if 4-FA would be great for a long masturbation session...

Thanks to anyone that might shed some light on this
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