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RCs Big Mephedrone thread

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Umm okay, so remind me of the question again? I thought you said you got a slab of whatever this stuff was. Does mephedrone come in slabs?

Anyway, the general advice for preventing the degradation of chemicals is to store them with silica gel (the sachets you find in new shoes and beef jerky) and keep them cool, dry and out of direct sunglight.

We get them shipped from Amsterdam, come in foil wrapped since its illegial in the UK :/
My Mephedrone turned into a yellow/brown sludge!

Has anyone else ever had this problem tho? or is it just me!!! started off white, turned peach coloured, then yellow, then into toffee !!8o
Nope, just got <some> crystal, been up since yesterday :) 26 hours and counting :)
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^You want to edit that out mate, self-incrimination is stupid and against the rules.
Has anyone else ever had this problem tho? or is it just me!!! started off white, turned peach coloured, then yellow, then into toffee !!8o

I used to prepare larger amounts of mephedrone/water solutions of known concentration in a dark glass bottle - I could easily and precisely dose with a syringe. Anyway occasionally it would take me more than a month to empty the whole bottle, during which I would keep it in the fridge. Usually after a week initially colorless solution would turn yellow, but I never noticed any drop of potency.
I am kinda experienced w/ this stuff and its DEFINITELY MOREISH!!! Takes willpower. Snort is much more poweful that ingesting it, though I like to combine the two, anything other than a snort seems a bit wasteful at this point.

It's about a 15-20 minute high and than u want to do MORE. Music, colors, but no sex drive, Only drawback.
A friend just offered me some mephedrone. I'm curious as to the effects but I've never tried it before. I'm more into opioids and downers, but do like the occasional snort of coke or amphetamine. I do take adderall on a fairly regular basis but I get anxious. Does mephedrone have that shitty speedy anxiety when used?
I loved mephedrone when my friends and I all started taking it last year, in the legal days when dealers could buy a kilo from china for no prices - leftwing and sell for 400-600 percent profit. You had students selling the stuff from their dorm rooms so nobody was cutting it, there was no need.

After a few months mephedrone started to take its toll on us, consuming more and more in a night to acheive a high not quite as good as the last time, wanting it more often, experiencing the first hints of real addiction for the first time in our lives. Around april most of us stopped, myself included, not long after it's classification in the UK.

Now I've been worrying lately that my body no longer agrees with drugs since I stopped taking them, this could either be hyperchondria and the drugs tried lately weren't very good OR mephedrone genuinely has messed up my dopamine receptors as it has been rumoured mephedrone can do to you.

Anyway, I tried some mephedrone in manchester recently, for old times sake, a decent sized line as well and I literally felt nothing, I felt a little odd and unwell but nothing more. Has anybody noticed if the quality of mephedrone in manchester has declined since its classification last year? I'd hate to have fucked up my body at such a young age with so many drugs out there to experience :(
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I'm a French journalist working for the French pay TV Canal Plus (the French HBO) on a documentary about new recreational drugs, such as mephedrone and 'legal highs' one can buy on the internet (wether legal or illegal).
We intend to compare what happens in France with the UK, where the phenomenon seems to be on a larger scale, and with New-Zeland where BZP party pills have been legal at one point.
For our documentary, we are looking for users of these products in order to testimony:why do they use these products, in which context, what do they think of them, how do they ensure that they are good quality, etc...
If that can be of any interest to you, please contact me there [email protected]
Of course we guarantee anonymity and confidentiality.
Thanks for your help!
and the quality of meph in the whole UK has dropped by about 1000000% most of what i've been finding hasn't even been meph so dont be surprised if you never find good shit again
I'm a French journalist working for the French pay TV Canal Plus (the French HBO) on a documentary about new recreational drugs, such as mephedrone and 'legal highs' one can buy on the internet (wether legal or illegal).
We intend to compare what happens in France with the UK, where the phenomenon seems to be on a larger scale, and with New-Zeland where BZP party pills have been legal at one point.
For our documentary, we are looking for users of these products in order to testimony:why do they use these products, in which context, what do they think of them, how do they ensure that they are good quality, etc...
If that can be of any interest to you, please contact me there [email protected]
Of course we guarantee anonymity and confidentiality.
Thanks for your help!

You may want to talk to the mods in the Drug Studies forum about this. It is just buried here and looks like spam (not saying it is... seems like a legitimate study to me...)
the quality of meph down here is stupidly bad. i love decent meph. but most of it is complete shit, doesnt touch me. if it doesnt make me gurn or grind and feel good its shit. i miss it so bad. actually the way i miss it is close to addiction wise, i cant describe
unknown bath salt (mephedrone?)

Ok I'm new to Bluelight so bear with me.... SWIM was in a trusted head shop today and was looking for some spice (just moved to a new area has no real bud connections) and they happened to be out temporarily. the owner asked if SWIM liked salvia (to which SWIM said no... SWIM bought some extract a while ago and still has most of it because SWIM finds it a mostly unpleasant drug) but then offered me some "bath salt" which he didnt know much about and said SWIM could smoke it (hes a great guy just a little misinformed about legals).... so SWIM took it home and popped the brand name into google and could find little to no information on to what it actually was. It was a fine white odorless powder. Upon further research SWIM found that it was likely mephedrone. I was wondering if there was anyway to be sure because SWIM insufflated approximately 75-100mgs (supposedly a light dose) and found the effects to be remarkably strong... not in a bad way but SWIM said that it was very speedy and more like adderall or long lasting coke with a long duration.... very little to no empathogenic feeling. SWIM feels good after redosing a few times with small amounts approx 50-75mgs) SWIM was just curious if there was anything that would be an identifier to rule out that its something else like mdvp with a filler or fleph or something else that could be potentially nasty.... it feels a little toxic when SWIM starts coming down...there is an urge to redose but not even the same ballpark as Cocaine in SWIM's opinion....... SWIM would name the brand but SWIM's not positive on the rules on that...(SWIM read them but is still fairly high)<--- sorry for length :)
^hi welcome to BL, :)
but we don't swim here,

sorry can't help though with no name of product,

no vendor discussions allowed though
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any advice on where to look or find more info on a specific brand then? i just want to know for sake of harm reduction.
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any advice on where to look or find more info on a specific brand then? i just want to know for sake of harm reduction.

There is a thread its called Legal high products in the UK (branded pills and powders) type it into the search facility and you will find it
There is a thread its called Legal high products in the UK (branded pills and powders) type it into the search facility and you will find it

Unfortunately I believe it is from a US vendor and no information can be found because the brand name is a quite generic name (there are a number of actual bath salts also marketed under this name or promoting this effect) and two shady looking head shop supply sites are the only ones that have the same packaging as this product.

Is there a better thread for this....... It was my first time using and compared to most experiences reports I can say it lasted significantly longer per dose than most reports of meph... redose urge was prevalent but only after significant time had passed 3-4hrs+. 500mgs consumed in 50-75mg doses(insufflated) over 36 hours...little to no euphoria, no enactogen properties just a very strong too much ampetamine feeling but without the jitters. Alot of the same negs reported with meph like cold hands and feet and a little blueing of the hands..a little tightness in middle of chest... been up for almost 40 hrs now and last dose was approx 5 hours ago. Also, I here people reporting that meph smells bad and burns when insufflated and this had no discernible scent and little to no burn and tasted bitter on the tongue but sweet when insufflated...(weird taste actually not pleasant). All in all not a great experience.... mephedrone dosen't seem worth it.... if it was even mephedrone
Ok I'm new to Bluelight so bear with me.... SWIM was in a trusted head shop today and was looking for some spice (just moved to a new area has no real bud connections) and they happened to be out temporarily. the owner asked if SWIM liked salvia (to which SWIM said no... SWIM bought some extract a while ago and still has most of it because SWIM finds it a mostly unpleasant drug) but then offered me some "bath salt" which he didnt know much about and said SWIM could smoke it (hes a great guy just a little misinformed about legals).... so SWIM took it home and popped the brand name into google and could find little to no information on to what it actually was. It was a fine white odorless powder. Upon further research SWIM found that it was likely mephedrone. I was wondering if there was anyway to be sure because SWIM insufflated approximately 75-100mgs (supposedly a light dose) and found the effects to be remarkably strong... not in a bad way but SWIM said that it was very speedy and more like adderall or long lasting coke with a long duration.... very little to no empathogenic feeling. SWIM feels good after redosing a few times with small amounts approx 50-75mgs) SWIM was just curious if there was anything that would be an identifier to rule out that its something else like mdvp with a filler or fleph or something else that could be potentially nasty.... it feels a little toxic when SWIM starts coming down...there is an urge to redose but not even the same ballpark as Cocaine in SWIM's opinion....... SWIM would name the brand but SWIM's not positive on the rules on that...(SWIM read them but is still fairly high)<--- sorry for length :)

please don't use swim, it doesn't protect you and it's annoying and puts people of reading your post.

there's no way we can identify your substance unless it was lab tested. it could be anything for all you know. which is a good reason to keep away from these branded "RC's". their dosages are unknown because the active ingredients are m,ainly a mystery which can equal in a disasterous time.

buy known pure product from a well known and trusted source if you intend to use mephedrone or any other substance.
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